
My Favorite Parts Of Covid:


That No One Of Exceptional Intelligence Will Ever Take A Doctor Of Medicine Seriously Again.

Nor Will Their Children.


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Yes! I feel like an IQ test was administered and too many people failed

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Thank you for publically acknowledging the LIES that form the basis of COVID. They have produced a lot of anger and distrust, both of which are undoubtedly over due.

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Just imagine the level of anger and distrust if people were widely aware of the massive and unexplained increase in US deaths in 2020.

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Virginia, I'll add to this great point in Part 2.

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Aside: It should be mentioned that many skeptics doubt there ever was a “novel” virus and argue the entire pandemic was essentially created by dubious use of a dubious PCR test.) That's it in a nutshell, ALL BS.

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Per US mortality records, all-cause deaths increased by 19% in 2020--6 times larger than the largest previous yearly increase in deaths. I don't think a dubious PCR test could cause that, but a murderous PCR test probably could--that is, a test designed to kill a certain number of people.

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The dubious PCR tests were the reason all the lethal medical protocols were used on patients who would have been far safer staying out of hospitals.

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Medical protocols may have been lethal, but they could not have been primarily responsible for the NYC mass casualty event or the subsequent US death waves. I explain why here. Whatever was primarily responsible, we haven't identified it yet. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/28/researchers-discover-reason-for-31-million-excess-deaths-worldwide-mistakes-were-made-l2any-j8egn

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Speaking of murderous PCR test . . . The Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, himself was murdered when he publicly declared the test was absolutely not designed for Covid testing.

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The Fort Dietrick summer 2019 incident needs more public scrutiny.

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I agree, Bill. This received virtually no attention from our "watchdog" reporters or officials.

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Don’t like the surgeon general pick. Pro-vaxxer. Get ready for round two.

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Isn't it true that all of the so-called "picks" thus far are pro-vaxxers?

Prediction: there will not be one anti-vaxxer named or confirmed to the DJT new administration.

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I hope you’re wrong… if the new CDC head starts advocating more COVID shots, there will be a huge backlash…. At the very least, she would have to present empirical evidence that the vaccines at the very least lessened the symptoms and that evidence is anecdotal at best and in reality, does not exist.

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I would love to be wrong. The so-called authorities have never stopped pushing people to submit to more COVID shots. There continue to be advertisements/inducements on TV, paid for by the US government. It has been clear since February of 2021 that the jabs are highly toxic. They should never have been administered to humans (animal testing of the platform resulted in deaths of virtually all, meaning, the technology failed). Moreover, they should have been recalled in 2021 and the technology banned. Instead, the democide/humanicide continues. This is intentional.

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I agree. There will be some serious scuffles going on behind the scenes at CDC, FDA and NIH… I have hope that those discussions will actually be based on medical research and “science”, not arcane chicanery. Perhaps the VAERS data will come to light. The details of the lab leak… the pro COVID vaxxers have lost a lot of credibility.

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I know zero about Dr. Dave Weldon, the CDC pick…

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RFK is only pro- safe-vaxx. And he's well aware that none of them are safe.

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Exactly. None of them are safe and they weren't intended to be.

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When you talk about the millions who have lied to us about covid and continue to do so, I think about the JFK files and more.

I personally think because of the Van Allen belt we never went to the moon. When I have expressed that thought in the past I have been told if that was true so many people would have to have known and it couldn't have been kept a secret.

Think about those of you who ever have been stuck in a car in winter somewhere and had to start it every few minutes to keep warm and conserve fuel,with the windows frosting up. So how does this space capsule go to the moon and back send a crew down and back up successfully over and over and no body gets sick,dies, or gets frost bite or hypothermia in an environment the size of a car with temperature swings of hundreds of degrees? I have seen the size of those capsules at the space center. The space shuttle was supposed to be able to go out of earths orbit but never did, Then with2 failures it got retired and we hitch hike to the ISS with our enemy ?

Nasa has been asked why we haven't been back and their answer one one occasion was they had lost the technology.

I can't sit in the woods hunting for an hour on a cold day without fingers and feet getting cold and that is in the 30 degree range.

I have to wonder if JFK, because he made the challenge to beat the Russians to the moon, found out he had been lied to and wasn't going to sit still for it and that contributed to the need to kill him. And then the Vietnam war and the story of the Gulf of Tonkin, getting us into the war. We have been lied to by our government my whole 71 yo life.

I refused the vaccine because I figured it was a lie turning into a follow the money story.

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It's been a pack of lies since the beginning. Check this out, from our second prez...

“The History of our Revolution will be one continued Lie from one End to the other…”

- John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 4 April 1790


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Excellent article. Please include me in the “aside crowd”. Perhaps there was a relatively mild altered SARS Cov thrown into the mix with the other seasonal illnesses, including pneumonias which were iatrogenic - misdiagnosed and mistreated, along with an incredibly effective fear mongering psych op campaign, backed by the hoax PCR tests and fake causes of death. Complete and absolute hoax of lies.

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There was a MASSIVE increase in all-cause deaths in the US in 2020, per US mortality records--6 times larger than any increase in at least the last half-century. You are saying the cause was that "mistakes were made." I don't buy it because the mortality data contradicts it. The data is here, starting about 1/3 the way down, if you are interested-- https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68

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Thank you for your response. I attempted to read through your report. There are many indicators of nefarious actions, not necessarily mistakes, that resulted in excess deaths. Excess all cause deaths occurred towards the end of 2020 when the poisons shots were initially rolled out, people were dying from delayed and neglected critical treatments due to the mandates, not seeing doctors, early treatments for any reported illness discouraged, people dying in hospitals from ventilators, (never to be used for a respiratory illness and Remdesivir, (proven ineffective and deadly), increased suicides and drug overdoses. The alleged virus was not capable of producing excess deaths.

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As far a I know, no one has correlated the mortality data with any of the explanations you offered--that's telling, given how long they have been repeated. My first question would be, can the combination of factors you named explain why deaths spiked up to 550% in 25 counties in the NYC metro area, killing 50k people over 8 weeks, after which deaths returned to normal? I call this the New York City mass casualty event litmus test. I put several of the explanations you offered to this test recently--they failed, for the reasons I explained at this link. So we are looking for another cause of death, as yet unidentified. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/28/researchers-discover-reason-for-31-million-excess-deaths-worldwide-mistakes-were-made-l2any-j8egn

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NYC I believe lied about deaths, it was the only place to see such mass casulalties

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Wood House 76 Sub-stack. NYC and Bergamo Italy 2020 all cause mortality spikes were fraudulent! Never happened. Used to perpetuate the fake pandemic!

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There has been propaganda designed to cover up 2020 excess deaths from the beginning. I'd suggest reading this link--the first section covers early fake death propaganda, and the 2nd section covers recent fake death propaganda, including Hockett's work. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-bw8p7

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Not really--there were 529k more US deaths in 2020 than there were in 2019, and 'only' 50k of those were in 25 counties in the NYC metropolitan area, including 26k in the 5 counties comprising NYC. Also I guess you are claiming all the similar simultaneous death spikes around the world were also faked. If you are going to go down the "fake death" path you have a lot of explaining to do. Including why anyone would fake deaths in a way that raises obvious suspicions of mass-murder, then cover them up.

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I’ve been getting the feeling that Substack is going the way of X-itter…freedom of speech, not freedom of reach!!

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I like that: "freedom of reach." That's what "they" are suppressing ... no doubt about it.

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To say it’s a tragic state of affairs really doesn’t begin to plumb the depths to which “social” media, or the MSM, has sunk.

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I watched ThankYouDrFauci last week because the filmmaker considers the COVID experience the largest criminal act in known history, his documentary being a tale of a true crime event.

The only additional things I learned was that Fauci became director of DoD's "biodefense" division after the death of BruceIvins, and Fauci is supposedly fixated on gain-of-function research, no matter the risk, problems or costs.

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I am of the opinion that the only thing that explains the finely coordinated Covid response, with Western Governments dropping their carefully prepared Pandemic Response contingency plans, is that the Covid psyop was a Military operation.

It is thought that in Europe, it was NATO that coordinated the response and enforcement. At the time, Sweden was not a member of NATO, which would explain why Sweden was able to act differently. But might no be so lucky next time around!

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Early on, many alternative media writers and Brownstone writers zeroed in on the likelihood this was all a military operation - or the military took over control of all the key decisions and implementation of the "program." People think it was the "public health" community, but I don't think this was the case.

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It means that virtually all western governments are entirely criminal and must be overthrown. If that is what drain the swamp means, let's have at it. But we cannot expect Republicans to do that. And whatever they call themselves in other governments.

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They are entirely criminal and have been for a long time. Here's one reason why,

“Von Arnum…suggested that "few governments are in a position to say they do not bear the golden chains of the [international bankers]."


"Mayor John F. Hylan of New York City, speaking at Chicago, March 26, 1922, said:

"The real menace of our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head of this octopus is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as the 'International bankers. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends."

Who Are Our Rulers?

by Don Bell

The American Mercury, September 1960, pp. 135-140


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You might get to it in Part 2. But there are also financial and political overlays to everything that transpired.

In mid to late 2019 the economy was beginning to slow. Housing was showing signs of deterioration. And then came the liquidity crisis, as interbank overnight lending slowed and the stopped, as banks had already sniffed out what was coming. The FED was forced to pump trillions of dollars of liquidity into the system in a very short period of time. This was the initial ‘stimulus’ that ultimately turned inflationary and it occurred before Covid was even in the lexicon.

Second, IMO they faked the pandemic to steal the election. I won’t try to make the case, but part of the evidence is your early spread theory.

So. What did ‘they’ get out of the fakery. Three major things.

First, cover for the injection of un fathomable amounts of money, direct and indirect, into the economy, thereby preventing what was going to be a massive deflationary recession. Or worse.

Second, cover for all of the changes made to voting rules and ballot integrity, thereby allowing them to steal the election.

Third, cover for what amounted to a massive compliance experiment, gauging the response, thereby allowing them to refine their plan for the next psyop.

And of course, getting the jab in as many arms as possible, but that’s like a given so I didn’t make it point #4.

And therein lies the problem with trying to unravel the fraud. There are so many factors that play into the story that seemingly have little to do with Covid, when in fact my belief is that they have everything to do with Covid.

Just the 2019 financial issues alone have all been memory holed…and the vast majority of people in the country have zero idea how close the system came to a full blown credit driven meltdown.

Anyway, my thoughts at 0300 on 03 December 2024.

Appreciate your work.

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Great thoughts, MoodyP. Thanks for sharing them here. These points haven't been developed or investigated nearly enough. I've always thought everything revolves around "protecting the printing press" ... and concealing or covering up the true dismal and scary state of the economy and monetary system.

The rigging of gold and silver "markets" is very important to this operation. That's why the pejorative "gold bugs" was invented. Just like "science denier" or "anit-vaxer." They changed the narrative about sound money ... to protect the fiat printing press.

"Follow the money" .... and where does all the "money" actually come from?

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Really good article.

But, I think one thing that us normal people have to come to grips with is that the Democrats are perfectly fine with the lies. Perfectly fine.

We see a constant, never-ending blizzard of lies. The COVID years were one lie piled on top of a mountain of other COVID lies. And, yes, we desperately point out the lies. One after the other. I mean, how can they lie so much?? How can they lie about everything? Lying is bad, right??


Who says lying is bad? By what standard is lying bad? Sure, a lot of us Conservatives were raised with the notion that thou shalt not bear false witness. It's a sin, right? Its bad to lie. That's the standard. For us, anyway.

But not to Democrats. They couldn't care less about our standards. Democrats have only one standard when it comes to lying. Does the lie help? That's the standard. If the lie helps they stick with it. If its not helping, they pretend it never happened and just move on.

Case in point. A recent example. Biden saying over and over that he wouldn't pardon Hunter. An obvious lie. I mean, we all knew it was a lie, right?. I guess it's an insignificant lie for a Democrat...but still. Anyway, so Biden pardons Hunter like we all knew he would, But can you find one Democrat who can even bring themselves to admit that Biden lied?? No, you cant. Democrats just flat out don't care. They couldn't care in the least.

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Be a little careful where you're going with this one. The Republicans are not holier than thou. They lie too and lie plenty. Maybe not here or about this topic, but they lie. Politicians in general lie, the elites lie all the time. Got to keep the masses in control. There are different ways to do that, but they all require lying.

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Great points here too. Lying is REQUIRED in our "New Abnormal" ... or maybe mandatory lying has always been normal?

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Great post. Thanks for pointing out Biden's Big Lie that he wouldn't pardon Hunter - a lie everyone of us KNEW was a lie!

As you point out, they lie because they HAVE to. I'm going to develop some of your points in Part 2.

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So much of the whole thing was nuts. The 💉💉💉 mandate!! Unbelievable

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Wow - you mentioned something "(Aside: It should be mentioned that many skeptics doubt there ever was a “novel” virus and argue the entire pandemic was essentially created by dubious use of a dubious PCR test.)" But, I like "particularly novel or deadly.) Way more than dubious PCR testing (true enough) such as terror on the media every night causing stress, hospital protocols, etc. and more contributed to the illusion of a novel deadly virus.

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I suspect it was novel as in the fall of 2019 local MDs here were telling people that there was some sort of “nasty new respiratory bug” going around. Nobody was too wound up about it or invested in figuring out what it was but it wasn’t influenza or RSV or any of the usual suspects.

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That's my take-away at the moment as well. Either scenario is a mind-boggling scandal. Either there was no "novel virus" at all (which is possible, but staggering to think about the implications) or, as I currently believe, there was a new type of respiratory virus that was making millions of people sick ... but 99.99 percent of these people were surviving just like we survive a bout of the flu or any other ILI (or any other "corona virus.")

A key question that's gotten almost no scrutiny is this: Were more people becoming "sick" in the weeks and months before official Covid than in previous "flu seasons?" My contrarian answer - based on voluminous research and contemporaneous reports - is "Yes."

Could some percentage of these sick people have had "early Covid." Again, my answer is "Yes ... almost certainly."

This theory stated, I'm open to the theory that there never was a novel virus.

As I've written, there's really no way to "prove" early spread via a PCR test as virtually nobody was getting PCR tests before late March. That leaves the antibody tests and virtually nobody started getting these tests until the last few days of April 2020.

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New varieties ("Viral Variants!!!") of pathogens are in people, places and things at all times. The idea that the microbial world is static is nonsensical. Whatever was making people ill in 2019 here (and I know a quite a few who say they were ill that fall) was just a shift. Note Australia had a really "nasty respiratory bug" in their winter of 2018. A test was created, fear induced, and medical protocols were enforced (isolation, denial of care, too much oxygen, no antibiotics, ventilators, remdesivir) which killed. In regional areas, it is very possible that toxins were released to aid in the "novel deadly" fear porn. BUT POLICIES KILLED, not a super novel virus that came from a lab or a bat or a pangolin.

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I agree 100 percent that it was the "policies" that created 99 percent of the mass or excess deaths - which meets the definition of "democide" and should be one of history's great crimes against humanity - a scandal that will probably never be exposed.

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Convid house committee finds OWS was a resounding success. Sail on through Trumpy & how's that scar on you ear going, miracle? Sucked in America, again.


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