I lost family members and nearly lost more family members just as you describe. Thing is, the ones who nearly died still believe the nurses and doctors who were treating them saved their lives despite learning of the carnage that Remdesivir and the protocols inflicted. They don't want to believe that the warmth and well-wishes they recei…
I lost family members and nearly lost more family members just as you describe. Thing is, the ones who nearly died still believe the nurses and doctors who were treating them saved their lives despite learning of the carnage that Remdesivir and the protocols inflicted. They don't want to believe that the warmth and well-wishes they received from those who were "treating" them was faked. They choose to believe the nurses and doctors who nearly killed them were "doing the best they could in a difficult situation nobody had ever been through before." That's easier than believing that the person they looked up to to save them and thanked for making it out the door of the hospital on two feet could've possibly known they were trying to kill them, knowingly or unknowingly. As the survivors still have to live with the permanent organ damage they suffered from Remdesivir.
I'll send study after study showing the lies, Remdesivir's earned nickname "Run, death is near" and how Ivermectin helped save so many. They don't want to believe it. And stick with their thankfulness that they are still alive. Which I am, as well. But I know they never should've been put in so much peril at the hands of their nurses and doctors.
Thanks, Freedom Fox. That's a great point. People can't believe the nurses and doctors they thought were trying to save them might have been doing the opposite, perhaps not intentionally, but that was still the result. In too many cases, it was malpractice or gross incompetence or negligence.
A product of socialized medicine. Obamacare. They didn't get single-payer out of the plan. But they got single-administrator out of it. All of the universal coding and coverage changes, conforming with government coding, care instructions, insurers and providers compelled to comply with government edicts or lose qualifying status. The medical industry was already under great pressure by malpractice insurance pressures to avoid costly payouts. The practice of defensive medicine overriding physician experience and qualifications, test everything, necessary or not, do as the book says or be sued out of business. Obamacare regulations were the coup d'gras. With 80-90% of practitioners captured by huge hospital systems that are an arm of government health regulators and 15% still working for the big insurers, another arm of government health regulators, there's only about 5% of physicians who work under independent fee payment structures. And even they are wary of state medical boards stripping them of their license to practice for straying from "consensus" practices. Doctor-patient relationships are a thing of the past. Patients are widgets, being serviced and negotiated over between government, hospital systems and insurers. With ravenous buzzard lawyers flying above to dine on those who stray.
The system is broken beyond repair. Complementary and alternative healers are the future of medicine. Homeopathy, ayurveda, herbalism, naturopathy, TCM, etc are the way to wellness and leaving allopathy on the ash heap of history where it belongs. Two holocausts on its resume in under a century should be enough to bury it, right? German allopathic doctors were the murderers of millions there, Dr. Victor Brack, top medical officer famously said, "the needle belongs in the hand of the doctor" when prisoners were gassed, by doctors plunging controller. And the millions of excess deaths globally from "needles in the hand of doctors" since 2020. Disqualifying enough? Yet? Or do allopaths get a pass for being mass murderers because they just obeyed orders and/or didn't know any better, but were trying in a difficult situation?" Same excuse. Both times.
Natural healers don't have body counts.
I'll make one exception for allopaths: treating trauma injuries. Car accidents and gun wounds. Sports injuries. When broken parts need to be mended and you need a bit of a butcher to cut and stitch you back up. That's it. That's the only thing allopathy is good for.
I was one who almost succumbed to the hospital covid protocols. I refused any more Remdesivir after the second day (so I got 3 doses, because they give 2 on the first day). 4 days after my last dose, they ventilated me, where I remained for the next 35. It's a miracle I'm alive. My husband feels exactly as you described--so thankful to the doctors and nurses for what a "wonderful job they did caring for" me. While many of the nurses were very kind to me (and I think some fought for me, and some prayed for me), I have no use at all for any of my doctors. They inflicted this protocol on me, and I now have permanent lung damage (fibrosis) from the ventilator. I'm angry that I ever got suckered into going to the hospital (it was the only way I could obtain oxygen in the state I live in). I'm thankful that friends sent flowers and balloons and that my husband and daughter visited me daily (after day 19, when I was finally out of isolation, but still in a medically-induced coma), so the hospital could see there would be people upset if I didn't make it. I'm thankful that I still get to be here for my husband and two teenage kids.
I did know about Remdesivir's history with Ebola, and I brought it up to the ER doctor when they told me they wanted to get my consent to put me on it. I objected, but he told me that they would check my liver and kidney numbers daily, and that I could discontinue it at any time. Like an idiot, I gave in, but I did refuse any more after the second day, and to their credit, they actually did stop giving it to me. (Or else they gave it to me for free, which I highly doubt. I wasn't billed for it after the first two days.) I went downhill fast on it, which I why I refused any more.
Lost a friend Dec 2020 who got the whole Fatal Fauci Treatment Protocol. Took 29 days to kill him. Had Covid twice and treated at home. My fear was needing hospital assistance, and I never got the RNA injections that reprogram cellular function against God's will.
I lost family members and nearly lost more family members just as you describe. Thing is, the ones who nearly died still believe the nurses and doctors who were treating them saved their lives despite learning of the carnage that Remdesivir and the protocols inflicted. They don't want to believe that the warmth and well-wishes they received from those who were "treating" them was faked. They choose to believe the nurses and doctors who nearly killed them were "doing the best they could in a difficult situation nobody had ever been through before." That's easier than believing that the person they looked up to to save them and thanked for making it out the door of the hospital on two feet could've possibly known they were trying to kill them, knowingly or unknowingly. As the survivors still have to live with the permanent organ damage they suffered from Remdesivir.
I'll send study after study showing the lies, Remdesivir's earned nickname "Run, death is near" and how Ivermectin helped save so many. They don't want to believe it. And stick with their thankfulness that they are still alive. Which I am, as well. But I know they never should've been put in so much peril at the hands of their nurses and doctors.
Thanks, Freedom Fox. That's a great point. People can't believe the nurses and doctors they thought were trying to save them might have been doing the opposite, perhaps not intentionally, but that was still the result. In too many cases, it was malpractice or gross incompetence or negligence.
A product of socialized medicine. Obamacare. They didn't get single-payer out of the plan. But they got single-administrator out of it. All of the universal coding and coverage changes, conforming with government coding, care instructions, insurers and providers compelled to comply with government edicts or lose qualifying status. The medical industry was already under great pressure by malpractice insurance pressures to avoid costly payouts. The practice of defensive medicine overriding physician experience and qualifications, test everything, necessary or not, do as the book says or be sued out of business. Obamacare regulations were the coup d'gras. With 80-90% of practitioners captured by huge hospital systems that are an arm of government health regulators and 15% still working for the big insurers, another arm of government health regulators, there's only about 5% of physicians who work under independent fee payment structures. And even they are wary of state medical boards stripping them of their license to practice for straying from "consensus" practices. Doctor-patient relationships are a thing of the past. Patients are widgets, being serviced and negotiated over between government, hospital systems and insurers. With ravenous buzzard lawyers flying above to dine on those who stray.
The system is broken beyond repair. Complementary and alternative healers are the future of medicine. Homeopathy, ayurveda, herbalism, naturopathy, TCM, etc are the way to wellness and leaving allopathy on the ash heap of history where it belongs. Two holocausts on its resume in under a century should be enough to bury it, right? German allopathic doctors were the murderers of millions there, Dr. Victor Brack, top medical officer famously said, "the needle belongs in the hand of the doctor" when prisoners were gassed, by doctors plunging controller. And the millions of excess deaths globally from "needles in the hand of doctors" since 2020. Disqualifying enough? Yet? Or do allopaths get a pass for being mass murderers because they just obeyed orders and/or didn't know any better, but were trying in a difficult situation?" Same excuse. Both times.
Natural healers don't have body counts.
I'll make one exception for allopaths: treating trauma injuries. Car accidents and gun wounds. Sports injuries. When broken parts need to be mended and you need a bit of a butcher to cut and stitch you back up. That's it. That's the only thing allopathy is good for.
Astute observations. Thanks, FF. I really like this: "They didn't get single-payer out of the plan. But they got single-administrator out of it."
I was one who almost succumbed to the hospital covid protocols. I refused any more Remdesivir after the second day (so I got 3 doses, because they give 2 on the first day). 4 days after my last dose, they ventilated me, where I remained for the next 35. It's a miracle I'm alive. My husband feels exactly as you described--so thankful to the doctors and nurses for what a "wonderful job they did caring for" me. While many of the nurses were very kind to me (and I think some fought for me, and some prayed for me), I have no use at all for any of my doctors. They inflicted this protocol on me, and I now have permanent lung damage (fibrosis) from the ventilator. I'm angry that I ever got suckered into going to the hospital (it was the only way I could obtain oxygen in the state I live in). I'm thankful that friends sent flowers and balloons and that my husband and daughter visited me daily (after day 19, when I was finally out of isolation, but still in a medically-induced coma), so the hospital could see there would be people upset if I didn't make it. I'm thankful that I still get to be here for my husband and two teenage kids.
I did know about Remdesivir's history with Ebola, and I brought it up to the ER doctor when they told me they wanted to get my consent to put me on it. I objected, but he told me that they would check my liver and kidney numbers daily, and that I could discontinue it at any time. Like an idiot, I gave in, but I did refuse any more after the second day, and to their credit, they actually did stop giving it to me. (Or else they gave it to me for free, which I highly doubt. I wasn't billed for it after the first two days.) I went downhill fast on it, which I why I refused any more.
Lost a friend Dec 2020 who got the whole Fatal Fauci Treatment Protocol. Took 29 days to kill him. Had Covid twice and treated at home. My fear was needing hospital assistance, and I never got the RNA injections that reprogram cellular function against God's will.
I'm thankful, it could have been so much worse!! /sarc