
For those who don't have time to read The Real Anthony Fauci, I'd recommend my article where I simply summarized 18 "vignettes" from the book. The first one is on Ike's famous Farewell speech. The second one is on the birth of the Rockefeller Foundation and a "pill for every ill."

This is one of my very early Substack stories. I remember how long it took me to write my book review and then this "sidebar" piece that let me simply run key excerpts from the book.


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Only skimmed, but I find it so interesting the extremes to which Democrats are going to simply ignore RFK…. Because he poses a very big threat to Biden. And Kennedy is drawing most of the Dem Exiters…. You know real Democrats with a spine and a brain who know that Democrats today are the furthest thing from true Democrats would be relieved to vote for RFK. I don’t agree with all his ideas, and then there’s the Dynasty thing….. I do enjoy watching him take down Biden.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I think you convinced me LOL. I think he is already on the GA ballot. I cannot think of voting for either of the other 2. His choice of vice pres. is unfortunate, but let us hope for the best. Several other people I respect, support him. Someone has to start draining the swamp somewhere so it might as well be with the healthcare-pharma issue. It is clear that neither of the other 2 will do anything in draining, only in opening the tap of water and make the swamp worse.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Bill, I just resubscribed to your Substack after reading this excellent post. I'd previously been a subscriber for one year; I let my subscription lapse a few months ago due to financial concerns. I'm glad to support your work again and plan to continue doing so for the indefinite future.

There's one important thing I wanted to write which you need to know, which it seems, from your post, you don't. That is that Bobby Kennedy's vocal problem was caused by a vaccine he took some time in the 1990s. He spoke about this serious, life-changing injury in a symposium sponsored by Barbara Loe Fisher's organization called the National Vaccine Information Center, which was held in autumn of 2021. I imagine you could find the video of Kennedy's presentation for that symposium online; the entire NVIC conference was presented online, due the lockdowns which prevailed everywhere at that time.

Kennedy's doctors called his vocal injury "idiopathic dystonia," and it involves more than just difficulty speaking; it also entails additional neurological injuries, which he didn't detail in his presentation for the NVIC symposium. ("Idiopathic" means "of unknown cause," but the cause of his disability / injury was perfectly obvious to him and to his doctors.) I agree with you that he has dealt with this serious injury nobly and courageously.

I wish you'd write a full-length review of The Wuhan Coverup, similar to the thorough, brilliant and superb review you wrote after The Real Anthony Fauci was published.

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Apr 18Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I have profound respect for RFK Jr's work on medical issues, his environmental lawyering, etc. I agree with all the Pros you write about. However, you did not mention at all, and no one in the comments so far is talking about, his position on Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Basically, he is attempting to deny it is happening. I saw a discussion he had online with a well informed activist about what was going on. RFK tried very hard to finesse the issue, he really did engage in the discussion. In the end he was not successful in justifying his position--over 30,000 dead Palestinians and counting, and most of Gaza's infrastructure destroyed, are rather large facts to get around. It was typical for him that he really tried to make a logical argument--I don't know whether to admire that or be frustrated. I can only speculate that he is doing this because he knows that the AIPAC lobby is so powerful in American politics that if he took them head on, his presidential campaign would simply be crushed. I think he is too intelligent to be a true believer in the official narrative on the Gaza issue.

I should mention that I have relatives who live in Israel, and I am for an immediate and complete cease-fire followed by negotiations between the Israelis and whoever the Palestinians want to represent them--which position said relatives do not agree with. So I understand perfectly how RFK must feel about some of his own family....

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Bill Rice -

KUDOS for your detailed article on Candidate Kennedy, clearly better suited to be president than either Trump or Biden because (without any notes!) he discusses a massive variety of issues intelligently and, also, emphasizes the importance of kindness and compassion - human qualities in dangerously short supply in today's divided America.

I'm puzzled that you seem to think liberals will disagree with him!? I'm a member of the peace community and as Liberal/Progressive/Left Wing as they come, but I agree with everything about Kennedy except his reluctance to denounce genocide in Gaza. Kennedy, both as an environmentalist, and as a lawyer who won many cases against corporate polluters, has already contributed more to our country than any presidential candidate in my lifetime, and I go back to FDR's first term. Most of my friends are "lefties" - they're supporting Kennedy.

Also, I'm very perplexed by the criticisms of his VP choice. Queried on that point, Kennedy's response was that he didn't understand how anyone who listened to Nicole Shanahan's acceptance speech could doubt how fine a candidate she is. Perfect!

By keeping Kennedy blacked out, the shameless MSM continues to prove to voters that it's deliberately thwarting our Bill of Rights promise of a Free Press. We citizens should not let corporations dictate our news. We need to frequently contact our respective MSM outlets on that issue. We're mosquitoes, I know, but imagine being in bed with a mosquito!

I'm disappointed in the defeatists who claim that Kennedy can't be elected, even though high percentages of voters deplore the two candidates being foisted off on us. Should we just shrug our shoulders and go along with those two men - one incapable of civil behavior and the other an active contributor to sustained genocide? Really? Are you serious?

For decades, the United States has been an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy. Now, with the explosion of sub-stacks and podcasts, We the People have access to non-corporate news and can make an intelligent choice for Kennedy and help to restore our democracy. Let's find ways to take action. Remember that all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Outstanding summary, Bill.

We'll see what happens between now and the election, but for me, right now, it would be something akin to an asteroid direct hit before I'd vote for either of the other two candidates. I cannot say I agree with all of his policy stances, but RFK is by far, very far, our best hope for effective, unifying leadership.

I'm not saying that RFK would unify everyone, of course there are people who profoundly object to him personally, and/or to some of his ideas; what I'm saying is that RFK stands to do a much better job of that than would the other two leading candidates.

More vitally, medical tyranny needs to stop, and respect for the US Constitution and the first amendment especially need to be restored. And RFK is the only one of the three viable candidates at this time whom I could realistically expect to achieve that.

We could argue about this, that, and the other policy until the sun comes up, and all about Shanahan, and blah blah this, and blah blah that, but if we have medical tyranny, where the government can lock us down, wreck our businesses, treat us all like cattle, at its whim, as it did-- and psy-op and mandate us into injections of fraudulent crap-- and cover up injuries and deaths-- and even keep on pushing the injections on children and pregnant women-- and the culprits are still at large, apparently raking in salaries, benefits, and patent royalties-- NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

You can have a billion dollars in the bank and it doesn't mean spit if you cannot sit up and chew and swallow. You can be the most beautiful woman in the bikini contest, but what does that matter if you're drowning at the bottom of the swimming pool.

Whichever candidate will end the medical tyranny, and in my view, means what he says, and in my view, is realistically capable of taking effective action towards that end, he or she gets my vote. Right now, for me, hands down, that's RFK.

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Apr 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Loved when he said : "I have so many skeletons in my closet ." Bill you did a wonderful job of convincing me to chip away again at this book where I managed to buy 2, not 1, in those early days of terror . Trying to buy so many books about the virus , I had to stop reading because I needed to get an "easier subject" to read before bed . Now that substack is a thing, I get what I want to read , and am ready to tackle that book again . He is a lawyer , knows how much he needs to back up what he writes, and comes from a background steeped in the DNA of politics- this all contributes to the necessity of denseness in the book, in my opinion. Made me think about Trudeau and his recent statement about "not reading the memo " about the nefarious political interference in our government rapidly looking more communist day by day . Who even reads anyway - apparently not our august supreme leader or maybe the foreign interference types can't read English.

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Wonderful profile Bill, and as always you break down this complex man and his positions into a manageable array of truths. With all the important issues facing our nation it may very well require a maverick with his intellect to accomplish any form of success. Thanks for a great article!!

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Bill, are you aware of A Midwestern Doctor's Substack? If not, please read at least this one recent post:


I highly recommend that you read the book which AMD (A Midwestern Doctor, the author's pseudonym) provides a link to:

Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the Brain, by Harris L. Coulter.

The entire book can be downloaded (as a .pdf document) directly from this post. Harris L. Coulter has died since it was published, and the book is currently out of print, so there is no copyright violation in AMD's offering the entire text to readers.

"A Midwestern Doctor" has chosen to remain anonymous because she knows many like-minded doctors who have been punished, debarred from practicing medicine, silenced, threatened, and worse ("disappeared" or murdered) because of their dissident views.

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My long-time subscriber Fred makes some important and germane points in a thread at Steve Kirsch's site (I just linked this article over there). According to Fred (and many others), all Kennedy's campaign is going to do is take away votes from Trump which, thus, makes it more likely "Joe Biden" (or his designated successor) is president in 2025.

Fred, of course, could be right. In my reply to Fred's post, I pointed out there is one way RFK, Jr. might win, even though this is perhaps a long shot. (I also added my "Black Swan" scenario):

My post:

These are good and valid points, which many are, of course, making. I just read a persuasive piece (at least to me) where the author says Kennedy is simply hoping/thinking that no candidate will get a majority of electoral votes, which would mean Congress (each state gets one vote) has to elect the president. (This has actually happened before, I think). In this scenario, per this author, Kennedy might win.

I actually think Kennedy's best chance to win would be a major "Black Swan" development in the next seven months. That event might be conclusive evidence that, say, the vaccines are killing huge numbers of people or overwhelming evidence of massive Covid response fraud. If this happens - admittedly a long shot with all our captured organizations - Kennedy would be the candidate who was viewed as being "right all along" and the only candidate with the guts to say this. This scenario - the truth being definitively exposed - could propel him to the WH.

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He was someone I was considering for support until he selected his VP running mate. That was a bridge too far for me.

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To paraphrase Milton Friedman, “Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by good intentions.”

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From another perspective. Mr Kennedy has some pronounced accomplishments. Does he have what it takes, toughness, unfailing spirit, love of country, extraordinary intestinal fortitude, experience fighting the deep swamp, to be the leader required now to save us, the western world, from complete destruction? Biden certainly does not. He and his handlers created this tragedy. However, in the two years timeframe President Trump was actually allowed to govern, he made 100s of very note worthy, some historical, achievements. Just on the theme of saving lives, there were no new wars, 500,000 - 800,000 Ukrainians and 200 -250,000 Russians were not killed in the USA/NATO necon instigated war. There was peace in the Middle East with several historical Israeli Arab peace agreements. There was no Oct 7 and no attack by Iran. China and N Korea were subdued. There was the lowest black people unemployments rate in history as well as the highest black people home ownership. The southern border was effectively closed. There were not an additional 7.5. - 10 million undocumented illegals invaded into the country along with up to 500,000 military age potential sleeper cell terrorists to wreak havoc at a future date. The military had not been gutted. So president Trump literally, provably saved millions of lives. No, he was not responsible for this the clot shots or the iatrogenic health mandates. He did his job as president relying on the world experts who turned out to be the primary perpetrators - DOD - NIH virus and vaccine provider Fauci - Birx the facilitator. So for those who succumb to the siren song of a resurrected Camelot and vote RFK instead of Obama proxy; and President Trump is allowed to accept his victory, remember, although you will not have voted for the true leader you might have indirectly saved a lot of lives.

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Unfortunately He does not support the second amendment. Therefore I cannot support him.

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Pros? He wrote books and articles and gives speeches about the harmful effects of vaccines. Good. But he changed nothing to do with vaccines, especially children and the disaster of the gene altering poison shots. He did some lawyering? He is also an environmental extremist on the side of the climate emergency hoax crowd. He is a hard core leftist and should not be anywhere near the presidency. And won’t be. His biggest accomplishment may be to keep the democrats from office.

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