
Another question that might be interesting to readers just occurred to me: Who has had the greatest influence in persuading more people to change their views on the "authorized narrative?"

I'd have to vote for Tucker Carlson just because he does reach a pretty good-sized "mainstream audience," which probably includes a fair number of people who once went along with all the official narratives.

Steve Kirsch, who is relentless and whose site has grown exponentially, has to be up there as well.

I would also put RFK, Jr. on the list just because his book "The Real Anthony Fauci" has sold so many copies and got such amazing "word of mouth" advertising. I don't know how anyone who was half-way open-minded could read that book and not be influenced by the arguments and data.

Thinking about this question might give us some ideas on how to change more people from "blue pill" to "red pill."

I still think we would have a sea change in thinking about "the narrative" if, by some miracle, the NY Times did real investigative reporting (or maybe "Sixty Minutes) but, alas, we know this won't happen - which is a tell in itself.

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In this article, I opine that "20 percent" of Americans basically "get it" or think like I do. But that was a complete guess, just based on observation or instinct. I wonder if readers think I'm in the ballpark with that estimate. Poll question: What percentage do my readers think "get it" or think kind of like us?

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When I wrote this article, I kept mentioning the "authorized Covid narrative" so I said to myself, "I probably need to give some examples of what exactly this 'authorized narrative' is." At first, I thought I'd give 10 examples. As you can see, I ended up giving 29 examples. That is, it wasn't hard coming up with these dubious or faux narratives. I'm sure I could have easily come up with 40 or my readers can add some more examples. Question: How the heck can you have 40 narratives/"settled science" and every single one of them is false or at least dubious? I couldn't do this if I tried.

It's impressive to not get ONE thing right.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

% of MDs who should have led the general strike against the loss of oath and public trust: 100.

The whole disgraceful thing would be over by now.


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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Wow! It looks even worse when set out so clearly. Many thanks. As a retired doctor I am ashamed of my profession, although I can hardly blame them for not putting their livelihoods and reputations at serious risk. That is the most shameful aspect of the last three years. People were afraid, and had very good reason to be afraid, to question the narrative openly.

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If the LGBTQ managed to break through into the mainstream with less than 1/2 % of the population in their ranks, 20% of the population, pushing back against a false Covid narrative and a destructive government stands a high probability of success too.

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Seems to me that the 20% of Non-Conformists around the western world are now living in a parallel universe. It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers isn't it? People around us look normal, they behave fairly normally. But they are no longer like us. They carry around inside them not only experimental gene technology but also strange illogical beliefs which they would probably protect by getting rid of the 20% if they were told to.

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When talking with friends and I say something that contradicts the COVID narrative I get suspicious looks as if I'm saying something the equivalent of the earth is flat or I'm pushing a conspiracy theory or I'm referring to an "anti vaxxer" who can be ignored. Their response is to just regurgitate what got from their trusted news outlets. No one I talk to ever refers to a research paper. (I've read over 400 papers.)

Nonetheless, if you're right in that 20% of the people question the narrative there is some hope (albeit limited) that the narrative will change. However, some portion of that 20% needs to be vocal. That is a challenge because it's tough to get a platform to get the message out. I think the way to open the door is for someone like Dr. Aseem Malhotra to speak out. As a well-known and respected cardiologist in the UK he switched from being a vaccine advocate to a vaccine skeptic. He has been able to get his message onto the BBC without being cancelled and published a two part article in a journal. (When I refer to Malhotra's change of mind my friends just shrug it off.)

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

This timely article brings to mind two things. First, a quote by Arthur Schopenhauer: "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." But it also brings to mind the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack of 1941, as described in the book, Day of Deceit, by Robert Stinnett (1999). Apparently there were several congressional investigations into what prompted Japan to attack Hawaii, and the extent of U.S. involvement in setting it up. Nobody was held accountable, although it seems there was sufficient evidence to do so. Robert Stinnett certainly provides plenty of evidence in his book.

If indeed 20% of the population recognize the propaganda and atrocities committed in the name of "Covid," then we may well be on our way to the truth "being self-evident." But this may never be enough to hold accountable the people who perpetrated these crimes against humanity.

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You are lucky to have 20% in the USA.

I very seriously doubt Canada has even a 5% awareness. Within the evangelical church...I doubt there is even a 2% awareness of what the hell is going on...in Canada.

2% would be a very generous number.

I hate to agree with you....but my numbers are even worse than yours....so the odds of success look more like buying a lottery ticket than anything else.

Near where I live is a small Baptist church. I quit going to church 25 years ago because I could get the same info from CBC, if I cared to.

I have hosted the pastor of this church for coffee...for several months...once a week... in my home

Every time we are together his goal is to either get me to go to church...or shame me for not.

I retort by telling him I love God...but hate religion.

This pastor...though sincere...knows nothing about what is going on around him in the current world. I mean nothing. Neither do the deacons. I know them all...they know nothing except the CBC/Trudeau television narrative.

I just found out the pastor may be leaving...over what I think is both trivial and ridiculous, especially in light of global dynamics.

It is so insane it is not worth mentioning...but this issue has been such a sore spot it will cause a split.

Yet not likely one person in that congregation could tell me the history of the Ukraine war...the real story...not the tv one.

Not one of them would be aware of the vaccine injuries and deaths. There was no uproar when the churches were closed.

In fact...just recently one of the deacons commented on how well the whole covid thing was handled in Canada, and in this province.

There was me...not 5 ft away from him...fired for not getting the jab...but he was boasting of the success. This is a Baptist deacon.

This is Canada.


No...it will not recover.

Wherever this swirling vortex of sewage is headed...we in Canada are making the trip with it.. Proudly...I might add.

As a nation...we are lost. We have sold our souls.

We are deep into stage four, irreversable, intellectual and spiritual cancer.

Whatever our lot is...we have earned it.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

We may be only 20% but our numbers are growing. We must tell all who will listen what we see.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Some additional flavors of the Authorized Covid Narrative:

Covid poses no significant risk to younger people, but locking up and down everyone is necessary to save Grandma.

Children are at virtually zero risk from Covid, but schools must be closed indefinitely because kids could carry the virus home and infect Grandma.

Large scale immune pressure elicited by the vaxxiines is of no concern whatsoever, but if it becomes a problem, the solution is more vaxxiines.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Excellent article!

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I rather suspect the virus can be easily spread outdoors; from biotrails. I and quite a few acquaintances with no direct contact came down with Omicron near simultaneously at the end of 2021.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023

Given the lack of boosters uptake, I think your numbers might be too conservative and not really depicting the range of awareness that actually exists.

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Del Bigtree was like a lifeline to me, when I felt as if suddenly, overnight in March 2020, the whole of humanity had lost its common-sense-gene.

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