You can thank the master manipulator of Donald Rumsfeld for that as well as aspartame and more. He facilitated the approval of the first atomic energy plant built in North Korea. He had his hands in a lot of nefarious events.
Thera Flu has no value. It was Rumsfeld's tenure at Gilead when he convinced the US Government to spend 5 Billion dollars on the crap. I gave John McCain documentation that indicated Theraflu had no value. They compromised and only bought 3 Billion from Gilead. Other countries bought in and did the same. Then the side effects emerged and Spain for one dumped it. Supposedly reduces flu symptoms by a half day. Makes no medical sense.
Yep. I also think Therma Flu has been a scam/worthless/over-hyped medicine for many years.
You can thank the master manipulator of Donald Rumsfeld for that as well as aspartame and more. He facilitated the approval of the first atomic energy plant built in North Korea. He had his hands in a lot of nefarious events.
I just read in one of Kennedy's books that Rumsfeld gave us that.
I need to do a story on Therma Flu.
Thera Flu has no value. It was Rumsfeld's tenure at Gilead when he convinced the US Government to spend 5 Billion dollars on the crap. I gave John McCain documentation that indicated Theraflu had no value. They compromised and only bought 3 Billion from Gilead. Other countries bought in and did the same. Then the side effects emerged and Spain for one dumped it. Supposedly reduces flu symptoms by a half day. Makes no medical sense.