Quick edit. Ah, I meant "tenets" of her Covid policy (not "tenants.").

The tenets of this policy did harm countless tenants!

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Based on Fauci’sl long tenure at the controls of NAIAD, he is the conductor of the Covid con! Birds of a feather flock together to harvest their government dole! Many actors who see humanity as their lab rats!

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This is the action of "AutoPhil" a daemon in our computers who acts as an introductory function to prepare us for AI intrusion into our written work. He always converts principles to renters, you have to fix it every time.

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In a future story, I want to highlight more how all of "real science" was thrown out the door during the AIDS/HIV response beginning in the mid-1980s. Fauci flip-flopped big-time back then, but quickly realized how politicizing science (and bogus fears) would dramatically increase his agency's power and funding.

Many of the key Covid-response players were very active in "fighting AIDS" in America and ... Africa - including Birx, who is a long-time ally and partner of Fauci's according to RFK, Jr. in "The Wuhan Cover-Up."

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To this day, I don't understand how AIDS/HIV is a completely different disease/virus in Africa than it is in America. As I've learned, this is one of the great taboo points or questions one is not supposed to make or ask.

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If you read RFK jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci" — he devotes three chapters to the AIDS Fraudemic — you'll learn the whole thing was a scam and a practice run for the Covid Fraudemic; that "HIV" (if it exists) is a harmless virus; that the reason all the "Healthy Young Homosexuals" were getting sick was because they were anything but; that they were getting sick due to their degenerate lifestyles: massive drug and alcohol abuse (in particular the abuse of Amyl Nitrate "Poppers") and rampant STDs... Also that what was going on in Africa had nothing to do with what was going in North America... But like our "AIDS Epidemic" was principally the product of hysteria-mongering and negative propaganda and precious little more... And when young men started dropping like flies it wasn't because of bogus "HIV/AIDS" that was killing them, but — just like Remdesivir during the Covid Fraudemic — it was the experimental drug AZT... a drug so toxic the original researchers dumped their work, their patent application and the drug itself in the wastepaper basket.. But ... since it apparently worked to "stop" HIV "in-vitro" I guess Tony fished it out of the garbage and repurposed it...

I hope Satan has an especially toasty-warm berth waiting for Dr. Fraudci.. 🤔💩

PS: I have some skin in the game: My brother Paul died in 1996 at the age of 43, blind, emaciated, scarcely able to move.. thanks, not to "AIDS" ... but "AZT" ... his prescription cost the Canadian taxpayer $12,000 / year. But at least unlike America, when our socialized health care system worked, it meant my parents weren't bankrupted ... for a worthless, poisonous "drug" Big Pharma produced for pennies per kilogram... 😱

PPS: Jon Rappoport also has lots of very interesting things to say about the AIDS Fraudemic.

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Thanks for adding these points, Roy. I have read "The Real Anthony Fauci" and my eyes were opened by the chapters on AIDS/HIV "science." I also compare AZT to remdesivir. The exact same thing happened 40 years later.

I need to buy Celia Farber's book on this topic (and a few others I've belatedly learned about). I am convinced "science" effectively died with the AIDS/HIV response.

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It was probably dead a long, long time before that. And thanks for reminding me of Celia Farber, I’ll have to order her book.

Here are the three biggest Red Pills I have ever taken:

1. Wade Frazier's monumental “A Healed Planet” (https://ahealedplanet.net/home.htm); in particular I’ll draw your attention to “The Medical Racket” (https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm) and “Ralph Hovnanian’s Medical Dark Ages Quotations” (https://ahealedplanet.net/mdaq.htm). But Wade’s life’s story, of his adventures with Dennis Lee as the latter attempted to spread the word about Free Energy, is simply stunning. As Gandalf said, “I knew at last something dark and deadly was at work.”

2. “High Treason: The Assassination of JFK and the Case for Conspiracy” by Harrison Edward Livingstone and Robert J. Groden. Back I think in 1994 I took a copy home from the Toronto Public Library thinking “let’s see what these whackjobs are yakking about”... I was expecting an incoherent rant bordering on a schizophrenic word salad. What I got was a meticulously assembled, dryly presented book proving beyond any doubt that John F. Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy at the highest levels of government; “that anyone who'd say otherwise is uninformed, crazy or in on it.” (https://www.amazon.com/High-Treason-Assassination-Case-Conspiracy/dp/0786705787/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1)

3. “The Unauthorized History of American Education” by John Taylor Gatto. I wore out my copy re-reading it. His story of the decline in literacy courtesy of the Gulag of Compulsion Schooling is particularly terrifying. My personal consequence from Government and Formal Education? Decades of severe to extreme clinical depression, 24 years of seeing psychiatrists and other assorted mental health care professionals before I finally... “got it”; understood what had been inflicted on me.. (https://www.amazon.com/High-Treason-Assassination-Case-Conspiracy/dp/0786705787/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1)

Actually I’ll add one more:

4. “Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9-11” by Barrie Zwicker. A good deconstruction of the 9/11 False Flag, but seems to me he does not discuss the Mossad connection – who were also involved up to their eyeballs in the Kennedy assassination – JFK DID NOT want the Israelis to have The Bomb for obscure selfish reasons... 🙄 Actually the last 6 months justifies why he wasn’t keen on the idea...

That said... Seems to me (I'm now 65 😱) about every 5 years for as long as I can remember, Big Pharma, The Medical Racket and their wholly-owned Lying Whore Media would piously trot out some malarky about the latest upcoming Influenza Pandemic – it was going to be a killer this time! Oh Boy, was humanity ever going to get it!! – “Asian flu”... “Spanish flu”... “Swine flu”... “Bird flu”... “Venezuelan Beaver Cheese flu”... “Norwegian Blue Parrot flu”... (beautiful plumage tho’ 🤔) – but Hey!! Just in the nick of time! There was this brand-new miraculous life-saving vaccine available, only thing that would save humanity, that they’d just cooked up in their back-alley flu-vaccine-cum-crystal-meth lab; our governments were going to distribute it “for free” – never mind the billions of dollars borrowed from commercial banks stemming from pre-signed contracts with Big Pharma’s Drug Lords to do it, that our grand-children or great grand-children will still be paying for at exorbitant interest along with everything else…

... And every 5 years, we’d all swallow the patent bullshit whole, and off we’d troop to take the proffered vaccine, and every 5 years a couple dozen people would die of it, and several dozen more would be severely and permanently injured... You’d have to dig long and deep to learn about those injuries and deaths mind you… Occasionally that information would surface, there would be a great big brou-ha-ha about “corporate responsibility” and vaccine production and injection would be shut down in a great big show of virtue-signalling 🙄💩

And come to think of it? No-one ever mentioned how it was Big Pharma / The Medical Racket knew months before hand, that this latest flu outbreak was going to be so deadly... 🤔💩

“And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.”

— George Carlin

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Gatto’s book has been the best ever written on American education. It all makes sense in explaining why high school graduates are as badly educated as they are. And college can’t fix it.

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Paxlovid is in the same category. Poor but expensive substitute for Ivermectin. Big Pharma wins again!

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Yep. I also think Therma Flu has been a scam/worthless/over-hyped medicine for many years.

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You can thank the master manipulator of Donald Rumsfeld for that as well as aspartame and more. He facilitated the approval of the first atomic energy plant built in North Korea. He had his hands in a lot of nefarious events.

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I didn't bring it up, but a big point made in the documentary was that the purported "Infection Fatality Rate" of Covid was massively inflated (to maximize the fear levels).

As the medical coordinator of the Covid Task Force, Birx was in a position to ascertain what the real IFR was ... before she and this panel ordered lockdowns (around March 15, 2020). All she (and Fauci) had to do was commission as many antibody studies as possible of current or archived blood.

The CDC authorized ONE such study, but it didn't release the results of that study until 11 1/2 months after those Red Cross blood donors had donated blood.

This is yet another example of officials not investigating things they did not want to "confirm."

They didn't do those studies because they knew what they'd find - Such antibody studies would have proven conclusively that millions of Americans had already been infected with this virus - with no conspicuous or noticeable spike in deaths.

As I keep arguing, compelling evidence of "early spread" actually matters a great deal. Or should have.

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I remember trying to understand the truth about Aids back in 1984 and stayed up late to watch the "experts" talk about it. When a grandmotherly woman stood up and said there is no fear of aids for her because she is a faithful monogamus female and did not use drugs. She did not raise her voice and the boom mic operator did not turn off her mic even though the host was telling them to do so. (She wasn't following the narrative.) Before this the host was talking as though everyone should be hiding in fear. Yet you could only catch Aids 3 ways. Two big men escourted her out of the studio audience as if she was a protester which she was not. She did not resist. One of the experts asked who is that woman with the rectal disorder? The rest of the show the host refered to the woman with the "disorder" any time anyone suggested something contrary to the narrative. That's when I knew the whole Aids issue was propaganda. Gene Antonio wrote a book, "The Aids Coverup" and that's when everything fell in to place for me.

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What an apropos anecdote. I recently made a post at Jessie Signal's substack, claiming that there's no obvious scientifc proof that the virus HIV causes the disease of AIDS (or vice versa).

Man, you would have thought I just killed a bunch of baby seals. It's still taboo to question that settled science.

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Please see "Kary Mullis FULL interview with Gary Null - 1996"


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Never forget who these traitors are. Never forgive, unless they publicly repent and ask for God's (and our) forgiveness.

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I agree. But if the regime maintains control, their names and history will be lauded and applauded, and their crimes considered great accomplishments. Harsh penalties are necessary.

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Of course. They always reward them with the likes of "Presidential Medal of FREEDOM" and other oxymoronic prizes.

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Repenting is very unlikely, I have yet to ever come across a psychopath or sociopath that has ever genuinely repented.

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It's going to be very difficult to forgive if we keep seeing deluded people wearing face masks outdoors.

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It is great to let them announce who they are from a distance. Problem is they also vote.


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I do when lots of pollen or spores I'm allergic to are present. Those childhood vaccines did a number on me! How do you tell by looking to what degree people are "deluded"?

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Restitution's a bear! They'll need to take up millions of crosses.

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I am so looking forward to the the rabid gangs prowling the streets, howling for blood... 🤔

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Thank you, Mr. Rice! 😘

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45 2.0 is coming for pay back and retribution and I am right behind him...

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Surely he has learned some good (and hard) lessons.

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Probably; but in the 45 yrs I've been watching him, I think he knows more than he lets on and acts like a dumbo to trick the opposition. He knows far more then he lets on and that's one of the way he trips up his enemies. He's not dumb, he's really pretty brilliant. He also hires these morons to highlight them to the public so we can see for ourselves how criminal and evil they are. Just my 2 cents from watching him for so long.

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3D Chess perhaps?

One can only hope!!

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Sure. You just keep thinking that way. He hired tons of morons purposely to highlight evil. 🤣🤣. That’s a most creative way to justify his massive mistakes. Trump and Biden are both cheeks of the same arse. But Trump is the cheek I might vote for, sadly. I guess we just can’t do any better these days in this country.

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I've watched him closely for 45 yrs, he works in very unusual ways and that's one way he works. I've spent 27 yrs researching our govt and what it's been up to; everyday for minimum several hours every day. But you just keep thinking you know all about him.

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Rotsa ruck on that, too! Are you a Q-anon fan or something?

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How? By getting rid of his masters at the Bank for International Settlements?

Pharma is funding his campaign and legal bills right now mate give it up. I'll be all over those new FEC filings when they come out in 2025 like I was in 2016 and there were be millions from Pfizer, Dow and Amgen, just like there was in 2016.

While everyone with an IQ under 100 is partying in November after the NSA-Mossad complex rigs the election to install him people like me will be working to expose the truth.

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Rotsa ruck! More likely meth and opioid user gangs prowling the streets, stealing everything they can easily pry loose.

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Great presentation of a largely historically accurate record of what happened. And I don't give Fauci a pass, either. Despite the filmmaker's narrow telling it's largely well done.

I do take very informed and educated issue with Scott Atlas' declaration that we could've focused more on protecting the elderly by more testing of employees, and his assertion that employees coming into senior health and living facilities was how infection was spreading and deaths were resulting.

PCR tests are known to be flat-out wrong and not diagnostic or reliable to determine infection. PCR tests are used to find dinosaur DNA in fossils. Not dinosaurs. And over 95% of all tests were known to produce false positives, even the New York Times ran a piece admitting this fact in August, 2020. Knowledge already widespread and possessed by public health officials for decades. Ignored. Used to justify quarantines and loss of rights.

Accurate testing for infectious virus in the asymptomatic is impossible. Known by medical science right up until 2020. Despite Atlas claiming otherwise.

What could've been helpful in focused protection of the elderly was improving sanitation procedures in senior living and health facilities. Most of them, especially the facilities for lower and middle income residents are FILTHY. Just look at inspection reports. And even many of those are fudged. Nursing personnel and janitors go from room to room to room without sanitizing themselves, transferring harmful pathogens from patient to patient to patient, resident to resident to resident. The guests receive minimal cleaning, many aren't showered, teeth aren't brushed, our elderly live in unsanitary conditions regularly. The pandemic and deaths in senior facilities and hospitals should've resulted in a bright spotlight in the unsanitary conditions found in most senior facilities that lead to death and illness in them at rates far greater than the general population.

Florida Governor DeSantis highlighted how precautions in The Villages, an elderly retirement community were successful, barely a blip in excess deaths in 2020 pre-vaccine. Same age ranges as those in senior housing and health facilities, but without the unsanitary conditions. After you account for sanitation and hygiene differences the pandemic was even less deadly for the elderly. But that revelation would be too damaging to the largest senior housing and health facilities. And too expensive to comply with. A case of getting what you pay for in your senior care budget. The expensive senior facilities serving the wealthy will have the best sanitation and hygiene. The rest just close their own eyes and minds to the real conditions their loved ones live in.

Scott Atlas said we needed to run more 95% false PCR testing protocols on those who care for them. False. And I believe I've heard him advocate for mask efficacy, requiring health facility workers to wear them. Even though we know that's a false claim, as well.

I suppose getting the whole truth and nothing but the truth is impossible in this era of mis- and dis-information, even from allies attempting to restore real science to the practice of medicine. Perhaps telling too much truth would result in too many minds being closed to his overall message, so he panders and goes along with those lesser included lies. So I guess I could be satisfied with the film as presented and allow it to work inside the minds inside the intended audience. They have to get the basics down first before they graduate to advanced understanding of the magnitude of the lies about health that have been accepted as truth. Baby steps. A good film to help viewers take their first baby steps into how the nation (and world) is really run. With any luck they'll be walking soon after, and running on their own in a few years.

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"PCR tests are known to be flat-out wrong and not diagnostic or reliable to determine infection. PCR tests are used to find dinosaur DNA in fossils."

Exactly. That's because PCR was NEVER meant to be used as a test. This comes directly from Kerry Mullis, co=inventor of PCR process. He said it is a process for finding out more about DNA fragments. It's given us lots more info about dinosaurs and created an entirely new field of science known as paleobiology. But it shouldn't ever be used as a test. I saw a video awhile back with Mr. Mullis telling an audience it should never be used as a test for anything and he explained why. That video is no longer available or if it is I can't find it. Interestingly, he died of pneumona about 6 months before covid came out. Hmm...He was a BRILLIANT scientist and a good man. He and the other creator of PCR won Nobel prize for their discovery.

PCR shouldn't be used as a test because it will give a FALSE POSITIVE EVERY SINGLE TIME because what it does is to magnify DNA fragments - which gives the false positive.

My husband has been a virologist/immunologist for over 50 yrs and has worked with PCR.

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We could have used Dr. Mullis these last couple of years.

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Unfortunately (or not for the cabal) Dr. Mullis died a mere three months before the Scamdemic was begun.

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You are exactly right, Bill. I've thought the same thing, too. It's why I don't think he died a natural death. I've read his writing and seen him in videos - he shines with goodness and he was so brilliant, absolutely dedicated to learning science behind the things he studied. A very rare man. Dr. Mercola's wife, Elizabeth Erin, was reporting on massive deaths of biologists for awhile. There were over 200 she knew of and that was almost 15 yrs ago. She had to quit writing about it because they threatened her life. That right there tells us a great deal about the deep state.

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Are you familiar with a growing understanding of a connection between Jeffrey Epstein and the pandemic? And how many of his besties were/are well-placed to profit from the protocols and systems of the destructive and deadly pandemic response?

Take Joe Pagano, an Aspen-based venture capitalist, who has known Epstein since before his Bear Stearns days, who was prominent in Epstein's Black Book:

The Talented Mr. Epstein

Vanity Fair, March 1, 2003


One of Pagano's large ventures he capitalized was Sentigen Holding Corp


Which merged with Invitrogen:


"Invitrogen is one of several brands under the Thermo Fisher Scientific corporation. The product line includes various subbrands of biotechnology products, such as machines and consumables for polymerase chain reaction, reverse transcription, cloning, culturing, stem cell production, cell therapy, regenerative medicine, immunotherapy, transfection, DNA/RNA purification, diagnostic tests, antibodies, and immunoassays.

The predecessor corporation was Invitrogen Corporation (formerly traded as Nasdaq: IVGN), headquartered in Carlsbad, California. In 2008, a merger between Applied Biosystems and Invitrogen[1] was finalized, creating Life Technologies. The latter was acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2014.


Invitrogen was founded in 1987 by Lyle Turner, Joe Fernandez, and William McConnell and was incorporated in 1989. The company initially found success with its kits for molecular cloning—notably, The Librarian, a kit for making cDNA libraries, and the FastTrack Kit for mRNA isolation from biological samples.

In 2008, Invitrogen virtually doubled its size with the purchase of biotech instrumentation company Applied Biosystems, maker of DNA sequencing and PCR machines and reagents. The company then renamed the overall organization as Life Technologies. The Invitrogen brand and most of the brands acquired still exist on product packaging, although the overall company is called Life Technologies. In summer 2010, the company acquired the computer chip DNA sequencing company Ion Torrent Systems.


Key products and technologies

Utilizing this business strategy, Invitrogen represented a large number of products: Dynabeads magnetic separation technology, GIBCO cell culture media and reagents, SuperScript reverse transcriptase, Platinum Taq polymerase, TOPO cloning and expression products, Novex protein electrophoresis products, and numerous fluorescent reagents such as Qdot nanocrystals, Alexa Fluor, DyLight, RiboGreen and SYBR dyes. Invitrogen currently offers more than 25,000 products and services to support research in cellular analysis, genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery, and seeks to address research problems in developing fields, including biodefense and environmental diagnostics, bioinformatics, epigenetics, and stem cell research.

Innovation and impact

Under a contract from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the company developed a prototype hand-held pathogen detection system for the detection of multiple toxins such as ricin, staphylococcal enterotoxin, and botulinum toxin, as well as bacteria that cause anthrax, plague, and other diseases, in a single sample.[4] Invitrogen was also awarded a contract to provide kits for detecting possible E. coli O157 contamination in food at the 2008 Summer Olympcics in Beijing, China.[citation needed] The monitoring program, based on World Health Organization food standards, is conducted by the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Olympic Food Safety program. Similarly, the company's PathAlert technology was selected to monitor Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of the plague, at the Torino Winter Games in 2006. Their Qubit platform for RNA, DNA, and protein quantitation was awarded an R&D 100 Award as being a "Top 100 Technologically Significant New Product" by R&D Magazine.[5]"

Joe Pagano's hands are in a whole lot of advanced biotech including:

Cell and Molecular Technologies, Inc.



Cell & Molecular Technologies Inc


https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/1351736D:US (paywall)

Jeffrey Epstein had a whole lot of friends involved in similar pursuits. And gives many other reasons for why he didn't kill himself than just pedophilia, which is being normalized and celebrated in front of our very eyes, truth is he faced very little punishment for that under the new mores being ushered in.

No, PCR test results were never designed to detect infections, or infectiousness. But they are useful for other even more nefarious purposes. With a lot of powerful, wealthy interests behind them.

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Before I became obsessed with taboo Covid stories, I did copious research into the Epstein non-investigation. Where did he get his hundreds of millions of dollars? It definitely wasn't from any "hedge fund business." And how did he launder this money for so many decades?

If the real story of Epstein's sex-trafficking/blackmail operation had been exposed ten years ago, many of the key players and organizations in the Covid scandals would have been exposed and forever discredited. This list very possibly includes Bill Gates, the key "money man" for the scamdemic.

There are severe consequences when officials and the watchdog press do not expose previous scandals when they could have easily been exposed.

The conspirators keep doing their evil and nefarious deeds.

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WOW! kudos to you, Bill, for all your hard work. Thank for pointing this out you are exactly right. This is why the press is so important - but they didn't do their job. Responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of officials and the press for not informing public about all this.

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Thanks, E Grogan. This is one of my main thesis: The stories that matter the most are the ones that are never reported or investigated. Nobody knows what would have happened if some scandal or bogus truth had been exposed years or decades earlier. This is an "Unknown Unknowable." ... and these are everywhere.

Here's an example: What if everyone knew that many people already had Covid antibodies by March, 15, 2020? We'll never know. This is an Unknown Unknowable - but this knowledge could have changed the world and history for the better.

As always, I blame the captured mainstream press more than any other institution.

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I agree with every single thing you say. Sadly, you are one of the few true, honest journalists left. Very sad.

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A huge THANK YOU for all this info, Freedom Fox, much appreciated. Will be reading through this for quite awhile. Am sharing this with my virologist husband - he was shocked when I told him there are many other nefarious uses for PCR. So very sad, as inventor Kerry Mullis was a good man. He would have absolutely blown the whistle if he knew about this which is why I don't think he died a natural death...

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Health care employees were not spreading anything. Almost all the deaths occurred in the hospitals because patients who tested positive, regardless of the lack of confirmatory clinical symptoms, were deemed contagious, and captured. Immediately upon admission, they were isolated from family, drugged, strapped down and denied sustenance, and infused with Remdesivir. When their breathing faltered they were mortally impaled. There was a dead or alive bounty on Covid positive heads, higher if dead, and hospitals did everything possible to collect the maximum, including murdering vulnerable patients. By contrast, those who's families were able to either rescue or sneak a dose of ivermectin to, survived. As did everyone who stayed away from hospitals.

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I lost family members and nearly lost more family members just as you describe. Thing is, the ones who nearly died still believe the nurses and doctors who were treating them saved their lives despite learning of the carnage that Remdesivir and the protocols inflicted. They don't want to believe that the warmth and well-wishes they received from those who were "treating" them was faked. They choose to believe the nurses and doctors who nearly killed them were "doing the best they could in a difficult situation nobody had ever been through before." That's easier than believing that the person they looked up to to save them and thanked for making it out the door of the hospital on two feet could've possibly known they were trying to kill them, knowingly or unknowingly. As the survivors still have to live with the permanent organ damage they suffered from Remdesivir.

I'll send study after study showing the lies, Remdesivir's earned nickname "Run, death is near" and how Ivermectin helped save so many. They don't want to believe it. And stick with their thankfulness that they are still alive. Which I am, as well. But I know they never should've been put in so much peril at the hands of their nurses and doctors.

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Thanks, Freedom Fox. That's a great point. People can't believe the nurses and doctors they thought were trying to save them might have been doing the opposite, perhaps not intentionally, but that was still the result. In too many cases, it was malpractice or gross incompetence or negligence.

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A product of socialized medicine. Obamacare. They didn't get single-payer out of the plan. But they got single-administrator out of it. All of the universal coding and coverage changes, conforming with government coding, care instructions, insurers and providers compelled to comply with government edicts or lose qualifying status. The medical industry was already under great pressure by malpractice insurance pressures to avoid costly payouts. The practice of defensive medicine overriding physician experience and qualifications, test everything, necessary or not, do as the book says or be sued out of business. Obamacare regulations were the coup d'gras. With 80-90% of practitioners captured by huge hospital systems that are an arm of government health regulators and 15% still working for the big insurers, another arm of government health regulators, there's only about 5% of physicians who work under independent fee payment structures. And even they are wary of state medical boards stripping them of their license to practice for straying from "consensus" practices. Doctor-patient relationships are a thing of the past. Patients are widgets, being serviced and negotiated over between government, hospital systems and insurers. With ravenous buzzard lawyers flying above to dine on those who stray.

The system is broken beyond repair. Complementary and alternative healers are the future of medicine. Homeopathy, ayurveda, herbalism, naturopathy, TCM, etc are the way to wellness and leaving allopathy on the ash heap of history where it belongs. Two holocausts on its resume in under a century should be enough to bury it, right? German allopathic doctors were the murderers of millions there, Dr. Victor Brack, top medical officer famously said, "the needle belongs in the hand of the doctor" when prisoners were gassed, by doctors plunging controller. And the millions of excess deaths globally from "needles in the hand of doctors" since 2020. Disqualifying enough? Yet? Or do allopaths get a pass for being mass murderers because they just obeyed orders and/or didn't know any better, but were trying in a difficult situation?" Same excuse. Both times.

Natural healers don't have body counts.

I'll make one exception for allopaths: treating trauma injuries. Car accidents and gun wounds. Sports injuries. When broken parts need to be mended and you need a bit of a butcher to cut and stitch you back up. That's it. That's the only thing allopathy is good for.

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Astute observations. Thanks, FF. I really like this: "They didn't get single-payer out of the plan. But they got single-administrator out of it."

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I was one who almost succumbed to the hospital covid protocols. I refused any more Remdesivir after the second day (so I got 3 doses, because they give 2 on the first day). 4 days after my last dose, they ventilated me, where I remained for the next 35. It's a miracle I'm alive. My husband feels exactly as you described--so thankful to the doctors and nurses for what a "wonderful job they did caring for" me. While many of the nurses were very kind to me (and I think some fought for me, and some prayed for me), I have no use at all for any of my doctors. They inflicted this protocol on me, and I now have permanent lung damage (fibrosis) from the ventilator. I'm angry that I ever got suckered into going to the hospital (it was the only way I could obtain oxygen in the state I live in). I'm thankful that friends sent flowers and balloons and that my husband and daughter visited me daily (after day 19, when I was finally out of isolation, but still in a medically-induced coma), so the hospital could see there would be people upset if I didn't make it. I'm thankful that I still get to be here for my husband and two teenage kids.

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I did know about Remdesivir's history with Ebola, and I brought it up to the ER doctor when they told me they wanted to get my consent to put me on it. I objected, but he told me that they would check my liver and kidney numbers daily, and that I could discontinue it at any time. Like an idiot, I gave in, but I did refuse any more after the second day, and to their credit, they actually did stop giving it to me. (Or else they gave it to me for free, which I highly doubt. I wasn't billed for it after the first two days.) I went downhill fast on it, which I why I refused any more.

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Lost a friend Dec 2020 who got the whole Fatal Fauci Treatment Protocol. Took 29 days to kill him. Had Covid twice and treated at home. My fear was needing hospital assistance, and I never got the RNA injections that reprogram cellular function against God's will.

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I'm thankful, it could have been so much worse!! /sarc

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Ironically, I now avoid Drs. and hospitals like the plague!!

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correct, we will never get to the truth

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This happened in March, 2020, Paul and others:

The Council on Foreign Relations gave its marching orders to the world:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


And what was in that piece, disturbing enough on its own, is a link to this publication:

Rural Health Care Delivery

Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013


That link above is found embedded in a sentence in the Foreign Affairs piece, "Mao responded with a “Patriotic Hygiene Campaign” in 1952. But the book itself is behind a paywall. This link takes you directly to the book behind they paywall:


('GET' .pdf download)

And in that book you're in for a treat. Revelation of the plan to use "disease politics" to fundamentally transform a country of individualistic nationalists into a country of collectivist communists.

From the book's official description:

"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."

It's a very long book. I've not read the entirety. But I selected chapter and section titles I read that would be of high interest to this audience in my Stack I wrote a year ago:


You, Paul, and others would find it fascinating if you haven't already encountered the material before. Even it's description of "internal discipline" and "external discipline" is illuminating. A concept found in martial arts, applied population wide. Using propaganda, indoctrination and soft-power to make self-sacrifice for the greater good of society an internal, desirable virtue in the young. Paired with force, punishment, fear to coerce the reluctant and oppositional forces as external discipline on the old. As the old resistance dies off or rots in prison the younger generation obeys internal discipline without requiring heavy-handed external discipline.

This is it, Paul. This is what guided every policy decision that was made after it was ordained by CFR powers. Using instruments like Birx, Fauci, Farrar, etc to fundamentally transform western liberal democracies filled with individualistic nationalists into collectivist authoritarian globalist regimes. Using infectious disease. Quite "logical" to them. It worked in China. And we should be more like them. They said so.

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Let us not forget that NAIAD and Wuhan were acting in concert! Little reported on the two Chinese virologists arrested at the Detroit airport and the Harvard biologist who was arrested working behind the scenes with Wuhan.

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Thing is, I don't believe there was ever a highly infectious virus that was released from the Wuhan lab or from a bat or any of that nonsense. I've come to view that entire debate as a distraction from the true point of origination: the 2019-2020 flu vaccine.

That year the WHO and others designing the next season's "vaccine" chose to use brand new technology, mammalian egg-based instead of bird egg-based. Live Attenuated Virus capable of reproduction, and an extremely severe variant found in the 2018-2019 flu season. Those who received the 2019-2020 had the worst "coronavirus" outcomes that winter. And were capable of infecting others due to the LAIV model. As we learned about the "Covid" jabs they themselves are capable of making people ill, die and shed to others. The 2019-2020 jabs no different.

What the misdirect at about Wuhan lab leak/bat market origin did was to create the fear of a bioweapon released by an adversary that required extreme measures to protect us from, loss of rights and freedom. That whole "logic of disease politics" thing using public health paired with mass movements to fundamentally transform western civilization.

I don't buy the Wuhan Chinese virologists, Baric, Fauci et al origin story one bit. They had the means, opportunity and motive already in place with the annual flu shot systems in place. Not a stretch to make a version that would create the results they were after.

As I read your description that pops up when I highlight your name I invite you to read my following comment that elaborates on this and invite your commentary given your career experience. Challenging my assertions or debunking them. I invite it.

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There is so much subterfuge and miss direction and spin, unless you are an insider who can blow the whistle we may never know the true origin. All I know is I acquired it, had no medical treatment and it laid me low for three weeks and I am in the high risk category. Saving grace. My immune system is whole and I took nothing that would degrade it when I had it. In 2018, FAUCI stated that 80,000 Americans died of the flu. Then they back tracked and said it was only 59,000 Considering 165 Million Americans got the ineffective flu vaccine that year speaks volumes that flu vaccine is NOT the answer. So..did they try a new method and it was MORE virulent? You may be right.

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I thought I was the only one who'd picked up on those ever-changing "flu death numbers." It was 80,000 deaths for more than a year, and then 61,000 and now I think it's 51,000.

If I remember correctly, The CDC estimated that 40 to 63 million Americans had Influenza Like Ilness in the flu season of 2019-2020 (right before Covid). I can't remember the exact range, but the media figure was 47.5 million cases. That would be more "flu cases" than in U.S. history. Then in early April 2020, they revised those numbers down to like 34 million cases. I think the estimate is now 36 million cases - but the current estimate is lower than their low-end estimate in March 2020.

My take-away is they just pick these numbers out of the air. I am confident that they didn't want anyone thinking that X percent of those ILI cases in 2019-2020 could have been early Covid.

I think they revised the death numbers from the 2017-2018 flu season so people couldn't say that just as many people died in a recent flu season as died from Covid. And remember flu deaths and cases all occur in just four or five months (basically November through mid-March). Covid is supposed to be spreading for 12 months.

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I appreciate all of that. I was hoping you'd look into the new method that industry publications were describing to offer insights about the methodology they used as posing an increased toxicity and infectiousness. How plausible/likely is that as source?

All of that paired with the CNN Fauci "new emailable" biotech need for test subjects, "pioneers." That just so happened within 48 hours of the first "Covid" infection. That reads in hindsight like psychological priming.

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- This publication describes a brand-new style of flu vaccine that came online for the 2019-2020 flu season. Mammalian cell-based instead of egg-based. Claims that it was studied for efficacy...but no mention of safety trials:


"A new cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine has been issued marketing approval by the European Commission and will be available for the 2019/2020 flu season.

Flucelvax® Tetra (Seqirus) is the first cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) to be made available in Europe and is licensed for use in individuals aged nine years and older.

To date, there have been no randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of QIVc and standard egg-based quadrivalent vaccines (QIVe)"

“This real-world study, along with other emerging evidence, indicates that cell-based influenza vaccines may result in better influenza-related outcomes compared to standard egg-based vaccine options in some seasons"

"In the UK, the potential advantages of QIVc, which is cultured in mammalian cells rather than eggs"

“We are pleased to be bringing Flucelvax Tetra to the UK next season and have sufficient capacity at our cell-based manufacturing facility in the US to also ensure supply in September 2019"

- This article is interesting. It says that they added live-attenuated influenza vaccines to the schedule. It goes on to say that flu vaccines most definitely, positively, absolutely don't cause the flu, and by that definition won't shed...even after all of the science on vaccines admit that live-attenuated vaccines do shed. Curious:


"The 2019–2020 influenza vaccine recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have remained mostly the same, with the exception of adding the LAIV to the immunization schedule."

- These articles tell us about what the WHO's process is and what they decided the 2019-2020 vaccine recommendations would be. I'll note that the first link speaks to concerns with preparing for H3N2 from the prior year, while the second link says they ended up not developing that specific strain of vaccines, after all, and the third link says they went ahead and included the H3N2 variant, after all. H3N2 was a "very severe" variant:





- Now, this is an interesting story from CNN that came out in November, 2019, an important time frame in the evolution of the covid story. Note the discussion about the need to develop a new type of all-purpose vaccine, a desire to test it widely, one that focused on a protein they link to a particular virus...like, say, a spike protein. Fauci is frequently quoted in it:


"But a universal flu shot would theoretically cover every strain of the flu using what’s known as an ice cream cone approach."

"Last spring, doctors at the NIH started testing universal flu shots on Sonn and other study participants to see how their bodies respond.

The research got an extra push in September when President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at developing a better flu vaccine.

Fauci said it could take less time – but still many years – to develop a semi-universal flu shot, which would protect against not all flu viruses, but rather a group of flu viruses."

"The faster and more precise method is not to grow the virus at all and instead just create the virus’ protein, he said.

“We clone the gene that codes for the specific protein we want,” Fauci said. “I don’t even want to see the virus. I just need the sequence of that virus, the genetic map of that virus. And you could send that to me by email.”

That’s the technology that’s being used to create the vaccines being trialed on participants like Sonn right now.

“We feel like we’re pioneers, and our volunteers are pioneers,” Ledgerwood said."

And there is a strong correlation between the 2019-2020 flu vaccine and COVID-19 susceptibility:


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We feel like we’re pioneers, and our volunteers are pioneers,” Ledgerwood said

Translation: Humans are now lab rats! We don't need comparison studies.

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The Gates blueprint for the Third World now applied to the new targets.

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Reading this puts me in a dark place. I am disgusted by this sordid, pathetic "doctor" brix, and that imbecile fauci too.

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Her book "Silent Invasion" is worth reading as it is basically self-incriminating. Trump would have been better off drawing his team by randomly selecting truckers, McDonald's managers, or other working people. They couldn't have done worse than this pseudoscientist.

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I'm not going to read the book, but Jeffrey Tucker did and wrote a review for Brownstone. The detail I remember from that review was that this book of 300 or 400 pages didn't have a single footnote citation, referencing any scientific studies supporting her "science."

In contrast, RFK, Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci," and the "Wuhan Cover-up" have more than 2,200 supporting footnotes.

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Yes, they love to mention the science but they don't seem to cite it very often. :)

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HIPAA makes impromptu science difficult. (So, how did they get away with vaxx passes?)

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Exactly. They remind me of my high school teacher that taught economics, when a student, myself included would ask something we did not understand, why do we do that??? His reply would be, because you do!! End of story. Nasty strange people.

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I have yet to read the Wuhan Cover up but the Real Anthony Fauci is a must read and truly eye and mind opening!!

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I wrote a book review of it, which was one of my earliest Substack articles. I called it, perhaps, "the most important book of our times." I stand by that statement today.

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The only true justice would be a public televised hanging, wearing her scarf, after a forced admission of her guilt, and a public apology.

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"Crucifixion..."? — "Yes..." — "Ah, good.. Up the stairs, line on the left, one cross each..."

— Monty Python: "The Life of Brian"

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My sentiments exactly. Put that scarf to good use.

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Maybe the scarf is long enough to serve as her noose... we're going to have to careful of the rope we're going to need.. 🤔

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My comment is in response to this:

“… As I said, things can change over the period of 20 years but in the case of Birx/Fauci, I do not believe so. I have never seen people entrenched in the bureaucracy change.”

More to the point, I've never seen a psychopath or sociopath change. That's my opinion and I spent many years as a therapist haviing to diagnose clients when I worked at the county mental health clinic - and some of these folks had criminal records. I'm not unfamiliar with these groups.

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They don't change. You can speak to this better than I can, but I've always heard a psycopath cannot be cured.

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I've never heard of any of them being cured. There is something wrong with their brain. btw, another brilliant article Bill, haven't finished reading it yet but almost done. I also LOVE the title - I'm assuming you are referring to "I'm ready for my closeup Mr. DeMille"?? (from "Sunset Blvd." movie)

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Also Bill, thanks for cross-posting that article about the Amish earlier.

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Thanks for reading it, Dave. I've made several random comments saying the Amish are the perfect placebo group. But I'd missed this article and Steve Kirsch's testimony in front of that group where he says he drove to the Amish farm of the man who allegedly died 'from' Covid.

Steve also said a former CDC director promised to do a study on the Amish and vaccines in 2005 ... Still hasn't happened!

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If they did a study it would invalidate the whole concept of vaccines. Today, a consumer advertising for the shingles vaccine claimed that 99% of people over 55 in USA carry the herpes zoster virus. Total lie. Only those who got chicken pox carry the virus and not 99% of Americans got chicken pox. The spin never ends.

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Confirmed by NYTimes, though they won’t admit Trump was rolled by Birx and rat-faced Fauci: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/23/us/birx-trump-covid-guidance.html

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What was wrong with the dancing nurse theater "hospitals" after the 15 days when the curve was flattened? Limited ability to intubate with vents and Veklury?

Federal debt Mitch McConnell was even worse than Birx. Mike Pence is a warlock.

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Anyone who has read the Scott Atlas book will know about Birx's influence. Highly recommended.

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Also remember she was relieved of her position after traveling for a holiday during lockdown. Makes one wonder if she really believed her own bullsh*t or if she was trying to covertly take down a president.

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I forgot about that. They are all hypocrites.

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So, YouTube has been suppressing/shadow banning this docu. It should get posted out on Rumble and X.

The focus on this docu was on Birx, and is scathing. Fauci had his own nefarious role in all of this though. It was under his leadership that NIH/NIAID massively funded GoF research, most likely leading to the 'enhanced' SARs-Cov2 virus and of course, the 'vaccine' that went along with it.

Will Birx, Fauci and even better, the deep state operatives funding/driving/using them, ever come to justice? Highly unlikely.

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