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To this day, I don't understand how AIDS/HIV is a completely different disease/virus in Africa than it is in America. As I've learned, this is one of the great taboo points or questions one is not supposed to make or ask.

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If you read RFK jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci" — he devotes three chapters to the AIDS Fraudemic — you'll learn the whole thing was a scam and a practice run for the Covid Fraudemic; that "HIV" (if it exists) is a harmless virus; that the reason all the "Healthy Young Homosexuals" were getting sick was because they were anything but; that they were getting sick due to their degenerate lifestyles: massive drug and alcohol abuse (in particular the abuse of Amyl Nitrate "Poppers") and rampant STDs... Also that what was going on in Africa had nothing to do with what was going in North America... But like our "AIDS Epidemic" was principally the product of hysteria-mongering and negative propaganda and precious little more... And when young men started dropping like flies it wasn't because of bogus "HIV/AIDS" that was killing them, but — just like Remdesivir during the Covid Fraudemic — it was the experimental drug AZT... a drug so toxic the original researchers dumped their work, their patent application and the drug itself in the wastepaper basket.. But ... since it apparently worked to "stop" HIV "in-vitro" I guess Tony fished it out of the garbage and repurposed it...

I hope Satan has an especially toasty-warm berth waiting for Dr. Fraudci.. 🤔💩

PS: I have some skin in the game: My brother Paul died in 1996 at the age of 43, blind, emaciated, scarcely able to move.. thanks, not to "AIDS" ... but "AZT" ... his prescription cost the Canadian taxpayer $12,000 / year. But at least unlike America, when our socialized health care system worked, it meant my parents weren't bankrupted ... for a worthless, poisonous "drug" Big Pharma produced for pennies per kilogram... 😱

PPS: Jon Rappoport also has lots of very interesting things to say about the AIDS Fraudemic.

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Thanks for adding these points, Roy. I have read "The Real Anthony Fauci" and my eyes were opened by the chapters on AIDS/HIV "science." I also compare AZT to remdesivir. The exact same thing happened 40 years later.

I need to buy Celia Farber's book on this topic (and a few others I've belatedly learned about). I am convinced "science" effectively died with the AIDS/HIV response.

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It was probably dead a long, long time before that. And thanks for reminding me of Celia Farber, I’ll have to order her book.

Here are the three biggest Red Pills I have ever taken:

1. Wade Frazier's monumental “A Healed Planet” (https://ahealedplanet.net/home.htm); in particular I’ll draw your attention to “The Medical Racket” (https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm) and “Ralph Hovnanian’s Medical Dark Ages Quotations” (https://ahealedplanet.net/mdaq.htm). But Wade’s life’s story, of his adventures with Dennis Lee as the latter attempted to spread the word about Free Energy, is simply stunning. As Gandalf said, “I knew at last something dark and deadly was at work.”

2. “High Treason: The Assassination of JFK and the Case for Conspiracy” by Harrison Edward Livingstone and Robert J. Groden. Back I think in 1994 I took a copy home from the Toronto Public Library thinking “let’s see what these whackjobs are yakking about”... I was expecting an incoherent rant bordering on a schizophrenic word salad. What I got was a meticulously assembled, dryly presented book proving beyond any doubt that John F. Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy at the highest levels of government; “that anyone who'd say otherwise is uninformed, crazy or in on it.” (https://www.amazon.com/High-Treason-Assassination-Case-Conspiracy/dp/0786705787/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1)

3. “The Unauthorized History of American Education” by John Taylor Gatto. I wore out my copy re-reading it. His story of the decline in literacy courtesy of the Gulag of Compulsion Schooling is particularly terrifying. My personal consequence from Government and Formal Education? Decades of severe to extreme clinical depression, 24 years of seeing psychiatrists and other assorted mental health care professionals before I finally... “got it”; understood what had been inflicted on me.. (https://www.amazon.com/High-Treason-Assassination-Case-Conspiracy/dp/0786705787/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1)

Actually I’ll add one more:

4. “Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9-11” by Barrie Zwicker. A good deconstruction of the 9/11 False Flag, but seems to me he does not discuss the Mossad connection – who were also involved up to their eyeballs in the Kennedy assassination – JFK DID NOT want the Israelis to have The Bomb for obscure selfish reasons... 🙄 Actually the last 6 months justifies why he wasn’t keen on the idea...

That said... Seems to me (I'm now 65 😱) about every 5 years for as long as I can remember, Big Pharma, The Medical Racket and their wholly-owned Lying Whore Media would piously trot out some malarky about the latest upcoming Influenza Pandemic – it was going to be a killer this time! Oh Boy, was humanity ever going to get it!! – “Asian flu”... “Spanish flu”... “Swine flu”... “Bird flu”... “Venezuelan Beaver Cheese flu”... “Norwegian Blue Parrot flu”... (beautiful plumage tho’ 🤔) – but Hey!! Just in the nick of time! There was this brand-new miraculous life-saving vaccine available, only thing that would save humanity, that they’d just cooked up in their back-alley flu-vaccine-cum-crystal-meth lab; our governments were going to distribute it “for free” – never mind the billions of dollars borrowed from commercial banks stemming from pre-signed contracts with Big Pharma’s Drug Lords to do it, that our grand-children or great grand-children will still be paying for at exorbitant interest along with everything else…

... And every 5 years, we’d all swallow the patent bullshit whole, and off we’d troop to take the proffered vaccine, and every 5 years a couple dozen people would die of it, and several dozen more would be severely and permanently injured... You’d have to dig long and deep to learn about those injuries and deaths mind you… Occasionally that information would surface, there would be a great big brou-ha-ha about “corporate responsibility” and vaccine production and injection would be shut down in a great big show of virtue-signalling 🙄💩

And come to think of it? No-one ever mentioned how it was Big Pharma / The Medical Racket knew months before hand, that this latest flu outbreak was going to be so deadly... 🤔💩

“And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.”

— George Carlin

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Gatto’s book has been the best ever written on American education. It all makes sense in explaining why high school graduates are as badly educated as they are. And college can’t fix it.

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Paxlovid is in the same category. Poor but expensive substitute for Ivermectin. Big Pharma wins again!

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Yep. I also think Therma Flu has been a scam/worthless/over-hyped medicine for many years.

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You can thank the master manipulator of Donald Rumsfeld for that as well as aspartame and more. He facilitated the approval of the first atomic energy plant built in North Korea. He had his hands in a lot of nefarious events.

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I just read in one of Kennedy's books that Rumsfeld gave us that.

I need to do a story on Therma Flu.

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Thera Flu has no value. It was Rumsfeld's tenure at Gilead when he convinced the US Government to spend 5 Billion dollars on the crap. I gave John McCain documentation that indicated Theraflu had no value. They compromised and only bought 3 Billion from Gilead. Other countries bought in and did the same. Then the side effects emerged and Spain for one dumped it. Supposedly reduces flu symptoms by a half day. Makes no medical sense.

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