Cutting-room floor text A:

For the vaccine lobby, “bodily autonomy” is considered sacrosanct in the abortion debate, but this “principle” is null and void in the vaccine debate.

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When you get nice words like these to go along with an annual paid subscription, the sun bursts through a cloudy day!

"Your writing has been one of the most interesting, courageous, irreverent, smart and entertaining in a long time. Go Bill go! "

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OFF TOPIC: I just read a Substack where the author make a good point: VP Kamala Harris must have known Biden has dementia for many months if not years. And yet she still doesn't say anything and covers-it up.

You know who else knows the same thing? Dr. Anthony Fauci, "America's doctor."

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Cutting room floor text B:

... Per the authorized narrative, white-on-black crime is an outrage and warrants endless protests, but nobody (who matters) seems overly concerned about the carnage of black-on-black crime.

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Or the fact that IR crime is massively a black on white or black on asian or even black on brown phenomena

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Very early on, I saw a list of ways to induce vaccine-hesitant people to get jabbed, put together by, I think, some ad agencies. Guilt, celebrities, shame, etc. WTF was my first reaction. Still is.

I went from "vaccine hesitant" to "nope!" by the time I finished reading the list. Seemed to be a bit of overkill, and why? Then I saw who was involved - folks like Gates (how did those polio jobs in India work out?) and Emanuel and Fauci, saw how the Democrats promptly politicized getting jabbed, and decided nope. Good thing I did not trust scientific evidence and testing and such, eh? Because, IMO, there was pretty much none of that. This was not even a case of my body, my choice, which of course should be understood anyway, but a case of hey, the players and the game look really unsavory. So nope. I m old, and thus did not have to worry about losing my job, just worried about having a ventilator jammed lethally down my throat. Still fine - even more fine - with my decision.

C and D and Zinc, IMO, would have saved some lives. To denigrate them and also withhold Ivermectin is, to me, sort of like murder.

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murder by lying to trusting people is murder all the same. Except that you get plausible deniability while murdering.

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I see a headline at Citizen Free Press talking about some politician who wants to pass legislation to censor and punish "vaccine skeptics."

Here's the Tweet if this link works:


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That "some politician" is Kier Starmer and he is now PM of the UK. It seems to me that things, in general, never even stay merely just as bad any more; things only get worse. Really, how many Americans have dutifully swallowed the "lesser evil" bullshyte? There is no lesser evil any more, IMO, just evil, all connected somehow by money and hubris. So that's my very dark thought for the day, hopefully things can only get better!!!!! Thanks for that link, I have been wondering if the UK just really went from vapidly awful to horrible. The Covid and jab news trickling out of the UK these days is dreadful. Seems the best we can hope for is that someday wars and population control will get too expensive and not profitable enough.

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I didn't know I was referencing the UK prime minister! He's not just any "politician."

They are all in the same club and all think exactly alike. They all believe in "fighting disinformation."

This means we'll get more disinformation ... from the government.

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It was telling that at the height of the disinformation-regulation madness in '22, that Gina McCarthy, former head of the EPA, sought to get in on the censorship game with environmental issues. https://substack.com/home/post/p-67383816 I.e., what began with Covid and vaccine hesitancy, was threatening to spread to every issue under the sun.

What I wrote at the time was that she surely thought, "Well, if Biden’s handlers can have the White House demand the social media corporations censor in the areas of a) Covid-19 information and policy, and b) the disputes about November 2020, then why not in the area of environmental policy?”

Basically, it revealed that 90% of the leaders of the Democrat party were despots at heart, who would turn to censoring the moment they thought they could get away with it.

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That's my take-away too, Carl. I've picked up on this term "OneHealth" that is everywhere in official documents and WHO/UN documents. A "OneHealth" approach focusses heavily on the Climate Change scam.

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they would turn to gulags and mass murder if they thought they could get away with it. All the indicators are there to believe that. Not to mention history.

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On a limited scale, they've already turned to "gulags" - think Julian Assange and the J-6 protestors. This will increase as needed. They have to send messages to the biggest potential threats to their continued rule.

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exactly right.

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Although like Edward Snowden I'm starting to hear some very curious things about Julian Assange...🤔

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I am unaware of this. But of course it has to be that way. Everything is a lie or twisted and used to control. I am sick of it all.

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Jeff Berwick talks about Julian in his presentation of June 28; I've heard similar things from other people:


But I'll warn you, he does love to take the scenic route to a point.

Also I get most of my information from Mike Adams or Jeff, and to a lesser extent Max Igan, David Icke or Alex Jones... 🙄 So take anything I tell you with a grain of salt.

But only a grain. 🤔

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They ARE getting away with “it”.

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Don't worry, they'll do the mass murder, too.

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They don't have to be dumbocrap "leaders." That's how your everyday, on the street, dumbocrap operates about everything.

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1000% agree. Buckle up and remember Who wins. We are already at war.

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Our troops are smarter and we don't have to constantly keep up with all the previous lies we've told.

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Right? We tell the truth, expose the truth and there are no lies. Just the exposing of the liars. The People are the troops, so they need to wake TF up.

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Yes, that's the key - exposing the liars. But it has to be in a way that many millions of people know these liars are liars. Substack helps advance this goal, but we're still not reaching enough people IMO.

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Smarter than what? They don't know that they are there to steal someone else's resources? The U.S. troops don't have 90 bases protecting oil fields? Heroin in Afghanistan. I bet they are not smart enough to know that the Bin Laden Construction Company build all the oil fields along with David Rockefeller and U.S. Steel. You know, Osama Bin Laden, the "Terrorist". They didn't know that Alexander The Great was dealing Heroin out of Afghanistan, 300 years before Jesus? Yea, they're real smart... Not surprising from literal dope dealers.

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Once you start questioning the recent bogus narratives, you do start going further back in time and questioning all the other narratives we leaned in school.

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Read my book. I go back to Imhotep, in the movie The Mummy, the "Medical God" under RA, 3000BC. Like, the Fauci character under Trump. "Imhotep was also deified by the Greeks as Asclepius, the god of healing. Imhotep stood out from the mists of antiquity in part because his practices were unlike those of others of his era. They were devoid of magical thinking." - "I Am The Science" - Anthony Fauci https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/918f07ac-1db0-4331-beb6-38981fc22c54/Rise%20and%20Fall%20of%20the%204th%20Reich%20-%20260%20%20Pages.pdf

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Do you speak Greek?

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No, but I did predict that the Covid Scamdemic would be based on Greek Myths and Gods. That was April 2020.

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Our troops are smarter???? Seriously? They’re brainwashed. Just as the U.S. Border Patrol is.

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Bill; I applaud you for calling out vaccines BEFORE the plandemic. It's likely what led to my being censored as well (shadow banned on both YT & Fakebook, and removed or severely knocked down in algorithms), although I have no way of proving that, which seems to be the excuse the SCOTUS gave for their BS decision in the MO v. Biden case. I would jump over to Substack, but with the number of people calling it out as essentially another "captured" platform (yourself included), I doubt that will happen either. https://doctorschierling.com/blog

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Thanks, Russell. The censorship on Facebook backfired in my case because this motivated me to belatedly start a Substack newsletter. At Substack - thanks to shares and links - I was reaching 1000 times more people than my shadow-banned Facebook posts.

You are right that my "Spider Sense" is now activated by strange happenings on Substack. Still, I say post while you still can and where you still can. That is, you might reach more people on Substack. I'll check out your blog, which I'm sure is excellent.

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Russell, I love the second piece on that link - an overview of how natural medicine sites are being censored. Please stay in touch. I have a business idea that I think could dramatically help writers like yourself reach far more people.

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👍 - my “Like” button has been disabled on comments.

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My Like button hasn't worked in months. Crappy Substack as usual.

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✌️ - I hear you. Yet I’m quite thankful for it ! Regardless of disabled “likes” !

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The plan was all laid out, by Richard Day, former Director of Planned Parenthood, in 1969. It was in place long before that. Decades before certainly, centuries before not out of the question.

The Day Tapes were recorded in 1988 and are a recollection from a Doctor who was present at the talk given by Richard Day.

Link to tape one is below. There are 4. Each is about an hour long. Audio on tapes 3 and 4 is poor. You can search on Rumble for the other three recordings. You can also search on FreeSpoke or Brave for blogs and essays about the tapes, if you want a summary or don’t have time to listen. Last time I checked Google had no results.

While all 4 tapes are needed to get the total picture, tapes one and two are likely the most important. If you listen to them, or alternatively do an hour of reading about what he said, and you come away without believing that the plan goes back decades, then you probably need an intervention. Or to go back and read Bills work from the beginning.

Everything Richard Day predicted has come to pass. Which simply reinforces the point that through predictive programming or other means, they always tell you what they are going to do.

One of the most important takeaways from the tapes is that everything the elites do in creating and implementing their plans has an ostensible reason (that people will accept) and a real reason (that people would not accept).

Reflecting on the entire Covid timeline, or considering some of the things Bill has covered, you can see exactly how they do this…and are continuing today.

Lastly, it’s only a very small percentage of the population that can even grasp the concept that what is happening to them and what is being done to them might not be the same thing.

And an even smaller percentage can understand that this is the entire truth. I suspect most of the 6000 who subscribe here are at least in the first category. Even the FBI trolls here know the truth, but are to gutless to admit it.


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Thanks, Moody. I'm with you on your central premise.

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I listened to the “Day Tapes” a couple of years ago. Guess what? I’m not surprised.

There is a larger group at play here😉.

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💣 “If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized ... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance – you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”

– Ian Watson

💣 “ ‘Covid-19’ and The Lethal Injections are nothing but a scam designed to profit from premeditated mass murder”

– Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon.com


💣 I am NOT “vaccine-hesitant”: You can put a gun to my head and blow my brains out before I’ll ever take another vaccination, and Bill Gates and all the rest of the monsters behind the Fraudemic should be burned at the stake for what they've done.

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Now the focus is on "Net Zero." And if you don't buy into it, you're "antiscience" and a "climate change denier."

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So much money is invested in vaccines that the elite (?), big Pharma and corrupt gov't are besides themselves and so the push goes on and on and on.

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But what is the actual reason for the push to vaccinate? Is it truly depopulation?

I think I keep asking this and I keep getting a YES answer but my brain cannot absorb it.

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I don't rule out the de-population goal, but my default is always "follow the money." It's not just the Covid mRNA vaccines they wanted, they wanted every vaccine to become mRNA vaccines ... and more vaccines (like RSV, Shingles, Cancer, etc).

The mandatory vaccines also led to advances in "vaccine passports" - which advanced "digital control" and surveillance ("social control"), initiatives that also were/are very important to our rulers.

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There's no such thing as one size fits all with a vaccine hesitancy being a label. Some are not hesitant at all, for they know the history of the pharmaceutical companies and they know the ingredients are bad for your health just like war. Maxine isn't Tennessee or hesitant are both labels for public relations and sales. The label anti-vaxxer does not describe anything or any one because, although some are hesitant everyone is about as hesitant for a different reason and some just flat out don't want anything to do with the ingredients and the history, as I stated before.

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Vaccine hesitant is the term they kept using ... and are still using. The irony is there are more "vaccine hesitant" people in the world today than there's ever been before. The Law of Opposite Effects might be kicking in?

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For some, vaccine hesitancy, is like Russian roulette hesitancy or Kool-Aid hesitancy.

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Yes. I was not 'hesitant" - I saw what what info was available, saw who was involved, and, of course, considered my gut feeling. Nothing to do with that stupid "anti-vaxxer" label at all.

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I never had a thought that could be described as hesitancy. From the immediate evidence the answer was a hard no. Later when more evidence came out the answer was an even harder no.

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Not anti-vaxer or hesitant. With all of the information hidden and all of the advertising push, it’s simply “HELL NO”.

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Everything about "Covid-19" and The Lethal Injections, for me, stank and continues to stink, to high heaven of grotesque criminality and fraud. How is it fully 99% of humanity can't see, cannot be made to see, the nakedly bloody obvious?

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Capt. Roy, they are terrified to perceive the truth because the truth is so horrendous. They'd rather live and die in ignorance than allow themselves to become aware of how ugly reality is. They will deny anything and everything rather than become aware. Even though sickness and things even worse than physical sickness will sooner or later destroy them, that's fine with them.

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Government lies and can call something false or true by their own definition. They signed into law the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act that legalizes and frees the government to propagate (lie) to US citizens. Previously the government could lie to foreigners but not US citizens.

So now they lie and you have to sue them. It may be unconstitutional but do you have the million dollars to fight them all the way to the Supreme Court? It used to be against the law now it’s catch me if you can.

Imo mainstream news ran into economic issues. The growth of the internet with the loss of advertising dollars left them open to manipulation. Add in that our President, many politicians and certainly all of the media are under contract with Hollywood agencies. And then comes The Trusted News Initiative, the group that tells the media what they all need to say. Why compete when your well paid to play the game or be squashed? Follow the money!

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"Imo mainstream news ran into economic issues. The growth of the internet with the loss of advertising dollars left them open to manipulation."

- Great point, Jwm4ever.

Also, the journalist who have yet to be fired or lose their jobs for economic reasons have more incentive than ever to toe the party line. If you want to guarantee you get laid off, go propose a couple of Taboo story ideas to your editor.

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True dat!

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