Thank you, Bill, I sincerely appreciate your interest, and your questions.

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Off topic, but I appreciate The Brownstone Institute picking up my recent article about Dr. Hotez running from a Covid debate with Robert Kennedy, Jr.

For those who have not yet discovered The Brownstone Institute, I am confident you'll love it.


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I appreciate Citizen Free Press picking up this story. While many Substack regulars are very familiar with Transcriber B, most of the world (sadly) knows nothing about her important work. By linking to this story, "Citizen Kane" is helping change that. IMO CFP has played a huge and brave role in educating millions of people about the real Covid story.

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Thanks be to God above for wonderful people like her!! Doing what she can. ❤️👍🏻🙏🏻

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

OMG thank you this is the FIRST time I have heard of her.

1. Does she need help?

2. Does she keep HARD paper copies?

3. What a freaking awesome idea, and as a librarian, she has zillion thanks from the bottom of my heart.

I wish I had thought of it...I have been keeping substacks and stuff, but VIDEOS? BRILLIANT.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Fabulous Bill with your finding of this remarkable woman's work . So thrilled she identified the remarkable work of the Canadian National Citizen's inquiry . I will be chipping away with her links .

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Thank you for interviewing her. I was wondering who this hard-working person was.

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Fantastic work! And it is work! It's very ouch, my hat tip to you, Transcriber B!

I recently transcribed a speech that aired on C-SPAN in 2000 by an author who had been a DOJ Nazi hunter prosecutor. It was about the history of the Bush family, Prescott Bush, father to George HW Bush and George W Bush. And his role as Hitler's banker before, *during* and after WWII to the biggest war profiteers:

John Loftus - Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Banks

Sarasota Reading Festival, November 11, 2000

https://www.c-span.org/video/?160639-1/unholy-trinity-vatican-nazis-swiss-banks (47:59)

It came with a rough transcript C-SPAN provided, sort of a voice-to-text rendition. Which was helpful, but needed a whole lot of correction, not recognizing names and other less common sayings, words, terrible punctuation and grammar. Even with the head start that took many hours, researching acronyms, like-sounding names.

(my piece on this at: https://freedomfox.substack.com/p/knowing-the-true-adversary )

I'm currently trying to do the same thing with the Senate confirmation hearings for Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991, Sen. Joe Biden presiding as Chairman. When the issue of Natural Law vs. Positive Law came up:


While C-SPAN provides the voice-to-text rendition, it gets time-consuming, just like the speech was. And the entire hearing has many gems that are relevant today, 30+ years later, as we watch the rule of law as we knew it get shredded, turned to pulp, then reformed into a legal process with the same words but completely different meanings. Like Positive Law tends to do. Unlike Natural Law. Which is eternal in its clarity and meaning:


This will be the subject of an upcoming FF piece when I finish it. We have much to learn from the archives of history. A Supreme Court confirmation hearing from decades ago with sparring between two key figures of today gains newfound relevance. As will the work of Transcriber B. Hopefully not three decades hence. Just sharing that I have great appreciation for what you're doing!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Your best post ever, IMO. THANK YOU. And a heartfelt thanks to Transcriber B. She is a precious gem among gems.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

May she continue to be able to do this and protected.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Transcriber B...most of the time I can’t stay awake for video😂So THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Loved your taking the time to interview Transcriber B. One of your best posts and yet probably it consumed much less time than some of your more time consuming projects. Great read.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Please know this ma'am, intelligent people read. I refuse to watch someone talk. Most of them are performing. So you please keep doing what you're doing. It's imperative work.

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Thank you so much for interviewing her! I have subscribed to her stack and bookmarked her website. I am so glad someone thought to do this and I am thrilled to have an archive of testimony like the one from the pulmonary nurse in SC. I watched that when it first came out and thought that this needs to be saved. I really appreciate transcripts too because I much prefer to read rather than watch video. 🙏

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

What a treasure she is, and you too for broadcasting her resources. Thank-you so much.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Unless defeated teh current political leadership, that is majority cop-opted/owned by private welathy interest, will re-write history to tell a very different story. They've already tried to claim "no one made you get the shot". Thus she needs not only a hard copy but multiple given to others because not only will they alter anything she's placed on any website (that or shut teh site down) they will raid her home and confiscate any hard copies she has. To date Covid is there biggest and most blatant screw-up so they will do whatever they can to try and cover it up as time moves on and they can cover up history. How many Millennials today even know half of the important parts of history that previous generations were taught like how the US interned thousands of Japanese Americans during WW2? Or how teh Nazi's are more like how the progressives are today and not those fighting against teh aggressives that are called Nazis and fascists?

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