I didn't count how many questions I ended up asking - a lot. But there's a lot more unasked and unanswered questions I didn't include. Readers are encouraged to add their own questions or thoughts.
I've been wondering the same thing, Bill. But I can see how people might dismiss the clots by saying they are something else.
What is more astonishing to me is how the Pfizer COVID jab clinical trials that showed a higher all cause death rate in the jab group than the placebo group, and Pfizer wanted kept under lock and key for 75 years, got released without their being a peep outside non-mainstream sources, such as these substacks.
History will look with dumbfounded astonishment at the mandating of treatments that increase an average person's risk of dying.
Many, still believing the Big Lies, even call the very clinical trials "misinformation." Which I suppose they are, if one defines misinformation as anything the contradicts what the establishment wants people to believe.
Another matter that hasn't been properly investigated outside of "fringe" media, such as substacks, is darkfield blood exams. If I were to come into some major money I would like to have live darkfield blood exams of unjabbed and triple plus jabbed individuals, to see if there really is something to that one. And promote the hell out of it to make a big event of it.
Part of the problem is that there is so much information, most people don't have the time or inclination to look into it deeply enough to determine what adds up, and simply believe whoever they trust.
Science TM has become the very medieval religion it was supposed to displace, complete with its Inquisition and heresies, albeit with more insidious and sophisticated excommunication tactics.
We need more serious, contrarian and smart investigative journalists to be asking these questions and then writing these type stories. Then, said stories need to reach a sizeable market of the population.
Numerous important stories have already been written and published ... and largely ignored.
I have a business idea I'm trying to develop that, I think, would create much larger compensation for important and taboo stories. This new media platform and compensation model would incentivize more journalists to pursue the most-important stories.
Prayers or well-wishes that might help me make this business idea a reality are greatly appreciated.
I hope my subscriber numbers grow and existing subscribers stay with me a few months longer; more to come on this idea.
Basically, the journalism model we have now isn't producing the results we need.
Indeed. And I would be very happy to contribute any ideas I have. One start you may already be on is monetizing such sources with advertising for freedom loving businesses. It would be a win-win for all concerned, as I certainly want such clients for my businesses and to do business with such businesses as an individual. There are certainly enough of us.
I agree. If the general population were familiar with a normal embalmed experience (pre 2020), then the clots would be obvious and undeniable But most people will not know that there has been a dramatic change in the frequency, composition, severity, and presentation (age and health) of these clots which appear with a little bandaid in the shoulder. Aside John O'looney, Laura Jeffery is incredibly credible. If you are skeptical, you likely won't be if you watch this...
A good friend of mine died, aged 70, in good shape, got two Vaxxes, worked for Govt as contractor; other than he smoked cigarettes, no drinking or drugs last summer; he called me and said he was bringing a birthday present, when I didn't hear for a week, I called his wife, no answer, I went over to their Condo: place locked up like drum, both cars in the parking lot. I left notes on the door. Finally his adult son contacted me, he lives in Oregon,, he found the notes and told me Clinton died of blood clots at the Alexandria Hospitals in ONE DAY. He felt strange and when he got to the hospital, according to his Son, (who is PhD in philosophy so he isn't stupid) said the hospital said the ANESTHESIA would kill him if they operated on him and so he died of BLOOD CLOTS. HAD ANYONE BEEN THERE WITH HIM.. (like me.. I worked in a four hospitals) I would have said: DO THE SURGERY PERIOD. But they didn't want to because if the Anesthesia killed him it would the HOSPITAL's fault "IN THEORY".. so they left him die of blood clots. I still haven't heard from his wife.. the condo is still locked down. She moved in w/ her daughter in Chicago. MEDICINE IS BROKEN. and yes filled w/ CYA sociopath cowards.
Never, never under ANY circumstance go to hospital WITHOUT a signed order giving the right to make treatment calls to your TRUSTED family member. They will be your advocate, and trust me... you gotta be really cagey now so as not to 'trigger' the 'workers' (nurse /doctors) who are 'vax believers' and who 'loath the non vaxxed'. These people are embedded in the system, and are going to get you... if they can do it on the sly...all the better. I have zero trust now. Didn't use to be that way...
It's worse then that. The hospitals are swarming with vultures that want to be appointed "conservator" and loot all your assets. The nursing homes and hospitals collude in this. Truly evil. Wife has seen it get worse for decades... Set up a power of attorney before you go to the hospital or else someone will show up to "help" you.
I got this awesome document from Sasha Latypova and it’s exactly what you’re talking about. This is a legal document and specifies what they can and cannot do. I’ll see if maybe I can send you via message. If I still have trouble maybe you contact Sasha directly. This document protects you or a loved one. Sasha is amazing. We executed them the same time we did our wills and POA and medical POA.
Wow. The excuses they are making up is horrifying. I noticed yesterday that patients DNR status is being physically written and highlighted on OR schedules.
I’m going with my mom to the “clot Dr” on Friday. I’m gonna print this article & see what they say .. she got her first clot after her 2nd Moderna shot
I think my mom's doc is hip to it. He's been giving her clot dissolving meds all along. Fortunately, she hasn't gotten all the refills of the Kool-Aid.
Bill - I confronted my state AG and showed him the clots and informed him of the excess deaths in 18-34 year olds. He told me (to my face in a room FULL of people at a local GOP meeting) that it was not within his authority to investigate.
I showed some neighbors pics of the clots this past Sunday. He’s a doc. I found out he told his wife he’s not convinced it’s from the shots. He thinks it’s from Covid. They both had the shots and they know that I got them too. They both looked very worried when they looked at the pics. I texted her my stack today but no acknowledgment. They have a friend who is a radiologist who told them they are finding clots EVERYWHERE in the body. I asked her to share my stack with him. I’m not hopeful he will come forward.
Here is the answer to all of your questions:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12
The "explanation" that these clots are/were caused by Covid is nonsensical and preposterous on its face. But you and all our readers know that.
Still the AG of your state is using this explanation to not address reality. I love that you are confronting "people who matter" on this. Keep doing it.
... I recently emailed several of your stories and my stories (re: these new clots) to key journalists in our state and asked for comment ... crickets.
After my 89 year old Mother took several of these shots along with my siblings and then caught covid, she developed clots in her lungs. I thought about that a lot. She wasn't very mobile before the shots and immobile people have a higher risk of developing clots. However again the clots weren't in her legs but her lungs. I thought immobile people tend to develop clots in their legs but I am not in the medical field.
I think the clots in her lungs were from the shots, but there is no way to prove it. Not that it matters now that she is passed. How often did people develop clots in their lungs before the scamdemic?
ExcessDeathsAU- it’s wild that my video was seen by someone as far away as Australia!
What wasn’t captured on that video was when a third person asked him a question he didn’t like and he blew his cool in front of the entire room of people. He stomped across the front of the room yelling to the moderator, “This is bullshit! Are you going to shut this down?” He said it TWICE! I sat there stunned that our state AG could behave in such a way.
PS - I owe you a reply to your email. Managing comments to my stack has been very time consuming (but affirming and heartwarming). 🥰
Oh, I hadn't scrolled below to see Transcriber B's comment indicating it was.
Look, any fellow GOP people reading this--our line from this point forward, which must be insisted upon all the louder once we get past the elections of '24, is that we will go all-out against ANY conservatives or republican pols, no matter how otherwise strategically valuable to our larger cause, who shut-down discussion, reporting-upon, and investigation. And at this point, "saying nothing" EQUALS "shutting down."
Unless and until Yost apologizes and takes repentance-worthy actions regarding this, no conservative should vote for him in any primary whatsoever, nor support him with any money.
I don't see where the problem is. People aren't going to admit what they've done to themselves. This isn't like being an alcoholic or drug addict. The doctor would have to tell his wife, look, I most likely have killed both of us. Or made us seriously ill to die before our time. What is he going to say? I'm sorry?
Generally doctors do NOT say I am sorry. Yeah there are a few rare ones that do. There is always exceptions to the rule, but mostly no. They will never admit fault. I think it is in their training.
My Dr is awesome 👏. I gave her the RFK jr book about Faucci when it 1st came out. .. she said her dad is cardio Dr & they knew immediately something not good .. true gem 💎
Video description: "Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost shockingly tells audience that he does not have the authority to investigate the deaths and injuries as a result of the C19 'vaccine' (bioweapon). Patriot Laura Kasner confronts him with a white fibrous blood clot in a jar and asks how many have to die and get injured before he will investigate. His answer ended up quoting his mom that two wrongs do not make a right..."
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at a Republican Party meeting in Strongsville, Ohio on August 16, 2023. From the between the backs of the heads and shoulders of two audience members, we see Attorney General of Ohio Dave Yost at the podium. Laura Kasner stands before him, however we only see her arm and hand, and then, as she reads from her prepared speech, her back. When she finishes reading, we see her return to her seat, and then she remains off camera.
LAURA KASNER: [During a meeting of the Ohio Embalmers Association held in Columbus][1] in October of 2022 almost all of the 200, I'm sorry, 100 embalmers present at that meeting said they were seeing unusual white fibrous clots in the veins and arteries of the bodies they embalmed. These clots were not seen until shortly after the covid shots rolled out in January of 2021.[2] Here is a vial of these clots. [She holds up the vial] It'll creep you out so I won't ask you to hold them.
LAURA KASNER: Life insurance actuaries are reporting that many more people are dying, still than in the years before the pandemic. And while deaths during covid-19 had largely occurred among the old and infirm, this new wave is hitting prime of life people hard. Deaths among young Americans documented in employee life insurance claims should alone set off alarms. Among working people 35 to 44 years old a stunning 34 percent more died than expected in the last quarter of 2022, with above average rates in other working age groups, too. Attorney General Yost, the covid shots are now on the childhood vaccine schedule. My question for you is this. How many more Ohioans, how many more of our children and young adults will die before your office conducts an investigation?
ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: And I get questions about investigations every day. Earlier today I got a letter from a group called SNAP[3] wanting me to conduct a state-wide investigation, as has been done in other states, about the Catholic Church and its coverup of past sexual abuse by priests. And the answer to your question ma'am is, I don't have the authority to do either of those investigations. And so I, I don't have any information about the vial that you are holding except I can agree by the evidence of my eyes that it is disgusting and I don't want to hold it.
But, folks, I can't just go out and open an investigation on something. I have to have first of all legal authority, and then secondly, I've got to have a predicate. I wish that there were some people in, oh, I don't know, Washington DC, that recognize the limits of their authority. But my mom told me a long time ago that two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not going to violate my office, oath of office, by doing something I don't have the authority to do.
ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: Thank you for your question.
LAURA KASNER: People died. I mean, millions, millions of people died. [inaudible]
ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: Folks, we should have said this earlier this evening—
He and his staff could find 100 reasons/justifications for starting investigations that would lead to criminal and civil charges. Are there no laws on the books that say homicides (of any degree), fraud and conspiracies are against the law?
This is yet another example of legions of officials who could stop these crimes and identify criminal activity ... and will NOT do their most-important job. It's another example that virtually every "truth-seeking" organization in the world is completely captured.
Dee - my neighbor is a fertility doc. God help him if he recommended the shots for his patients. I’m sure this is the reason for his cognitive dissonance.
Here in Florida it’s Dr Lapado who is our State Surgeon General who is doing the investigating & has labeled the jabs bio-weapons. Why don’t you try that person 🤷♀️
I know it is good that Lapado is at least doing what he is doing. I wish though he would have stopped the Remdesivir poisoning in the Florida hospitals. It may have had a domino effect in other states. Lots of people were murdered that way and even in Florida. Remdesivir is just as deadly as the shots.
Agreed. This is primarily/fundamentally a spiritual battle being acted out on the material/physical plane. That is no doubt the primary reason why nothing has stopped the attack. The enemy has very successfully eliminated all avenues of redress here on earth.
We have all lived in the Twilight Zone since the beginning of this unbelievably tangled web. I have often asked myself the same questions. Are "those that matter" hoping it will just disappear because it is too shocking to them? Rand Paul should know about it by now and I haven't even heard him speak of it.
Both my sister in law in Colorado and friend here in Fort Worth had "several micro clots" in their lungs after their second booster. Coincidence? I think not. They were fortunate they were micro. Even they will not accept that the vaccine is most likely the culprit. Is it that difficult to say the vaccines were a failure? And more importantly have caused a great deal of damage in many ways.
Who is pulling the strings here or do they all prefer to live in the twilight zone.
The problem (for sil and friend) is that the process creating those micro clots is still humming along and at some point those clots will grow big enough to kill.
Yes I agree. They both were put on blood thinners for this round. I surmise if they were there, they are other places as well..........like you said, getting bigger all the time.
It's also not just these white, "fibrous" clots. The embalmers are all finding "dirty blood" that looks like it has coffee grounds in it. What's up with that? They didn't see this before the shots either.
Yes, I know. I can't remember who the first embalmer was that came out to speak about it...could have been from Alabama. I couldn't understand why someone in the health agencies didn't hop right on it.....very bizarre.
Richard has never been called by one reporter from the MSM. I've emailed several reporters at our state's largest newspapers and told them all about Richard's findings and said they should write their own story. Crickets. I just emailed this story to the best known columnist at al.com (our state's biggest news organization). He patterns himself a fearless, truth-seeking journalist and once won a Pulitzer Prize. There's no way he'll do a story on this and he knows it. (Still, I'd like to be proven wrong, which is why I emailed him).
Let us know how he responds..........what are these reporters afraid of? Opening the can of worms (ha! The clots kind of resemble them) might win him more than a Pulitzer Prize.......or maybe a contrived "accident."
I did go to his website and sent a message. An automated email came back...saying I needed to be a resident of Kentucky to get a response. It was written politely, but was quite clear. I had a few other things I was interested in him addressing.
We all have a tendency to assume other people think like we do, and one problem I had with myself that I had to overcome is the tendency to think "how could anyone do this?"
I got over that long ago. Still, I comforted myself by thinking that the majority of people were basically good.
Let me tell you, that is not what I believe now.
It still boggles my mind the sheer number of people who came out of the woodwork to demonstrate they will savage the lives and kill others for what to me seems like the most trivial of reasons.
These people revealed their true selves as sociopaths, and sociopaths, like leopards don't change their spots.
They will never admit their role. We need to borrow from the dems playbook and ostracize them one and all. It is one recourse we have since the guilty parties will continue to fight tooth and nail to avoid accountability.
Doesn't help that the guilty parties have all the money and power. Seems like the worst among us always have all the money and power. That's not new with COVID. I used to think most people were basically good, too. Sucks to see the truth. Seems a bit liberating at the same time, since there's no longer any reason to give a damn about them. I do know a very few good people though. They're so rare, must be a lot of people who see reality who don't know any such people. That must be lonely and deeply depressing.
I think too their mortgage sways them over the edge. That and they think they are only doing a small, bit, part of the harm and someone over there is doing much worse harm than them so what they are doing is okay enough to do.
They are all prepared for their bird flu and bird flu shot too I bet. I think they will give it a go to see how many people are still gullible enough to fall for it again.
If the clots are persistent, or especially if they continue to form for many years post-jab, the dam will break. If the clots eventually dissolve (if they don't kill), and do not continue to appear yeas post-jab, they just might be able to wait this out, without repercussions. They're doing a helluva job keeping a lid on it so far. If only Rod Serling were alive to see this.
Maybe so. OTOH, I've read the lipid nanoparticles aside from the MRNA (and DNA), and other things in the jabs are likely to cause some side effects. Those compounds should eventually dissipate. I hope we learn a lot more about the clots soon. There are tons of unanswered questions about them.
It's truly mind blowing that these clots exist, are wide spread- and zero coverage by the MSM or any State or National government on the planet I'm aware of. If nothing else this shows how far gone civilization is.
Sickness is a business - just like war... this time it's a war for your mind. Nothing disrupts the system as an inquisitive mind. When government shuts down millions of businesses and doesn't lay off one govmt employee - it's not about your health. People make the choice to live in self-delusion... where your thoughts are part of the government infrastructure - the Cognitive Infrastructure - and the believe it is their right to control it through administrative fascisim... just because they aren't wearing swastikas doesn't mean they're not Nazis. How sure are we the embalmers aren't coming down with sudden death syndrome if/when they speak about mythical fiberous spaghetti veins? This world hates the truth and all those whom seek the truth... nobody is safe until we are all safe. People wonder why we're all so "paranoid" -- it's because everyone is so sneaky. For better to come good must stand aside. Thanks Bill! Great questions... to ask the right question is already half the solution to the problem. ;-)
Like war? This IS war on modern terms. Shooting wars are merely diversions to avert people's eyes from the real weapons of mass death and destruction. We are in World War III. What I'm not sure about is if critical thinking people who are hip to it are the enemy, or undergoing a trial by ordeal that is designed to select for the best to carry on after the dust settle.
With 5-billion dead they won't have to tell so many what they've decided to do with the rest of us... what it is next we must agree to - to function at socially acceptable levels of insanity... money and votes won't pay the ransome (for wives and daughters) to warlords in tomorrows neo-feudal system. It's our fate that all of humankind is going to suffer - then there's not much of anything any individual is going to do about it.... we can still be the best image of ourselves that we can possibly be - we can refuse to comply with any kind of wrong behavior (tyranny) - refuse to comply w/any legislation that goes against our moral compass and we can leave this realm with our soul intact. That is really what it is all about at this point... we have no other way than every man and woman for themselves.
And the clots are very hard to look at but as you note, Bill-- they are real and need further exposure. Thank you for facing this frightening, dangerous and hard-to-look-at truth. ~ Ginger Breggin
UPDATE: Warren Kulo, the journalist for al.com who wrote the first “shark attack” stories, died suddenly this week at age 60.
No cause of death was given although his wife said he’d just experienced a normal and enjoyable day and died peacefully in his sleep,
One assumes Mr. Kulu had probably received multiple vaccines and boosters like all of his colleagues at this giant media company.
The parent company of aldot com owns scores of widely-read websites across the country (like NJ.com)
One also assumes that none of Mr. Kulo’s colleagues will ask any questions, trying to determine if his (presumed) vaccines might have contributed to his death.
I did email the journalist who wrote the story on Mr. Kulo’s death and asked him if he or anyone in his news organization will try to find out if vaccines could have contributed to the death of their colleague and friend.
If I get an answer, I’ll pass it along to my readers. I also suggested this journalist, or someone at his news organization, investigate the embalmers’ clots and interview embalmer Richard Hirschman, who is from Ozark, Alabama in our state.
I am not in the medical field, yet I know the clots are not normal. Yes, the clots should be investigated. Yet, I seriously think the people involved do not want the truth to come out. I truly think so.ething sinister is going on.
Not sure if this funeral director is seeing the clots but I was at a funeral for a friend's elderly father... This was two years ago, when vax was still being rolled out... Most people were getting the freshly arrived batches straight out of the fridge at this stage.
The funeral director asked the daughter if her elderly father had taken the covid vax. The daughter responded that her elderly father was not vaccinated, then asked why the funeral director asked...
The funeral director responded that a lot of elderly were passing away after their covid vax.
Whether this funeral director was keeping notes like other more vocal funeral directors or not, I'm not sure, and didn't probe too much due to the sombre occasion. Maybe this funeral director didn't do embalming, but was talking with their embalmer?
I assume this funeral director is not publicly speaking out and may be part of the silent-but-knowing group that John O'Looney spoke of.
This funeral was in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, Australia, and I haven't heard of many (if any) Australian funeral directors speaking up...
Every time I see a documentary on the rubber clots I think of this funeral and wonder how many are keeping quiet to not be targeted, and risk their business??
It's more than risking the business, it's risking their and their family's place in society. May that equation change, and sooner or later it surely will, for it is madness.
Exactly... So many think if they stay quiet this will all blow over... We're lucky some are brave to speak out, and have been doing so early, I do think bravery is contagious, as most people seem to know something isn't right by now.
For God's sake Steve-o mate give him my email. I have been desperate to hear from someone like him for years with zero response. I will protect his identity. He can contact me on a burner email and I can confirm his identity. vicparkpetition@protonmail.com
I'm surprised any elderly person in Australia (or any nation) wasn't vaccinated as of two years ago. The shot uptake in this age cohort was as high as 98 percent in some countries.
But I guess there would be a tiny percentage of hold-outs.
Dan Andrews, premier of Victoria who said he was going to 'hunt the unvaccinated.' Someone made this video in response. Also Mark McGowan said 'covid will find you in the desert.'
He was one smart guy, survived extreme poverty in Italy, and World War 2... Fascism trained him to be wary of government... One hell of a legend... and he saw straight through this whole charade.
I know another elderly lady, still with us, also Italian in her mid to late 80s, to top it off she's in a nursing home... she said no to the jab... Not sure how she managed it, but she was allowed to stay in the home... Caught "covid" and was fine, not diminishing the fact many elderly did die, her immune system tackled covid well... This lady is grandma (in law) of a friend, something tells me those who lived through the fascism of WW2 Italy, even if they were kids at the time, grew up wary of government.
I'll ask the daughter for the funeral director's name... I can't imagine these people are brave enough to speak out, but I'll ask, I see the daughter regularly
Cheers mate, hope you are doing well too... The daughter will certainly give me the funeral director's details, (enough time has passed since the funeral to ask), obviously it will be up to the funeral director to speak up of course... See how it goes ...
Sometimes people want to speak out and are not sure how to go about it.
I've been going through an extremely rough patch. Was considering writing about it but then people will probably think me more insane than they already do so not sure.
Might be good therapy to write it all out (even if you don't publish it)... Just know you are not alone... Ever... You never were alone in this... I was astounded how many came out into the streets, the Canberra march was truly historic, as were Sydney and Melbourne... Just the mainstream media truly covered up the numbers... These pics don't lie...
Those marching haven't changed their minds... If anything they've probably changed the minds of some of their friends, multiplier effect slowly brewing
The results speak for themselves. After the clots turn back into precursors, chelate it out, you just pee it out. No invasive surgery needed. You just disassemble the hydrogel nanotechnology.
As long as people are compromised there will never be anything done about this; most especially when the sole aim is to eliminate as many human beings as is possible to suit their NWO wet dream/dystopia.
That's pretty much my main take-away as well. I'd just add the number of people who are "compromised' is immense. So if any political leader is ever going to "drain the swamp," he or she (and voters and citizens) should understand the "swamp" includes EVERY important organization in the world.
I'm also open to the possibility the real goal of our real leaders is de-population. Whether by design or by accident, this is clearly the end result. In years and decades to come, the world population will continue to decline at accelerating rates. All of the "authorized" policies ensure this result.
I didn't count how many questions I ended up asking - a lot. But there's a lot more unasked and unanswered questions I didn't include. Readers are encouraged to add their own questions or thoughts.
I've been wondering the same thing, Bill. But I can see how people might dismiss the clots by saying they are something else.
What is more astonishing to me is how the Pfizer COVID jab clinical trials that showed a higher all cause death rate in the jab group than the placebo group, and Pfizer wanted kept under lock and key for 75 years, got released without their being a peep outside non-mainstream sources, such as these substacks.
History will look with dumbfounded astonishment at the mandating of treatments that increase an average person's risk of dying.
Many, still believing the Big Lies, even call the very clinical trials "misinformation." Which I suppose they are, if one defines misinformation as anything the contradicts what the establishment wants people to believe.
Another matter that hasn't been properly investigated outside of "fringe" media, such as substacks, is darkfield blood exams. If I were to come into some major money I would like to have live darkfield blood exams of unjabbed and triple plus jabbed individuals, to see if there really is something to that one. And promote the hell out of it to make a big event of it.
Part of the problem is that there is so much information, most people don't have the time or inclination to look into it deeply enough to determine what adds up, and simply believe whoever they trust.
Science TM has become the very medieval religion it was supposed to displace, complete with its Inquisition and heresies, albeit with more insidious and sophisticated excommunication tactics.
We need more serious, contrarian and smart investigative journalists to be asking these questions and then writing these type stories. Then, said stories need to reach a sizeable market of the population.
Numerous important stories have already been written and published ... and largely ignored.
I have a business idea I'm trying to develop that, I think, would create much larger compensation for important and taboo stories. This new media platform and compensation model would incentivize more journalists to pursue the most-important stories.
Prayers or well-wishes that might help me make this business idea a reality are greatly appreciated.
I hope my subscriber numbers grow and existing subscribers stay with me a few months longer; more to come on this idea.
Basically, the journalism model we have now isn't producing the results we need.
Indeed. And I would be very happy to contribute any ideas I have. One start you may already be on is monetizing such sources with advertising for freedom loving businesses. It would be a win-win for all concerned, as I certainly want such clients for my businesses and to do business with such businesses as an individual. There are certainly enough of us.
When belief faces off against evidence, the smart money is on belief... at least until the evidence knocks said belief out cold.
Somehow we need to get that knock-out blow. The entire system is rigged to prevent that blow.
{...hasn't been properly investigated is darkfield blood exams...} Really ??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Why don't you just subscribe to Dr. Ana M. Mihalcea's Substack, mostly dealing with EXACTLY this topic ?? LOTS of stuff to see and wonder ...
I meant outside of the same substack "fringe" media that have also been on about the clots. Edited accordingly. Thanks for the "assist".
I agree. If the general population were familiar with a normal embalmed experience (pre 2020), then the clots would be obvious and undeniable But most people will not know that there has been a dramatic change in the frequency, composition, severity, and presentation (age and health) of these clots which appear with a little bandaid in the shoulder. Aside John O'looney, Laura Jeffery is incredibly credible. If you are skeptical, you likely won't be if you watch this...
A good friend of mine died, aged 70, in good shape, got two Vaxxes, worked for Govt as contractor; other than he smoked cigarettes, no drinking or drugs last summer; he called me and said he was bringing a birthday present, when I didn't hear for a week, I called his wife, no answer, I went over to their Condo: place locked up like drum, both cars in the parking lot. I left notes on the door. Finally his adult son contacted me, he lives in Oregon,, he found the notes and told me Clinton died of blood clots at the Alexandria Hospitals in ONE DAY. He felt strange and when he got to the hospital, according to his Son, (who is PhD in philosophy so he isn't stupid) said the hospital said the ANESTHESIA would kill him if they operated on him and so he died of BLOOD CLOTS. HAD ANYONE BEEN THERE WITH HIM.. (like me.. I worked in a four hospitals) I would have said: DO THE SURGERY PERIOD. But they didn't want to because if the Anesthesia killed him it would the HOSPITAL's fault "IN THEORY".. so they left him die of blood clots. I still haven't heard from his wife.. the condo is still locked down. She moved in w/ her daughter in Chicago. MEDICINE IS BROKEN. and yes filled w/ CYA sociopath cowards.
Interesting anecdote. Thanks for sharing.
Many condolences on the passing of your friend. (How ghastly. Patients need advocates, absolutely.)
Never, never under ANY circumstance go to hospital WITHOUT a signed order giving the right to make treatment calls to your TRUSTED family member. They will be your advocate, and trust me... you gotta be really cagey now so as not to 'trigger' the 'workers' (nurse /doctors) who are 'vax believers' and who 'loath the non vaxxed'. These people are embedded in the system, and are going to get you... if they can do it on the sly...all the better. I have zero trust now. Didn't use to be that way...
It's worse then that. The hospitals are swarming with vultures that want to be appointed "conservator" and loot all your assets. The nursing homes and hospitals collude in this. Truly evil. Wife has seen it get worse for decades... Set up a power of attorney before you go to the hospital or else someone will show up to "help" you.
I got this awesome document from Sasha Latypova and it’s exactly what you’re talking about. This is a legal document and specifies what they can and cannot do. I’ll see if maybe I can send you via message. If I still have trouble maybe you contact Sasha directly. This document protects you or a loved one. Sasha is amazing. We executed them the same time we did our wills and POA and medical POA.
That’s why everyone needs one of these.
6-18-23 Letter and Caregivers and Consent.pdf

6-18-23 Letter and Caregivers and Consent.pdf

Well sorry, it doesn’t seem like a pdf file will work. I’ll see if I can post it on my page
Wow. The excuses they are making up is horrifying. I noticed yesterday that patients DNR status is being physically written and highlighted on OR schedules.
Yup. My wife tells me rehabs are refusing to take hospital patients without a signed DNR.
Wow. Just wow.
horrible. so sad. condolences
I’m going with my mom to the “clot Dr” on Friday. I’m gonna print this article & see what they say .. she got her first clot after her 2nd Moderna shot
Nattokinase and Serraptinase. Avoid more pharma drugs would be my route.
This is a newsletter suggesting Lumbrokinase as a more powerful detoxing aid.
I am not jabbed (nor even tested) but I like to keep up to date with the newest methods so as to recommend them to my many friends and relatives who are....https://truth613.substack.com/p/our-most-updated-protocol-for-covid
Maybe fast one day a week too.
Very high energy JP!
God speed and report back to us.
Check this out the results speak for themselves. Then all you need to do is chelate out the precursors, and you pee it out.
Interesting...thanks for posting.
I think my mom's doc is hip to it. He's been giving her clot dissolving meds all along. Fortunately, she hasn't gotten all the refills of the Kool-Aid.
Bill - I confronted my state AG and showed him the clots and informed him of the excess deaths in 18-34 year olds. He told me (to my face in a room FULL of people at a local GOP meeting) that it was not within his authority to investigate.
I showed some neighbors pics of the clots this past Sunday. He’s a doc. I found out he told his wife he’s not convinced it’s from the shots. He thinks it’s from Covid. They both had the shots and they know that I got them too. They both looked very worried when they looked at the pics. I texted her my stack today but no acknowledgment. They have a friend who is a radiologist who told them they are finding clots EVERYWHERE in the body. I asked her to share my stack with him. I’m not hopeful he will come forward.
Here is the answer to all of your questions:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12
The "explanation" that these clots are/were caused by Covid is nonsensical and preposterous on its face. But you and all our readers know that.
Still the AG of your state is using this explanation to not address reality. I love that you are confronting "people who matter" on this. Keep doing it.
... I recently emailed several of your stories and my stories (re: these new clots) to key journalists in our state and asked for comment ... crickets.
After my 89 year old Mother took several of these shots along with my siblings and then caught covid, she developed clots in her lungs. I thought about that a lot. She wasn't very mobile before the shots and immobile people have a higher risk of developing clots. However again the clots weren't in her legs but her lungs. I thought immobile people tend to develop clots in their legs but I am not in the medical field.
I think the clots in her lungs were from the shots, but there is no way to prove it. Not that it matters now that she is passed. How often did people develop clots in their lungs before the scamdemic?
It's common now.
I remember seeing the video of you confronting Yost and nearly throwing my laptop across the room in frustration. You did well ma'am.
ExcessDeathsAU- it’s wild that my video was seen by someone as far away as Australia!
What wasn’t captured on that video was when a third person asked him a question he didn’t like and he blew his cool in front of the entire room of people. He stomped across the front of the room yelling to the moderator, “This is bullshit! Are you going to shut this down?” He said it TWICE! I sat there stunned that our state AG could behave in such a way.
PS - I owe you a reply to your email. Managing comments to my stack has been very time consuming (but affirming and heartwarming). 🥰
HAHA! The demon shows it's face!
Laura, you do not owe me anything.
When you get a chance, have a look at this. Then you will see how intertwined our countries are. Boil the kettle. This is a long read: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/theatre-of-war-australias-covid-response
I will! I do follow Sasha and Katherine.
Go deeper .. Nonvaxer420 on Rumble has the science that nobody everyone afraid to discuss 🙏
Yost is a COWARD!
So we're talking Dave Yost of Ohio, who may run for Governor in '26, right?
Oh, I hadn't scrolled below to see Transcriber B's comment indicating it was.
Look, any fellow GOP people reading this--our line from this point forward, which must be insisted upon all the louder once we get past the elections of '24, is that we will go all-out against ANY conservatives or republican pols, no matter how otherwise strategically valuable to our larger cause, who shut-down discussion, reporting-upon, and investigation. And at this point, "saying nothing" EQUALS "shutting down."
Unless and until Yost apologizes and takes repentance-worthy actions regarding this, no conservative should vote for him in any primary whatsoever, nor support him with any money.
I don't see where the problem is. People aren't going to admit what they've done to themselves. This isn't like being an alcoholic or drug addict. The doctor would have to tell his wife, look, I most likely have killed both of us. Or made us seriously ill to die before our time. What is he going to say? I'm sorry?
I think you just did a good job of explaining exactly where the problem is.
Generally doctors do NOT say I am sorry. Yeah there are a few rare ones that do. There is always exceptions to the rule, but mostly no. They will never admit fault. I think it is in their training.
My Dr is awesome 👏. I gave her the RFK jr book about Faucci when it 1st came out. .. she said her dad is cardio Dr & they knew immediately something not good .. true gem 💎
The doctor you describe is one in a million. I had one of those doctors years ago. They are like gold. Good for you. I wish they all were like that .
This is a good point. If covid related, I would ask Sasha Latypova about this...wonder if it has something to do with the PREP Act.
It was an historic moment and it's on the record.
Shocking! Ohio Attorney General Claims 'No Authority to Investigate' C19 Deaths and Injuries from C19 'vaccine' (AKA Bioweapon)
joesansone, posted September 3, 2023
hat tip: https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/shocking-ohio-attorney-general-claims
Video description: "Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost shockingly tells audience that he does not have the authority to investigate the deaths and injuries as a result of the C19 'vaccine' (bioweapon). Patriot Laura Kasner confronts him with a white fibrous blood clot in a jar and asks how many have to die and get injured before he will investigate. His answer ended up quoting his mom that two wrongs do not make a right..."
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at a Republican Party meeting in Strongsville, Ohio on August 16, 2023. From the between the backs of the heads and shoulders of two audience members, we see Attorney General of Ohio Dave Yost at the podium. Laura Kasner stands before him, however we only see her arm and hand, and then, as she reads from her prepared speech, her back. When she finishes reading, we see her return to her seat, and then she remains off camera.
LAURA KASNER: [During a meeting of the Ohio Embalmers Association held in Columbus][1] in October of 2022 almost all of the 200, I'm sorry, 100 embalmers present at that meeting said they were seeing unusual white fibrous clots in the veins and arteries of the bodies they embalmed. These clots were not seen until shortly after the covid shots rolled out in January of 2021.[2] Here is a vial of these clots. [She holds up the vial] It'll creep you out so I won't ask you to hold them.
LAURA KASNER: Life insurance actuaries are reporting that many more people are dying, still than in the years before the pandemic. And while deaths during covid-19 had largely occurred among the old and infirm, this new wave is hitting prime of life people hard. Deaths among young Americans documented in employee life insurance claims should alone set off alarms. Among working people 35 to 44 years old a stunning 34 percent more died than expected in the last quarter of 2022, with above average rates in other working age groups, too. Attorney General Yost, the covid shots are now on the childhood vaccine schedule. My question for you is this. How many more Ohioans, how many more of our children and young adults will die before your office conducts an investigation?
ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: And I get questions about investigations every day. Earlier today I got a letter from a group called SNAP[3] wanting me to conduct a state-wide investigation, as has been done in other states, about the Catholic Church and its coverup of past sexual abuse by priests. And the answer to your question ma'am is, I don't have the authority to do either of those investigations. And so I, I don't have any information about the vial that you are holding except I can agree by the evidence of my eyes that it is disgusting and I don't want to hold it.
But, folks, I can't just go out and open an investigation on something. I have to have first of all legal authority, and then secondly, I've got to have a predicate. I wish that there were some people in, oh, I don't know, Washington DC, that recognize the limits of their authority. But my mom told me a long time ago that two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not going to violate my office, oath of office, by doing something I don't have the authority to do.
ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: Thank you for your question.
LAURA KASNER: People died. I mean, millions, millions of people died. [inaudible]
ATTORNEY GENERAL DAVE YOST: Folks, we should have said this earlier this evening—
# # #
Attorney General Dave Yost https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/About-AG/Contact
[1] Missing first part of statement supplied by Laura Kasner in blog comment
[2] See also discussion of the Worldwide Embalmer Clot Survey in this recent interview by Dr. Joseph Sansone with Laura Kasner and Thomas Haviland:
And see testimony by Canadian embalmer Laura Jeffery before Canada's National Citizens' Inquiry
To All Funeral Directors and Embalmers Worldwide -
March 31, 2023
Also (same video)
Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI
April 1, 2023
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/79912.html
And see Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots
DrJaneRubyShow Published January 31, 2022
Transcript of a brief excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/34602.html
[3] AG Yost refers to Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
Yost is an obfuscating lying demon. Satan's lizard in a suit. Hell will be hot for this man.
(TB, this is why I cannot attend public meetings anymore. I say stuff like this lol).
Well he looks human to me. But I hear you. He's going to have a lot to answer for.
If he does not WHO does? Bucks gotta stop somwhere
He and his staff could find 100 reasons/justifications for starting investigations that would lead to criminal and civil charges. Are there no laws on the books that say homicides (of any degree), fraud and conspiracies are against the law?
This is yet another example of legions of officials who could stop these crimes and identify criminal activity ... and will NOT do their most-important job. It's another example that virtually every "truth-seeking" organization in the world is completely captured.
Well, we'll see who steps up to the plate. Somebody will. And then those who didn't are going to regret their tardiness and bitterly.
So did you doc friend ever see any clots like this from people who suffered other respiratory viruses?
Dee - my neighbor is a fertility doc. God help him if he recommended the shots for his patients. I’m sure this is the reason for his cognitive dissonance.
Here in Florida it’s Dr Lapado who is our State Surgeon General who is doing the investigating & has labeled the jabs bio-weapons. Why don’t you try that person 🤷♀️
I know it is good that Lapado is at least doing what he is doing. I wish though he would have stopped the Remdesivir poisoning in the Florida hospitals. It may have had a domino effect in other states. Lots of people were murdered that way and even in Florida. Remdesivir is just as deadly as the shots.
JP - follow Dr. Joseph Sansone and his efforts in Florida:
Agreed. This is primarily/fundamentally a spiritual battle being acted out on the material/physical plane. That is no doubt the primary reason why nothing has stopped the attack. The enemy has very successfully eliminated all avenues of redress here on earth.
They went to all the trouble and time to capture all the important "truth-seeking" organizations ... for a reason.
We have all lived in the Twilight Zone since the beginning of this unbelievably tangled web. I have often asked myself the same questions. Are "those that matter" hoping it will just disappear because it is too shocking to them? Rand Paul should know about it by now and I haven't even heard him speak of it.
Both my sister in law in Colorado and friend here in Fort Worth had "several micro clots" in their lungs after their second booster. Coincidence? I think not. They were fortunate they were micro. Even they will not accept that the vaccine is most likely the culprit. Is it that difficult to say the vaccines were a failure? And more importantly have caused a great deal of damage in many ways.
Who is pulling the strings here or do they all prefer to live in the twilight zone.
The problem (for sil and friend) is that the process creating those micro clots is still humming along and at some point those clots will grow big enough to kill.
Yes I agree. They both were put on blood thinners for this round. I surmise if they were there, they are other places as well..........like you said, getting bigger all the time.
It's also not just these white, "fibrous" clots. The embalmers are all finding "dirty blood" that looks like it has coffee grounds in it. What's up with that? They didn't see this before the shots either.
Yes, I know. I can't remember who the first embalmer was that came out to speak about it...could have been from Alabama. I couldn't understand why someone in the health agencies didn't hop right on it.....very bizarre.
Richard has never been called by one reporter from the MSM. I've emailed several reporters at our state's largest newspapers and told them all about Richard's findings and said they should write their own story. Crickets. I just emailed this story to the best known columnist at al.com (our state's biggest news organization). He patterns himself a fearless, truth-seeking journalist and once won a Pulitzer Prize. There's no way he'll do a story on this and he knows it. (Still, I'd like to be proven wrong, which is why I emailed him).
The Pulitzer now means zip.
Let us know how he responds..........what are these reporters afraid of? Opening the can of worms (ha! The clots kind of resemble them) might win him more than a Pulitzer Prize.......or maybe a contrived "accident."
Hydrogel never used in vaccines before. Thus experimental. They are taking these clots out in living people.
Doctors are noting this right in the living with DVT patients and embolisms.
The "vaccines" succeeded. (As well as the psyop to get people to take them.)
Write to R Paul directly if you are in Kentucky.
I did go to his website and sent a message. An automated email came back...saying I needed to be a resident of Kentucky to get a response. It was written politely, but was quite clear. I had a few other things I was interested in him addressing.
We all have a tendency to assume other people think like we do, and one problem I had with myself that I had to overcome is the tendency to think "how could anyone do this?"
I got over that long ago. Still, I comforted myself by thinking that the majority of people were basically good.
Let me tell you, that is not what I believe now.
It still boggles my mind the sheer number of people who came out of the woodwork to demonstrate they will savage the lives and kill others for what to me seems like the most trivial of reasons.
These people revealed their true selves as sociopaths, and sociopaths, like leopards don't change their spots.
They will never admit their role. We need to borrow from the dems playbook and ostracize them one and all. It is one recourse we have since the guilty parties will continue to fight tooth and nail to avoid accountability.
Doesn't help that the guilty parties have all the money and power. Seems like the worst among us always have all the money and power. That's not new with COVID. I used to think most people were basically good, too. Sucks to see the truth. Seems a bit liberating at the same time, since there's no longer any reason to give a damn about them. I do know a very few good people though. They're so rare, must be a lot of people who see reality who don't know any such people. That must be lonely and deeply depressing.
I think too their mortgage sways them over the edge. That and they think they are only doing a small, bit, part of the harm and someone over there is doing much worse harm than them so what they are doing is okay enough to do.
If you look at how they murdered this little girl in the hospital, you see it was several people all doing a small part in her murder. This one gave this toxic drug, the next one gave another toxic drug, this one put this toxic patch on her... So they all were responsible but no one may be held responsible. https://rebeccacharles.substack.com/p/northwell-healths-response-to-my?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1712879&post_id=145382511&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1qbg8v&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
Yes, they have no shortage of excuses.
There truly are no words for the general response to this... keep up the good fight! The dam has to eventually break.
They are all prepared for their bird flu and bird flu shot too I bet. I think they will give it a go to see how many people are still gullible enough to fall for it again.
If the clots are persistent, or especially if they continue to form for many years post-jab, the dam will break. If the clots eventually dissolve (if they don't kill), and do not continue to appear yeas post-jab, they just might be able to wait this out, without repercussions. They're doing a helluva job keeping a lid on it so far. If only Rod Serling were alive to see this.
The shots are a gene therapy- the ill effects are not going away.
Maybe so. OTOH, I've read the lipid nanoparticles aside from the MRNA (and DNA), and other things in the jabs are likely to cause some side effects. Those compounds should eventually dissipate. I hope we learn a lot more about the clots soon. There are tons of unanswered questions about them.
It's truly mind blowing that these clots exist, are wide spread- and zero coverage by the MSM or any State or National government on the planet I'm aware of. If nothing else this shows how far gone civilization is.
Sickness is a business - just like war... this time it's a war for your mind. Nothing disrupts the system as an inquisitive mind. When government shuts down millions of businesses and doesn't lay off one govmt employee - it's not about your health. People make the choice to live in self-delusion... where your thoughts are part of the government infrastructure - the Cognitive Infrastructure - and the believe it is their right to control it through administrative fascisim... just because they aren't wearing swastikas doesn't mean they're not Nazis. How sure are we the embalmers aren't coming down with sudden death syndrome if/when they speak about mythical fiberous spaghetti veins? This world hates the truth and all those whom seek the truth... nobody is safe until we are all safe. People wonder why we're all so "paranoid" -- it's because everyone is so sneaky. For better to come good must stand aside. Thanks Bill! Great questions... to ask the right question is already half the solution to the problem. ;-)
Thanks, Doug.
Like war? This IS war on modern terms. Shooting wars are merely diversions to avert people's eyes from the real weapons of mass death and destruction. We are in World War III. What I'm not sure about is if critical thinking people who are hip to it are the enemy, or undergoing a trial by ordeal that is designed to select for the best to carry on after the dust settle.
With 5-billion dead they won't have to tell so many what they've decided to do with the rest of us... what it is next we must agree to - to function at socially acceptable levels of insanity... money and votes won't pay the ransome (for wives and daughters) to warlords in tomorrows neo-feudal system. It's our fate that all of humankind is going to suffer - then there's not much of anything any individual is going to do about it.... we can still be the best image of ourselves that we can possibly be - we can refuse to comply with any kind of wrong behavior (tyranny) - refuse to comply w/any legislation that goes against our moral compass and we can leave this realm with our soul intact. That is really what it is all about at this point... we have no other way than every man and woman for themselves.
Re: "just because they aren't wearing swastikas doesn't mean they're not Nazis"
Spot on.
TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
Raise Public Awareness
Take Action
Not only did they lie, they doubled, tripled and quadruped down on their lies. Basically, they'll never stop lying. They can't now.
Is there a US equivalent to TheyLied.ca?
Well they say they can't remember or someone is taking their statements out of context or ....
I will book mark they liked.. I tried to put my email in..
And the clots are very hard to look at but as you note, Bill-- they are real and need further exposure. Thank you for facing this frightening, dangerous and hard-to-look-at truth. ~ Ginger Breggin
UPDATE: Warren Kulo, the journalist for al.com who wrote the first “shark attack” stories, died suddenly this week at age 60.
No cause of death was given although his wife said he’d just experienced a normal and enjoyable day and died peacefully in his sleep,
One assumes Mr. Kulu had probably received multiple vaccines and boosters like all of his colleagues at this giant media company.
The parent company of aldot com owns scores of widely-read websites across the country (like NJ.com)
One also assumes that none of Mr. Kulo’s colleagues will ask any questions, trying to determine if his (presumed) vaccines might have contributed to his death.
Here’s the story on Mr. Kulo’s sad death:
Here’s Mr. Kulo’s very good story from June 8th on the shark attacks I highlighted in a recent post of mine.
I did email the journalist who wrote the story on Mr. Kulo’s death and asked him if he or anyone in his news organization will try to find out if vaccines could have contributed to the death of their colleague and friend.
If I get an answer, I’ll pass it along to my readers. I also suggested this journalist, or someone at his news organization, investigate the embalmers’ clots and interview embalmer Richard Hirschman, who is from Ozark, Alabama in our state.
I am not in the medical field, yet I know the clots are not normal. Yes, the clots should be investigated. Yet, I seriously think the people involved do not want the truth to come out. I truly think so.ething sinister is going on.
Not sure if this funeral director is seeing the clots but I was at a funeral for a friend's elderly father... This was two years ago, when vax was still being rolled out... Most people were getting the freshly arrived batches straight out of the fridge at this stage.
The funeral director asked the daughter if her elderly father had taken the covid vax. The daughter responded that her elderly father was not vaccinated, then asked why the funeral director asked...
The funeral director responded that a lot of elderly were passing away after their covid vax.
Whether this funeral director was keeping notes like other more vocal funeral directors or not, I'm not sure, and didn't probe too much due to the sombre occasion. Maybe this funeral director didn't do embalming, but was talking with their embalmer?
I assume this funeral director is not publicly speaking out and may be part of the silent-but-knowing group that John O'Looney spoke of.
This funeral was in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, Australia, and I haven't heard of many (if any) Australian funeral directors speaking up...
Every time I see a documentary on the rubber clots I think of this funeral and wonder how many are keeping quiet to not be targeted, and risk their business??
It's more than risking the business, it's risking their and their family's place in society. May that equation change, and sooner or later it surely will, for it is madness.
Exactly... So many think if they stay quiet this will all blow over... We're lucky some are brave to speak out, and have been doing so early, I do think bravery is contagious, as most people seem to know something isn't right by now.
For God's sake Steve-o mate give him my email. I have been desperate to hear from someone like him for years with zero response. I will protect his identity. He can contact me on a burner email and I can confirm his identity. vicparkpetition@protonmail.com
I'm surprised any elderly person in Australia (or any nation) wasn't vaccinated as of two years ago. The shot uptake in this age cohort was as high as 98 percent in some countries.
But I guess there would be a tiny percentage of hold-outs.
I know a couple of elderly whose families are protecting them. They are not jabbed.
So you have to hide the unvaccinated - just like families of Jews had to be hidden from the NAZIs.
Yes, it was like this (and still is in many cases). And Bill I have the video for you: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rUDM51649weE/
Dan Andrews, premier of Victoria who said he was going to 'hunt the unvaccinated.' Someone made this video in response. Also Mark McGowan said 'covid will find you in the desert.'
He was one smart guy, survived extreme poverty in Italy, and World War 2... Fascism trained him to be wary of government... One hell of a legend... and he saw straight through this whole charade.
I know another elderly lady, still with us, also Italian in her mid to late 80s, to top it off she's in a nursing home... she said no to the jab... Not sure how she managed it, but she was allowed to stay in the home... Caught "covid" and was fine, not diminishing the fact many elderly did die, her immune system tackled covid well... This lady is grandma (in law) of a friend, something tells me those who lived through the fascism of WW2 Italy, even if they were kids at the time, grew up wary of government.
I'll ask the daughter for the funeral director's name... I can't imagine these people are brave enough to speak out, but I'll ask, I see the daughter regularly
Whatever you feel comfortable doing I will be grateful. Hope you are keeping well. Nice to hear from you.
Cheers mate, hope you are doing well too... The daughter will certainly give me the funeral director's details, (enough time has passed since the funeral to ask), obviously it will be up to the funeral director to speak up of course... See how it goes ...
Sometimes people want to speak out and are not sure how to go about it.
I've been going through an extremely rough patch. Was considering writing about it but then people will probably think me more insane than they already do so not sure.
Might be good therapy to write it all out (even if you don't publish it)... Just know you are not alone... Ever... You never were alone in this... I was astounded how many came out into the streets, the Canberra march was truly historic, as were Sydney and Melbourne... Just the mainstream media truly covered up the numbers... These pics don't lie...
Those marching haven't changed their minds... If anything they've probably changed the minds of some of their friends, multiplier effect slowly brewing
Sending you best regards mate, keep up the fight.
The clots are terrifying ~ Ginger Breggin
Like out of a bad movie.
Check this out Dr Peter and Ginger Breggin.
The results speak for themselves. After the clots turn back into precursors, chelate it out, you just pee it out. No invasive surgery needed. You just disassemble the hydrogel nanotechnology.
We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.
We Found The Cause.
As long as people are compromised there will never be anything done about this; most especially when the sole aim is to eliminate as many human beings as is possible to suit their NWO wet dream/dystopia.
That's pretty much my main take-away as well. I'd just add the number of people who are "compromised' is immense. So if any political leader is ever going to "drain the swamp," he or she (and voters and citizens) should understand the "swamp" includes EVERY important organization in the world.
I'm also open to the possibility the real goal of our real leaders is de-population. Whether by design or by accident, this is clearly the end result. In years and decades to come, the world population will continue to decline at accelerating rates. All of the "authorized" policies ensure this result.