X is NOT an ‘important truth-seeking organization’
I wish it was, but it’s clearly not. If it was, we’d already have seen big changes. My maxim that all 'important' organizations are ‘completely captured’ still holds true.

I like to play Devil’s Advocate with myself to see if my own statements or theories might be inaccurate.
In recent months, I’ve repeatedly published my hypothesis/maxim that “all important truth-seeking organizations are completely captured.”
This statement, in my opinion, explains how everything evil that’s happened in our Covid “New Normal” could have happened.
Said differently, if every important truth-seeking organization was not completely captured, “the truth” would have likely emerged by now and terrible outcomes would have already been exposed, wouldn’t have occurred or would have now ceased happening.
However, it occurs to me that at least one “important truth-seeking organization” is not “completely captured.” This organization is X (formerly Twitter), as operated by its new owner Elon Musk.
By most metrics, X would have to be considered ‘important’ …
This social media platform reaches hundreds of millions of users, including hundreds of thousands of (potentially) influential posters and writers.
Until Musk bought the company, (then)Twitter was obviously captured and was obviously willing to participate in mass censorship and efforts to ban and de-monetize users who were challenging many of the “authorized” Covid narratives (and, indeed, any number of authorized narratives including ones that had nothing to do with Covid policies).
However, this changed when Musk bought the company and reportedly fired most previous employees and implemented policies that restored speech privileges to those who challenged the authorized narratives.
(I should note not everyone believes X is a platform that fully embraces free speech as I keep reading comments on Substack of people who report they’re still banned from Twitter. Still, it’s undeniable that most formerly-banned Twitter users are once again posting whatever they want at X, which is clearly a welcome development for anyone who genuinely believes in the concept of “free speech.”)
Also, most people would probably agree that X is an “important” “truth-seeking” platform of speech. It’s “important” because users are able to produce speech that reaches a wide-cross section of the planet.
Furthermore, X is important because it’s very popular with the “influencers” of the world, including people who work in government, non-governmental organizations, Foundations, major corporations and the Establishment or mainstream press.
I’d also argue the platform is used by people and organizations who are “seeking the truth” as, every day, these posters link to truthful stories, studies and compelling commentary that was posted for the sole purpose of debunking information the posters believe is not the truth.
So, per multiple measures, X is an “important” organization that is used by people who are indeed “seeking the truth.”
It’s also clear that X is NOT “completely captured.” If it was “completely captured” contrarians like Tucker Carlson or Robert Kennedy, Jr. wouldn’t be allowed to post whatever they want on the site.
In other words, my statement that “all important truth-seeking organizations are completely captured” seems to be belied by the example of Elon Musk’s X.
Devil Advocacy performed, I still think my statement - “all important organizations are completely captured” - holds up as true for one reason - X must not be a genuinely “important” truth-seeking organization.
It’s a potentially important truth-seeking organization and important people are making important points on this platform, but these points are not making a big difference in the Big Picture.
Just look at what hasn’t changed …
The proof of my postulate can be found in what hasn’t happened or what hasn’t changed, even with a “pro-free-speech” X under Elon Musk’s ownership.
For a non-captured organization to be considered genuinely “important,” this organization would need to produce important, narrative-changing results.
An important organization would no doubt prove that all the authorized narratives of Covid were false or dubious and caused great harm to society.
Organizations and people who spread real “disinformation” would be exposed and prosecuted, which would keep these people and organizations from inflicting even greater harm on the people of the world in the future.
Question: Has such a result happened yet?
Answer: No.
Conclusion: At least so far, no organization has succeeded in stopping “crimes against humanity” or identifying key actors in what must be massive and harmful conspiracies.
Per my logic, this means these organizations must not meet the definition of “important.” That is, even X is not an “important, truth-seeking organization.”
So who are the important truth-seeking organizations?
The important truth-seeking organizations remain the fully-captured organizations, which would include all the mainstream “watchdog” press “news” organizations, all the “truth-seeking” colleges, 99 percent of the “truth-seeking” trial lawyer firms and (almost) all of the important elected politicians.
Basically, any organization which has the potential to conduct inquiries that ultimately resulted in full discovery … and then prosecutions … and then guilty verdicts … remain fully captured.
Acknowledged or not, these are the only organizations and “leaders” who really matter in any true “search for the truth.”
If X was an important organization, the army of posters on X who have already provided compelling evidence of Covid crimes and cover-ups would have already been used by prosecutors and mainstream investigative journalists to start the chain reaction of prosecutions.
The main point is that X can and still is being ignored by officials and executives who matter, the people who could make a difference.
Substack’s another potentially important organization
that’s not really important …
In many respects, X is no different than Substack, whose dissident authors have done even more to chronicle crime after crime, rampant malfeasance and cover-ups galore.
Substack authors have done more because its authors can post more text than the couple of paragraphs allowed on X.
World-wide, Substack has grown to more than 30 million subscribers. This subscriber base includes a big bulk of the world’s remaining skeptics. However, even the heroic efforts of Substack’s highly-intelligent and principled authors hasn’t made any real “important” difference .. yet.
(This is not to say these contributions are unimportant; this body of work is important and, collectively, has no doubt saved countless lives by exposing taboo truths and “keeping hope alive” for people who still think criminals should be exposed for their crimes and complicity in allowing crimes to continue.)
However, until the official or “authorized” “truth-seeking” organizations belatedly perform their most-important job, nothing truly significant is likely to change.
It’s not a coincidence that X is under attack …
While Twitter and Substack have yet to debunk myriad false narratives in such a manner that most people of the world would acknowledge they’d been scammed, many users of both platforms are at least trying to accomplish this goal.
It is therefore probably significant to observe the coordinated attacks that seem to be implemented to shut down X. This probably means the Powers that Be are intent on destroying Elon Musk, at least if he continues to (largely) allow free speech on such a widely-read platform.
Musk himself has noted the coordinated effort of potential X advertisers, who are refusing to spend money advertising on a platform that reaches hundreds of millions of potential customers. This is one of many efforts to put X - as it’s currently operating - out of business.
Compare and contrast the treatment of X to the treatment of Facebook …
Since he bought this social media platform, Musk is no doubt bleeding money, which is in stark contrast to Facebook, whose stock price has never been higher and enjoys the advertising support of every large corporation in the world.
No stock analysts are worried about Meta/Facebook - the world’s greatest and most enthusiastic censor - going out of business. Media Matters and the other Censorship Industrial Complex organizations are not organizing advertiser boycotts of Facebook.
Facebook and its billionaire owner are playing ball with the Establishment and adding to its army of “content moderators” and AI and algorithm engineers.
(The only time Congress ordered executives of Facebook to testify before a Congressional Hearing was to bully them into censoring dissident users even more.)
For now, the posts of dissident X posters are simply ignored - because the information these users are providing is clearly NOT important to any organization that matters.
We’ll all know something significant has changed when, say, 60 percent of Congress - or half the state attorney generals - or just 10 percent of the most influential trial lawyer firms - start citing the volumes of evidence already produced by X and Substack authors to demand criminal and civil judgments.
We’ll really know hell’s frozen over when the “watchdog” journalists at The New York Times, Washington Post and Gannet start citing the body of evidence already produced by real “truth-seekers” on X and Substack.
But until this happens, nothing “important” will really change.
I guess what I’m saying is I wish X and Substack were considered “important, truth-seeking organizations” but this, clearly, is not the case.
Both platforms are potentially important and thus could potentially change the world, which means every official in a captured organization must be watching these speech platforms like, say, “Big Brother” and doing everything they can to make sure they don’t become more “important” than they might be at the moment.
For now, the real important organizations continue to ignore the “truth-seeking” efforts of correspondents who are using X and Substack. As 3-D, Machiavellian chess strategies go, this is a simple strategy … but, so far, it’s working.
Until this is no longer the case, I’m probably safe continuing to write that all the world’s important, truth-seeking organizations are completely captured.
Astute readers will no doubt pick up on one of my implied points in this piece. All of my writing on Substack hasn't amounted to a hill of beans. I'll know my work has "mattered' when some staffer from a Congressional Committee emails me and asks for more information on, say, my "early spread' research and articles. And then invites me to testify at a Congressional Hearing on this topic.
Or, some investigative journalist from the NY Times or Wall Street Journal contacts me and says, 'Bill, we've read with great interest your stories on antibody results and widespread pre-Covid ILI. Do you got a few minutes to walk us through this evidence? We're working on our own pieces on this topic now."
Like I said: Not. Going. To. Happen. If it was going to happen, this would have already happened.
Correction: Facebook's parent company is called Meta not "Mega." But "Mega" is probably a better name for it.