I imagine the question on the minds of many of my readers is whether the upcoming election will be rigged or not.
If my read of alternative media public opinion is correct, just about every thinking person assumes the Powers that Be will try to rig this election. The only question in our minds is if Trump’s turnout will be so overwhelming the election results will be “too big to rig.”
When I analyze this potentially country-saving (or destroying) event, I start with a few questions:
Would these shadowy forces actually try to steal a presidential election? After all, this would be the most brazen of 3-D chess moves, especially in an environment where probably 40 percent of the population thinks the last election was stolen.
My answer: Of course they would try to do this.
My thought is that the country (and world’s) real rulers probably feel like they HAVE to do this.
They simply have too many unfinished agendas, initiatives that would require another puppet in the White House to issue executive orders, sign laws, veto bills, create new emergency mandates, appoint more judges, key regulators, etc.
The real goal might not be to finish programs like central bank digital currency, implement other parts of the Green New Deal and make sure “One Health” initiatives ensure even more mRNA non-vaccines.
Someone like Kamala Harris serving four years as “president” would guarantee that no government agency circles back and prosecutes a litany of crooks for previous crimes against humanity, never-ending cover-ups and frauds.
At this point, our shadow rulers need “protection” more than ever.
I also think our non-benevolent rulers are committed to finishing all their unfinished, society-destroying initiatives. After all, they’ve been marching through the institutions for decades and - with Covid - finally showed their real faces and pulled the trigger on their more extreme gambits. Why stop when you are so close to the finish line?
Does absolute power really corrupt absolutely?
I’ve also decided sociopaths, psychopaths and power-hungry ego-maniacs who’ve achieved absolute power don’t achieve this coveted status only to decide - “Nah, I’m not going to use any of this power.”
If they went to all the time and trouble to reach this point, they are going to do what tyrants with absolute power have always done.
Via recent experience, the world’s real rulers also know they can get away with whatever they want to do.
None of their recent whoppers, dirty tricks or bogus narratives were exposed and resulted in any negative consequences for Team Prevaricator.
Pick a preposterous storyline and this narrative somehow became conventional wisdom. Certainly, nobody who trafficked in these frauds lost their jobs, much less was arrested.
Russia rigged the 2016 election; the files on Hunter Biden’s laptop were planted; Russia or Ukraine blew up the Nord Stream pipeline; protestors strolling through the Capitol for two hours constituted an “insurrection” more frightening than the Civil War; President Biden is as mentally sharp as ever; Donald Trump is Hitler and will throw liberals into a concentration camp … the more ridiculous the narrative, the more infallible it became with the “disinformation warriors.”
… Oh yeah, a respiratory virus with an infection fatality rate lower than the flu was the greatest public health crisis in world history and an injection that didn’t prevent any infections and killed or injured tens of millions of people was the “safest and most effective vaccine ever produced.”
Question: If you got away with a ruse that audacious - and indeed were celebrated for leading fear-mongering campaigns and “saving” millions of lives - wouldn’t you think you could get away with falsifying some votes in a handful of swing states?
Answer: Probably so.
Plus, if you did rig the election, who would expose this crime? The mainstream media “watchdog” press?
Does anyone really think the leadership echelons of the Deep State are worried about The New York Times, Washington Post or “Sixty Minutes” exposing them?
No, they know every publisher, editor and staff journalist at every mainstream media news organization is pulling for Kamala harder than a resident of Green Bay pulls for the Packers in a Super Bowl.
A different type of risk-benefit analysis …
One strongly suspects that, unlike Covid, the world’s real rulers have already performed a real risk-benefit analysis.
The “risk” is their chosen presidential candidate loses … and they don’t get to complete the rest of their programs and might get thrown in prison - or be disgraced and banned from positions of wealth and power for the remainder of their lives.
The “benefit” is they get to stay in power, increase their control and wealth, finish their socialistic/communist/fascist programs and, as a bonus, put Trump and all his MAGA fans in their place.
To ensure these benefits - and forgo these risks - all they have to do is rig another election - something they’ve already proven they can do.
The polls of the last 45 days are a giant tell …
I also can tell the “fix is already in” by reading the political poll results that already say that Kamala is either the favorite to win or is even-money to win.
A skeptic strongly suspects these polls must be a narrative-control operation designed to “prove” a Kamala victory wouldn’t be an upset at all. If and when she wins, this will be a result that was expected to happen.
Conversely, if the polls showed Trump was expected to win in a landslide and Kamala won, even the country’s few neutral political scientists might conclude … “Now that was very strange.”
These polls insult one’s intelligence as, when Joe Biden was still in the race, even liberals admitted he was getting ready to be annihilated by Trump.
The Powers that Be anointed an incredibly unpopular president’s vice president as nominee - a lady heretofore known only for producing “word salads” and her fingernails-on-chalk-board cackle - and, in approximately four days, this candidate had surged into the lead in all the important polls.
Yeah right.
This is the same lady who apparently never knew her boss suffered from obvious dementia (or didn’t care) and, as we’ve later learned, is married to a man who impregnated his children’s nanny and assaulted his former girl friend in public.
Also, like her boss, a seasoned politician whose handlers are terrified of letting her give a press conference.
This, we’re told, is the new “People’s Choice.”
But she’s someone’s choice …
I say, “No way,” but she is clearly the Deep State’s choice … and, from all evidence I’ve seen, what the Deep State wants, they get.
Early voting’s already commenced (Why? I do not know. Or: yes I do).
… The ballot harvesters are already picking their corn and cotton … Dominion’s algorithms have already been written and hidden … the polls already tell us Kamala’s supposed to win … the watchdog press and election officials in key states have already proven that, in their assessment, voter fraud is an impossibility.
That is, the hay on another fix might already be in the barn.
Which is not to say Trump can’t win. It’s possible - even in 2024 - election results can be too big to rig … but, this might be the only scenario where Trump can win.
What comes after the election interests me the most …
What really interests me is the scenario where Kamala is declared the victor and approximately half the population is convinced the election was stolen. What will citizens and voters do with this strongly-held belief?
They’ll certainly scream “foul!” even louder than they did four years ago, but we’ve already seen what good that does.
Voters are either going to shrug their shoulders and say, “Well that’s American democracy these days” or … they are going to say, “Enough already” … and things will get really interesting.
Hopefully, we’ll never find out because too many legit ballots will be cast for Trump for even the brazen Deep State to pull off a steal.
If this happens, Team Trump gets a mulligan on his project to drain the swamp once and for all (which - bottom line - is why Trump can’t win).
I used to be cynical about presidential and gubernatorial elections, figuring the country runs itself regardless of what politicians win an election.
However, with this election, I think the stakes couldn’t be higher for the future of the country.
My guess is that the country’s real rulers have concluded they have to have their candidate in the White House and will try to do whatever they have to do to make this result happen.
In my lifetime, I’ve never been more interested in learning the results of a presidential election.
I hope the Good Lord lets me stay on this earth a few more weeks. I want to live to see what happens. I’d like to live long enough to see the Bad Guys lose for a change.
There is no TRY. They ARE RIGGING the election.
The number of dead people on the rolls. The DOJ is aggressively suing states to keep illegal aliens on state voter rolls. The number of ballots sent to Americans living abroad is 7 million more than those eligible. Michigan has 500,000 more voters registered than residents eligible to vote.
Democrats have this rigged so bad it'll be a miracle if Trump wins.
It was rigged from the start long ago.
Trump was installed to block the R slot and create enough hate in voters that they could appoint anyone in the D slot to run against him and have a close enough rate to declare victory.
With loss in chain of custody (mail in ballots and voting machines), there is no longer any way to prove fraud or that the election is anything but what the 'elected officials claim the election results were'.
Harris was appointed, not voted in and that shows rigging beyond all other factors. It is clear the election is being tampered with.
All the Trump indictments, impeachments, investigations, press and 'assassination attempts' show manipulation and media control.
The Jan 6th event was to set the stage for this election. They don't want a clean win. They want it to appear to be a stolen election. It gives them the power to 'need' to respond to 'domestic terrorists'.
I believe you are correct in this statement: "What really interests me is the scenario where Kamala is declared the victor and approximately half the population is convinced the election was stolen. What will citizens and voters do with this strongly-held belief?"