When the Plandemic began, my husband and I were spending time with our neighbours, a retired nursing couple. They shared our perspective on this “new virus” and, like us, were Snowbirds whose plans to go south were derailed by our decision not to get vaccinated. Throughout the active promotion of COVID-19, we engaged in many discussions about what was going on and watched as divisions formed among the people we knew. Unfortunately, this led to us being ostracized by our neighbours and even our families. Despite this, we remained steadfast in our belief that this was a planned coup, much like what happened with 9/11. It’s disheartening to witness the impact of these past four years on many individuals. For those whose eyes are open, kudos to you. For those still unaware, we hope you'll wake up soon and recognize what’s happening all around you.

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The impact of the past four years has me very bewildered. People and family I thought had a brain and actually used it chose to go with blind faith in every word uttered by the likes of Fauci, Biden, Rachel Maddow for one, etc. We are polite but distant for the most part. I am afraid most will be deniers till the day they die...which will be from some jab complication. Many now are not in good shape...who would be after 10 boosters?

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There are three types of people. Those who laugh, those who don't, and those who do facepalm and mutter about fucking stupid morons who should know better.

But then, it's 2024, and five people who work with me are still wearing masks.

Sometimes, I want to beat them with wet noodles.

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More effective: just look them in the eyes, then look down and shake your head in disappointment.

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Bill - thank you very much for covering Tom's and my work.

I'm beginning to think there is a consorted effort to ignore our findings. Tom met with Tucker in September and handed him the clots (glad you found my stack on it!).

We thought that we might hear from Tucker after the election, but yet still crickets.

I know that Joe Rogan told his buddy Alex Jones that he needed to interview Richard Hirschman - and Alex indeed did:


I do not understand why Rogan would say this and yet not interview Richard himself.

Can you imagine what would happen if these two (actual) journalists reported our findings? Perhaps that is the point.

Tom and I both showed the vial of clots to Jimmy Dore recently and yet he continues to ignore our story.

There are times when I think, how can I possibly share this information with my loved ones who keep getting these shots. It doesn't really matter because they no longer speak to me. Just trying to share information with them about all the lies surrounding early treatment caused them to cut me off.

See my "NOTE" that I posted on Substack yesterday and Richard's post on X regarding our recent findings:


The only thing that makes sense - "For we wrestle not with flesh and blood...."

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That's a distressing update on Tucker and Joe Rogan. It's like I've told you and Tom all along, the embalmers' clots are the litmus test and the most seismic "tell" about all the huge lies.

The pictures are self explanatory. No deduction required. You don't have to read a 200-page complex study.

Tucker must know this. I suspect he doesn't want to embarrass President Trump, who apparently still thinks the vaccines saved millions of lives.

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That really is the thing, isn't it?

I would have accepted embarrassed silence but bragging about OWS is quite worrisome.

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Tucker, cia family, rogan controlled op and alex jones cia. Notice how he always gets the scoop no one else does?

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They're probably thinking this way:

A.) Not clear the public (and the markets) can handle the truth. Up until Nov. 5, that required one (they thought) to not risk Trump's re-election with it, and one's clout with insider-Trumpers.

B.) One new rationale for suppression is: gotta wait until Trump really is in power. "Really is in power" = has been in office for at least 50-100 days, w/ his major moves against Swamp in play, with no signs yet of deep-state coup. As it remains unclear how much power deep-state has, best not to overtly antagonize it, by putting every Covid-vax criminal, esp. the ones in DOD and intel agencies, on notice that they will be exposed.

C.) But the new rationale is also: in the coming Trump-revolutionary period (which might also be dubbed a "Counter-Revolution" against that of the Woke Bureaucrats--see N.S. Lyons), we need the public to focus on C, Q, X, Y, and Z. Or is it B, D, Q, W, and Z? Doesn't matter. What matters is that those in the Trump orbit are thinking narrative, narrative, narrative. Have to control it, they think, and to think such control is possible, because so much turmoil and new revelations will be coming at the public, that its reactions are fundamentally black-box. Gotta gut the main agencies before the Trump-revolution loses steam. The Empire will Strike Back at some point, likely at some point they think they can get enough common opinion to go with them on some new set of issues. Gotta do the gutting first, with maximum consensus, and those clots and such mess that up. Later, the rationale goes, there will be time for looking into all that.

D.) But. Will there ever? Consider, there is no chance in hell most guys like Rogan and Carlson didn't know about things such as the clots or the all-cause mortality all the way back in 2022 or at least 2023. So they know that they, and nearly all conservative or alternative journalists and pundits, have been guilty of journalistic suppression, and so if the Reckoning really comes, it has a good chance of exposing them on that. Not just them, but 99 out of 100 conservative leaders, politicians etc. So the thing to do is to get a winking game going among the conservative and Trumpist leaders: "I won't expose you, you don't expose me, we keep relying on the public not wanting to face It and their own complicity, and on Trump himself being implicated in various sins on this. Deal?"

The Wild Card in all this is RFK and the implicit promises Trump made in getting him on board.

But if they can somehow get him and his ilk (Bannon, esp.) to partially-betray the medical freedom movement, if Trump is prepared to force that betrayal, and RFK compromised enough to submit to it, the plan is to run with indefinite suppression, gradually eroded over the years but only so much so as to be able to keep permitting the "plausible innocent ignorance" excuse. "I didn't know! I couldn't have known!" The indefinite suppression will permit the Truth to dribble out so that the public eventually will have most of the key facts before it, say, in 2035. The operation of this suppression will be the sign that all "conservative principles" have been ditched in favor of a Rightist Narrativism. (And of course the non-conservative institutions--including alas, most churches/synagogue ones--can be relied on keep up the front of denial they have all through 2020-2024, for these institutions were even more complicit in the Lies than conservative ones!) The constant refrain of our brave new Right Narrativists will be, "Well, we only lie, manipulate, and suppress 30% or so of the time, whereas the Biden cabal wanted to subject everyone to a 90% Narrativist regime! We had to do it, because otherwise they would have won."

I honestly don't think, however, that the integrity of a number of players, Kennedy and Bannon esp., will allow this. But I know many hope it can be done.

I detailed most of the thinking here in a long three-part series titled "The Rationales of the Knowing Suppressors" back in August and September.

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Great and thoughtful post, Carl. I think your analysis is spot-on. We MUST have some of our most influential influencers (like Tucker and Rogan) lead the effort to expose all of these lies .... including the existence of the "embalmers clots," which is one of those subjects that remains taboo even to most journalists on "our side."

The "embalmers' clots" are the kryptonite that could start a chain-reaction that would expose ALL of the lies. If this scandal was exposed to the masses, enough of the population would start asking, "What else have our trusted officials and watchdog journalists" been lying about or covering up?"

The answer, of course, is "everything" important. So the right giant lie exposed could bring down the whole lying House of Cards.

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FYI, I've re-presented this in a new post, one which links to you, Kasner, and Transcriber B. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/as-we-wait-to-see-if-maha-will-be Title: "As We Wait to See if MAHA Will Be Betrayed..."

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Laura, great post. And thanks from the heart for your work.

"For we wrestle not with flesh and blood...." Is the only thing that makes sense to me as well. And what that says......

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Hi Laura, can you tell me if any of these have been found in unvaccinated alive people? I know that is a strange question but I had a lumpy (what seems like clotty) vein pop up in my upper thigh at some point after I had Covid. I’m unvaccinated and I’ve been to two doctors and a vein specialist who just recommended compression hose and stared at me when I asked if it could be Covid related. I trust none of these doctors to give me a straight answer but your post now has me wondering.

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Kristi - yes, the clots have indeed been found in the living:


Be sure to watch the link in this post to a video with Dr. Philip McMillan and a cath lab whistleblower.

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There's no way that cath-lab whistleblower interviewed by Dr. McMillan is the only hospital employee who knows these white fibrous substances are being removed from LIVING patients on a weekly basis.

So the cover-up - or conspiracy of silence - is massive, which is one of the take-aways I'm still trying to wrap my head around.

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More proof of that Bill:


I have a high school classmate of mine that is an interventional radiologist now practicing in Jerusalem. We’ve texted, but he seems to be clueless as to the cause. I text him peer-reviewed studies on the harms of the shots weekly. I get a read receipt, but he NEVER responds. His silence speaks volumes. Today I texted him John O’Looney’s post.

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get a d dimer test done. and treat yourself as if you have them. get some cayenne tincture and do a drop or two in water daily.

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And what many may not know about your first picture of flute players is (1) that picture is pathetically real and (2) nothing comes out the end of a flute. You blow across the air hole.

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TC, thanks for exposing the real culprits. It’s those damn, narcissistic brass instrument players killing us. How dare those prima donnas of the band!

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Nothing comes out of the end of the brass instruments, either. Spit gets caught in the valves. That's why you have the little thumb levers at the bottom of the valves to release the spit onto the floor.

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Holy 💩! So it’s the woodwinds spreading pandemic germs? How dare they! No, wait, what about the choir?? We’re doomed. ⚰️

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But you can buy one of those super duper singing masks to still be able to sing. (I wish I was kidding, but I'm not)


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Thanks for the raucous laugh. I needed it!You’re the best TC!!

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Woodwinds blow across reeds, and The spit stays in the instrument. That's why you run a cloth through the instrument.

Now, the choir, that's where the spit flies.

So, you might have something there.

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Now you know the only prima donnas in music are singers. I play the organ and piano and always approach a soloist with dread.

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How sad! And yes, I used to play one.


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The picture of those kids with the masks cut out so they could play the flute reminds me: I never saw a mask mandate with any rating. Having worked in industry, having complied with OSHA, I'm used to adhering to specific ratings. The best known one for masks is N-95. It's not just a name, it specifies that ability of the mask to filter particles.

I frequently joked that the typical mask mandate was so non-specific that a person could have worn a Halloween mask and been in compliance. It's funny, but it is also true. The morons that were enforcing all this compliance didn't give a damn about the science, they cared about the compliance. Do as they say, or you will be shunned, ostracized, from their realm. These are some really sick people.

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When I had to wear masks in public I generally used either a plastic Halloween Star Wars mask or my preferred option of a niqab. 😂 As the pandemic wore on the individual store signs often got more specific in describing the “appropriate” masks but they never included any rating. My favorite pandemic experience was sitting in my car and watching a masked coffee shop employee take off her mask (inside the coffee shop) and sneeze. When I walked in unmasked I was told to mask or leave. I then pointed out that there’s no point to masks if you’re going to take them off tosneeze. I was told it didn’t matter that policy was policy. I left, have never been back and that coffee shop is suffering and probably won’t make it another two years despite it being part of a major chain.

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I’m still waiting for someone to confirm what the boosted did to the innocent unvaccinated in Summer 2022

Looks to me like the boosted were unleashing dragon fire and killing the unvaccinated.

Mark My Words

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The mantra of “safe and effective” is a logical conjunction, which means the statement can only be true if both elements are true. The moment it became obvious that “effective” was false, it rendered the whole statement false. Yet they continued to repeat the phrase constantly, all the time knowing it was false. That alone should be enough to make any rational person question the veracity of the other element as well.

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But Mr Myers claims the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed in October 2019 - more than five years ago - about a new virus that had leaked from a lab in China.

DON DOCS Top secret Wuhan lab leak intel 'may finally be released if Trump wins election'

He told The Sun: "This was briefed in October and November 2019 as a lab leak. It's important that people realise.

"It was in the intelligence. We briefed it. It was accepted. I briefed it numerous times about a viral outbreak and that it was from a lab.

"Over the course of late November and December, it probably came up six or seven times in briefings.

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Thanks for posting on this, Bill.

# # #

If any embalmers or funeral directors or doctors or nurses who have seen the fibrinaloid clots are reading this, I hope that you would consider getting in touch with Bill to tell him what you have seen. He's one of the very few experienced journalists out there who will touch this topic. I sincerely hope that you will consider coming forward with what you have witnessed.

Others who have come forward include:

Richard Hirschman (USA)

Dr. Ryan Cole (USA)

Anna Foster (USA)

Nicky Rupright King (USA)

Laura Jefferey (Canada)

Brenton Faithfull (New Zealand)

John O'Looney (UK)

There are various transcripts and links to source videos 2022-2023 about the fibrinaloid clots gathered here:


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Yes, anyone reading this. Time to stand for the truth! Regardless of your past sins of passive going along with suppression and such, 2025 really is going to be your final chance to partially vindicate yourself, and to Repent in a way that bears real fruit for your fellow humans. Talk to Bill, sit down with Transcriber, come clean!

For 2025 will either feature key actors in the Trump admin blowing the lid off various key data suppressions, and media outlets thus being forced to look into the story, obliging you to play an embarrassing game of "I am so shocked" and perhaps exposing the fact that you could have spoken up, or, it will feature a final descent of Trumpist-conservatism into coordinated suppression and lies on this, so that some day decades in the future, the Reckoning for that descent and the evil of various agencies and corporations will arrive, but by that point with you having no path to any Repentance actions that could still matter or have a shred of dignity. You'll be wedded to these Lies for life, if you decide to not act in 2025.

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Thanks for your comment, Carl Eric Scott. I agree with what you say. I would add that there are many ways to act, in addition to or apart from speaking out and the one that I think is vital yet oftentimes overlooked is documenting, that is, simply keeping a written and photographic record of what you have observed and/or experienced. I would also say to any readers here, never underestimate the value of making and keeping a record.

P.S. A clarification: As Transcriber B I don't do interviews or other reporting myself; my focus is making transcripts of censored and shadow-banned video from 2021-2023. If anyone were to get in touch with me with information on the clots, I would send them to Bill Rice Jr.

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You do great work. Keep it up! Keeping a record….reminded me of listening to a most engaging talk, given by George Racey Jordon. (Later corroboration by Antony Sutton) completely changed my view of latter 20th century events.

See something, Say something

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Important qualification, though I still feel that a conservative interviewer who sought YOU out mainly aiming to convey to her readers, A.) what your project is about, and B.) what are the top 3-5 findings which your documentation regularly comes across, would do a great service.

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Thanks for your kind words. I know you know (thanks for the comment there) but readers down here in the comments section who do not, Bill Rice Jr. interviewed me back in 2023, which is how I know him. (Have not met him in person, however.) And I've been following his covid reporting for a long while now.

Here's the link to the Q & A:


I don't really have anything to add at this point.

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On second thought, I would add this. Physical documents and books are not going to totally go away, and I think this covid time, like the Roman Empire, or the Black Plague, Napoleonic Wars, or the stock market crash of 1929, the Great Depression, WWII, you name it-- so many standout episodes-- will be written about for hundreds of years hence. Who tells the story, and what is the story? Right now there's a battle for that, but the battle will continue well into the future-- in a way, books are the artillery, documents are the ammo.

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For me it was the mentality ill in pictures

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"There's Liars, Damned Liars and Experts."

An interesting Wikipedia (credible only for uncontroversial subjects) piece on the origins of the saying "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics" quote attributed to Mark Twain:


Interesting history of it, interesting book titles about it written long ago, mentioned under "Uses" section. A Simple Mind would say that it's the same as it ever was.

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It is funny about your point on gauging what information can still be reliable.

"An interesting Wikipedia (credible only for uncontroversial subjects) piece on the .."

Wikipedia, as the first stop if unsure a topic generally searched for on Google will return results of delusional-causing no-context or lies, that commented on in YouTube with Truth and arguments will be censored, if Facebook post will be shadow-banned or censored, if SubStack normies and NPCs (there are a few, try suggesting that israel is Genociding in Gaza, if want to get a count), or be looked at by public as untrustworthy because crazy positions), ..

.. that the topic is likely to be a brain-raping pile of poison vomit in Wikipedia - that if you trusted will endlessly cause suffering confusion failure and - if lucky - death before you pass it on to others that trust you and family and others that love you, spread like a demon from hell, with the same purpose, to murder our souls and Joy in life, or perhaps something you can trust. Flip a coin if not sure.

I have recently been using that very metric to find subjects that trigger ChatGPT, to have it state something anti-white or anti-male or lies about women, blacks, and Jews oppression by Western white males, which type of Nationalism is Good and Bad - White is Bad, while Black and Jewish is good, or recent history you saw is now history re-written false .. and then following to make the AI-Raped little Satanic tool show you the opposite of those lies and wrappings and false-witnessing and reputation unjustly destroying .. that the AI was 'raised' under.

Nuerotic AI - I call [murdering] Hal [9000] - programmed by the kind of delusional psychos that raise the baby-murdering, child mutilating, older and depressed euthanasia-murdering, .. insane 'Professionals' that are raising our children - using intentional lies, insane things that they forced to accept, and by censoring of information that would be stopped

- had they a father not disposed-of and tortured-by vile back-stabbing Machine-from-hell wrapped to look like his ex-wife & using the power of Satanic State to crush testicles so none will show for his children's children or harder, ..

.. by using his love of his children to make him crawl on his belly, after accepting all levels of castration, proclaiming ex-wife as Vagina-god and begging to lick her barn boots, before those children's eyes that he loves.

Wikipedia - so useful for finding what topics are dearest to the vile blackhearted screeching-evil minions from Hell doing Satan's chores before Satan walks openly before us, when we so broken-minded from accepting insanities as normal having Satan walking in open and so many of what seem to be women unwrap themselves from the thinnest outer human shell - what is left of that once Beautiful soul girl child - fully soul-Eaten and only the disintegrating outer skin was left. And we will accept it like mothers killing or babies on whims, sexually mutilating in mind-body our children, watching open genocide on Web and TV, believing AI and Authority that tells us what we saw and remember is false, that 2+2=5, etc.

God Bless., Steve

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With respect to the lies, damn lies, experts quote what part of the Wiki AI has rendered the point I was making false and satanic?

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Covid was an iq test not a pandemic.

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Gosh you're a moron. The vaccines are safe and effective and the lies here are your own. NO vaccine gives 100% immunity.

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I would hope that the new administration will be much more open to investigating the facts regarding these strange "clots" being found, as well as more transparent when talking about the true nature of the Covid vaccine. Have you reached out to Kennedy's people regarding this issues Bill?

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What might change the narrative (and the world) over night is if influential Committee(s) in Congress simply held high-profile hearings on "The Phenomena of the Embalmers Clots." Key questions would be: Are they real? How many embalmers are finding them? What caused them?

And then the most important questions to public health officials (testifying under oath under threat of perjury charges):

Why haven't you investigated this?

This Committee could subpoena dozens of embalmers who would be willing to testify and bring vials of the clots with them - and show pictures and videos on the over-head screens. Tom Haviland and Laura Kasner would certainly testify.

Will this happen? Probably not. But if it did, it would be a game-changer.

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Oh, please. Stop. Just stop.

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