There is no TRY. They ARE RIGGING the election.

The number of dead people on the rolls. The DOJ is aggressively suing states to keep illegal aliens on state voter rolls. The number of ballots sent to Americans living abroad is 7 million more than those eligible. Michigan has 500,000 more voters registered than residents eligible to vote.

Democrats have this rigged so bad it'll be a miracle if Trump wins.

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Agree with you. I heard her say the other day “Im going to win” like she knows for sure she will win. The scary part for me is all the people who are voting for her after all they have done to the people of the United States 🇺🇸. The lies, Biden selling out America, The FBI and The Secret Service cover up on Biden’s son Laptop Computer, forcing us to take an unproven vaccine , wide open borders, letting the rioters get away with burning people’s businesses, destroying education, sex change for children without parental consent, destroying our military , ect…. I could go on and on. HOW COULD ANYONE WITH HALF A BRAIN VOTE FOR MORE OFF THIS INSANE Democrat Government ???

Yes ,they will CHEAT. How could we trust them? They are for NO ID to vote. Heck anybody can vote in the United States of America without an ID. Even if your an illegal alien . Does this sound right? Only if you are CHEATING.

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because Trump is literally Hitler, oh and killing unborn children is the top priority of the sick dead cult known as the democrat party, that's why.

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It was rigged from the start long ago.

Trump was installed to block the R slot and create enough hate in voters that they could appoint anyone in the D slot to run against him and have a close enough rate to declare victory.

With loss in chain of custody (mail in ballots and voting machines), there is no longer any way to prove fraud or that the election is anything but what the 'elected officials claim the election results were'.

Harris was appointed, not voted in and that shows rigging beyond all other factors. It is clear the election is being tampered with.

All the Trump indictments, impeachments, investigations, press and 'assassination attempts' show manipulation and media control.

The Jan 6th event was to set the stage for this election. They don't want a clean win. They want it to appear to be a stolen election. It gives them the power to 'need' to respond to 'domestic terrorists'.

I believe you are correct in this statement: "What really interests me is the scenario where Kamala is declared the victor and approximately half the population is convinced the election was stolen. What will citizens and voters do with this strongly-held belief?"

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They would love the irate citizens to go to the streets & get a little crazy. The DOD has recently reissued a directive that basically expands the military’s role in domestic law enforcement. That could get interesting when the protests begin & military is called in.


Will our military actually KILL its own citizens?

Hmm.. well our health agencies were willing, our knowing dr.s & hospitals were willing.

Americans need to be smart & not get so angry that they play right into the Deep State’s evil hands. They have EVERYTHING to lose.

The Epstein Files exposed? The Covid Chaos finally exposed? JFK promising to implode FDA & CDC, NIH, & more? And Trump may want to dismantle the FBI, CIA, & fire a few secret service bosses.

Zuckerfudger has built an underground compound on Maui, ( I believe?), for the before or after election festivities. He’s not worried that things could get weird. 🙈 And all the talk about losing the Internet to “ solar” flares? That might anger a few citizens that haven’t prepared for emergencies. Granted, it’s difficult to prepare when you’re working 2-3 jobs, just to buy food & gas.

So, take a deep breath & take care of your family. Help your neighbors & don’t comply to anything! Pray that the election turn out is “too big to rig “, but if they do cheat, don’t panic.

Esther 4:14 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

Perhaps you were born for a time such as this.


( if you have read the Bible, you know how this ends)

The bad guys will lose in the end!!

And most understand that this is as much spiritual war as it is political. Real evil exists so protect your soul daily. God is with us, and HE is for us, but we must fight the good fight until Jesus returns.

Rebuke evil in Jesus’ name. ( Satan has to flee)


Read “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis if you’re still questionning your future with God.

God has never lost a battle & won’t lose this one. He’s not afraid, so I’m not either. Don’t let them take your soul after all the evil they created on this planet. That’s truly what they want. They want the power God has, and they want to control people because they don’t know how to create human life. Only God has that recipe. 😇💕 Truth wins! 🏆🇱🇷

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You are smart to realize that it is our reactions that will doom most people. They will poke and poke until their 'abuse is required'. This will be the time the violent destroy themselves (and the meek inherit the earth).

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I agree. There’s a time for everything & smarter ways to fight back.

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Thank you for pointing out the possibility that Trump was installed and the hate was created so anyone could run against him and win. It seems that the Dems could nominate a billy goat and people would vote for said goat because of Trump hatred. I have seen this first hand and it is unsettling. I have had a lot of anxiety over this election but maybe i should not since it is all just rigged. We all are just pawns and it is out of our control.

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As Mungo said in Blazing Saddles “Mungo just a pawn in the game of life”

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From Raising Arizona:

"It's a crazy world."

H.I. McDonough: "Yeah, someone oughta sell tickets ..."

His friend: "I'd buy one."

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Thanks Kate. You are miles ahead of most people as many are stuck in the Trump is a savior or villain and believe half the country are subhuman.

You are pretty bold making a Blazing Saddles quote in this day and age. Some people get arrested for references like that. ;-)

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Hopefully people are smart enough to realize that Blazing Saddles was satire and very critical of racism. Mike: i know you are smart enough to realize that but a lot of people have lost their sense of humor.

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Yes, this is what concerns me. Harris and the Dems will have the balls to do what Pence was too gutless to do last time.

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That is why they did it last time. So the brain dead 'any blue will do' people think that our country is being taken over AGAIN. It is, but not in the way they will think.

I can't believe the power of the constant media propaganda.

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Sam wise, Can you explain your reply to me?

Do you mean that Kamala can reject the electoral college votes for Trump? I’m not up on political protocol. Has this ever happened?

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I think civil war is part of the plan.

We need to realize that all of this is the WEF agenda. They want one world government. How do you get that without breaking up every country on the planet and rushing in to pick up the pieces.

Save the world, eat a billionaire (Musk is helping right now so leave him alone).

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Agreed. Somebody may have already calculated that this eventuality can both be handled and, thus, is desirable for further marginalizing, isolating and eliminating heritage Americans of any race, and particularly European Americans---as in moved off shore, imprisoned or killed. If the black Americans, American Indians and Hispanics were smart, they would realize that once the European American is neutralized, the Garks will mop up the minorities like shooting fish in a barrel. The minorities were exploited like a hammer to "bust up" the edifice of civilization. What remains will be degradation and slavery.

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Agree. It's what I'd do if I were a totalitarian.

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Yeah, I keep waiting to see if the Garks send me invitations to apply for jobs, even entry-level totalitarian positions. So far, I have not seen any. Maybe they are going to spam?

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what are Garks?

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Hi Kate. Sorry. 'Garks' is short for 'oligarchs'.

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Yes, of course they would. I confess I am already steeling myself for this, and also I guess I will be committing "treason", because in no way would I consider Harris my president.

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Absolutely with you.

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I may not be from the USA (I’m Canadian), but I couldn’t resist sharing my thoughts! 😉 When I first picked up Trump’s “The Art of The Deal” in my early 20s, I had a visceral reaction to it—let’s just say, I was a different person back then. Fast forward to 2016, and I found myself in my early 50s feeling a rising sense of dread. It’s clear I wasn't a fan of DJT back then.

Over the past five years, I’ve become increasingly intrigued by U.S. politics, and despite my personal feelings about Trump, I’ve come to realize he might actually be the country’s way forward. Looking back at his presidency from 2016 to 2020, he accomplished quite a bit: no new wars, a thriving economy, and many effective policies.

Today, I had a rather lively appointment with my specialist. He’s a strong proponent of COVID-19 measures and vaccines, so you can imagine our dynamic. But today’s discussion took a sharp turn—it was all about Trump! My doctor painted him as a "Cult Leader," a "Narcissist," and a "huge liar." What ensued was a heated but fascinating debate!

I respect my doctor; he’s brilliant in his field, but our conversations often spark differing opinions. Today, though, things got intense. He even tried to convince me I was suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome! 😂 After I laid out my reasons for believing Trump could be the better candidate, he took to Google to define what a Cult Leader is, pointed out supposed traits, and then claimed I was part of QAnon. Seriously! 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ He even suggested Trump has early onset dementia.

What started as a typical 15-minute appointment turned into a 40-minute political showdown! 😂 Gotta love my doctor, but sometimes his views feel almost tyrannical—definitely a case of TDS, if you ask me!

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Whoa.....your doctor. That's rather frightening.

I've haven't been to an AMA (western) doctor since I was 10 because I have negative trust, but to be a doctor and have TDS seems dangerous.

4 years ago my best friend of 40 years asked if I was a Q person, just because I didn't have a rabid hate for Trump........(!)

4 years ago, I had a rather passive distaste for the character, but now I like him better than anyone else - which isn't saying much.

I still don't know anything about a Q entity but people who've known me for decades who apparently have Trump brain damage, not just derangement, are who I think I don't know at all anymore.

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I'm glad you had that spirited debate with your doctor, but that would be my last visit to that physician. One of my lessons in our New Abnormal is I've learned who to stay away from. Stay away from crazy people!

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Believe it or not, I’ve finally found a Specialist who perfectly matches the condition I’ve been living with for nearly 19 years! In Canada, locating a doctor in this field is like trying to find a needle in a haystack—it’s a daunting task! I’ve had quite the journey: my first doctor passed away unexpectedly after eight years, and the second one had to leave for the USA due to an RCMP investigation. While this new doctor might have some wild opinions about Trump, I quickly realized that our chat about politics is a one-time thing! My health takes priority, and I’m not willing to let politics cloud my well-being. Exciting times ahead as I focus on what really matters!

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Your doctor is unhinged. I am mostly retired now, forced because I wouldn’t follow Fauci’s rules, so I was was there for the worst of it (as an outpatient doc)

But the reason I am commenting is about the political browbeating he subjected you to. As I get to know my long term patients, you get a feel for their politics and if they are interested in talking about politics, and this is from laborers to Amish to retired executives in the retirement community. If I sense a large divide between our philosophies, I steer clear, and if asked, I will try to demure. If forced to I will give my opinion, ask him or her for their take, if they haven’t already given it. I will say something like that’s interesting, I hadn’t thought about it that way, I’ll have to give that some thought, and leave it at that.

Your doc is way outa line & off base. He’s supposed to give you medical advice and on occasion perform a procedure. He’s not a political consultant.

You must have a long history and significant history with him, or maybe he is the only one around.

I have been amazed at the breeches of medical ethics, decorum, and boundaries that have surfaced during the pandemic.

I will say I was not shy about my COVID vaccine Hesitancy, but that is my job, but always as advice, not as directive.

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I think I might find another dr. 🤗 No offense. The Covid stance alone would make me question his true character & motives. It’s hard to imagine, with all the data now available to show the proven harms & WHAT are actually in the vials! The Covid shots are poison. Buy your dr. The book “ turtles all the way down”. It’s a (drop the mic & walk away) factual look at why all vaccines are a scam.

Shocking stuff.

Trump IS what we need right now. We need the biggest, greatest, strongest, narcissist to take on the Deep State & all the U.N., W. E. F. , etc.

He is not our savior, but he is better than another Democratic puppet.

She had her chance to do something in 4 years, anything.. and she failed.

They are selling empty notebooks at Walmart that are entitled,” Kamala’s greatest achievements”.

And it’s a journal with empty pages! 😂🤣

Good job with evolving and learning about our politics & seeing that Trump is better than ok.

He is a character for sure, but he is capable, wealthy, and has the confidence to take on the bad guys. He doesn’t play politics, he fixes problems. We have a lot of them.

P.S. Get a new dr. before it’s legal to throw you in the mental institute for “Trump” disease.

Or at least ask to come to the U.S. because it will be filled with like minded, smart Trump lovers. We are fun!

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not really sure how you can respect a doctor that is all in on the fake covid nonsense, and thinks trump its a psychotic cult leader, must be a Canadian thing. No wonder the great north is lead by straight up commies.

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My wife is "black pilled". She believes the fix is already in. I pray she is wrong and too pessimistic but if history is any guide her views are often spot on.

My view is that we must get every voter to vote and get beyond the MOC. The "Margin of Cheating" must be an overwhelming victory that they cannot cheat beyond. I worry about that as much as I think about Trump, Elon, and RFK trying it may may be too late to right this ship.

At that point, we must continue to be a part of the resistance. Sort of like being a Republican in California. I refuse to give up to the friggin Marxists.

Pray we can keep Trump alive, and my wife is wrong.

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I love when wives are right, except this time. I too, pray Trump wins without shenanigans. But they have tried so many other things to create a civil war & we aren’t biting. Immigrants, more immigrants, Covid chaos, Jan. 6th Hollywood style, masks, lockdowns, fires, hurricanes, buying media, chemtrails, more immigrants, violent immigrants, high food prices, gas prices, giving all our taxes to other countries. Nothing has got us to get REALLY ANGRY! That’s what they want.

Then they swoop in with the One World Gov., digital currency, & surveillance up the hoo-hoo. For our own protection, of course. Military/ Police states with limited travel, freedom, etc. No thanks!

Pray that they will hit every stumbling block possible. Prayer works.

And someone said that Michigan will have 500,000 more voters than possible? Maybe we find out actual numbers of voters in each state & are pro- active when the results come .

Does your wife think that Trump is in on it? Like, he knows that the vote will go against him? I question everything now. 🙈 Thanks Covid, thanks Fauci. 🙈 Truth wins 🏆 Even if it takes awhile. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Your wife is a great woman and it is indeed already fixed.

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she has many more well sourced stories on how they did it in 2020 and will do it again

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The real question for me is not IF they will rig the election, but HOW? Look, this is who these people are, this is their DNA, they know no other way to do things. And really, the how question is answered by what you've said. All the apparatchiks are already in place as you've pointed out, and we all know by now. Early voting gives them ammunition, I'm not voting till the 5th myself.

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Oh no, I was dumb- I thought voting ended on 4th. My bad. We mail in early-ish so I never committed date to memory. You’re good! 🇱🇷✌🏼

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Thanks, and hang tough up there in liberal la-la land!

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How can you vote on the 5th? Asking for a friend. 😳

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Nov. 5th. Guess it sounded like the 5th amendment!

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Does a bear shit in the woods?

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Bill, I agree with you about "what comes AFTER the election interests me most". That's what is most important. And yes, of course they will try to steal the election, they have been doing that for eons. Back in 1960, when my Uncle Sykes went to Dem convention to cast his vote as an electorate, JFK's dad's henchmen offered him money to vote for JFK. My uncle was a steadfast Dem in those days and was absolutely horrified. He was so angry (a man never known to be angry and to be a very quiet man), that he immediately left the convention and said he would never vote Dem again. He never did. I would also add that Trump and white hats in military are not stupid - they have ALL the evidence of stolen election in 2020 but also for attempting to steal election for Hillary in 2016, also in 2022 and they will for 2024 - but this time they are going to present the evidence and Trump will win. But first they needed to show the slow learners what U.S. would be like under criminal Dem presidency.

I saw a map of U.S. states and the TRUE numbers for 2020 election - Trump won every single state except for Hawaii., yes, even California went for Trump. I saw a lot of videos from folks in Los Angeles area who said there were 2 dance parties a week and another 1 or 2 on weekends in Beverly Hills (which has been Dems for years) that were FOR Trump at least 6 months before election. I've seen evidence of a mechanism that makes it so that anyone questioning votes can input an address into their phone and find out if name, address etc. are legitimate so we don't have 25 illegals giving an address of local Walmart and that being counted as genuine voting. This was 3 yrs ago and I've seen several other ways they have of proving truth of this election. These criminals are going down and now the truth comes out.

Trump will win this, and military will show evidence.

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I pray you are right. I have voted early. I stood in a long line that was growing by the hour. I pray for our country. And I pray for justice.

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Bill, I would answer a definite YES. But not as most would think.

I am pretty convinced that the Deep State (i.e., Israel/Mossad and the U.S. Intel agencies/top brass of your Military) have already SELECTED Trump and he will win either by a LANDSLIDE or by a later confirmation by the Electoral College.

I base this on my thesis presented in my last article which shows how Trump is most likely controlled by Israel/Mossad (as likely is Elon Musk):

- Is Donald Trump compromised by Israel’s Mossad? And was his Assassination Attempt Staged after all?


If you and your audience are not convinced, then the following 6-part series should help to solidify/confirm the matter and my thesis:

- Fitzpatrick informer - Trump controlled by KGB/Mossad


If I were a betting man, I would place it all on the Red Trump on that Roulette table.

Additional thoughts welcome!

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I've seen numerous videos which provide proof Trump does NOT like Netanyahu. I've watched him for 45 yrs - he works in very unusual ways and has been giving us subtle clues for 45 yrs about what is going on re: deep state moves. On Sept. 11, 2001, I watched him on TV when he said "no way were these buildings taken out by airplanes, explosives were used" and then described how it was done. He knew about buildings being exploded because he is a builder and has watched lots of demolitions of buildings. That's is just one example, I can give you dozens of other examples. He is fighting war on many levels and cannot give away the game; he wanted Netanyahu to think he was his friend and I watched as Netanyahu fell for him. Trump has given us numerous clues that NOBODY has ever owned him. NOBODY. 45 yrs worth of watching him, and I've never seen him veer away from his intended goal which is to take down deep state. He's been exposing them for 45 yrs. This is 5D chess where nothing is as it seems.

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Thanks for weighing in on the conversation.

You have to realise that even if Trump would be to be taking on the Deep State (which he gave very little indication of doing in his term as President, given he stacked his cabinet with notorious DS agents like Barr, Bolton, et al), if Mossad do have sexual blackmail tapes on him - particularly with children - he would have no choice but to acquiesce to their demands, even if he doesn't like Netanyahu - who is very much in their upper ranks and controlling the ops.

About 9/11, Trump stated this in January of 2000:

"I really am convinced we're in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the [1993] Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers..."

A rather foreknowing statement, wouldn't you say? How could he have known this?

I have no doubt Trump loves America and wants to rid it of some of its evil. But, I'd love for you to provide some **concrete examples** of him taking them down since you've been following him for 45 years. Please lay some of these hereunder for all to see. I am not saying this to contradict, debate, or antagonize you, but rather to engage in a constructive dialogue so as to lay the facts bare for all to see; that way, people can come to their own conclusions.

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Trump had Jeff Epstein arrested in 2008 when Jeff brought underage girl to Mar-A-Lago party. Trump spent hours giving info on him to police who said NO ONE else of his class ever reported Epstein or any other pedophile to them. He is not a pedo, never was and one of his biggest objectives is to arrest pedophiles and end the trafficking of humans especially the children.

Trump has never been controlled by Mossad or anyone else; I can't provide evidence as it's impossible to prove a negative. If he was controlled by Mossad, however, he would NEVER have told the truth about 911, as that was Mossad operation.

It looks like you have bought the mainstream narrative, lock stock and barrel; if you do some research it would help you to learn what is really going on.

As far as providing you with evidence: some of my info came from my dad, who was a top advisor to a past U.S. president, he was also an admiral. He knew things about govt most people have no idea about and because I worked with him he told me a lot of info. I've spent 30 yrs researching deep state online and am not able to produce evidence that you would like, as much of what I've found online has been deleted years ago; nor I don't have time to spend days tracking it all down, which is what it would require to find all the evidence again if it's still online. Nothing will convince you as much as you yourself doing the research and reading numerous articles. I believe we ALL should be doing research on everything because it's our responsibility as American citizens to read, research and learn what our govt/deep state is up to. Americans need to quit relying on mainstream media and others for info, we all need to find out for ourselves what the truth is.

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We can certainly agree that Mossad was primiarily responsible for 9/11.

When you say: "Trump had Jeff Epstein arrested in 2008 when Jeff brought underage girl to Mar-A-Lago party. Trump spent hours giving info on him to police" that is merely heresay. If he did, then surely it would be in either a police report or court filing that would have been used and referenced by attorneys. So, if you have links to such docs, then please do provide them; otherwise, it is hard to verify your claim.

If you look at the 6 part series I referenced (https://fitzinfo.net/2016/10/29/trump-controlled-by-mossad/), for instance there are some affidavits and court filings (these are just some from his Part I):

- [vi] Affidavit of Virginia Roberts – https://www.scribd.com/document/253413783/Prince-Andrew-Affidavit

- [xii] Katie Johnson court filing, April 26, 2016 – http://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/jeffrey-epstein-lawsuit-docs-signed.pdf

- [xiii] Jane Doe affidavit – https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed

- [xiv] Tiffany doe affidavit – https://www.scribd.com/document/326057237/Tiffany-Doe-Declaration

[xv] Woman accusing Trump of rape just refiled her case with a new witness — and a Casey Anthony lawyer – http://www.revelist.com/politics/trump-rape-casey-anthony/5057/default/1

archived here: https://archive.ph/h77fS

Some of the links are broken, but you can do a simple search to re-find them on other sites (e.g., https://uploads.guim.co.uk/2024/01/04/Final_Epstein_documents.pdf). Too bad the web archive.org is down again, since usually these docs can be found there.

So, I don't know about you, but I like to work with facts about statements that can be verified. I'm sure your father was privy to lots of valuable (and likely true) info, but it is always best to provide the actual receipts - which is what I try to do extensively in many of my posts.

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Trump's 2008 arrest of Epstein wasn't hearsay at all. I read it on several news sources at the time, in 2008. As for the rest of it, Trump has yet to be convicted of rape, the women testifying saying he raped them are not very reliable, they have mental health issues just for one. Casey Anthony probably should have been convicted of murdering her children but wasn't and instead she was convicted of 4 counts of providing false information to law enforcement, not a very believable person. Media is owned by deep state and has been since after WW2 and they are CIA controlled, so of course they are lying about Trump re: rape, etc. as they don't want him giving us truth, which he has been doing as long as I've watched him for 45 yrs.

At this point, I'm done here, I don't have time for this right now. Do some research on what I'm saying if you want to, the information is out there.

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Ok, thanks for engaging my friend. It's always nice to be able to have a civil discourse/exchange. I do sincerely hope that Trump can repair some of the damage in D.C. when he takes office and help put the country back on a, much needed, brighter path.

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What amazes me is that the White House readily acknowledged that Maduro's election in Venezuela was blatantly fraudulent. And then they expect us to believe it couldn't happen here.

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There's too much at stake for them NOT to cheat.

Hell, they cheat in local podunk elections that basically do not matter in the overall scheme of things.

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If they don't, how will the "reparations" via asset seizure and auction because of unjustified PPP loans happen? Is it only me who thinks it odd that 87k fully-empowered IRS investigators would be ~200/Congressional district and could help the LooneyLeft achieve it's socio-economic restack?

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These fallen angels are so smart. They create problem/reaction/solution..and are SO ahead of us Adamites. . DO NOT FORGET Trump spearheaded Operation Warpspeed. He also has been documented being at Epstein Island. We are not programmed to look any higher than what they put out in their false media. The 13 Canaanite bloodlines (fallen angels) control it all! When Trump is told what to say, he says it. They make us believe there are two narratives/two candidates/two parties….nope. They all report to the higher hidden hands. This is the time the elites reduce the population through chem trails, gmo goods, florinated water, and poisonous vaccines and PCR tests. Their United Nations Agenda 2020 and 2030 spell it all out. The humans who remain are microchipped and put into 10 minute smart cities. The elites buy remaining country. Good neighbor policy is initiated.. just like China. PLEASE stop thinking we are going to get a politician that saves us. This evil has been here for two thousand years. We say no to them all..we help eachother in crisis..we move out of large cities and learn to homestead,..we work together, we pray together, and with God‘s help and love in our hearts, we take our sovereignty back and make this a better World.

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The brazenness of the lawfare campaign against Trump suggests that Democrats have rigged the election.

Otherwise Bragg, Garland and the others wouldn't have moved against Trump as boldly as they have.

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The sElection was STOLEN (Trump says as he spends $Millions running a campaign in elections the opposition can steal).

And we are supposed to get on board?

Don't you all get tired of being played by these monsters?

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Maybe our plan of too big too cheat is only an illusion? Maybe the early voting merely shows them how much they need to cheat…

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