I wish it was, but it’s clearly not. If it was, we’d already have seen big changes. My maxim that all 'important' organizations are ‘completely captured’ still holds true.
Astute readers will no doubt pick up on one of my implied points in this piece. All of my writing on Substack hasn't amounted to a hill of beans. I'll know my work has "mattered' when some staffer from a Congressional Committee emails me and asks for more information on, say, my "early spread' research and articles. And then invites me to testify at a Congressional Hearing on this topic.
Or, some investigative journalist from the NY Times or Wall Street Journal contacts me and says, 'Bill, we've read with great interest your stories on antibody results and widespread pre-Covid ILI. Do you got a few minutes to walk us through this evidence? We're working on our own pieces on this topic now."
Like I said: Not. Going. To. Happen. If it was going to happen, this would have already happened.
Maybe *your* substack hasn't amounted to a hill of beans. But Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger have testified to Congress more than once. Of course, only the Republicans in charge of the committees pay any attention, and the Democrats use the occasion for political grandstanding. So you could definitely say that Congress is captured.
The Censorship scandal has definitely gotten more attention than the Covid scandals. But the Censorship hasn't stoppped! I've noted that the censors aren't afraid of any Congressional Hearings.
They know they're working hand in glove with the government, which is in charge of the justice department.
Your article partly defines "important" as having had an effect *by now*. I think more and more people are being made aware of the facts of what's been going on, but who knows how long it will take for a sufficient portion of the populace to demand change.
I keep remembering how shocked the Left was when Trump was elected in 2016 (I was among the shocked, at the time). They had been deluding themselves about their chances in the election. I'm hoping that a similar surprise will happen in 2024. Maybe not Trump being elected so much, but just the obvious and popular repudiation of the powers-that-be.
It was allowed in 2016 ONLY b/c those in power didn't realize how far off their data was on polls for both the US Presidents election and Brexit. When the elite's lost both of those in 2016 they changed up tactics to ensure that won't happen again. That's not to say Trump can't win but it will require overwhelming support so much so that they corrupt can't out-ballot match him with the combination of election fraud they used in 2020. Even then if he does win they'll been one assassination attempt after another because that's how dangerous he is to them.
Same for my work at UnWoke... although I now do have a number of State Legislators contacting me to help fight CBDC & CEI, which is a step in the right direction
Have to disagree (rarely) once again. Pushing that boulder up a hill of beans is a lot of hot, sweaty, frustrating work that may seem, on the face of, more than the effort is worth.
But...think of all the little pebbles that are dislodged and begin to roll downhill, pebbles hitting ever larger rocks, rocks dislodging ever bigger and more boulders, all rolling down...an avalanche.
Frustrating as hell maybe for the folk with a shoulder against the uphill boulder. But also...perhaps, that folk on the task might be missing what that one boulder is causing to happen.
Giving up is definitely not an option. I do think things could change in a hurry for the better, like a dam suddenly giving way ... or the former Soviet Union suddenly crumbling in a matter of months.
It might just take one big - definitively proven - "truth bomb" going off. That would set off a chain reaction of more truth bombs ... and all the bogus narratives would be exposed.
Bill, if it means anything, I think “their” ignoring so many Substack writers speaks volumes to their fear they know “we” are out there and on to them.
I appreciate the way in which you laid out your argument/counter-argument, and separated out considerations of what X "is" from whether what it is can be considered "important". I also appreciated your measure of "importance": Is shared evidence of malfeasance and corruption translating into prosecutions and policy changes?
As you acknowledged, you're hearing reports of continued suppression of accounts and posts. I would contend that X is not in fact - despite X being under attack from some quarters, and Musk being frequently lionized as a free speech advocate -- a free speech platform, and that its important that we don't get snookered by Musk's questionable "victim" status into calling a pig's ear, a silk purse, lest we forget what a silk purse (true intellectual freedom) actually is.
X's guiding policies as explicitly stated by Musk and Yaccarino are:
1. "freedom of speech, not freedom of reach", a ridiculous koan which yields anything BUT intellectual freedom as it completely smothers "disliked" perspectives; and
2. A reservation of the right to de-monetize and de-amplify accounts and posts which are subjectively determined to be in a category called "lawful but awful".
3. No transparency about who was/is being de-amplified.
Various "sides" seem to "see" a free speech platform whenever they sense more circulation of perspectives they are happy to see, and seem to "forget" the intellectual suppression policies which are in force, and will be felt in the future when they attempt to articulate a differently dislike perspective. Getting rid of those policies would make it a free speech platform. Until then, it's just "differently censorious".
Exactly. Meanwhile, it feels like there's a campaign in progress to make people forget that X operates under these disclosed policies and who the hell knows what other intellectually suppressive ones. For instance: https://twitter.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1741541208906678652 No bueno. Keep pointing to a rabbit and insisting its a horse and eventually people will say that a rabbit neighs and has hooves. Keep pointing to a non-free speech platform and calling it the lofty heights of intellectual freedom and eventually people will say that ultimate intellectual freedom always includes third party subjective undisclosed suppression.
That Kogon article surprised me by asserting that the suppression Xwitter does now is less transparent than before, when it was more censorious, but more transparently so.
Yes, those that have the ability to even attempt to expose the main culprits and win in court are avoiding the issue. Picture it. If it went to that level, , millions around the world would be attempting to sue for their injuries or a family member's death. Those that see this as an endless opportunity would rush to get their law degree. And the U.S. and perhaps China would have a permanent mark on their reputation. There were those in agencies that were duped, but it would be the Nuremburg trials all over again. With the abundance of studies and data refuting the jabs safety and efficacy, masking, excess deaths, and those that have died suddenly along with data from Ed Dowd and Steve Kirsch, you would think at least one captured organization or member would want to appease their conscience and get on with it. This situation is beyond belief.
I've discussed that scenario, Teri. If you had one or a couple of successful lawsuits or prosecutions, the entire system would go bankrupt. You'd probably end up with serious secession movements and demands for reparations from 200 nations.
So there can't be any significant civil or criminal verdicts that assign blame and try to provide compensation to victims.
The key to the operation is that they recruited so many organizations that all "bought in" to the bogus and deadly narratives. It's counter-intuitive but no doubt true: There's too many potential guilty defendants. The larger the conspiracy, the less likely any of the guilty will be exposed or receive justice.
Sigh.........I've wondered what could be done and you about summed it up....nothing. It's pathetic. And now to try to get Trump off ballots shows the degree of the dictatorial situation that has slowly but surely arisen. I am bewildered by our justice system as well. When I opted out of being a democrat was long before this...those that should have been on trial were not...i.e. Hillary & Bill and many more. The worst is that many people have parted ways because of it. Not much can be done about that as well.
I agree but not likely. The division is so strong now. ...between downright hatred of Trump and the blindness of those that believe all is well in regard to the vaccine debacle. I will have to say I'm the one that prefers not being around them/friends than vice versa.....cannot believe or accept their lack of critical thinking.
Bill, slightly off topic, but do you know if there are search engines that will not manipulate or censor search results? Would love to see a giant tech company like an X work in the search space. I continue to be dummified at looking at results on google for covid related topics expecting to see something resembling balance--there isnt any.
No I don't, Arnold, but I agree the search engines are all heavily manipulated by Big Brother. And I'm picking up bad vibes about some metrics on Substack, including my own subscriber metrics.
My paid subscribers are crashing. My growth of free subscribers has completely reversed. My open rate - percentage of people who open or read an article - is plunging dramatically. I'm getting many comments from my own subscibers and reading other Substack authors who suspect not nearly as many people are getting their articles or reading their comments and payment/re-new questions and issues.
I might do a separate column on this in the future.
Just over the holiday season or are you seeing this as a longer term trend?
Also...I often times read an article via the notification email, without going to Substack. I doubt Substack can register that the email was 'read or not'. Wonder how many others do this and if perhaps that is at least part of the reason some metrics are down?
As for other search alternatives, I'm using Duck Duck Go to build out my "red pill" library, but I still have to dig pretty deep. Brave is another alternative some folks are using.
MZ, its like we are getting into a potential future where one part of the worlds peoples says "the sky is blue." while the other group says "the sky is definitely green." thx for your resource.
Thanks for your feedback, Arnold. Glad if this resource has been helpful.
As for your great sky analogy, I'd say we're probably already there, especially if you look at each of the COVID and climate narratives. At this point, the blue and green camps appear to be pretty well entrenched! ;-)
Agree. Brave is probably the 'best' at the moment. I also use DDG on Firefox...along with other filters and extensions. Have also been using the Brave browser more often instead of FF.
For grins, sometimes do the same searches on Chrome Browser/Google Search just for...grins.
What do you mean they are risky? Not filtered for malicious sites, so likely to load you up with malware? Or just content that might shock some people? Just wondering since I use it and don't take any special care, although as a computer professional since pre-internet days I'm fairly attuned to what might be better avoided. Which includes knowing I can still get bit.
X may not be all it’s advertised to be but at some point the malfeasance it did expose passed the ball to the general public whom largely ignored it. So I can’t entirely blame X for collective disinterest. X may still be nefarious under the surface but it did expose how insipid and powerless the public is after being hit with a series of groundbreaking confirmations. That makes me sadder and is a larger concern to me at this time than X’s actual mission.
Good point. The public has all the information it needs ... from X, Substack and other excellent alternative media journalists. We all need to look in the mirror.
It’s depressing to think about which is probably why most people avoid thinking about it but, the reality is citizen’s lack of effective pushback is responsible for them being continually steamrolled. Bullies, unless stopped, never stop pushing.
Almost from its inception our government has been exploiting citizens, and manipulating laws to serve its own interests.
Everything from the creation of The Fed, to using Social Security as its own piggy bank, to the expansion of Executive Orders and Emergency Powers that go way beyond their original intent as does environmentalism are illegal and unreasonable. But nary a whisper from John & Jane Q. Public.
The main purpose of the federal government was supposed to be to protect our borders. What a joke that is nowadays! Most of the crap they’ve dug into over the years was supposed to be the domain of the States. But what they’ve done is made states beholden to them for federal funding, which they threaten to cutoff if they don’t toe the line.
The Founders did the best they could acknowledging all governments go off the rails. That’s why we have 2A. Hint: It ain’t for hunting. But, they admitted if America goes off the rails it’ll be from within because the people allowed it. Not a whole helluva lot anyone could’ve done to create a nation that would prevent that from happening.
So here we are. Blaming terrible presidents, a shitty Congress, a corrupt intelligence community, social media, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk, Dorsey, Fauci, Birx, Pottinger, Bourla, WHO, CDC, EcoHealth Alliance, don’t forget the Rothschild’s, Bilderberg’s, Soros…the blame game is endless but rarely circles back to us in any meaningful way.
Meanwhile, We the People are too busy arguing whether the Earth is flat, wear tin foil hats to save us from 5G, no longer understand there are only two genders, snuff out viable fetuses at a whim, want children to make adult decisions, think big pharma is on our side and so-called experts have the only opinions that matter.
Many believe there are too many people in the world, think 15 minute cities and eating bugs is a great idea, and mass surveillance in all its guises is necessary to maintain a safe and orderly society.
And, police? Who needs them? They’re racist! And, laws? Why they’re only guidelines anyway.
But people are too busy clamoring for their $600 Taylor Swift tickets to notice.
The value in Substack, for now, is at least it houses all the opinions and evidence under one roof and can be readily available to people when needed. It's there. And that's a big win given the nature of the zeitgeist.
Yep same. Basically Twitter's moderation is still in the same hands (ADL) and if you critique theirs then you'll be banned. RFK, Malone et al are all establishment players and they're playacting having been banned previously. The rules for the rest of us have not changed.
The entire effort to expose truth and fight false narrative is a slow, chipping away. Even then, as history has shown, the entire truth and any resultant justice usually do not occur.
For one tiny historical example, read From Major Jordan's Diaries, a 1952 book blowing the whistle on the WWII Lend-Lease program and Russia's abuse of it. At one point, Russia even took US currency plates so they could print out our money! There are PDFs online where you can download the entire book. Even though the Major exposed all this, nothing was ever done to TPTB who allowed this and were part of the coverup. Indeed, if you read the current Wikipedia for the major, it makes it sound like he was just part of the "anti-communism" movement and had been discredited because he was "right-wing."
The only positive, is that the Internet allows for people to read and download Major Jordan's work. But unfortunately, one has to be aware of it to look for it as all this history has been covered up or rewritten by Wikipedia and TPTB.
It's obvious that none of us are in position to change any of this but we can still speak truth and chip away the BS Narrative Iceberg the best we can.
The concept of the "narrative" is in constant flux but the power of "truth" is undeniable - it is inviolate and it cannot be denied - it will always prevail in the end.
John Pilger a fine journalist - one of the last few remaining - he died today, but the news he shared and made the effort to present fairly had and has value and it always will - cause it was true in its effort to share the news of the world. I remember watching the story he prepared and the video included of IDF troops defecating in the kindergarten where the Palestinian children went to learn - that basically tells you all you need to know about the mindset and sentiment of the IDF and Israel and the folks there who seem willing to go along with the genocide of their neighbors.
I'll tell you this - it spells the end of them no doubt.
It may spell the end of ALL of us soon enough.
2024 - tis gonna be the year of reconciliation or the year of extinction I reckon.
This is good and well worth reading; however, I'm going to take the "devil's advocate" approach one step further.
It is possible that an Important Truth-Seeking Organization, by itself, cannot overcome lack of political will and/or incentivizing capital.
Imagine for a moment that a single news organization, let's say Epoch Times or Washington Times produced a series of articles exposing the calamity that was and is "Covid" and called for new Nuremberg Trials. They might publish good, meaningful thorough articles for years, with significant following, generating large numbers of outraged readers all calling for "Nuremberg Trials 2.0," but that by itself isn't going to repair broken Washington D.C. or our Judiciary. They might very well be the OPPOSITE of captured, and even have very large following, but might not quickly or easily clear the log-jam. However, such organizations, X included, are still fundamentally important, because they gradually make others feel comfortable enough to come forward and speak the same truth... which our enemies know, which is why they attack places like X to shut them up quickly and make an example of them.
Also, related to this, our team at UnWoke.Academy has been tracking the companies that have pulled ad revenue from X since Musk took over and we continue to encourage Freedom Loving People everywhere to stop doing business with or investing in those companies.
Notice that they still are a part of the same pot. Designed to cook the contents. They serve an important purpose. They're instrumental in keeping the pot from exploding while cooking.
Astute readers will no doubt pick up on one of my implied points in this piece. All of my writing on Substack hasn't amounted to a hill of beans. I'll know my work has "mattered' when some staffer from a Congressional Committee emails me and asks for more information on, say, my "early spread' research and articles. And then invites me to testify at a Congressional Hearing on this topic.
Or, some investigative journalist from the NY Times or Wall Street Journal contacts me and says, 'Bill, we've read with great interest your stories on antibody results and widespread pre-Covid ILI. Do you got a few minutes to walk us through this evidence? We're working on our own pieces on this topic now."
Like I said: Not. Going. To. Happen. If it was going to happen, this would have already happened.
Maybe *your* substack hasn't amounted to a hill of beans. But Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger have testified to Congress more than once. Of course, only the Republicans in charge of the committees pay any attention, and the Democrats use the occasion for political grandstanding. So you could definitely say that Congress is captured.
The Censorship scandal has definitely gotten more attention than the Covid scandals. But the Censorship hasn't stoppped! I've noted that the censors aren't afraid of any Congressional Hearings.
I wonder why. What do they know I don't?
They know they're working hand in glove with the government, which is in charge of the justice department.
Your article partly defines "important" as having had an effect *by now*. I think more and more people are being made aware of the facts of what's been going on, but who knows how long it will take for a sufficient portion of the populace to demand change.
I keep remembering how shocked the Left was when Trump was elected in 2016 (I was among the shocked, at the time). They had been deluding themselves about their chances in the election. I'm hoping that a similar surprise will happen in 2024. Maybe not Trump being elected so much, but just the obvious and popular repudiation of the powers-that-be.
The Kabuki going on with the sElections is purposeful. What you see happening is orchestrated.
It was allowed in 2016 ONLY b/c those in power didn't realize how far off their data was on polls for both the US Presidents election and Brexit. When the elite's lost both of those in 2016 they changed up tactics to ensure that won't happen again. That's not to say Trump can't win but it will require overwhelming support so much so that they corrupt can't out-ballot match him with the combination of election fraud they used in 2020. Even then if he does win they'll been one assassination attempt after another because that's how dangerous he is to them.
Same for my work at UnWoke... although I now do have a number of State Legislators contacting me to help fight CBDC & CEI, which is a step in the right direction
Have to disagree (rarely) once again. Pushing that boulder up a hill of beans is a lot of hot, sweaty, frustrating work that may seem, on the face of, more than the effort is worth.
But...think of all the little pebbles that are dislodged and begin to roll downhill, pebbles hitting ever larger rocks, rocks dislodging ever bigger and more boulders, all rolling down...an avalanche.
Frustrating as hell maybe for the folk with a shoulder against the uphill boulder. But also...perhaps, that folk on the task might be missing what that one boulder is causing to happen.
Just thinking.
Giving up is definitely not an option. I do think things could change in a hurry for the better, like a dam suddenly giving way ... or the former Soviet Union suddenly crumbling in a matter of months.
It might just take one big - definitively proven - "truth bomb" going off. That would set off a chain reaction of more truth bombs ... and all the bogus narratives would be exposed.
That's still my hope.
Bill, if it means anything, I think “their” ignoring so many Substack writers speaks volumes to their fear they know “we” are out there and on to them.
A structure is not made from one of a few stones but the combination of many numerous stones each contributing to the whole.
Correction: Facebook's parent company is called Meta not "Mega." But "Mega" is probably a better name for it.
Kim Dotcom might disagree.
I appreciate the way in which you laid out your argument/counter-argument, and separated out considerations of what X "is" from whether what it is can be considered "important". I also appreciated your measure of "importance": Is shared evidence of malfeasance and corruption translating into prosecutions and policy changes?
As you acknowledged, you're hearing reports of continued suppression of accounts and posts. I would contend that X is not in fact - despite X being under attack from some quarters, and Musk being frequently lionized as a free speech advocate -- a free speech platform, and that its important that we don't get snookered by Musk's questionable "victim" status into calling a pig's ear, a silk purse, lest we forget what a silk purse (true intellectual freedom) actually is.
X's guiding policies as explicitly stated by Musk and Yaccarino are:
1. "freedom of speech, not freedom of reach", a ridiculous koan which yields anything BUT intellectual freedom as it completely smothers "disliked" perspectives; and
2. A reservation of the right to de-monetize and de-amplify accounts and posts which are subjectively determined to be in a category called "lawful but awful".
3. No transparency about who was/is being de-amplified.
Various "sides" seem to "see" a free speech platform whenever they sense more circulation of perspectives they are happy to see, and seem to "forget" the intellectual suppression policies which are in force, and will be felt in the future when they attempt to articulate a differently dislike perspective. Getting rid of those policies would make it a free speech platform. Until then, it's just "differently censorious".
Exactly. Meanwhile, it feels like there's a campaign in progress to make people forget that X operates under these disclosed policies and who the hell knows what other intellectually suppressive ones. For instance: https://twitter.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1741541208906678652 No bueno. Keep pointing to a rabbit and insisting its a horse and eventually people will say that a rabbit neighs and has hooves. Keep pointing to a non-free speech platform and calling it the lofty heights of intellectual freedom and eventually people will say that ultimate intellectual freedom always includes third party subjective undisclosed suppression.
That Kogon article surprised me by asserting that the suppression Xwitter does now is less transparent than before, when it was more censorious, but more transparently so.
Agree 100%
> https://billricejr.substack.com/p/x-is-not-an-important-truth-seeking/comment/46352790
The revolution will not be televised.
Yes, those that have the ability to even attempt to expose the main culprits and win in court are avoiding the issue. Picture it. If it went to that level, , millions around the world would be attempting to sue for their injuries or a family member's death. Those that see this as an endless opportunity would rush to get their law degree. And the U.S. and perhaps China would have a permanent mark on their reputation. There were those in agencies that were duped, but it would be the Nuremburg trials all over again. With the abundance of studies and data refuting the jabs safety and efficacy, masking, excess deaths, and those that have died suddenly along with data from Ed Dowd and Steve Kirsch, you would think at least one captured organization or member would want to appease their conscience and get on with it. This situation is beyond belief.
I've discussed that scenario, Teri. If you had one or a couple of successful lawsuits or prosecutions, the entire system would go bankrupt. You'd probably end up with serious secession movements and demands for reparations from 200 nations.
So there can't be any significant civil or criminal verdicts that assign blame and try to provide compensation to victims.
The key to the operation is that they recruited so many organizations that all "bought in" to the bogus and deadly narratives. It's counter-intuitive but no doubt true: There's too many potential guilty defendants. The larger the conspiracy, the less likely any of the guilty will be exposed or receive justice.
I've come to exactly the same conclusion.
Sigh.........I've wondered what could be done and you about summed it up....nothing. It's pathetic. And now to try to get Trump off ballots shows the degree of the dictatorial situation that has slowly but surely arisen. I am bewildered by our justice system as well. When I opted out of being a democrat was long before this...those that should have been on trial were not...i.e. Hillary & Bill and many more. The worst is that many people have parted ways because of it. Not much can be done about that as well.
I'm hoping that enough disaffection will create unprecedented support for third-party candidates.
I agree but not likely. The division is so strong now. ...between downright hatred of Trump and the blindness of those that believe all is well in regard to the vaccine debacle. I will have to say I'm the one that prefers not being around them/friends than vice versa.....cannot believe or accept their lack of critical thinking.
Well said, Teri! Agree 100%
Thanks for posting. I agree. Let’s keep writing/documenting for history’s sake.
Bill, slightly off topic, but do you know if there are search engines that will not manipulate or censor search results? Would love to see a giant tech company like an X work in the search space. I continue to be dummified at looking at results on google for covid related topics expecting to see something resembling balance--there isnt any.
No I don't, Arnold, but I agree the search engines are all heavily manipulated by Big Brother. And I'm picking up bad vibes about some metrics on Substack, including my own subscriber metrics.
What is showing up on substack?
My paid subscribers are crashing. My growth of free subscribers has completely reversed. My open rate - percentage of people who open or read an article - is plunging dramatically. I'm getting many comments from my own subscibers and reading other Substack authors who suspect not nearly as many people are getting their articles or reading their comments and payment/re-new questions and issues.
I might do a separate column on this in the future.
Just over the holiday season or are you seeing this as a longer term trend?
Also...I often times read an article via the notification email, without going to Substack. I doubt Substack can register that the email was 'read or not'. Wonder how many others do this and if perhaps that is at least part of the reason some metrics are down?
You're not seeing any balance on Google b/c is it now a pharmaceutical company:
> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/49899ebfb410
As for other search alternatives, I'm using Duck Duck Go to build out my "red pill" library, but I still have to dig pretty deep. Brave is another alternative some folks are using.
> BeyondC19.org
MZ, its like we are getting into a potential future where one part of the worlds peoples says "the sky is blue." while the other group says "the sky is definitely green." thx for your resource.
Thanks for your feedback, Arnold. Glad if this resource has been helpful.
As for your great sky analogy, I'd say we're probably already there, especially if you look at each of the COVID and climate narratives. At this point, the blue and green camps appear to be pretty well entrenched! ;-)
MZ, that puts quite an illumination into the idea of fair and impartial. Good grief. thx!
Agree. Brave is probably the 'best' at the moment. I also use DDG on Firefox...along with other filters and extensions. Have also been using the Brave browser more often instead of FF.
For grins, sometimes do the same searches on Chrome Browser/Google Search just for...grins.
Oh, I have! Great suggestion ~ and *very* revealing.
I often use Yandex and search in Russian using a VPN. Beware - the clicks are very risky.
What do you mean they are risky? Not filtered for malicious sites, so likely to load you up with malware? Or just content that might shock some people? Just wondering since I use it and don't take any special care, although as a computer professional since pre-internet days I'm fairly attuned to what might be better avoided. Which includes knowing I can still get bit.
Once in a while I like to see what Yandex returns. Always different, almost always better.
My man
I gave up on Google long ago. Despite increasing criticism, DuckDuckGo has noticeably different results. And there are other alternatives too.
X may not be all it’s advertised to be but at some point the malfeasance it did expose passed the ball to the general public whom largely ignored it. So I can’t entirely blame X for collective disinterest. X may still be nefarious under the surface but it did expose how insipid and powerless the public is after being hit with a series of groundbreaking confirmations. That makes me sadder and is a larger concern to me at this time than X’s actual mission.
Good point. The public has all the information it needs ... from X, Substack and other excellent alternative media journalists. We all need to look in the mirror.
It’s depressing to think about which is probably why most people avoid thinking about it but, the reality is citizen’s lack of effective pushback is responsible for them being continually steamrolled. Bullies, unless stopped, never stop pushing.
Almost from its inception our government has been exploiting citizens, and manipulating laws to serve its own interests.
Everything from the creation of The Fed, to using Social Security as its own piggy bank, to the expansion of Executive Orders and Emergency Powers that go way beyond their original intent as does environmentalism are illegal and unreasonable. But nary a whisper from John & Jane Q. Public.
The main purpose of the federal government was supposed to be to protect our borders. What a joke that is nowadays! Most of the crap they’ve dug into over the years was supposed to be the domain of the States. But what they’ve done is made states beholden to them for federal funding, which they threaten to cutoff if they don’t toe the line.
The Founders did the best they could acknowledging all governments go off the rails. That’s why we have 2A. Hint: It ain’t for hunting. But, they admitted if America goes off the rails it’ll be from within because the people allowed it. Not a whole helluva lot anyone could’ve done to create a nation that would prevent that from happening.
So here we are. Blaming terrible presidents, a shitty Congress, a corrupt intelligence community, social media, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk, Dorsey, Fauci, Birx, Pottinger, Bourla, WHO, CDC, EcoHealth Alliance, don’t forget the Rothschild’s, Bilderberg’s, Soros…the blame game is endless but rarely circles back to us in any meaningful way.
Meanwhile, We the People are too busy arguing whether the Earth is flat, wear tin foil hats to save us from 5G, no longer understand there are only two genders, snuff out viable fetuses at a whim, want children to make adult decisions, think big pharma is on our side and so-called experts have the only opinions that matter.
Many believe there are too many people in the world, think 15 minute cities and eating bugs is a great idea, and mass surveillance in all its guises is necessary to maintain a safe and orderly society.
And, police? Who needs them? They’re racist! And, laws? Why they’re only guidelines anyway.
But people are too busy clamoring for their $600 Taylor Swift tickets to notice.
Divided (and distracted) we fall.
The value in Substack, for now, is at least it houses all the opinions and evidence under one roof and can be readily available to people when needed. It's there. And that's a big win given the nature of the zeitgeist.
I’ve only heard a few independent journalists mention SubStack when reporting news or using SubStack as a source.
That was Russel Brand who I assume pays for Matt Taibbi as that’s who he uses
Tim pool has mentioned SubStack a few times and had Hamish on his show.
Until more Main stream shows starts using sources from SubStack then nothing will change.
I was banned after Elon took over.
Appealed twice and received a vague generic reply that I was violating Twitter rules, but no explanation which ones I violated.
Yep same. Basically Twitter's moderation is still in the same hands (ADL) and if you critique theirs then you'll be banned. RFK, Malone et al are all establishment players and they're playacting having been banned previously. The rules for the rest of us have not changed.
The entire effort to expose truth and fight false narrative is a slow, chipping away. Even then, as history has shown, the entire truth and any resultant justice usually do not occur.
For one tiny historical example, read From Major Jordan's Diaries, a 1952 book blowing the whistle on the WWII Lend-Lease program and Russia's abuse of it. At one point, Russia even took US currency plates so they could print out our money! There are PDFs online where you can download the entire book. Even though the Major exposed all this, nothing was ever done to TPTB who allowed this and were part of the coverup. Indeed, if you read the current Wikipedia for the major, it makes it sound like he was just part of the "anti-communism" movement and had been discredited because he was "right-wing."
The only positive, is that the Internet allows for people to read and download Major Jordan's work. But unfortunately, one has to be aware of it to look for it as all this history has been covered up or rewritten by Wikipedia and TPTB.
It's obvious that none of us are in position to change any of this but we can still speak truth and chip away the BS Narrative Iceberg the best we can.
The concept of the "narrative" is in constant flux but the power of "truth" is undeniable - it is inviolate and it cannot be denied - it will always prevail in the end.
John Pilger a fine journalist - one of the last few remaining - he died today, but the news he shared and made the effort to present fairly had and has value and it always will - cause it was true in its effort to share the news of the world. I remember watching the story he prepared and the video included of IDF troops defecating in the kindergarten where the Palestinian children went to learn - that basically tells you all you need to know about the mindset and sentiment of the IDF and Israel and the folks there who seem willing to go along with the genocide of their neighbors.
I'll tell you this - it spells the end of them no doubt.
It may spell the end of ALL of us soon enough.
2024 - tis gonna be the year of reconciliation or the year of extinction I reckon.
This is good and well worth reading; however, I'm going to take the "devil's advocate" approach one step further.
It is possible that an Important Truth-Seeking Organization, by itself, cannot overcome lack of political will and/or incentivizing capital.
Imagine for a moment that a single news organization, let's say Epoch Times or Washington Times produced a series of articles exposing the calamity that was and is "Covid" and called for new Nuremberg Trials. They might publish good, meaningful thorough articles for years, with significant following, generating large numbers of outraged readers all calling for "Nuremberg Trials 2.0," but that by itself isn't going to repair broken Washington D.C. or our Judiciary. They might very well be the OPPOSITE of captured, and even have very large following, but might not quickly or easily clear the log-jam. However, such organizations, X included, are still fundamentally important, because they gradually make others feel comfortable enough to come forward and speak the same truth... which our enemies know, which is why they attack places like X to shut them up quickly and make an example of them.
Also, related to this, our team at UnWoke.Academy has been tracking the companies that have pulled ad revenue from X since Musk took over and we continue to encourage Freedom Loving People everywhere to stop doing business with or investing in those companies.
You're free to go blind from river blindness. - El(y)on Musk and Linda Yaccarino
This is what Twitter, and Substack are to the capturing powers:
Notice that they still are a part of the same pot. Designed to cook the contents. They serve an important purpose. They're instrumental in keeping the pot from exploding while cooking.