Q & A with ‘Transcriber B’
Hopefully future historians will get Covid history right. If so, this might be because of the tireless work of one unsung Internet hero.

Many people reading this might be familiar with the poster/writer “Transcriber B.” This is because Transcriber B routinely posts (and links to) transcripts made from video sources.
A while back it occurred to me this person had undertaken a massive and incredibly-important project. I asked myself: Who is this person and why is he/she doing this? Is this work making a difference?
In a Reader Comment post, I asked Transcriber B if she would allow me to do an interview. My correspondent graciously agreed and suggested an email “Q & A.” This was great with me as it meant I wouldn’t have to spend countless hours “transcribing” a recorded interview.
I learned that Transcriber B has now transcribed almost 400 (!) videos since starting this “tedious, time-consuming” project in September 2021.
Speaking for myself, I can’t think of another “Covid writer” who’s performed more-important work. Without question, future historians will use Transcriber B’s voluminous archives to tell us the more accurate, compelling, human story of our Covid times.
I also learned that I’m the only journalist who’s asked Transcriber B for an interview. Also, no officials have taken an interest in this project - at least yet.
Transcriber B is not interested in her identify being known (she did confirm she’s a female), saying that the words she has documented are what really matters.
In the responses that follow, I deleted only a few words for space reasons and made only very minor edits. I boldfaced names and a few answers I thought deserved highlighting.
I also didn’t delete any links Transcriber B included as these transcript selections are vitally important. All of her archived transcripts can be found at her website. I ended up asking 26 questions. I hope readers at least skim her fascinating, extremely-articulate answers.
One of my recent articles asked the question: “What happened to all the adults in the room?”
Transcriber B is one citizen who, with no selfish motivations whatsoever, took on an immense project only a serious, principled and highly-competent adult would tackle.
Can you briefly describe your work?
I transcribe testimonies, interviews, conversations, and speeches that have been posted online at some point between 2021 and March 31, 2023, and that have been suppressed because they challenge the official Covid narratives. I do this on my own initiative, without remuneration, and in compliance with legal fair use (hence some are only excerpts).
My focus is on transcribing the voices from three groups:
Doctors, nurses, scientists and other experts;
(2) People who have been injured, or who had a family member injured or killed by government-instigated medical malfeasance or the mRNA injections; and
(3) Individuals who, for whatever reason, refused to comply with Covid-related regulations and/or mandates.
I touch only lightly on legal issues and science, for example, on discussions of patents, gain of function research, mRNA technology, statistics, and lawsuits, since for those who would seek that information, authoritative treatments can be readily found in printed materials.
Above all, in selecting material to transcribe I look for what is most human: emotion, conflict, relationships. Much of this has been extremely painful to transcribe, and, I would imagine, excruciating to read. Many people I have transcribed recount losing their jobs, their professional standing, their health, friends and family, even their children.
Why do you do this?
Early on it was obvious to me that when it came to Covid policies, governments and the mainstream media were retailing some sort of freaky shale, and they would smear and censor anyone who challenged them. Making these transcripts has been my way of combating the tyranny, and at the same time preserving material for historians.
As I write on my Transcriber B website, "I see this archive of transcripts as making both a rough chronicle and a remarkably lively mosaic - a portrait … of English-speaking people (and a few for whom English is a second language) whose voices would not have been suppressed in previous years, but were because they challenged 'the narrative.’"
As a writer myself, I have some experience in working with archives, and I know, directly, how one archive -- it might be several boxes, it might be a slender file holding a single document -- can change a history, utterly.
I would say to the reader: you may never set foot in an institution with archives; you may never open a dusty old box and finger through its contents - though, by the way, it's not so difficult to get access, especially to public archives such as that of your local history association or, say, the Library of Congress - but do not underestimate the potential narrative-changing power of an archive.
When did you start this project?
In September 2021, I happened upon an hours-long video of the South Carolina State Senate Medical Affairs Committee hearings, and deep in there, I found the testimony of veteran pulmonary nurse Albert Spence.
He was upset about what he had witnessed, and he flatly contradicted the official "narrative" about Covid and Covid hospital protocols. As I listened to his heart-felt, horrific, and tremendously important testimony, with a rising sense of alarm, I recognized that, stuck there like a pea in aspic within hours of other testimony, it might be lost.
So the better to be able to share his message, and also to simply get my mind around the enormity of what he was saying, I transcribed it. Shortly thereafter, YouTube took the video down for "violating community standards." I later found a clip of Spence's testimony on Bitchute. You can find the relevant links and my transcript here:
Nurse Albert Spence Testifies Before South Carolina State Senate: Covid Policy Was Killing Patients. https://www.bitchute.com/video/mYf2mTn1PWuy/
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/10261.html
Fortunately for me, in August 2021 John Michael Greer had very generously opened a strictly-moderated weekly Covid discussion forum, so I had a place to post my transcript with the confidence that a good number of people would see it and that I wouldn't be buried under a cannonade of verbal abuse. And that was no small thing: I am immensely grateful to Greer for this opportunity.
It wasn't long before I found more suppressed videos and made more transcripts. I continued posting them on Greer's forum for several months before it began to dawn on me that I had an archive, and I should pull it together, give it more balance and shape, the better for it to be useful for future historians. This is what I have done.
How many videos would you say you have transcribed?
About 365, of which some 30 are completed but not yet uploaded to the archive. Another 20 are in-progress.
The transcripts vary greatly in length, however, anywhere from half an hour (such as Albert Spence's testimony) to as brief as one minute or two minutes. Many of the very brief ones are TikTok and Twitter videos on accounts that have since been suspended. Here is a pair of examples of the latter:
Angry Woman: Anybody heard this story yet?! … ”They murdered my father! They injected him with poison! They lied to me, they blamed me!"
https://twitter.com/olooneyjohn/status/1622344406337462272?s=46&t=Aqd_tL1GTei4HFWSfz-rnQ Posted Feb 5, 2023 [account suspended]
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/64343.html
Young mother diagnosed with first onset multiple sclerosis after vaccination
"People like me exist. And the reason that you're not hearing about it is because we're being censored." This was scraped from a TikTok account, no longer identifiable.
Vaccine injury young mother: DownTheRabbitHole ( at ) CTSoldier, Posted January 8, 2022: https://odysee.com/@CTSoldier:c/video_2022-01-02_23-09-10:9
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/90162.html
Then I also have some long ones. Here's one example:
Funeral Director John O'Looney Speaks Out: "All I can tell you is, my experience as a funeral director, and I have washed and dressed well over 100 Covid cases now, many of them still warm, you're being lied to. You're being lied to.”
"Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid” by Max Igan, September 16, 2021: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gigUyK3yLtMU/
Do you look for certain topics? What are the most important topics you’ve covered/transcribed?
I aim to cover a wide range of Covid-related counter-narrative testimony, from early treatment protocols, Covid hospital protocols, vaccine safety and efficacy, injuries, deaths, safety and efficacy of masks, censorship, and mandates. So yes, I do go looking for material on certain topics. For example, of late I have been on the lookout for anyone speaking out against the tyranny in 2021.
Just recently, prompted by Cafe Locked Out's interview with Brady Gunn, founder of Australia's Stand in the Park movement, I went looking for what I might find -- very little it turns out, but on rumble, up came a 2021 rally speech.
Brady Gunn at the Sydney Worldwide Rally for Freedom …."In the rain! We were here! People power is the only thing that's going to make a difference in this war. We are in a spiritual war.”
WorldWide Rally 1.0 - Sydney (Highlights) 20.03.21 - Rallying in the Pouring Rain, Spring Water Greg, Posted Nov 30, 2021:
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/88465.html
And this, which I only found in May of this year, is a brief excerpt from a podcast posted in 2021 in which Dr. Stanton Hom laments getting de-platformed, but he stands strong, and he encourages his listeners:
Dr. Stanton Hom: "This mission will outlive us, stand up now" (Excerpt) …”It’s an interesting time, guys.” Episode 043S: This Mission will Outlive us, Stand Up Now, May 14, 2021:
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/86334.html
Earlier this year, although I already had some fine testimonies on masks, I made some effort to scare up a few more. Here is one from 2021 that I found only in late April of 2023:
Minnesota Surgeon Dr. Jeff Horak Advises the Fergus Falls School Board on Mask Mandates … ”This is about fear. I'm going to say it right out, this is about death."
Dr. Jeff Horak speaks out against mask mandates @Alphanewsmn Oct 27, 2021:
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/82949.html
Where do you find the videos?
Traditional search engines are now nearly useless for this purpose, so I scour a wide variety of forums, blogs and their comments sections, John Michael Greer's Covid forum, various Substacks (Steve Kirsch, Bad Cat, A Midwestern Doctor, Coffee and Covid, and others), some websites such as www.realnotrare.com , react19.org and that of Children's Health Defense Fund, Cafe Locked Out in Australia.
Several I found on CovidBC's telegram. Podcasts, that's a huge universe with many galaxies. A few videos I have found on YouTube or vimeo, but for most I need to go to Bitchute, Odysee, and rumble.
Of note, government hearings, whether at the city, county, state, and national levels, after a lot of digging, often yield some splendid gems. Here are two highly polished examples of the latter:
Attorney Leigh Dundas Warns Against Turning Orange County CA Schools into COVID Vaccination Centers; Board of Education Meeting, April 7, 2021 Public Comment, Posted on rumble April 18, 2021:
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/62200.html
DR. JANE RUBY CALLS OUT KILLING HOSPITAL BOARD, posted March 23, 2023: https://rumble.com/v2eiizs-dr.-jane-ruby-calls-out-killing-hospital-board.html
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/82759.html
How long does it takes you to transcribe a video?
It varies, depending on the sound quality and the individual's accent and speech patterns. Scientists and medical professionals tend to toss out a lot of acronyms and medical terms I need to look up and provide a footnote, and that adds time. I didn't keep track of the time. I have just been keeping at it, a little bit every day.
I see you have a website where you archive transcripts. When did you start this and how should readers use this resource?
From September 2021 through 2022, I had been regularly posting transcripts on John Michael Greer's weekly Covid discussion forum on http://ecosophia.dreamwidth.org, so when I decided to gather them together for my own website in September of 2022, I opted to use that same platform. You can find my page at: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org
A couple months later, at year-end 2022, I realized that Substack could also be useful, so I started Transcriber B's Substack transcriberb.substack.com to both spotlight and alert readers to new transcripts on the dreamwidth site.
I found uploading screenshots from the videos easier to manage on Substack than on dreamwidth, so that was another reason to use Substack. That continued for a couple of months, then I decided to simply publish a snippet with a link and a screenshot from the Substack to: http://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org site once a day.
I plan to continue posting daily until the end of this year, and in 2024 post less frequently. It will taper off.
How should readers use this resource?
I cannot say what would the best approach for any given reader; I would expect that different readers will have different interests and purposes. However, I can say that my ideal reader would be one who is open-hearted, genuinely curious, and morally and intellectually discerning. The archive is large enough to offer significant breadth and variety, yet small enough that a reader could peruse it all without overmuch ado.
What has been the response to your work?
This isn't something I focus on. No one asked for these transcripts and most people prefer to watch video, so the response has been mostly indifference, as I expected. Even if no one said bup, I would make the transcripts because, as I said, I make them to rescue suppressed material and, relatedly, as a spiritual exercise.
Of course I do appreciate readers, and it delights me to think that a transcript might be useful for someone now. And, yes, I have received some appreciative comments here and there, some mentions on various Substack blogs, and a few of the doctors whose videos I transcribed have emailed me their thanks, as have some readers, and I am sincerely touched by that.
Has anyone else interviewed you about your work?
As far as you know, is anyone else doing what you are doing?
No or yes; it depends on what you mean by "what I'm doing." I don't know of anyone else who is focusing, as I do, exclusively on making transcripts of suppressed video and audio from specific groups with these specific parameters within a specific time frame.
I have the impression that while there are some transcripts being made, generally speaking, transcription is not a priority, and that's not surprising because even with a software assist, it's tedious, time-consuming work to make a quality transcript, and if you commission a transcript from a professional transcriber, you will find that it can be expensive.
However, in the more general sense, collecting testimony and speeches, text and digital files, I'm sure I don't know the half of what's going on, but I am aware of a multitude of efforts. For example, there are the collections of testimony at:
American Front Line Nurses The Remembrance Project Former Feds Group Covid 19 Humanity Betrayal memory Project
Also out of Australia, Cafe Locked Down has done a mountain of magnificent work interviewing people throughout Australia.
Two efforts to gather testimony that I would give a standing ovation are Canada's National Citizens Inquiry, which you can find at:
…and a smaller but also very important effort in the US: Pandemic Harms Listening Session, Wenatchee, Washington, January 2023 at:
In addition, undoubtedly many journalists, jurists, lawyers, scientists, doctors, and activists, and organizations, will preserve archives of their own papers and digital files. Also, undoubtedly many books have been published and more are in-progress.
One example: Abi Robert's anthology WE THE PEOPLE: LETTERS FROM DYSTOPIA.
Certainly there are and will be many other collections of testimonies, memoirs, oral histories, and the like, and I have no doubt that many more will be assembled and many will be published in my lifetime and beyond. I think this Covid time will be akin to, say, the US Civil War or World War II in that legions of historians will be researching and writing about it for many generations to come.
Where does the name “Transcriber B” come from and who’s the lady on the icon you use as your logo?
We'll see, but I think that's a story for after I'm gone. (In a separate email, Transcriber B said she loved the look of “determination” on this lady’s face).
Any reason you’re not using your real name? Do you mind if people know your real name and background ... If not, why not?
I am a writer with a recognized body of work, however, the words in these transcripts are not mine, nor were they induced by my questions (as would be the case for interviews for an oral history), and therefore, for me to draw attention to my identity and my work would be a pointless and self-serving distraction, rather like asking a museum-goer to listen to a lot of natter about the frame-maker and the curator while standing before a painting by Goya. Look at the Goya.
I discovered you from your copious Reader Comments. How much time do you spend in a typical day, surfing other Substack sites and posting interesting transcripts? Any idea how many Substack sites you have posted transcripts at?
My aim in posting transcripts in comments sections is twofold:
(1) To share censored material -- the more places it appears the more difficult it will be to suppress.
(2) To encourage and support both the writer and readers. I think of my transcript-post-comments as akin to coming in with supporting artillery.
I keep a record of where I post transcripts, so I can answer that question directly. I mainly post when and where relevant on Substacks such as A Midwestern Doctor, Coffee and Covid, Dr. Paul Alexander, Steve Kirsch, and sprinkling of others, including yours, Bill Rice Jr.
Of the sprinkling of others, for example, the other day I posted three transcripts of videos with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko as comments on Brucha Weisberger's post about that good doctor at her Substack "In G-d's Army There's Only Truth."
For several months now almost every day I post a transcript in some comments section, but as I mentioned, I am starting to return to my own work, so you won't see so much of this in the future.
I may still submit a transcript or two at John Michael Greer's weekly Covid forum, host willing. But the regular posters and lurkers there are a very savvy bunch; there isn't much my transcripts can tell them that they don't already know. Back in 2021 and early 2022, however, the jab injury testimonies really were news.
How many hours in a day would you say you devote to all the work involved in finding interviews, transcribing them, editing them, posting them and then sharing them at other sites?
More than I can sustain. I look forward to returning to my own work.
What was your main job or profession before you got started with this project?
What are your thoughts on censorship and suppression of many of these interviews? Do you think that censorship is a growing and alarming problem in our society?
The censorship around everything related to Covid has been criminal and killing. As a citizen, I cherish my right, and your right, to free speech.
I am also especially keen on defending doctors' right to free speech because when we, as patients, cannot trust that our doctor is free to tell us what he knows, and to give us his honest opinion about what would be best for our individual good health, he is not only morally corrupted, he is no longer worthy of our trust and respect.
Should we take his biased counsel, we may end up taking risks we otherwise would never dream of taking; indeed, we may even end up injured or even killed. Your child may end up injured or killed. There were many good doctors who spoke out against the lies, as a result they went through hell, and many of them lost their medical licenses. May they be remembered as heroes for humanity.
One of the most haunting of the transcripts I've done is this one of a pediatrician doing a verbal trapeze act, trying to steer clear of the YouTube censors while warning parents about the dangers of the Covid jabs: KIDS: SAFETY OF C19 INJECTIONS
Dr. Dave Marquis - Kids: Safety of C-19 Injections, DrDave’sHeadSpace October 6, 2022: Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/929.html
Also, with censorship around a medical treatment, informed consent for that medical treatment is impossible. Coercing people into taking experimental injections without informed consent is a crime against humanity. As for those who would gaslight, shame, and censor people who have been injured, well, let's just say, I wouldn't expect the Lords of Karma to serve them up an icecream picnic with Kumbaya on the ukeleles.
I have several of transcripts covering informed consent. Here's one: Dr. Renata Moon Unfolds the Package Insert Video clip at:
Clip shows Dr. Renata Moon, MD, testifying in the roundtable discussion, COVID-19 Vaccines: What they Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries hosted by US Senator Ron Johnson, Washington DC, December 7, 2022:
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/38844.html
Of all the transcribing you’ve done, are there any interviews that stand out more than any other?
The most surprising and to me, the funniest, was this one: Dr. William Bay Films Himself Clearing the Room of Masked Doctors, AMA Sydney" … All GPs, all doctors of Australia, you are on notice by the people of Queensland, this is the Queensland People's Protest and you have been warned!”
The most horrific, of several horrific ones, would be this one:
Marva Peschier: "People, people, take heed!” …. ”And I'm asking you all to share this live. Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya. Share this live! And let them know! And I'm telling people not to take this vaccine I don't care, I am telling all don't take the vaccine, it killing people!”
Or maybe this one:
Canada's National Citizens Inquiry: Embalmer Laura Jeffery (excerpts) "it is horrifying.” https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/79912.html
The quiet dignity of nurse Catherine Jean I found unforgettable: Catherine Jean, NYC Registered Nurse … "We the people have the right to choose what goes in our body, especially if it's against our belief.”
Peggy Hall, who always shines: Peggy Hall Banned Off YouTube … "I'm being heavily, heavily, heavily suffocated here with this censorship.”
I've often made fun of politicians, calling them my "congress critters" and such, but a number of the politicians I transcribed, unknown to me before I came upon their videos, truly impressed me. I sensed from them a deep grief born of love for their fellow man. I think this one exemplifies that:
Australian MP Steph Ryan: "I feel sick that we're having this debate."
"Where are your values?... My grandmother came to this country fleeing Mussolini and I am glad that she is not alive today to see what is happening.”
If there was one transcript, you might want large numbers of people to read, what would it be?
Easy: the one that prompted me to start transcribing: Nurse Albert Spence Testifies Before South Carolina State Senate: Covid Policy Was Killing Patients
Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mYf2mTn1PWuy/
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/10261.html
What would you like to happen as a result of your work?
I would like the transcripts to survive for as long as possible online and also on paper, and in more than one archive, that they may serve future historians. I also hope that the transcripts might inform some readers now.
And finally, although this is perhaps a bit too woo for some readers, but I trust not all coconuts will explode, I believe that my attending to these many individual voices so carefully, and your attending to them as you read, has some healing effect on nonmaterial dimensions, and some positive effect also on the quality of human consciousness itself.
Are you optimistic that positive change will occur at some point? What would be "positive change?"
Ultimately I would like to see a more general recognition of the importance of respecting free speech and civil and human rights in general. I am optimistic, especially for the United States. And you can be sure that, as a citizen, under my legal name, I am working towards that end.
What do you think are the greatest Covid scandals/outrages?
The clamp-down on free speech. It's not the only outrage, but it starts there, and it's made everything else grindingly worse.
Are you aware of any citizens who changed their views on Covid narratives after reading your posts?
No. But this does not concern me. I do not doubt that the transcripts will have their influence, albeit perhaps mainly in the distant future and in ways opaque to me. As you probably noticed, I do not invite comments on my Substack nor website.
Is Substack playing an important role in bringing factual information to the public?
Yes. The mainstream media has been so thoroughly corrupted, it's beyond shocking. I'm pleased to see Substack flourishing, and I am relieved that, as far as I can ascertain, here free speech is respected. This can always change, however, and I wouldn't underestimate the influence of self-hosted sites and print media, most especially books.
Have any officials taken an interest in your transcripts or work?
Not that I am aware of.
(Thank you for supporting my journalism!)
Thank you, Bill, I sincerely appreciate your interest, and your questions.
Off topic, but I appreciate The Brownstone Institute picking up my recent article about Dr. Hotez running from a Covid debate with Robert Kennedy, Jr.
For those who have not yet discovered The Brownstone Institute, I am confident you'll love it.