The War to Slay ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’
If you want to know why society now increasingly seems like an Orwellian novel, don’t remember the Alamo … Remember the Vaccine Hesitant who were massacred by the State.
The coordinated and well-funded effort to “fight vaccine hesitancy” is the cornerstone of a massive Censorship Industrial Complex whose members are now circling like sharks.
Today, the speech of millions of citizens is suppressed for myriad bogus and alarming reasons, but the censorship initiative that got this process started was the iron-clad decree that Americans must get “vaccines” that bureaucrats said were essential (aka “life-saving.”)
Condensed to it core component, the rulers of the world decreed that no one should be “hesitant” about getting injections, especially the Covid shot that was produced in “warp speed” and underwent approximately three weeks of “safety review” by the FDA before being dubbed “good-to-go.”
Several years ago, I began to (repeatedly) write that people should be very hesitant before getting such a shot(s). For some crazy reason, I thought this speech was protected by the First Amendment.
As I was to learn, I could spend all day making posts on social media saying that carbon needs to be reduced to fight Climate Change, but - according to the U.S. government and numerous social media companies - I couldn’t say, “Everyone needs to be very hesitant about getting these shots.”
When I persisted in saying this, my ability to make posts at Facebook and Twitter was either taken away or the reach of my post was significantly curtailed.
Almost every time I made a skeptical post about the V-word, Facebook inserted a banner on my content telling my readers I knew not what I was talking about and was effectively engaging in misinformation or disinformation, the new buzzwords of our New Abnormal.
I did a little research …
As an independent journalist, I was curious about how and why I couldn’t express hesitancy about a novel mRNA shot.
It didn’t take much research to learn that a cross-section of “public health” bureaucrats, individuals on Bill Gates’ payroll, key members of the legacy press and assorted members of the “intelligence” communities had already identified “fighting vaccine hesitancy” as the key goal of the coming Pandemic … and had war-gamed how to neuter said “hesitancy.”
To Pandemic Producers, the end game of this much-anticipated event was getting as much of the planet as possible inoculated. “Carrots” were identified to bribe or entice important “influencers” (like doctors’ groups) to rally behind this initiative.
While it was understood that 100-percent of the mainstream press would spread the vaccine message, it was also understood that stubborn skeptics like myself might not be so easily co-opted or bullied.
To muzzle the influence of the dissenters, Pandemic Producers concocted the terms “disinformation” and “misinformation” and persuaded social media and tech companies to censor citizens who attempted to share their counter-views. (This didn’t require much persuasion as the executives were already inclined to support the government’s authorized narratives).
In a matter of weeks, the First Amendment, previously viewed as a protector of free speech, was discarded.
In the new template, the government’s essential role wasn’t to protect free speech and the U.S. Constitution; the role was instead to “protect” citizens from the harm - or grave threat - of … “vaccine hesitancy.”
Examples of our New Normal …
By the decree of everyone who mattered, citizens could still be hesitant about certain things; they just couldn’t be hesitant about getting a needle with unknown contents stuck into their arm.
In essence, Joe Six Pack could confide in his government (or his employer).
“I’ve got to admit; I’m very hesitant about getting this shot.”
The response of the State (and thousands of employers) was:
“That’s fine, Joe, but we are now going to have to fire you.” Or:
“That’s fine, but you can’t eat inside a restaurant or attend a play or ballgame” …or “your child can’t play on his sports team.” Or:
“That’s fine, but you can’t travel to another country.”
Not only this, if you didn’t get the shots, you were going to be vilified as an “anti-vaxxer,” “conspiracy wacko” and/or “science denier.”
Reasons, Smeasons …
Needless to say, you couldn’t tell other citizens why you were vaccine hesitant.
You might have tried to tell the State: “I’m just trying to give people information they can use so they can give informed consent … I’m trying to save people’s lives or prevent them from experiencing unnecessary and life-altering health complications.”
To which you were probably told, “Bubba, you are a killer of grandmothers … and you’re very likely either going to die a painful death or cause your local hospital to be over-run with deathly-ill patients.”
Again, people like us had to endure such consequences because we were simply “hesitant” about getting a jab from warm, fuzzy Big Pharma.
Nor could any of us sue anyone because, according to the U.S. Supreme Court, the “vaccine hesitant” have no legal standing.
You could argue until you were blue in the face that later events and studies proved you were absolutely right to be hesitant. Alas, such debating points didn’t matter. If you suffered economic harm, tough you-know-what, buddy.
If you were like most in the hesitant cohort, you probably also lost many friends and were probably disowned by a couple of family members.
It’s all legal; and this slope is quite slippery …
According to the Laws of the Land, it’s illegal to discriminate because of race, sexual-orientation, age or physical handicaps. But it is/was perfectly legal to discriminate against the “vaccine hesitant.”
The “vaccine hesitancy” discrimination exception is significant because it also opens the doors for other forms of discrimination and censorship.
Every American quickly understood the vaccine hesitant were now second-class citizens.
Still, many were surprised that the contents of the laptop of the president’s son also could not be discussed on social media.
If you thought that the 2020 presidential election was stolen or fraudulent, you’d be taking a big risk expressing an opinion that ran counter to the conclusion of 51 trusted intelligence operatives.
I just wrote a column, arguing that white lives should matter too. Fortunately, Substack let me publish that contrarian opinion, but I don’t think any mainstream news organization would publish such an opinion piece.
I’m not trying to stir up racial strife with these observations. In fact, it disturbs me that the lives of so many black citizens are being ended far too soon.
Why does some proven dumb ass get
to label something disinformation?
What I’m really asking is who gets to tell me what’s “harmful” disinformation and why do they get to decide? (Seriously, I wish someone would printout a list of topics I am “allowed” to discuss on major speech platforms.)
It seems to me “vaccine hesitancy” has been used as a canard to outlaw much more than one category of speech.
Per my research, I picked up on the fact that the Censorship Industrial Complex was being coordinated and funded years before the fist Covid patient was identified.
Questions: how did these “leaders” know that blocking entire categories of speech would be so important in the future? Why did this become the Mother-of-All government, press, NGO and oligarch initiatives?
My answer is that some Deep State, Machiavelli-disciple decided that, moving forward, silencing and bullying the “vaccine hesitant” would make it much easier to silence any dissenters and skeptics.
I think I’m right; events have proven this. Our rulers started with the “vaccine hesitant” and didn’t hesitate when it came to expanding the categories of unauthorized speech.
These 3-D chess masters had a plan all along …
Those who still value free speech and true democracy should, perhaps, pause and ponder what’s really happening here.
As it turns out, the “vaccine hesitant” were the most intelligent and principled members of society.
If someone intuitively sensed that these shots were not “vaccines” and would cause great harm to many citizens, the same people might also be smart enough to cry “foul!” on all the other government initiatives that are harming many citizens.
These, one suspects, are the citizens the Establishment really fears … and must silence or discredit.
In a nutshell, I think the Vaccine Hesitancy Project was a diabolical master plan to muzzle or intimidate citizens like myself and my subscribers.
So far, this plan has, largely, worked.
However, it’s possible a significant “truth bomb” has belatedly detonated and more citizens are starting to figure out that our trusted censors should no longer be trusted.
If more people are now “onto” the narrative-control machinations of the captured classes, one can’t help but wonder how these nice sociopaths and group-thinking organizations are likely to respond.
Theoretically, they could quit censoring and discard their “dangerous misinformation” playbook. Or … they could double down and try to impose even greater censorship on the growing number of skeptics.
My strong hunch is they’ll embrace the latter strategy.
In closing, my advice is everyone should probably buckle-up our chin straps even tighter. This game, which is no longer a game, isn’t going to be for sissies. These people aren’t going to quit now.
We shouldn’t quit, especially when we have the Prevaricators on the Run.
Cutting-room floor text A:
For the vaccine lobby, “bodily autonomy” is considered sacrosanct in the abortion debate, but this “principle” is null and void in the vaccine debate.
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