Probably; but in the 45 yrs I've been watching him, I think he knows more than he lets on and acts like a dumbo to trick the opposition. He knows far more then he lets on and that's one of the way he trips up his enemies. He's not dumb, he's really pretty brilliant. He also hires these morons to highlight them to the public so we can see for ourselves how criminal and evil they are. Just my 2 cents from watching him for so long.
Sure. You just keep thinking that way. He hired tons of morons purposely to highlight evil. ЁЯдгЁЯдг. ThatтАЩs a most creative way to justify his massive mistakes. Trump and Biden are both cheeks of the same arse. But Trump is the cheek I might vote for, sadly. I guess we just canтАЩt do any better these days in this country.
I've watched him closely for 45 yrs, he works in very unusual ways and that's one way he works. I've spent 27 yrs researching our govt and what it's been up to; everyday for minimum several hours every day. But you just keep thinking you know all about him.
How? By getting rid of his masters at the Bank for International Settlements?
Pharma is funding his campaign and legal bills right now mate give it up. I'll be all over those new FEC filings when they come out in 2025 like I was in 2016 and there were be millions from Pfizer, Dow and Amgen, just like there was in 2016.
While everyone with an IQ under 100 is partying in November after the NSA-Mossad complex rigs the election to install him people like me will be working to expose the truth.
45 2.0 is coming for pay back and retribution and I am right behind him...
Surely he has learned some good (and hard) lessons.
Probably; but in the 45 yrs I've been watching him, I think he knows more than he lets on and acts like a dumbo to trick the opposition. He knows far more then he lets on and that's one of the way he trips up his enemies. He's not dumb, he's really pretty brilliant. He also hires these morons to highlight them to the public so we can see for ourselves how criminal and evil they are. Just my 2 cents from watching him for so long.
3D Chess perhaps?
One can only hope!!
Sure. You just keep thinking that way. He hired tons of morons purposely to highlight evil. ЁЯдгЁЯдг. ThatтАЩs a most creative way to justify his massive mistakes. Trump and Biden are both cheeks of the same arse. But Trump is the cheek I might vote for, sadly. I guess we just canтАЩt do any better these days in this country.
I've watched him closely for 45 yrs, he works in very unusual ways and that's one way he works. I've spent 27 yrs researching our govt and what it's been up to; everyday for minimum several hours every day. But you just keep thinking you know all about him.
Rotsa ruck on that, too! Are you a Q-anon fan or something?
How? By getting rid of his masters at the Bank for International Settlements?
Pharma is funding his campaign and legal bills right now mate give it up. I'll be all over those new FEC filings when they come out in 2025 like I was in 2016 and there were be millions from Pfizer, Dow and Amgen, just like there was in 2016.
While everyone with an IQ under 100 is partying in November after the NSA-Mossad complex rigs the election to install him people like me will be working to expose the truth.