The Pros and Cons of Bobby Kennedy, Jr.
I don’t know if he’ll win the presidency, but RFK, Jr. has lived quite a life with numerous impressive accomplishments.

A friend recently asked me to provide my thoughts on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. My friend admires Kennedy’s stances questioning most elements of the “authorized” Covid narratives, but says “he’s a Kennedy” and probably has many liberal views that might be bad for the country if he implemented these policies as president.
My story suggestion was to outline the “pros and cons” of Kennedy.
In my assessment, Kennedy’s “pros” dwarf any of his “cons.”
For starters, I’m struck by how accomplished Kennedy has been in so many different areas of his professional life.
For most of my life, I didn’t pay much attention to Kennedy. My thought was probably that he was a run-of-the-mill liberal environmentalist whose ideas definitely ran counter to my own.
Kennedy popped up on my radar when he became the world’s most influential voice, theorizing that childhood vaccines, very possibly, are related to the massive increase in children diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
Back then, I thought every child should get every vaccine recommended by the Science and Health Establishment. It never occurred to me that some vaccines might cause serious adverse events and perhaps aren’t even necessary.
Still, I couldn’t help but admire a man who went against conventional wisdom in such a conspicuous way. I also knew this position cost him his exalted position in the liberal and mainstream media establishment.
To me, it’s incredibly easy to support the “Current Thing.” However, it takes genuine courage to advocate for a position one must know is going to cause him to lose many friends and social status (not to mention income potential).
I definitely became a Kennedy admirer
when I read The Real Anthony Fauci
In reading this book, my mouth hit the floor on almost every page. I couldn’t believe a person as prominent as Kennedy was attacking (and debunking) a person as prominent and widely admired as “Science himself,” Anthony Fauci.
As I quickly learned, this book was not just a scathing critique of Fauci and the disastrous Covid response, it was actually an indictment of the entire corrupt Science/Medical Complex.
It’s rare when one book can change your entire outlook on large swaths of the world hierarchy, but this book did. Not only did I read the book, I wrote a book review for my new Substack newsletter where I called it “perhaps the most important non-fiction book of my lifetime.”
For me, the book connected many dots and made me realize the capture of medicine and Big Pharma traces back to the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation and the birth of the world-changing “pill-for-every-ill” movement.
While the book is portrayed as anti-science and is said to be replete with “radical conspiracy theories,” I didn’t find the book radical at all. In fact, Kennedy is simply developing points made by President Eisenhower in his famous Farewell Address (where Ike warned the world about the growing Military Industrial Complex, but also warned citizens about the capture of real science by government agencies.)
Regarding the charge that Kennedy’s “anti-science,” I can only say Kennedy’s in-depth knowledge of complex scientific subjects left me in awe.
Furthermore, the book includes more than 2,200 citations in the chapter end notes. (In contrast, Dr. Deborah Birx’s memoir recounting her experiences as coordinator of Covid Response for the White House includes zero scientific citations.)
In addition to providing endless examples that prove that bureaucrats like Fauci have made “public health” far worse, Kennedy also rails against the eradication of civil liberties and the assault on the nation’s most important Constitutional Amendment, the First Amendment. (Kennedy has first-hand experience of our New Abnormal as he was labeled one of the world’s most nefarious “spreaders of disinformation.”)
It still amazes me The Real Anthony Fauci somehow became the No. 1 non-fiction best-seller in the world for many months… even though no mainstream media news organization would even review the book. (I also noted that Anthony Fauci, or Bill Gates, never sued Kennedy for libel).
Children’s Health Defense
Kennedy also started the non-profit Children’s Health Defense to focus on the Autism issue, although the organization now focusses on any illness that affects children (or adults) that might be related to bogus or dubious science.
In one of many “hit piece” stories that came out after Kennedy announced he was running for president, the author made the snarky point that Kennedy may have leveraged his “anti-vaxer” views in an effort to increase donors to his non-profit.
To which I reply, what’s the head of a non-profit supposed to do? Do his best to get fewer donors and try to have even less influence?
To me, the fact Kennedy’s non-profit has experienced eye-opening growth in donors and influence means the founder must possess vision as well as strong administrative and fund-raising skills.
For those who believe starting and running a (politically incorrect) non-profit should not qualify as a significant accomplishment, my reply is: You go do it.
The Defender is defending censored science
I’m a contrarian journalist so I’m also impressed that Kennedy and his key aides launched The Defender journalism organization. I can guess what Kennedy was thinking when he launched this sidebar organization. He was no doubt thinking there’s no way the mainstream media is going to cover the issues we think are important … so we’ll start our own dang (real) journalism organization.
I wish I had a dime every time I’ve thought, “Nobody else is going to do this; I guess I’m going to have to do it myself.” The thing is I often don’t do these things … but Kennedy did.
What Kennedy is doing with The Defender is going around the captured “gatekeepers of the news.” For me, he deserves accolades for both initiative and follow-through.
And RFK, Jr. is a prolific litigator
By training, Kennedy is an attorney. Once upon a time, I might have been a critic of trial lawyers who filed what I viewed as bogus lawsuits. But, with a few exceptions, I don’t think that way anymore.
I now think every important organization in the world is either captured or corrupt and I dance a little Two Step every time I read of some trial lawyer who’s suing people and organizations who are getting away with crimes, including murder.
The thing is this rarely happens as the Plaintiff Trial Lawyers are also clearly captured. That is, 98 percent of the prominent legal firms know what lawsuits they can file, but, more importantly, all the lawsuits they shouldn’t file. This rhetoric about “fearless trial lawyers standing up to The Man and representing injured little people” is just … more bogus propaganda.
However, Kennedy does represent these clients and does file and try cases with his own team of lawyers or helps fund important lawsuits that otherwise wouldn’t reach the docket of the court system.
These cases involved defendants injured or killed by vaccines or those harmed by false medical guidance as well as cases where people have been censored or had civil liberties stolen.
if I’d become a lawyer, I’d want to be fighting for the same (ignored) clients that Kennedy and his lawyers routinely represent.
The Wuhan Cover-Up
I don’t know how he found the time, but Kennedy also followed up on The Real Anthony Fauci with a book that might be just as important, The Wuhan Cover-Up.
This book also caused my jaw to drop when I realized how the “bio-security” complex - the government funding mad scientists - has been active for many decades. Like the Fauci book, this book also shows us how the Science/Health/Big Pharma Complex merged with the Military Industrial Complex and the “intelligence communities.”
Kennedy is, again, scathing in his commentary about our captured Fourth Estate and tells readers how and why censorship efforts are so important to the world’s real rulers.
Oh yeah, he’s running for president too
Many people have speculated about why Kennedy’s running for president when he must know he has little chance of winning.
For my part, I give Kennedy the benefit of the doubt. My thought is he really wants to change the corrupt system and has decided the only way this might be possible is if he is the president. He might think he even has a chance to win.
The Powers that Be certainly aren’t making it easy for him to run for president.
First, he was going to run as a Democrat, but quickly realized that route was completely rigged. Now he’s running as an independent, where simply getting his name on the ballots in all 50 states seems to be a Herculean task.
Still, he’s not backing down and will probably succeed in getting his name on all the ballots, which would be another impressive accomplishment.
His campaign has to be ultra-unorthodox in that no big donors are going to support him (as he’s attacking all the Big Donor classes). The mainstream media is either boycotting coverage of his campaign or producing more hit pieces about what a wacko he is (and how his own family members despise him).
So Kennedy is stumping the old-fashioned way and relying on alternative media podcasters to get his message out.
The message that might be resonating the most with voters doesn’t deal with vaccines, but with the terrible state of the real economy and how working-class people are struggling to make ends meet.
(I particularly like his line that a “crisis” for most Americans is when the “check engine light” comes on in someone’s car. I can confirm that this does, in fact, constitute a family crisis).
I’m an old Ron Paul supporter and many of Kennedy’s speeches - where he talks about real inflation being the cruelest tax or how the neo-cons need to bring our troops home and quit meddling in the affairs of other nations - sound just like a Ron Paul speech, circa 2012.
Summarizing the Kennedy pros …
In Robert Kennedy, Jr. we apparently have a legitimate Renaissance Man who can write important and politically-incorrect best sellers, start an influential and politically incorrect non-profit, fund contrarian and taboo journalism, and accept, try and/or fund scores of taboo and important lawsuits.
And run for president … as an independent.
He did all these things even though his old liberal friends despise him for pursuing these projects and even when many members of his family seem to be embarrassed by his beliefs and convictions.
(Indeed, if I was on the committee that awarded the “Profile in Courage” Awards named for Kennedy’s late uncle, I’d say, “Robert Kennedy, Jr. is the most deserving recipient of our lifetime.”)
I’d also note that Kennedy is running for president and promoting all these controversial views, even though he suffers from a medical issue that caused his voice to sound extremely hoarse or odd. (Kennedy has admitted he never watches his own interviews or speeches because of this affliction). Overcoming this handicap also took courage.
I understand he also overcame an addiction to drugs and alcohol. He’s certainly dealt with great tragedy as his own father was assassinated, as was his uncle and his first wife later took her own life.
To have become so accomplished in so many fields despite these obstacles and family tragedies reveals strong and admirable character.
I only have a couple of Kennedy ‘Cons’
My friend asked me to identify any concerns I might have about Kennedy.
I agree that many of Kennedy’s political positions are more liberal than my own. At one point, my greatest concern was that Kennedy was an avid believer in the “Climate Change” hoax and would therefore push all the liberty-eradicating and economy-killing solutions embraced by Al Gore, the UN, the WEF, the WHO and, well, just about every organization that matters.
However, I’ve since viewed many interviews that mollified these concerns. That is, Kennedy seems to understand that the same organizations which captured the health and science organizations are also trying to use Climate Change fear-mongering to give them even more control.
I recently read that Kennedy supports a $15 minimum wage, but that doesn’t bother me as the minimum wage hasn’t been increased in many years and I actually don’t know how anyone can pay even a week’s worth of bills on $7.35/hour.
His views on illegal immigration pretty much mirror President Trump’s. He definitely despises the CIA, who he thinks played a role in the assassination of his uncle and maybe his own father.
Big Pharma hates him. He said he’d pardon Snowden and Assange on Day One of his presidency.
In a nutshell, while I can find several political issues where Kennedy and I would disagree, on the big issues that are most important to me, we think exactly alike.
Also, unlike “Joe Biden,” Kennedy can sit through a 2-hour interview and speak knowledgeably about every subject … with no notes or cheat sheets.
I don’t know if Robert F. Kennedy will win the presidency (he probably won’t), but the person described above is as qualified as anyone I can think of to hold the office.
Some might say Kennedy’s never held elective office and doesn’t know how Washington, D.C. really works. To which I say, “Come on, man. He’s a Kennedy. He knows how that city works.”
In my view, of all the Kennedy’s, Robert Kennedy Jr. is the most accomplished, has the greatest breadth of meaningful professional experience and has certainly displayed the most political courage.
In a world replete with group-thinking, incompetent or evil political followers who are usually spectacularly wrong on the big issues, Robert Kennedy Jr.’s life story seems to reveal a person unafraid to offer genuine leadership and a person not afraid to take the road less travelled.
(Kennedy routinely asks for political donations of any size. I routinely ask for subscriptions and Ko-Fi donations of any size! As I always say, go ahead and ask, “You’ve got ‘no’ in your pocket.”)
Writer tips via Ko-fi:
For those who don't have time to read The Real Anthony Fauci, I'd recommend my article where I simply summarized 18 "vignettes" from the book. The first one is on Ike's famous Farewell speech. The second one is on the birth of the Rockefeller Foundation and a "pill for every ill."
This is one of my very early Substack stories. I remember how long it took me to write my book review and then this "sidebar" piece that let me simply run key excerpts from the book.
Only skimmed, but I find it so interesting the extremes to which Democrats are going to simply ignore RFK…. Because he poses a very big threat to Biden. And Kennedy is drawing most of the Dem Exiters…. You know real Democrats with a spine and a brain who know that Democrats today are the furthest thing from true Democrats would be relieved to vote for RFK. I don’t agree with all his ideas, and then there’s the Dynasty thing….. I do enjoy watching him take down Biden.