Why won’t anyone investigate the ‘embalmer clots?’
The answer is obvious to me: Because these pictures are kryptonite to a world full of sociopathic villains and moral cowards.

I'll start by posting several photos that, at least to me, are quite disturbing. (I apologize these photos have a terrifying appearance. In my defense, I note that I didn’t produce these clots. I just report them).
The text that follows the photos includes a series of questions that arise from my viewing of these photos.
(Thanks to Laura Kasner and Richard Hirschman for providing these photos. For more photos, see Laura’s important new Substack here. These two stories (here and here) also link to more photos.

In the entire world, is there one person who might look at these photos and conclude, “These look safe and healthy to me?”
Or has anyone made statements like …
“I’m glad these things are in the veins and arteries of so many people.”
“If these are in so many human bodies, they must be there for a good reason.”
One also wonders …
Has any public health official viewed these photos? (Note: Embalmer Richard Hirschman began publishing these photos more than two years ago.)
If public health officials have viewed these photos (which, by now, they obviously have), what do they think about them?
Do they think it would be a worthwhile project to investigate whether these clots are real?
If they don’t think these clots warrant a serious investigation, why don’t they?
If these clots are proven to be real, is anyone curious about what caused them?
Has one public health official - or any government official - ever picked up the phone and called any of the embalmers who are routinely finding these substances in bodies?
Why won’t “truth-seeking” officials or scientists investigate “clots” that, in thousands of years of human history, were never seen… until 2021?
What changed in 2021?
Why are tax-payers paying the salaries of thousands of public health officials and government funded “scientists” who refuse to investigate hideous-looking new clots that are being found in thousands of bodies around the world … and might be inside the bodies of millions - or billions - of bodies?
Our friends in the ‘watchdog’ press
need to answer a few questions as well
How many mainstream news organizations have written stories and shown pictures of these clots?
Is the wide-spread existence of bizarre, terrifying and new clots not a “news story”?
If not, why isn’t it?
What qualifies as important medical or health news to these journalists and editors?
Have public health officials and MSM journalists written any stories or made any inquires to see if these clots are being found and removed in emergency operations from living patients in hospitals?
How many medical personnel at how many hospitals have the world’s truth-seekers asked the above question?
If public health officials and legions of employees in the medical field might be covering up the existence of these clots, would this also qualify as a “news story?”
When did massive cover-ups become a taboo subject for journalists, medical regulators and law enforcement officials?
Deaths used to be a story
Are, or could, clots like this lead to death or serious health conditions?
Is something new that might be causing large numbers of deaths or serious health conditions a “story” or an area “public servants” might want to investigate?
Were the huge numbers of people who died with these clots members of the public who might have appreciated being well-served by our leaders?
Where are the world’s fearless and justice-seeking trial lawyers and why aren’t they interested in representing citizens who might have died from these clots?
At the recent Congressional hearing with Anthony Fauci, why didn’t any of the people’s representatives ask Dr. Fauci about the “embalmers’ blood clots” and what he thinks about pictures like the above?
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene showed pictures of Beagle puppies who were tortured in government-funded medical experiments. Couldn’t she or some other elected representative show a couple of “clot photos” to the nation?
What stopped them from showing these photos?
Researchers must have more important studies to write
How many studies has the NIAID funded to look into the the embalmer clots?
How many scientists or faculty members at medical research institutions in America’s colleges have submitted a grant application to the NIAID to study or investigate this new phenomena?
How many of the world’s prestigious medical journals have published studies on this topic?
If none have, how many editors have penned editorials encouraging the science community to do just this?
Why are the medical journals and publicly-funded scientists completely disinterested in answering or investigating any of these questions?
If the vaccines and boosters aren’t causing these clots (and “dirty blood”), what is?
Why did these new clots begin to show up after billions of people received experimental mRNA shots?
Blood bank organizations aren’t interested in blood clots
Have the Red Cross and other blood bank organizations investigated these clots?
If not, why not?
Can these clots form in unvaccinated people who may have received blood transfusions from the vaccinated?
If blood bank CEOs say this is not possible or hasn’t happened, how do they actually know this? Where’s the evidence of their research into this possibility?
What if such research has happened and the blood bank organizations know this and haven’t told anyone in the public?
Would this possibility qualify as a “scandal” or “news?”
The unanswered questions go on and on …
If the “vaccines” and “boosters” are causing these clots is this knowledge enough to immediately stop all vaccination?
If not, why not?
How many people - dead or alive - would have to be proven to have vaccination-caused “worm clots” before the government stopped the vaccines? (Ten people? One hundred people? A couple thousand?)
Are doctors, surgeons or cath-lab employees telling patients who had these clots what surgeons removed from their bodies?
Also, are they telling these patients and their family members they’ve never encountered clots like this in their entire career (until 2021)?
If they aren’t telling patients this, why aren’t they?
If some patients have been told this, why aren’t they sharing this news with the public?
Is anyone interested in sharing news that might save other people’s lives?
A few brave people are sharing this news (or trying to). But why is this only about one in a million people?
Posting clot stories or photos is a no-no
to Big Brother and his helpers …
Are social media companies blocking or shadow banning photos, videos and articles about these clots?
If they are (which some of these media platforms are) why are they doing this?
Have these companies been told to do this? If so, who told them this?
If such content is deemed dangerous “misinformation” or “disinformation,” what’s the basis for making this charge/claim?
Are all these embalmers (and a couple of medical whistleblowers) liars?
Why are they all lying? Are they being paid to lie? Who’s paying them and how much?
How could anyone know these claims and evidence of new clots is “misinformation” if no one has investigated this?
Pfizer and Moderna don’t get a pass at this Substack …
Have Pfizer, Moderna and the other vaccine manufacturers researched or investigated these claims?
If not, why not?
Is short-term, mid-term or long-term “adverse effects” a sound reason to stop administering shots that are almost-certainly causing these clots and different-looking blood?
If these clots are still being regularly found three and 1/2 years after people started getting Covid “vaccines” would this qualify as an “adverse effect?”
Do “vaccine” labels - or disclaimers on websites - include language to the effect that, “shots may cause small to large white-fibrous clots never before seen in medicine?”
Is anyone in the world’s vast Science/Health Complex researching how to treat or alleviate these clots and minimize the risk they could ultimately kill people or cause life-altering medical conditions?
If this is not happening, why isn’t it?
If it’s okay to study whether A, B or C might ultimately cause cancer, why can’t scientists and doctors study whether mRNA shots might later cause life-threatening clotting in veins and arteries?
What’s the purpose of “public health agencies?”
Who is looking out for the public?
I’ll answer this question … a few brave embalmers and a few people in the alternative media who are trying to promote the findings of these embalmers.
Conclusion …
Several months ago I wrote an essay arguing the Socratic Method is now under grave assault, which also means it’s impossible to practice The Scientific Method.
Today, some questions are simply politically incorrect and those who do ask legitimate and important questions face serious risks to their livelihoods. Questions that, if answered, might save millions of lives are apparently considered the most toxic and disfavored.
This conclusion leads me to my next-to-last question:
Are we all living through some surreal, real-world episode of “The Twilight Zone?”
And my last question:
Why won’t any of the people who matter ask (and answer) any of these questions?
I can’t promise I’ll answer all or any of these questions, but I’m not afraid to ask them. Thank you to everyone who is able to support a newsletter such as this one.
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I didn't count how many questions I ended up asking - a lot. But there's a lot more unasked and unanswered questions I didn't include. Readers are encouraged to add their own questions or thoughts.
A good friend of mine died, aged 70, in good shape, got two Vaxxes, worked for Govt as contractor; other than he smoked cigarettes, no drinking or drugs last summer; he called me and said he was bringing a birthday present, when I didn't hear for a week, I called his wife, no answer, I went over to their Condo: place locked up like drum, both cars in the parking lot. I left notes on the door. Finally his adult son contacted me, he lives in Oregon,, he found the notes and told me Clinton died of blood clots at the Alexandria Hospitals in ONE DAY. He felt strange and when he got to the hospital, according to his Son, (who is PhD in philosophy so he isn't stupid) said the hospital said the ANESTHESIA would kill him if they operated on him and so he died of BLOOD CLOTS. HAD ANYONE BEEN THERE WITH HIM.. (like me.. I worked in a four hospitals) I would have said: DO THE SURGERY PERIOD. But they didn't want to because if the Anesthesia killed him it would the HOSPITAL's fault "IN THEORY".. so they left him die of blood clots. I still haven't heard from his wife.. the condo is still locked down. She moved in w/ her daughter in Chicago. MEDICINE IS BROKEN. and yes filled w/ CYA sociopath cowards.