Logic tells me the fix is in
My hypothesis: The Censorship Industrial Complex wouldn’t be firing on all cylinders if the captains of the Deep State thought Trump might win.

Today, like Spock, I’m going to try to use logic to make a point … or prove a personal hypothesis.
Regarding the upcoming presidential election, my hypothesis is that the fix is probably in. I think I can prove this by illustrating how important the Censorship Industrial Complex (CIC) is to the world’s real rulers.
My “logic” is these people and organizations wouldn’t have expended so much effort to erect the CIC skyscraper if they thought the crown jewel of their control program was going to be detonated by something as archaic and prosaic as a legitimate democratic election.
I’ve come to believe why is the most important question … so I asked myself why it’s so important to so many powerful people to have 50 layers of aggressive, pro-active censorship.
My answer: This project must be vitally important to these people or they wouldn’t have conceived, funded, staffed and green-lit the Stanford Virality Project, Media Matters, NewsGuard, The Trusted News Initiative, etc. … and sicced so many government pit bulls on social media’s “content moderators.”
While the public is told such initiatives are necessary to fight the scourge of extremist or dangerous misinformation/disinformation, clear-thinking citizens know the real goal is simply to block, suppress or conceal true information that might harpoon the plans of the Establishment Class.
In short, the Powers that Be concluded (correctly) that none of their plans will come to fruition if a giant Censorship Complex didn’t exist.
It’s been a while since I read Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, but I’m sure somewhere in this classic, Mr. Tzu tells his readers that “A wise general will anticipate potential threats and employ measures to block or neutralize any viable threats.”
We know tenets of this maxim have already been applied (and worked) as these strategies ensured counter-narratives that would have throttled the Covid response never “went viral.”
My last essay included several references to the Table Top Planning Exercises (like Event 201) that produced the Covid game plan.
The most important components of these planning summits were the sections that dealt with narrative control.
When the CIA or Bill Gates’ representatives said we “have to control the narrative,” what these people were really saying was, “We’ve got to implement a censorship and propaganda program the likes of which the world’s never seen.”
These public servants probably didn’t even have to say anything like this out loud - it was just understood by all participants.
The implied Most Important Thing was: “Yes, none of this will work if we don’t have a 10-point censorship plan already in place.”
Amazingly - because in the Real World battle plans always go haywire in the first 20 minutes of battle - the plan worked just as conceived.
As an aside, one can’t help but wonder how these pandemic producers knew this plan would work. They must have known their previous long-term plan to capture all important “truth-seeking” organizations had been a spectacular success.
So if a Table Top Planner said, “so-and-so could block our efforts here” … the leader of the conclave assuredly replied: “Don’t worry about that.”
The salient (logical) point is that everyone who matters knows that blocking potentially-significant dissent is THE pre-requisite for everything they want to happen.
And, going forward, this is still The Most Important Thing.
Which brings us to the upcoming presidential election …
… and not a why question … but a who question. Who, going forward, could block the Deep State’s plans?
Answer: His initials are DJT, a man who keeps surviving assassination attempts, law fare assaults and impeachment proceedings … a man who has pledged to drain the swamp and has now joined forces with RFK, Jr. … a man who seems even more committed to producing the same result.
We should also ask who wouldn’t block their plans … or who wouldn’t try to prosecute generals of a losing army for crimes against humanity? This person is the designated puppet, Cackling Kamala Harris (CKH).
Everyone knows who the Deep State or Establishment is pulling for and everyone (with a brain) knows those who’ve achieved absolute power aren’t afraid to use said power to get what they want.
Not only that, I think the world’s real rulers know (or believe) they are going to get exactly what they want.
How do I know this? Because the Censorship Industrial Complex is as giant and active as ever … and growing.
The Censorship Evidence is everywhere …
I thought of this column idea after reading reports from Europe (from Matt Taibbi’s team and Jonathan Turley), real journalism that provides evidence the CIC is moving full speed ahead to torpedo Elon Musk’s X (by banning it and/or bullying would-be advertisers.)
I’ve also seen little or no evidence other media and social media companies are discarding their content moderation algorithms or laying off divisions of “content moderators.”
I also know The U.S. Supreme Court has set the precedent that nobody who’s been censored or harassed by the State has “standing” to sue for damages.
I read everything I can on the “disinformation” beat and I can tell from these stories that fighting disinformation has become a greater priority for the Powers that Be than fighting Climate Change. (By design, in a world of rampant censorship, one cannot debunk Climate Change.)
(*** Thank you for sharing ***)
It occurs to me that if the world’s real rulers thought the “pro-free-speech” kooks were in ascension, they might call an audible and send out signals they also recoil from censorship and aren’t afraid to hold those with absolute power accountable.
The only example I’ve seen that shows the MSM and tech giants have partially revised their “settled-science” Covid conclusions was one Page-1 piece from the NY Times a couple of months ago which said that the vaccines might have harmed a few people.
The article made no reference to anyone dying from vaccines, but did say a tiny percentage of the population might have suffered minor adverse events. While this report - published three years after the vaccine roll-out - represents progress, I wouldn’t say it signaled a sea change in the authorized narratives.
Indeed, the same newspaper publishes at least one article or op-ed every day, warning readers about the terror of disinformation - which would reach epic scales in Trump’s second administration.
I never run out of Why questions …
Another why question provides a tell about what’s getting ready to happen: Why is the Establishment still “all-in” on Censorship? Why haven’t these leaders and organizations raised the white flag on this (previously) anti-American project?
My answer: Because they know they’re not going to have to abandon this project … because they (somehow) know Kamala Harris is going to be declared the winner on November 5th or 6th.
I have no doubt secret table-top planning meetings are still occurring. At these meetings, somebody probably asked, “Why are we still aggressively implementing these censorship initiatives? Isn’t it possible Trump wins and he then uses his power and bully pulpit to come after us?”
Or: “Why would we want to further anger Trump - and his new avid supporter, Elon Musk - if they are going to prevail in this battle for hearts and minds?”
This would be a logical concern.
However, I can hear the response this hypothetical worry no doubt elicited from the team’s quarterback.
“Don’t worry about that.”
That is, all the evidence I’ve observed tells me the Deep State knows nothing in a presidential election’s going to scuttle their plans or jeopardize their positions at the top of the leadership pyramids.
Still, they might have chosen unwisely …
Which is not to say the world’s best and brightest might really be dufuses. As I wrote this week, it’s possible MAGA voters turn out in such overwhelming numbers the election is “too big to rig.”
But, per my logic, our real rulers don’t think this is going to happen.
Indeed, if and when the election is stolen, said Censorship Industrial Complex will earn its keep by muffling and dismissing any claims the election was bogus.
Of course, I acknowledge a flaw might exist in my logical syllogisms. But I can even use logic to argue that logic doesn’t exist anymore.
In another recent column, I listed five iron-clad maxims for our New Abnormal. However, I left one off: “In our New Abnormal, things that couldn’t and shouldn’t happen … will happen.”
To close on an uplifting note, I’ve been known to be wrong. I certainly hope I’m wrong about this.
(SUBSTACK METRIC UPDATE: My last column produced three new paid subscriptions, which reverses a losing streak and are greatly appreciated.)
"Here, I’ll ask another why question I think provides a tell about what’s getting ready to happen: Why is the Establishment still “all-in” on Censorship? Why haven’t these leaders and organizations raised the white flag on this (previously) anti-American project?"
Remember how I said the biggest bombshell in the Twitter Files isn't the Twitter Files themselves, but the fact that there's also a Facebook Files, a Google Files, a New York Times Files, etc etc?
These outlets know it. And they know that we know it.
I would argue that most people want to keep their jobs, even if it is their job to censor people.
Look at what happened to the Human Rights Campaign after gay marriage was legalized nationally. They had to keep doing *something* to pay their bills, so they took up the trans issue - to the detriment of gays. They don't give a shit. They just need to pay the bills.