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WOW! kudos to you, Bill, for all your hard work. Thank for pointing this out you are exactly right. This is why the press is so important - but they didn't do their job. Responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of officials and the press for not informing public about all this.

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Thanks, E Grogan. This is one of my main thesis: The stories that matter the most are the ones that are never reported or investigated. Nobody knows what would have happened if some scandal or bogus truth had been exposed years or decades earlier. This is an "Unknown Unknowable." ... and these are everywhere.

Here's an example: What if everyone knew that many people already had Covid antibodies by March, 15, 2020? We'll never know. This is an Unknown Unknowable - but this knowledge could have changed the world and history for the better.

As always, I blame the captured mainstream press more than any other institution.

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I agree with every single thing you say. Sadly, you are one of the few true, honest journalists left. Very sad.

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Thank you for those kind words and support. If you think about it, journalists like myself actually have monopolies on all the really important stories - because we know the mainstream press isn't going to cover those stories.

I still think there must be a better model than Substack to financially reward writers who can come up with quality content and scoops.

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I agree with you about Substack, there has to be a better model. Substack is a good start but for those needing to earn an income and who are true journalists, there needs to be something that pays better. You've given me something to think about and I'm pretty good at coming up with answers to problems. Will see what I can come up with. I know one thing - it can't be a govt. enterprise who pays salaries to journalists!

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I think I've got the answer. It's a billion-dollar idea - It has to do with micro-payments for writers. Right now I'm polishing several documents that outline this idea/business proposal.

Elon Musk could do it and change the world. But I want to be the quarterback of this team and get paid for my idea. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Elon?

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Here you go Bill:

To contact Elon Musk send an email at elon@tesla.com. If you want to call Elon Musk try calling on (310) 363-6000 and 1-888-518-3752.

I did a search on Google with this: "Elon Musk contact"

You can also contact him on Twitter, just put his name in search box to get to his account.

Here's the URL I found this on:


You might also want to pitch it to Donald Trump.

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Thanks, E Grogan. I'm going to email him and see if he wants to launch another company with the potential to transform the world.

Whether he knows it or not, the Powers that Be are coming after him. He better expose them before they finish him off ... IMO.

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Though I sometimes wonder if he's not just playing the role of "Joker" to the amusement of the King's Court observing human behavior as a menagerie for their entertainment.

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The movie "Trading Places" portrayal of what very well may be what we are living through. For the amusement of the wealthy and powerful:

The Bet


The Results


I develop this line of reasoning in my Stack I wrote last September:


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They might just be screwing with people for their own amusement. That's possible. I once sold advertising for a living. I can think of two prospective important advertisers who never bought any ads from my newspaper. I visited and called on them often. They were never going to buy from me, but I always got the sense they were screwing with me just because they enjoyed it.

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Bill, I just found this, thought you might be interested in reading it - proof that Dr. Fraudci knew in 2005 that hydroychloroquine (HCQ) cured Sars-coV, but told us in 2020 that it wouldn't and was dangerous:


This proves he is guilty of murdering millions of people/Crimes Against Humanity.

Then there's this:


They were trying to get the word out it would cure covid - and this was written in July 2020.

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