% of MDs who should have led the general strike against the loss of oath and public trust: 100.
The whole disgraceful thing would be over by now.
If just ONE prominent newspaper would take the claims of these 10 doctors seriously, we would be getting somewhere. But that one newspaper hasn't stepped forward yet. We're three years into this story so if they haven't done this yet ....
It just takes ONE entity changing and more will follow out of the anxiety brought about by competitiveness and the feeling of being left behind the curve.
So...we need one chickenshit entity (prominent newspaper, prominent institution, prominent college, prominent educator, prominent corporation, prominent law enforcement/military group, etc., etc.) to give up their chickenshitedness, step up to the plate, and swing for the bleachers.
Then a novel kind of mass formation psychosis can occur and Mattias Desmet can write a new book entitled, "See, I Told You So."
Great point! I've been saying this all along. The people who orchestrated this plandemic knew that almost every doctor would go along with it because they have worked so hard to get where they are in life and have much to lose. They are used to a certain lifestyle. But I was just following orders will not be a valid excuse.
% of MDs who should have led the general strike against the loss of oath and public trust: 100.
The whole disgraceful thing would be over by now.
Or what if just 25 percent had done this? Same result probably. We can't get 1 percent to speak up ... here in the "home of the brave." Sigh.
If just ONE prominent newspaper would take the claims of these 10 doctors seriously, we would be getting somewhere. But that one newspaper hasn't stepped forward yet. We're three years into this story so if they haven't done this yet ....
It just takes ONE entity changing and more will follow out of the anxiety brought about by competitiveness and the feeling of being left behind the curve.
So...we need one chickenshit entity (prominent newspaper, prominent institution, prominent college, prominent educator, prominent corporation, prominent law enforcement/military group, etc., etc.) to give up their chickenshitedness, step up to the plate, and swing for the bleachers.
Then a novel kind of mass formation psychosis can occur and Mattias Desmet can write a new book entitled, "See, I Told You So."
Great point! I've been saying this all along. The people who orchestrated this plandemic knew that almost every doctor would go along with it because they have worked so hard to get where they are in life and have much to lose. They are used to a certain lifestyle. But I was just following orders will not be a valid excuse.