‘Everything is a lie’ …
… According to a startling admission of one doctor ... but that’s only half the scandal. When so many 'leaders' knowingly traffic in major lies, society has a problem.

A well-known doctor attracted headlines in the alternative media by stating recently that “everything” the public was told about Covid “was a lie.”
The number of Covid utterances would fill several large libraries … for every one of these statements/claims to be a lie should qualify as a mega scandal.
The more shocking scandal is that everyone (who matters) must have known/know that all of these statements were lies … and all of these trusted “public health officials” and political “leaders” (and all the MSM “journalists”) conspired to cover up said known lies.
As I wrote recently, the top scandal of our “New Normal” is the fact so many authorities and officials worked so hard to conceal the truth from the public.
This fact proves that every important truth-seeking organization is captured and reminds us how important it is to purge as many of these leaders (who are really followers) as soon as possible. That is, the Swamp has to be drained.
Off the top of my head, I compiled a list of numerous false claims where the veracity of these statements would have been called into question if a true “search for the truth” had occurred.
In this essay, I give examples of how officials concealed information/data that would debunk or call into question the official narrative.
The question of why a “Scamdemic’ occurred has still not been completely answered, but a safe bet is that everything was done to scare the daylights out of the public … to promote mandatory mRNA non-vaccines and give government even more control over the world population.
Let’s start from the beginning …
Actually, the real start date of the pandemic was a lie … that was covered up.
Officials should have known a novel respiratory virus was making many people sick as early as September 2019 and definitely by November 2019.
Based on my copious “early spread” research, I’ve concluded at least some officials did know this and covered up this fact - a fact that would prove this virus was NOT “deadly.”
Officials employed as many as 28 duplicitous tools to conceal early spread. Most of these tools/strategies fall into the category of investigations/inquiries that should have happened - and easily could have happened - but didn’t take place.
These examples confirm my maxim that officials will NOT investigate anything they do not want to “confirm.”
A few examples:
- Only one antibody study was done of archived Red Cross blood when officials could have tested many more samples of pre-Covid blood … but didn’t.
- The military and CDC tested the crew members of two U.S. naval vessels for antibodies in April and May 2020 … when both agencies could have tested every crew member of every ship for antibodies.
(The two antibody studies found that 41 and 61 percent of crew members already had Covid antibodies when tested in April and May 2020. A similar antibody study of the French aircraft carrier The Charles deGaulle found at least 61 percent of crew members on that ship already had Covid antibodies).
- Wide-spread administration of PCR tests (and antibody tests) were delayed for months, a tactic that ensured no “early cases” could be “confirmed.”
- To this day, most “scientists” and epidemiologists still maintain the first “outbreak” of Covid happened in December 2019 in Wuhan and was likely caused by bats that had infected animals that were later sold at a “live market.”
No convincing evidence has ever been presented that bats from a cave a thousand miles from Wuhan led to a world-wide pandemic.
At least some officials must have known this at the time, but all officials still promulgated the “natural origins” theory and castigated anyone who postulated “lab escape” could be the source of virus spread.
The effort to dismiss the “lab-leak theory” was certainly a conspiracy designed to take attention off of potential culpability of the world’s government-funded “mad scientists.” Not insignificantly, the same “authorized” theory also erroneously dates the official start date of virus spread.
(Aside: It should be mentioned that many skeptics doubt there ever was a “novel” virus and argue the entire pandemic was essentially created by dubious use of a dubious PCR test.)
- Voluminous contemporaneous ILI reports and media articles document that cases of ILI were “widespread” and “severe” in many sections of the country (especially in the Deep South) in America months before the official “spread” of this virus was supposed to have commenced.
This data also includes a record number of school closings due to illness in America.
No official has ever given serious credence to the possibility these examples of millions of “sick” people could constitute citizens who had been infected by a non-deadly virus. Evidence of early spread - which was copious - was either ignored, dismissed or not investigated.
The virus was not a serious mortality risk to the vast majority of citizens, especially children and younger adults
By March or April 2020, officials possessed voluminous data informing them that children, teenagers and young adults had nothing to worry about from this virus.
For example, of the people said to have died from Covid on The Diamond Princess cruise ship, none were under the age of 70. No crew member died from Covid.
By the late summer of 2020, many states cancelled school and college-related athletic programs. However, by this time officials should have known no (or a microscopic number of) junior high, high school, college or professional athlete had died from Covid.
Probably 99.99 percent of schools in America could not cite a single student who had died from Covid.
In the UK, Researchers performed a comprehensive study of every person under the age of 19 who’d been hospitalized in the first year of the official pandemic. This study found that only six young people (without serious life-altering medical conditions) died - perhaps - “from Covid.”
The population of children and young people under the age of 19 in the UK is 12 million , which means that six of 12 million children in this country died from Covid in the worst 12 months of the pandemic. This represents an Infection Fatality Rate for young people of 0.000 percent.
Officials always knew that Covid posed no real mortality risk to young people, but they still insisted that this virus was a grave risk to “everyone” … and they shut down schools … (in some places for two years).
Officials covered up the fact masks do nothing to prevent virus spread
No credible study has proven that populations where almost everyone had to wear masks suffered fewer “Covid cases” than places where most people were not wearing masks. This proves that masks are useless (and no doubt cause many negative health effects, plus learning issues).
The nation of Sweden, which didn’t require masks and allowed students and teachers to continue to attend school, was the most conspicuous “placebo” nation.
Today, we know that Sweden’s all-cause mortality since official Covid is lower than any other European nation, but Sweden wasn’t experiencing larger numbers of outbreaks of “sick” people in the first 12 months of the official pandemic.
In America, states which had more libertarian mask policies typically fared better in the “Covid cases” metric than states where almost everyone had to wear a mask. A comparison of Covid cases in my state of Alabama to neighboring Florida also proves that mandatory masking was a sick farce.
Still, CDC and NIH officials - and presidents and most mayors and governors - continued to insist citizens must wear masks at all times. Indeed, many violators of this policy had to pay fines or couldn’t use public facilities for making the personal choice to not wear masks.
Vaccines don’t prevent virus transmission or reduce your chances of contracting the virus …
Approximately a year after vaccines were mandated in many groups, officials and Big Pharma executives admitted that the “vaccines” were not even intended to prevent infection or transmission (only reduce the probability someone suffers a “serious” case).
By this point, on their own, most citizens had figured out the shots didn’t prevent infection as the vaccinated cohort was much more likely to “test positive” for Covid than the unvaccinated cohort.
That is, the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” might qualify as the most brazen and audacious lie in the history of bogus government propaganda. (The CDC and HHS’s push to keep inoculating children six months and older for this disease must be one of the most evil government programs ever).
*** (As we just celebrated Thanksgiving, I should state how thankful I am that many readers share my content with others). ***
I better make this a 2-part article …
I see I’m already at 1,450 words and I haven’t even gotten to the canard/whopper that the non-vaccines are definitely “safe” and, indeed, “saved tens of millions of lives.”
I’ll need a “Part 2” for this list so I can summarize many of the other investigations that have never happened - like one study of the “embalmers’ clots,” the fact no money was allocated to perform autopsies on the vaccinated deceased and the fact an explosion in all-cause mortality remains a taboo or insignificant piece of epidemiological trivia.
It’s one thing for officials to tell a lie they aren’t aware is a lie. The most sinister scandals are those where everyone who should know better conspires to actively cover-up brazen lies.
When almost all of the “adults in the room,” just about every “leader” and 98 percent of the so-called experts in society are eager to volunteer as accomplices to massive conspiracies that produce misery on an epic scale, the future of the world is probably bleak.
Today, millions of people in these groups are still hoping and praying the truth never comes out … And are still looking us in the eyes and lying their behinds off.
It’s possible a belated Great Reckoning is on the horizon with the election of Donald J. Trump, who’s already nominated several authentic “truth-seekers” to key positions in his administration (but, also, several “leaders” who participated in myriad colossal ruses).
Can legions of officials and experts lie with impunity … forever with no consequences?
Stay tuned; we’re about to find out.
(I’m back under 300 paid subscribers … which might be a scandal if someone could prove that that the reach and revenue streams of “Covid contrarian” authors have been targeted for suppression).
My Favorite Parts Of Covid:
That No One Of Exceptional Intelligence Will Ever Take A Doctor Of Medicine Seriously Again.
Nor Will Their Children.
Thank you for publically acknowledging the LIES that form the basis of COVID. They have produced a lot of anger and distrust, both of which are undoubtedly over due.