I remember trying to understand the truth about Aids back in 1984 and stayed up late to watch the "experts" talk about it. When a grandmotherly woman stood up and said there is no fear of aids for her because she is a faithful monogamus female and did not use drugs. She did not raise her voice and the boom mic operator did not turn off h…
I remember trying to understand the truth about Aids back in 1984 and stayed up late to watch the "experts" talk about it. When a grandmotherly woman stood up and said there is no fear of aids for her because she is a faithful monogamus female and did not use drugs. She did not raise her voice and the boom mic operator did not turn off her mic even though the host was telling them to do so. (She wasn't following the narrative.) Before this the host was talking as though everyone should be hiding in fear. Yet you could only catch Aids 3 ways. Two big men escourted her out of the studio audience as if she was a protester which she was not. She did not resist. One of the experts asked who is that woman with the rectal disorder? The rest of the show the host refered to the woman with the "disorder" any time anyone suggested something contrary to the narrative. That's when I knew the whole Aids issue was propaganda. Gene Antonio wrote a book, "The Aids Coverup" and that's when everything fell in to place for me.
What an apropos anecdote. I recently made a post at Jessie Signal's substack, claiming that there's no obvious scientifc proof that the virus HIV causes the disease of AIDS (or vice versa).
Man, you would have thought I just killed a bunch of baby seals. It's still taboo to question that settled science.
I remember trying to understand the truth about Aids back in 1984 and stayed up late to watch the "experts" talk about it. When a grandmotherly woman stood up and said there is no fear of aids for her because she is a faithful monogamus female and did not use drugs. She did not raise her voice and the boom mic operator did not turn off her mic even though the host was telling them to do so. (She wasn't following the narrative.) Before this the host was talking as though everyone should be hiding in fear. Yet you could only catch Aids 3 ways. Two big men escourted her out of the studio audience as if she was a protester which she was not. She did not resist. One of the experts asked who is that woman with the rectal disorder? The rest of the show the host refered to the woman with the "disorder" any time anyone suggested something contrary to the narrative. That's when I knew the whole Aids issue was propaganda. Gene Antonio wrote a book, "The Aids Coverup" and that's when everything fell in to place for me.
What an apropos anecdote. I recently made a post at Jessie Signal's substack, claiming that there's no obvious scientifc proof that the virus HIV causes the disease of AIDS (or vice versa).
Man, you would have thought I just killed a bunch of baby seals. It's still taboo to question that settled science.