The Military Intelligence Complex wrote the script for the pandemic and, thanks to superlative propaganda and censorship programs, had no trouble reaching their end game.
Even today, no public figure wants to be exposed as a liar or someone who committed fraud or criminal acts, or was an accomplice in acts that led to mass death or misery.
However, to be "exposed" as such a figure would require that said exposure was proven by an official and important source. For example, a "credible" MSM news organization (like "60 Minutes" or the NY Times) ... or a prosecutor or law enforcement agency.
However, all officials KNOW this is never going to happen to them. The people or organizations who could expose them won't "go there" (because this would expose them as frauds as well).
Plenty of writers and journalists on Substack and in the alternative media have already exposed these crimes repeatedly and conclusively. Alas, these charges don't matter because these sources can simply be dismissed as extremist kooks and disinformation spreaders.
Bottom-line: It's easy to pull off mass frauds and crimes when everyone who matters isn't going to do this.
So, I once again end up at: All truth-seeking organizations are completely captured. They HAVE to be captured for these crimes and programs to be possible.
.... Nobody who matters was going to make a big deal out of the fact NOTHING bad happened in non-locked-down Sweden. The example of Sweden didn't even matter.
Also, the fact the Amish are so healthy without getting vaccines also ... doesn't matter, because nobody who matters is going to point this out.
“If you can control about three or four key elements you can totally control a state. You can make right, wrong. You can make truth, falsehood. Falsehood, truth. If you control the media, if you control the justice department, if you control the police. you own the system.” (57:06 timestamp)
– John DeCamp
"The Justice Department acting through FBI and the US Attorney’s Office in Omaha, merges on the record of the Franklin investigation not so much as a party to the cover-up but as its coordinator. Rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury and tampering with evidence. Federal personnel were seen to apply all those techniques in the Franklin case" (58:41 timestamp)
– John DeCamp
From: Conspiracy Of Silence (1994 Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)
Thanks, Fox. I touched on the same theme with my prior piece that referenced John Grisham's new book about innocent people who were successfully prosecuted for murder. If anyone should understand how officials can (easily) "frame" innocent people, it should be Grisham and his co-author.
But they'll never turn their focus or outrage to any of the Covid "travesties of justice," which were possible for the exact same reasons.
Once upon a prior life I was a bit player in a minor political scandal in my state. Big enough to get AP, Huff Post and local media coverage, but nothing anyone outside the state's political intrigue class would've noticed or remembered.
It could've been bigger. I helped the political reporter for the biggest newspaper in the state put the pieces together. He had written a big, thorough investigative report that was supposed to be in the Sunday paper, a feature story. The reporter was excited, had been told by the editor how many words it could be, more than any prior piece he had written.
He submitted the finished piece to the editor. What came back was a skeleton of the big report. Less than half the words that had been approved. With the most scandalous sections that would've lit the state capitol political scene up. Gone.
The reporter asked the editor what happened. He was very disappointed, offended, disillusioned with his profession from the editor's reply. Being that the newspaper had to cut those parts. If they hadn't then it would've hurt their access and relationships with state political leaders. The truth needed to be censored to "protect The System." Acknowledging that the public already didn't trust politicians. And the exposé of wrongdoing would make the public trust them, The System less. So they had to remove the biggest indictment in the investigative reporting.
The reporter was so upset and angered by the censorship that he transferred to another beat unrelated to politics, combination of personal disillusionment and removal by editor from capitol beat.
This was nearly two decades ago. When I learned that The System doesn't care about party affiliation or good governance, accountability. Its only unwavering concern is to protect itself. That its response to public distrust is to lie more, lest the public trust them even less if the truth comes out.
Everything that's happened since, including pandemic, election, lawfare, censorship, etc has been predictable for me based on my experience years ago. There is no independent journalism in mainstream media; they are scribes for the state, for The System.
I've always intuitively understood this is how "journalism" works. The real or most-important scandals can't be investigated and exposed. It seems like more reporters would understand this. Most probably do understand this ... and they've made a deal with the Devil to stay in the profession. This is how you get to remain a part of the "pack journalism" pack.
Yep. If something embarrassing, scandalous comes out of Big Media it's either in service to an agenda of one side of The System against the other, seizing political advantage for policy or personnel that both sides know won't go nuclear and threaten The System. Or for narrative control about a major issue that does threaten The System and is escaping control - too many know, credible source, won't go away and threat can't be eliminated. So MSM will craft and shape the narrative in the least damaging way to The System. A sacrificial lamb. Like an amputation, cut off the limb so infection doesn't spread to the whole body. Any big story reported that sounds scandalous falls under one of those two categories.
Excellent surmising! But editors are mostly the gatekeepers. Many journalists would have produced these facts if "allowed". Shows the 'planning' involved. People "that matter" were stymied, and are not at fault. Just shared this:) explains everything
Good point, Jewell. The editors are the real "gatekeepers of the news." They know what's okay to publish and, more importantly, stories that can never be published.
One suspects that the staff journalists also quickly pick up on what stories are taboo and they never even suggest those stories to their editors. If they did, they wouldn't be a part of the "news" organization for very long.
I accidentally didn't enable the "comment" button, which means nobody could make comments. I think I've fixed it now. Comment away if the muse hits you!
To add more details from Debbie's presentation, viruses became "bioweapons," military weapons that required "counter measures," which are "vaccines." So, basically, the military is now in charge of "vaccine" production and distribution. And nobody knows what real research or experimentation is occurring to produce these "counter measures" (because this is top secret national security info, but these countermeasures almost certainly involve "gain of function" experimentation.
As an aside, I've written libraries worth of text, stating that the Covid virus wasn't "deadly" to 99.9+ percent of the world population.
However, I do think this gain of function Mad Science almost certainly occurred and a new virus probably was created in a lab and escaped or was intentionally released.
Since this is NOT a natural virus, nobody knows how it will affect people in the short and long terms. That is, even if the virus seems like a normal flu for most infected people, it still might cause myriad new side effects in the weeks, months and years after people contract it.
This is probably another reason the Powers that Be want to promote the narrative that this virus was "naturally-occurring."
To me, Long Covid could be a real thing ... just like Gulf War Syndrome is probably a real thing (a possibility I once scoffed at, but now believe was caused by all the vaccines the troops had to get before going to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.)
Debbie has her own Substack, which I strongly recommend. In researching this article, I read several of her stories and enjoyed the very smart Reader Comments. Here's one commenter (Philpat) who makes points I also tried to highlight in today's essay:
"I absolutely agree with you and have been expressing the same view for several years .... It's the ONLY explanation that connects all the dots and explains the global highly coordinated "Covid response" in which all Western Governments dropped their carefully prepared Pandemic Response contingency plans to implement, in effect, the direct opposite measures known to be scientifically unsound.
"To add to your excellent analysis, I think this conclusion also explains a lot more. Military operations are always highly compartmentalized, with only very few people at the very top in each country understanding the entire plan.
"And Military operations are also typically conducted under National secrecy laws such that ALL involved in the implementation at a management level would be sworn to secrecy under such laws. All of the above, I believe, in part explains why those involved are so reticent to go beyond the "safe and effective" mantra."
Once everyone - or almost everyone - had received two shots, officials could gradually "allow" life to to return to normal.
Until this day arrived, however, the citizenry of the world would simply have to adjust to what became known as our “New Normal” - a term that became popular via COORDINATED propaganda.
One might think coordinating a pandemic that required legions of daily lies would pose a formidable challenge, but it looks like this project turned out to be a lay-up for these prevaricating pros ... For me, this is the scariest take-away of our New Abnormal - it's incredibly easy to pull off these crimes and scams ... and to get millions of "leaders" to participate in the schemes.
I found some more "cutting room floor" text way at the bottom of my story file ...
Parenthetically, I might add that the population of Sweden is almost all white, prosperous and neighbors of Europe.
It’s probably worth noting that the vast majority of nations in Africa, which are made up almost exclusively of black people who are very poor, also didn’t impose most of the draconian responses and, like Sweden, everyone under the age of 80 experienced no unusual harm from Covid.
But since the people of Sweden seem just like a typical person in, say, Canada or Germany, it might be narrative-defeating if these citizens weathered the “Pandemic of the Century” just like it was a normal cold and flu season … And better than citizens in the U.S., Canada, Germany, the UK, etc.
That is, the citizens of Sweden seem very similar to citizens in all the other advanced Western nations. How could they be fine without doing the things everyone else that looked like them was doing?
Thanks for pointing this out, Dennis. I haven't done any real research beyond running across a few mentions of this in the alternative "wacko" media ... More "scary stuff."
in recent years sweden has become increasingly nonwhite and nonprosperous. significant numbers of illegal aliens (mostly from east africa) with a corresponding uptick in violent crime. swedish parliament now considering bribing the illegals to leave the country.
Sweden became the 32nd member of NATO in early 2024. Guess the Military Industrial Complex figured out how to "Fix" the Swedish problem, eh? Flood with a different, but still a terror-weapon.
I read the info you referenced on Zero Hedge some time ago. If i recall correctly, the calculated cost of absorbing the invading population was much greater than paying them to leave.
Amen amen amen. The news media guided by federal government flunkies were utterly disinterested in any substantial investigative reporting on how COVID affected (or more accurately had very limited effect on) vast swaths of Africa, Sweden, parts of India that were given HCQ, etc. It's almost like none of the global West's leaders were interested in truth or useful research.
Thanks for the excellent write-up Bill. As someone who paid attention in science classes, my first thought when we saw Sweden going against the grain was "this is great, they'll be the control in this giant experiment so we can see if the draconian measures have merit". I knew corruption at high levels was bad, but I expected everybody else who paid attention in science class to think the same thing. Weird, I never saw a single reference, anywhere, to how nice it was to have a non-compliant country for comparison. Just another of so many obvious red flags. The scam was obvious my March 2020 because of the unbelievable number of red flags. I don't trust anyone who couldn't see the scam early on, they don't think right.
This was my first thought too, SteelJ. "Great. We have a real control group" - just like I learned was so important in my 9th grade science classes.
I never thought everyone (who mattered) would just ignore the placebo group. Which leads me to reach the same conclusion Debbie Lerman reached: Propaganda and censorship can neutralize or make insignificant the results among the control group.
Ironically, numerous real scientific studies show this is possible. Staying in the "safety" of the herd is a powerful psychological and sociological force.
Thanks to you we watched the Lerman interview, and very glad we did. The NATO connection seems right, and if it is, explains a lot about the response both in the US and globally, and fits what we saw (the Dutch health official came right out with it!). The most common alternative explanation of it being directed by a cabal of globalists/WEFers/etc doesn't mesh well enough to suit me. That cabal exists, but the NATO/public-private domination of the response squares better, IMO. We liked Kat, but she needs to hone her interviewing skills. Cardinal rule, don't keep interrupting your interviewee right as they're getting to their main points. I've noticed top dogs Tucker and Rogan are usually very good at LETTING THEM SPEAK.
And notice that no one questioned Trump or Harris about COVID. Before I heard all of the Rogan/Trump interview, I heard Rogan talking to someone in a video about it. The other person asked why he didn’t ask Trump about the vax. He said he really didn’t see an opening to do it. (my paraphrase.)
Then I heard the rest of the Rogan interview. He walked right into asking THE question, but didn’t do it. Why? And why won’t anyone ask Trump THE question?
That's a taboo question or territory. Just like the "embalmers' clots."
If someone acknowledges the embalmers clots are real and occurring in millions of bodies, this person has just acknowledged the vaccines are NOT "safe." (Unless this person can tell us something else besides the shots are causing these terrifying substances, which they can't).
So that's why Tucker Carlson won't do a segment on this topic. If he did, it would embarrass Trump and, perhaps, cause Tucker to lose his access and friendship with the president.
Bill - did you see the interview Tucker did with Aaron Siri? He admitted he has a child who was vax injured (from childhood vaccines). Perhaps he has recently come to realize this.
Perhaps he’s angered enough to not care about his relationship with Trump.
We shall see because Tom just emailed his team (again) to remind them they have vials of the clots in their possession.
There is also a theory going around I just heard the other day that Trump’s health appointments are not going to criticize or stop “vaccines” & in particular, mRNA, which Trump has never disavowed & he still considers OWS & the poison as some of his greatest accomplishments. I honestly don’t know what to think anymore.
His picks so far - Battacharia, Makary - were not for mandates but to my knowledge have never called for them to be pulled or said they are causing the tremendous death & damage that is at this point patently obvious. And that idiot, Neshwat, was not only a big proponent of masks & wiping down groceries in the garage, but actually flogged the vax, including for children.
So the conclusion is that no one will make it into the health part of the administration who criticizes the vax or Trump & his role in it, or the focus will be mostly on food (which definitely needs a LOT of work as well).
Again, I don’t know who or what to believe, except to say that I was amazed that there was no interest at all during the presidential run, debates, interviews, in addressing the deep national trauma we went through & promises of “never again”. Also disheartening & suspicious that very influential Trump supporters like Carlson & Rogan completely ignored the subject.
Completely agree as we watch people lining up for the flu shot (how many times does TPTB have to say "whoops, our flu vaccine didn't cover this year's strain?!"). Now on to the bird flu vaxx.
I personally think Trump is a Mason. Look at trump tower in NYC. It’s a dedication to the masons. Even has the grove on display for all to see. Look it up. He is a Mason. Is this a good or bad thing. I ask this because most our founding fathers were Masons. Washington DC is modeled after the Vatican and is a Masonic creation.
THE question is why there was an unprecedented increase in US deaths of 19% in 2020, pre-vaccine. That's 6 times larger than the largest previous increase in at least a half-century. Deaths remained high in 2021, but only increased 2% that year, a typical increase.
That's the Iatrogenic/lockdown death spike, which should be a massive scandal, but never will be.
The reason this huge spike hasn't reverted to the pre-pandemic norm is that the vaccine effect kicked in.
In 2020, you had extra deaths from ventilators, dehydration, over medication, withholding antibiotics, stress-caused deaths, isolation-caused deaths, suicides, remdesivir, etc.
Many of those deaths have gone down since then, but these declines are now offset by the huge spike in "died suddenly" deaths, clots, anneurisms, heart attacks, new cancers, recurring cancers, turbo cancers and diseases that became fatal because people's natural immune systems are not working the way they used to.
Something changed so the deaths didn't go back to the norm. Also, the more sick people who are thinned out by early death, the fewer people one might expect to die in future years - which didn't happen.
I believe it. I work for a wealth management firm and I lost count how many clients we have who died in 2024. It seems to be 2-3 a month. I'm going to run a report in a few weeks to see how many it was. I know my county was up to 1300 deaths as of the end of November slightly lower than 2023, but was told abnormally high the last two years. You know how sometimes you can tell the other person is thinking the same thing - so I said "well, we know what that is all about." And she responded "yes."
If your 2020 stats are correct, and that is a big if, then your question is a very important one, as yet unexplained. The explanation could be the use of directed energy weapons (DEW's) in specific locations such as NYC and Bergamo, Italy and to a lesser extent in a number of places like New Orleans, Seattle, etc. Since we don't know the exact pathology that results from DEW's and we are vexxed by the absence of pathologies in the face of "great pandemic" (that never occurred), it is very difficult to prove what the cause of these hypothetical increased deaths was. If one believes Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow one notes that electromagnetic radiation may have an impact on porphyrins, which include the heme moiety on the hemoglobin molecule. That could be an explanation of the mysterious hypoxia that was observed (or at least reported) to occur among many people.
You don't even know if my stats are correct, when I provided a link to the saved search results, which you can use to verify the numbers in minutes? Why don't you do that first next time instead of casting aspersions on the integrity of my work, for no reason other than your own laziness. And you didn't provide any mortality data to support your speculations about the causes of excess deaths, either--when that data is freely available.
The best defense is a good offense”, eh? We know that all the public health agencies in the west are compromised and falsify their data, so everyone (including you) must make certain assumptions in order to rely on their mortality statistics. I’ve read your three part article and you make the assumption that the Wonder data is reliable, but you have no proof. I’ve asked John Bedeauin, who makes similar assumptions about public data in his articles, and he admits that he can’t be sure of the data. I don’t discount that it could be accurate, but on the other hand, bullying your way by groundless accusations doesn’t make your assumption correct, either. Btw, I didn’t even question your reasoning; I questioned the official 2020 mortality stats, so I think it is odd that you take such great offense. I know what the stats were in San Diego county, where I live, and there was no epidemic, let alone pandemic, or even excess deaths in 2020. Since San Diego is a large urban center heavily trafficked by air from the entire world any airborne viral illness would have been represented here, so I am of the strong opinion that there was no such increased mortality in general, but that there may well have been in selected centers, such as NYC and Bergamo. I am trying to figure out what caused those mass death events because it strongly appears it was a murder using weapons that we have not seen before. Firstenberg’s work provides an interesting and plausible basis.
The death records are what they are--everyone who does the same search will get exactly the same results--regardless of their opinions about the meaning or integrity of the data. If you are going to go the "fake death records" argument I'd suggest reading up on it first, because this is a nationwide database that is utilized by gov't, private industry, academia, individuals, etc., and involves all levels of gov't, and any kind of fakery is not just a simple matter of inventing a couple dozen deaths at SH for publicity purposes.
Come up with the causes of death you think would increase if electromagnetic radiation caused it, then show that those causes of death did increase. And, etc. People have been speculating about the causes for 4 years--apparently no one can come up with mortality data to back up their speculation about it--not a good sign.
I see you agree that the data may not be dependable. Thank you. As for the cause of deaths. We have the same problem of not being able to be sure of the data. I'm sure you are quite aware of the coercion that was exercised in order to increase the number of "Covid" deaths at the expense of other causes. We know it was widespread but as far as I know it is impossible to quantify it exactly. Secondly, routine autopsies were not allowed. This automatically threw many causes of death into a measure of uncertainty that was completely unnecessary. That was a second method used to manipulate the statistics. As far as your challenge: "Come up with the causes of death you think would increase if electromagnetic radiation caused it, then show that those causes of death did increase. And, etc." I am not so presumptuous as some people i read to imagine that I, a retired MD without a lot of resources other than my own brain, is going to be able to come up with the murder weapon that probably hundreds of thousands of smart people have not been able to find over the last five years. But, if you read my first comment I did suggest a possibility: Firstenberg lays out a credible mechanism whereby EMR can slow cellular metabolism by virtue of its effect in energy metabolism in the mitochondria. He provides data that suggests that chronic exposure EMR can cause diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease. If that is correct, it is not a big leap of faith (and yes, Mdm. Stoner, there is a leap of faith here because none of this is proven because no funds have been forthcoming, for decades, to research the effects of EMR n the human body) to imagine that there could be more severe acute effects if the dose of irradiation was raised dramatically. As I pointed out in my first comment in this thread one of the effects Firstenberg pointed to are adverse effects on the porphyrins, heme being one. I postulate that it is possible that the strange and persistent reports of an odd form of hypoxia, where patients had low oxygen saturation levels (I looked for, but could never find, reports of arterial blood gas corroboration of those low O2 sats) but yet were strangely unconcerned and unaware that they were actually hypoxic, may have been the result of a widespread EMG attack with some people (e.g age, co-morbidities) being more at risk than others. I never said that the 2020 data you are using was incorrect. I said it was not dependable and I stand by that. But if it was correct, we should be looking for the cause for that increased mortality (which I actually do think occurred based on the fact that life insurance payouts increased in 2020 from their previous five year average), don't you think? If you don't think it was caused EMR, what do you think caused those excess 2020 deaths? Covid virus? If so, can you provide proof, since you asked me to?
I had this to say about being censored at the time (I exported all of my Facebook posts when I closed the account...for retellings like this):
"Omg! Fb just censored and deleted this post, called it "Hate Speech"!?!?! Censorship on social media, they don't want this information out there. Scumbags."
They called it "Hate Speech!"
I kept sharing information about Sweden. Some were censored, deleted, most were shadow-banned. Like this piece:
'Prof Lockdown' Neil Ferguson admits Sweden used same science as UK
Sweden has kept restaurants, bars and many schools open in a much softer approach to virus than other countries in Europe
They didn't care about placebo Sweden. They didn't need to when they realized they could control how far the truth about Sweden would be allowed to spread. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to see it...did it happen?
Curiously (not) in the US, Florida and South Dakota were the "Swedens" of the US and got similar treatment from the military/vax/media industrial complex.
Precisely. Look how "rebellious" Florida prided itself on being one of the most vaccinated states in the USA. Clever stuff as it is again designed to "prove" that, whether coercive measures are introduced or not, vaccination is undeniably the "solution" in either case!
The Sweden case needs to be taken with a very large pinch of salt. News reports showed the same ridiculous social distancing measures in place, the country has sinced joined NATO, thereby becoming a primary target in case of war, and 87% of the population willingly got the COVID jab (77% of women of a fertile age). The only conclusion you can draw is that coercive "sanitary measure" worked and that a sensible population will get the jab without being forced. THAT for me explains the Swedish "exception" and is perfectly compatible with The Big Depopulation and World Control Plan. They don't make mistakes.
The perpetrators may have made a miscalculation that they may have selected Sweden because it has about twice the population density of neighboring Norway and Finland, as well as very low sun exposure compared to most populated nations.
Yet now their comulative excess death rates since early 2020 is lower than the sunny, geographically isolated, and even more heavily COVID jabbed model nation of Australia.
Bill has written a really great summary of the convid era and the puppet masters who orchestrated it. But why? What was their game plan? Global depopulation? And if that is the industrial/medical complex's plan, why would they mandate vaccines for their own people? Or is it simply about the money and control? Or is it that the people in power are as ignorant and susceptible to mass psychosis as 90% of the population appear to be and just reacted the way they did because they know no better? Their/our knowledge base is 200 years of scientific indoctrination. My thinking has evolved a lot over the last five years from deliberate, orchestrated planning to cock-up on a grand scale. I'm beginning to think it's more to do with the latter simply because people are not very bright, especially the experts whose rigidity of thinking prevents them from engaging in any kind of lateral thinking approach to solving societal problems. TPTB over reacted and the people went along with it simply because FEAR made them suggestible to the solutions that were being presented to them. No one stepped back and asked themselves how much danger they were really in and even if Sweden was used as an example of how to handle the pandemic no one was prepared to stand up and say so. Even if I was to present Bill's article to my sheepie friends today to try and persuade them that the last five years of authoritarianism was for nothing, a) they wouldn't read it, and b) it wouldn't change their opinion.
Society seems to be stuck between a hard place and a rock. Unless our thinking evolves and we learn to approach life's problems from a broader perspective we are doomed to repeat all the mistakes civilisations have made over the last two millennia.
Soldiers are not the military industrial complex's "own people." They are disposable, just like the innocent people killed during war. Plus, the military industrial complex may have implemented the plandemic, but they aren't the puppet masters.
Everyone from doctors to politicians went along with the charade because anyone who stepped out of line was immediately fired and had their reputation damaged beyond repair. Their jobs and status were more important to them than the truth and the people they were supposed to represent.
Mistakes were not made. Human nature was studied well in advance and TPTB played to our weaknesses: fear, loss of status and the need to follow the herd, even off a cliff.
The elites definitely exist but I don't think they are so powerful and so evil that they have every detail under their control. They rely on the mass delusion that much of humanity is subjected to. Mistakes were made, but only because the management level were incompetent and deluded. People have been captured by ideology and it's inevitable that they will pursue their chosen 'ology' even if mistakes are made to achieve their goal. Look at the doubling down on the covid nonsense. No one will admit they got things wrong, especially the Generals and the senior medics. Who wants to admit they f*cked up? What's needed is for the compliant foot soldiers, the nurses and junior to mid level medics to wake up and rebel against this insanity. Yes they initially wanted to protect their jobs and their families but now they know they were being murdered by their masters they need to rebel en mass and say - No More.
This is no cock-up but the final outcome of decades of planning and hundreds of psy ops and experimentation. I would, however, sadly agree that the masses are gullible idiots trained to react emotionally without critical thinking and to focus on the next superficial reward that the new consumer and celebrity society can offer them. 2025 will in all likelihood be a glorious victory for the NWO (certainly looking that way) as there does not appear to be any meaningful resistance.
In an early draft of this story, I mentioned that Sweden later went "all in" on the "vaccines," a mass activity which did indeed counter all the positive results their population experienced from, largely, ignoring the lockdown protocols.
So, Sweden wasn't as smart as some of us hoped they'd be. The only control group or "placebo" group we have on the vaccines is, perhaps, the Amish ... or maybe large segments of the population in African nations where most people probably didn't get vaccinated.
"Control groups" are dangerous to the Powers that Be. That's why all the participants of the real placebo groups in the safety trials were quickly vaccinated.
At the time I found Sweden's response a welcome shot of sanity, it allowed me to ignore what my govt was trying to shove down my throat. Now I see that it kept me from realizing the extent of my govt.'s lies. It's a wonder no one dropped a bomb on Sweden.
There is a pill for everything. I couldn't read my substack subscriptions for quite a while. Turns out the reason my eyes rapidly went bad was because an ear doctor presget cribed a steroid drop for my ears.I had to get a shotin my left eyeball to fix my eye. Forget reading with my right eye cause another doctor screwed it up with cataract surgery. Well I am finally back, thank GOD!
Even today, no public figure wants to be exposed as a liar or someone who committed fraud or criminal acts, or was an accomplice in acts that led to mass death or misery.
However, to be "exposed" as such a figure would require that said exposure was proven by an official and important source. For example, a "credible" MSM news organization (like "60 Minutes" or the NY Times) ... or a prosecutor or law enforcement agency.
However, all officials KNOW this is never going to happen to them. The people or organizations who could expose them won't "go there" (because this would expose them as frauds as well).
Plenty of writers and journalists on Substack and in the alternative media have already exposed these crimes repeatedly and conclusively. Alas, these charges don't matter because these sources can simply be dismissed as extremist kooks and disinformation spreaders.
Bottom-line: It's easy to pull off mass frauds and crimes when everyone who matters isn't going to do this.
So, I once again end up at: All truth-seeking organizations are completely captured. They HAVE to be captured for these crimes and programs to be possible.
.... Nobody who matters was going to make a big deal out of the fact NOTHING bad happened in non-locked-down Sweden. The example of Sweden didn't even matter.
Also, the fact the Amish are so healthy without getting vaccines also ... doesn't matter, because nobody who matters is going to point this out.
“If you can control about three or four key elements you can totally control a state. You can make right, wrong. You can make truth, falsehood. Falsehood, truth. If you control the media, if you control the justice department, if you control the police. you own the system.” (57:06 timestamp)
– John DeCamp
"The Justice Department acting through FBI and the US Attorney’s Office in Omaha, merges on the record of the Franklin investigation not so much as a party to the cover-up but as its coordinator. Rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury and tampering with evidence. Federal personnel were seen to apply all those techniques in the Franklin case" (58:41 timestamp)
– John DeCamp
From: Conspiracy Of Silence (1994 Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)
Note: This documentary has direct connection to the Bush Family. Very direct. Very long time.
Thanks, Fox. I touched on the same theme with my prior piece that referenced John Grisham's new book about innocent people who were successfully prosecuted for murder. If anyone should understand how officials can (easily) "frame" innocent people, it should be Grisham and his co-author.
But they'll never turn their focus or outrage to any of the Covid "travesties of justice," which were possible for the exact same reasons.
Once upon a prior life I was a bit player in a minor political scandal in my state. Big enough to get AP, Huff Post and local media coverage, but nothing anyone outside the state's political intrigue class would've noticed or remembered.
It could've been bigger. I helped the political reporter for the biggest newspaper in the state put the pieces together. He had written a big, thorough investigative report that was supposed to be in the Sunday paper, a feature story. The reporter was excited, had been told by the editor how many words it could be, more than any prior piece he had written.
He submitted the finished piece to the editor. What came back was a skeleton of the big report. Less than half the words that had been approved. With the most scandalous sections that would've lit the state capitol political scene up. Gone.
The reporter asked the editor what happened. He was very disappointed, offended, disillusioned with his profession from the editor's reply. Being that the newspaper had to cut those parts. If they hadn't then it would've hurt their access and relationships with state political leaders. The truth needed to be censored to "protect The System." Acknowledging that the public already didn't trust politicians. And the exposé of wrongdoing would make the public trust them, The System less. So they had to remove the biggest indictment in the investigative reporting.
The reporter was so upset and angered by the censorship that he transferred to another beat unrelated to politics, combination of personal disillusionment and removal by editor from capitol beat.
This was nearly two decades ago. When I learned that The System doesn't care about party affiliation or good governance, accountability. Its only unwavering concern is to protect itself. That its response to public distrust is to lie more, lest the public trust them even less if the truth comes out.
Everything that's happened since, including pandemic, election, lawfare, censorship, etc has been predictable for me based on my experience years ago. There is no independent journalism in mainstream media; they are scribes for the state, for The System.
I've always intuitively understood this is how "journalism" works. The real or most-important scandals can't be investigated and exposed. It seems like more reporters would understand this. Most probably do understand this ... and they've made a deal with the Devil to stay in the profession. This is how you get to remain a part of the "pack journalism" pack.
Yep. If something embarrassing, scandalous comes out of Big Media it's either in service to an agenda of one side of The System against the other, seizing political advantage for policy or personnel that both sides know won't go nuclear and threaten The System. Or for narrative control about a major issue that does threaten The System and is escaping control - too many know, credible source, won't go away and threat can't be eliminated. So MSM will craft and shape the narrative in the least damaging way to The System. A sacrificial lamb. Like an amputation, cut off the limb so infection doesn't spread to the whole body. Any big story reported that sounds scandalous falls under one of those two categories.
Excellent surmising! But editors are mostly the gatekeepers. Many journalists would have produced these facts if "allowed". Shows the 'planning' involved. People "that matter" were stymied, and are not at fault. Just shared this:) explains everything
Good point, Jewell. The editors are the real "gatekeepers of the news." They know what's okay to publish and, more importantly, stories that can never be published.
One suspects that the staff journalists also quickly pick up on what stories are taboo and they never even suggest those stories to their editors. If they did, they wouldn't be a part of the "news" organization for very long.
I accidentally didn't enable the "comment" button, which means nobody could make comments. I think I've fixed it now. Comment away if the muse hits you!
To add more details from Debbie's presentation, viruses became "bioweapons," military weapons that required "counter measures," which are "vaccines." So, basically, the military is now in charge of "vaccine" production and distribution. And nobody knows what real research or experimentation is occurring to produce these "counter measures" (because this is top secret national security info, but these countermeasures almost certainly involve "gain of function" experimentation.
As an aside, I've written libraries worth of text, stating that the Covid virus wasn't "deadly" to 99.9+ percent of the world population.
However, I do think this gain of function Mad Science almost certainly occurred and a new virus probably was created in a lab and escaped or was intentionally released.
Since this is NOT a natural virus, nobody knows how it will affect people in the short and long terms. That is, even if the virus seems like a normal flu for most infected people, it still might cause myriad new side effects in the weeks, months and years after people contract it.
This is probably another reason the Powers that Be want to promote the narrative that this virus was "naturally-occurring."
To me, Long Covid could be a real thing ... just like Gulf War Syndrome is probably a real thing (a possibility I once scoffed at, but now believe was caused by all the vaccines the troops had to get before going to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.)
Debbie has her own Substack, which I strongly recommend. In researching this article, I read several of her stories and enjoyed the very smart Reader Comments. Here's one commenter (Philpat) who makes points I also tried to highlight in today's essay:
"I absolutely agree with you and have been expressing the same view for several years .... It's the ONLY explanation that connects all the dots and explains the global highly coordinated "Covid response" in which all Western Governments dropped their carefully prepared Pandemic Response contingency plans to implement, in effect, the direct opposite measures known to be scientifically unsound.
"To add to your excellent analysis, I think this conclusion also explains a lot more. Military operations are always highly compartmentalized, with only very few people at the very top in each country understanding the entire plan.
"And Military operations are also typically conducted under National secrecy laws such that ALL involved in the implementation at a management level would be sworn to secrecy under such laws. All of the above, I believe, in part explains why those involved are so reticent to go beyond the "safe and effective" mantra."
Cutting room floor text:
Once everyone - or almost everyone - had received two shots, officials could gradually "allow" life to to return to normal.
Until this day arrived, however, the citizenry of the world would simply have to adjust to what became known as our “New Normal” - a term that became popular via COORDINATED propaganda.
One might think coordinating a pandemic that required legions of daily lies would pose a formidable challenge, but it looks like this project turned out to be a lay-up for these prevaricating pros ... For me, this is the scariest take-away of our New Abnormal - it's incredibly easy to pull off these crimes and scams ... and to get millions of "leaders" to participate in the schemes.
I found some more "cutting room floor" text way at the bottom of my story file ...
Parenthetically, I might add that the population of Sweden is almost all white, prosperous and neighbors of Europe.
It’s probably worth noting that the vast majority of nations in Africa, which are made up almost exclusively of black people who are very poor, also didn’t impose most of the draconian responses and, like Sweden, everyone under the age of 80 experienced no unusual harm from Covid.
But since the people of Sweden seem just like a typical person in, say, Canada or Germany, it might be narrative-defeating if these citizens weathered the “Pandemic of the Century” just like it was a normal cold and flu season … And better than citizens in the U.S., Canada, Germany, the UK, etc.
That is, the citizens of Sweden seem very similar to citizens in all the other advanced Western nations. How could they be fine without doing the things everyone else that looked like them was doing?
Have you done any research on the four African leaders who were less than cooperative about the COVID pandemic efforts and who all died?
I have long said I do not believe in coincidences.
Thanks for pointing this out, Dennis. I haven't done any real research beyond running across a few mentions of this in the alternative "wacko" media ... More "scary stuff."
in recent years sweden has become increasingly nonwhite and nonprosperous. significant numbers of illegal aliens (mostly from east africa) with a corresponding uptick in violent crime. swedish parliament now considering bribing the illegals to leave the country.
Sweden became the 32nd member of NATO in early 2024. Guess the Military Industrial Complex figured out how to "Fix" the Swedish problem, eh? Flood with a different, but still a terror-weapon.
I read the info you referenced on Zero Hedge some time ago. If i recall correctly, the calculated cost of absorbing the invading population was much greater than paying them to leave.
Amen amen amen. The news media guided by federal government flunkies were utterly disinterested in any substantial investigative reporting on how COVID affected (or more accurately had very limited effect on) vast swaths of Africa, Sweden, parts of India that were given HCQ, etc. It's almost like none of the global West's leaders were interested in truth or useful research.
Thanks for the excellent write-up Bill. As someone who paid attention in science classes, my first thought when we saw Sweden going against the grain was "this is great, they'll be the control in this giant experiment so we can see if the draconian measures have merit". I knew corruption at high levels was bad, but I expected everybody else who paid attention in science class to think the same thing. Weird, I never saw a single reference, anywhere, to how nice it was to have a non-compliant country for comparison. Just another of so many obvious red flags. The scam was obvious my March 2020 because of the unbelievable number of red flags. I don't trust anyone who couldn't see the scam early on, they don't think right.
This was my first thought too, SteelJ. "Great. We have a real control group" - just like I learned was so important in my 9th grade science classes.
I never thought everyone (who mattered) would just ignore the placebo group. Which leads me to reach the same conclusion Debbie Lerman reached: Propaganda and censorship can neutralize or make insignificant the results among the control group.
Ironically, numerous real scientific studies show this is possible. Staying in the "safety" of the herd is a powerful psychological and sociological force.
Thanks to you we watched the Lerman interview, and very glad we did. The NATO connection seems right, and if it is, explains a lot about the response both in the US and globally, and fits what we saw (the Dutch health official came right out with it!). The most common alternative explanation of it being directed by a cabal of globalists/WEFers/etc doesn't mesh well enough to suit me. That cabal exists, but the NATO/public-private domination of the response squares better, IMO. We liked Kat, but she needs to hone her interviewing skills. Cardinal rule, don't keep interrupting your interviewee right as they're getting to their main points. I've noticed top dogs Tucker and Rogan are usually very good at LETTING THEM SPEAK.
And notice that no one questioned Trump or Harris about COVID. Before I heard all of the Rogan/Trump interview, I heard Rogan talking to someone in a video about it. The other person asked why he didn’t ask Trump about the vax. He said he really didn’t see an opening to do it. (my paraphrase.)
Then I heard the rest of the Rogan interview. He walked right into asking THE question, but didn’t do it. Why? And why won’t anyone ask Trump THE question?
That's a taboo question or territory. Just like the "embalmers' clots."
If someone acknowledges the embalmers clots are real and occurring in millions of bodies, this person has just acknowledged the vaccines are NOT "safe." (Unless this person can tell us something else besides the shots are causing these terrifying substances, which they can't).
So that's why Tucker Carlson won't do a segment on this topic. If he did, it would embarrass Trump and, perhaps, cause Tucker to lose his access and friendship with the president.
Bill - did you see the interview Tucker did with Aaron Siri? He admitted he has a child who was vax injured (from childhood vaccines). Perhaps he has recently come to realize this.
Perhaps he’s angered enough to not care about his relationship with Trump.
We shall see because Tom just emailed his team (again) to remind them they have vials of the clots in their possession.
When will people wake up to the fact that these obscenely wealthy media and political personalities are not their friends?
Too many people are blinded by words. Look at the adulation of Musk and Vivek. But the Bible told us these days would come.
There is also a theory going around I just heard the other day that Trump’s health appointments are not going to criticize or stop “vaccines” & in particular, mRNA, which Trump has never disavowed & he still considers OWS & the poison as some of his greatest accomplishments. I honestly don’t know what to think anymore.
His picks so far - Battacharia, Makary - were not for mandates but to my knowledge have never called for them to be pulled or said they are causing the tremendous death & damage that is at this point patently obvious. And that idiot, Neshwat, was not only a big proponent of masks & wiping down groceries in the garage, but actually flogged the vax, including for children.
So the conclusion is that no one will make it into the health part of the administration who criticizes the vax or Trump & his role in it, or the focus will be mostly on food (which definitely needs a LOT of work as well).
Again, I don’t know who or what to believe, except to say that I was amazed that there was no interest at all during the presidential run, debates, interviews, in addressing the deep national trauma we went through & promises of “never again”. Also disheartening & suspicious that very influential Trump supporters like Carlson & Rogan completely ignored the subject.
Or were told to not ask the question because to be fair, no one asked Harris either.
Not good though, he sold his soul
Completely agree as we watch people lining up for the flu shot (how many times does TPTB have to say "whoops, our flu vaccine didn't cover this year's strain?!"). Now on to the bird flu vaxx.
I personally think Trump is a Mason. Look at trump tower in NYC. It’s a dedication to the masons. Even has the grove on display for all to see. Look it up. He is a Mason. Is this a good or bad thing. I ask this because most our founding fathers were Masons. Washington DC is modeled after the Vatican and is a Masonic creation.
I’m not going to get into that.
THE question is why there was an unprecedented increase in US deaths of 19% in 2020, pre-vaccine. That's 6 times larger than the largest previous increase in at least a half-century. Deaths remained high in 2021, but only increased 2% that year, a typical increase.
That's the Iatrogenic/lockdown death spike, which should be a massive scandal, but never will be.
The reason this huge spike hasn't reverted to the pre-pandemic norm is that the vaccine effect kicked in.
In 2020, you had extra deaths from ventilators, dehydration, over medication, withholding antibiotics, stress-caused deaths, isolation-caused deaths, suicides, remdesivir, etc.
Many of those deaths have gone down since then, but these declines are now offset by the huge spike in "died suddenly" deaths, clots, anneurisms, heart attacks, new cancers, recurring cancers, turbo cancers and diseases that became fatal because people's natural immune systems are not working the way they used to.
Something changed so the deaths didn't go back to the norm. Also, the more sick people who are thinned out by early death, the fewer people one might expect to die in future years - which didn't happen.
The reasons you cited for the NYC mass casualty event, basically the factors Rancourt proposed, could not have caused it, or the other 2020 death spikes, for the reasons I explained at this link.
The question is, what mortality data do you have that correlates the mortality data with the causes you claim are responsible for the deaths?
Hospicide and nursing home deaths. Plus, stats are massaged to advance and agenda.
So there was an agenda to manufacture stats that point like a beacon to mass-murder, then cover them up?
What is the source of your statistics? I think your question is excellent!
The numbers are from the official US mortality database. There is a summary of the data in the 2nd half of this link, with citations and links to verify the numbers.
I believe it. I work for a wealth management firm and I lost count how many clients we have who died in 2024. It seems to be 2-3 a month. I'm going to run a report in a few weeks to see how many it was. I know my county was up to 1300 deaths as of the end of November slightly lower than 2023, but was told abnormally high the last two years. You know how sometimes you can tell the other person is thinking the same thing - so I said "well, we know what that is all about." And she responded "yes."
If your 2020 stats are correct, and that is a big if, then your question is a very important one, as yet unexplained. The explanation could be the use of directed energy weapons (DEW's) in specific locations such as NYC and Bergamo, Italy and to a lesser extent in a number of places like New Orleans, Seattle, etc. Since we don't know the exact pathology that results from DEW's and we are vexxed by the absence of pathologies in the face of "great pandemic" (that never occurred), it is very difficult to prove what the cause of these hypothetical increased deaths was. If one believes Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow one notes that electromagnetic radiation may have an impact on porphyrins, which include the heme moiety on the hemoglobin molecule. That could be an explanation of the mysterious hypoxia that was observed (or at least reported) to occur among many people.
You don't even know if my stats are correct, when I provided a link to the saved search results, which you can use to verify the numbers in minutes? Why don't you do that first next time instead of casting aspersions on the integrity of my work, for no reason other than your own laziness. And you didn't provide any mortality data to support your speculations about the causes of excess deaths, either--when that data is freely available.
The best defense is a good offense”, eh? We know that all the public health agencies in the west are compromised and falsify their data, so everyone (including you) must make certain assumptions in order to rely on their mortality statistics. I’ve read your three part article and you make the assumption that the Wonder data is reliable, but you have no proof. I’ve asked John Bedeauin, who makes similar assumptions about public data in his articles, and he admits that he can’t be sure of the data. I don’t discount that it could be accurate, but on the other hand, bullying your way by groundless accusations doesn’t make your assumption correct, either. Btw, I didn’t even question your reasoning; I questioned the official 2020 mortality stats, so I think it is odd that you take such great offense. I know what the stats were in San Diego county, where I live, and there was no epidemic, let alone pandemic, or even excess deaths in 2020. Since San Diego is a large urban center heavily trafficked by air from the entire world any airborne viral illness would have been represented here, so I am of the strong opinion that there was no such increased mortality in general, but that there may well have been in selected centers, such as NYC and Bergamo. I am trying to figure out what caused those mass death events because it strongly appears it was a murder using weapons that we have not seen before. Firstenberg’s work provides an interesting and plausible basis.
The death records are what they are--everyone who does the same search will get exactly the same results--regardless of their opinions about the meaning or integrity of the data. If you are going to go the "fake death records" argument I'd suggest reading up on it first, because this is a nationwide database that is utilized by gov't, private industry, academia, individuals, etc., and involves all levels of gov't, and any kind of fakery is not just a simple matter of inventing a couple dozen deaths at SH for publicity purposes.
Come up with the causes of death you think would increase if electromagnetic radiation caused it, then show that those causes of death did increase. And, etc. People have been speculating about the causes for 4 years--apparently no one can come up with mortality data to back up their speculation about it--not a good sign.
Here are some characteristics of the deaths, so you can see if these might match.
I see you agree that the data may not be dependable. Thank you. As for the cause of deaths. We have the same problem of not being able to be sure of the data. I'm sure you are quite aware of the coercion that was exercised in order to increase the number of "Covid" deaths at the expense of other causes. We know it was widespread but as far as I know it is impossible to quantify it exactly. Secondly, routine autopsies were not allowed. This automatically threw many causes of death into a measure of uncertainty that was completely unnecessary. That was a second method used to manipulate the statistics. As far as your challenge: "Come up with the causes of death you think would increase if electromagnetic radiation caused it, then show that those causes of death did increase. And, etc." I am not so presumptuous as some people i read to imagine that I, a retired MD without a lot of resources other than my own brain, is going to be able to come up with the murder weapon that probably hundreds of thousands of smart people have not been able to find over the last five years. But, if you read my first comment I did suggest a possibility: Firstenberg lays out a credible mechanism whereby EMR can slow cellular metabolism by virtue of its effect in energy metabolism in the mitochondria. He provides data that suggests that chronic exposure EMR can cause diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease. If that is correct, it is not a big leap of faith (and yes, Mdm. Stoner, there is a leap of faith here because none of this is proven because no funds have been forthcoming, for decades, to research the effects of EMR n the human body) to imagine that there could be more severe acute effects if the dose of irradiation was raised dramatically. As I pointed out in my first comment in this thread one of the effects Firstenberg pointed to are adverse effects on the porphyrins, heme being one. I postulate that it is possible that the strange and persistent reports of an odd form of hypoxia, where patients had low oxygen saturation levels (I looked for, but could never find, reports of arterial blood gas corroboration of those low O2 sats) but yet were strangely unconcerned and unaware that they were actually hypoxic, may have been the result of a widespread EMG attack with some people (e.g age, co-morbidities) being more at risk than others. I never said that the 2020 data you are using was incorrect. I said it was not dependable and I stand by that. But if it was correct, we should be looking for the cause for that increased mortality (which I actually do think occurred based on the fact that life insurance payouts increased in 2020 from their previous five year average), don't you think? If you don't think it was caused EMR, what do you think caused those excess 2020 deaths? Covid virus? If so, can you provide proof, since you asked me to?
The censorship on social media started early. I shared this CNBC article on April 23, 2020 on Facebook. And it was promptly censored, deleted by them:
Sweden resisted a lockdown, and its capital Stockholm is expected to reach ‘herd immunity’ in weeks
CNBC, April 22, 2020
I had this to say about being censored at the time (I exported all of my Facebook posts when I closed the account...for retellings like this):
"Omg! Fb just censored and deleted this post, called it "Hate Speech"!?!?! Censorship on social media, they don't want this information out there. Scumbags."
They called it "Hate Speech!"
I kept sharing information about Sweden. Some were censored, deleted, most were shadow-banned. Like this piece:
'Prof Lockdown' Neil Ferguson admits Sweden used same science as UK
Sweden has kept restaurants, bars and many schools open in a much softer approach to virus than other countries in Europe
UK Telegraph, June 2, 2020
They didn't care about placebo Sweden. They didn't need to when they realized they could control how far the truth about Sweden would be allowed to spread. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to see it...did it happen?
Is Hate Speech better than Twatter's advocating suicide?
Curiously (not) in the US, Florida and South Dakota were the "Swedens" of the US and got similar treatment from the military/vax/media industrial complex.
Precisely. Look how "rebellious" Florida prided itself on being one of the most vaccinated states in the USA. Clever stuff as it is again designed to "prove" that, whether coercive measures are introduced or not, vaccination is undeniably the "solution" in either case!
The Sweden case needs to be taken with a very large pinch of salt. News reports showed the same ridiculous social distancing measures in place, the country has sinced joined NATO, thereby becoming a primary target in case of war, and 87% of the population willingly got the COVID jab (77% of women of a fertile age). The only conclusion you can draw is that coercive "sanitary measure" worked and that a sensible population will get the jab without being forced. THAT for me explains the Swedish "exception" and is perfectly compatible with The Big Depopulation and World Control Plan. They don't make mistakes.
The perpetrators may have made a miscalculation that they may have selected Sweden because it has about twice the population density of neighboring Norway and Finland, as well as very low sun exposure compared to most populated nations.
Yet now their comulative excess death rates since early 2020 is lower than the sunny, geographically isolated, and even more heavily COVID jabbed model nation of Australia.
Bill has written a really great summary of the convid era and the puppet masters who orchestrated it. But why? What was their game plan? Global depopulation? And if that is the industrial/medical complex's plan, why would they mandate vaccines for their own people? Or is it simply about the money and control? Or is it that the people in power are as ignorant and susceptible to mass psychosis as 90% of the population appear to be and just reacted the way they did because they know no better? Their/our knowledge base is 200 years of scientific indoctrination. My thinking has evolved a lot over the last five years from deliberate, orchestrated planning to cock-up on a grand scale. I'm beginning to think it's more to do with the latter simply because people are not very bright, especially the experts whose rigidity of thinking prevents them from engaging in any kind of lateral thinking approach to solving societal problems. TPTB over reacted and the people went along with it simply because FEAR made them suggestible to the solutions that were being presented to them. No one stepped back and asked themselves how much danger they were really in and even if Sweden was used as an example of how to handle the pandemic no one was prepared to stand up and say so. Even if I was to present Bill's article to my sheepie friends today to try and persuade them that the last five years of authoritarianism was for nothing, a) they wouldn't read it, and b) it wouldn't change their opinion.
Society seems to be stuck between a hard place and a rock. Unless our thinking evolves and we learn to approach life's problems from a broader perspective we are doomed to repeat all the mistakes civilisations have made over the last two millennia.
Soldiers are not the military industrial complex's "own people." They are disposable, just like the innocent people killed during war. Plus, the military industrial complex may have implemented the plandemic, but they aren't the puppet masters.
Everyone from doctors to politicians went along with the charade because anyone who stepped out of line was immediately fired and had their reputation damaged beyond repair. Their jobs and status were more important to them than the truth and the people they were supposed to represent.
Mistakes were not made. Human nature was studied well in advance and TPTB played to our weaknesses: fear, loss of status and the need to follow the herd, even off a cliff.
The elites definitely exist but I don't think they are so powerful and so evil that they have every detail under their control. They rely on the mass delusion that much of humanity is subjected to. Mistakes were made, but only because the management level were incompetent and deluded. People have been captured by ideology and it's inevitable that they will pursue their chosen 'ology' even if mistakes are made to achieve their goal. Look at the doubling down on the covid nonsense. No one will admit they got things wrong, especially the Generals and the senior medics. Who wants to admit they f*cked up? What's needed is for the compliant foot soldiers, the nurses and junior to mid level medics to wake up and rebel against this insanity. Yes they initially wanted to protect their jobs and their families but now they know they were being murdered by their masters they need to rebel en mass and say - No More.
This is no cock-up but the final outcome of decades of planning and hundreds of psy ops and experimentation. I would, however, sadly agree that the masses are gullible idiots trained to react emotionally without critical thinking and to focus on the next superficial reward that the new consumer and celebrity society can offer them. 2025 will in all likelihood be a glorious victory for the NWO (certainly looking that way) as there does not appear to be any meaningful resistance.
In an early draft of this story, I mentioned that Sweden later went "all in" on the "vaccines," a mass activity which did indeed counter all the positive results their population experienced from, largely, ignoring the lockdown protocols.
So, Sweden wasn't as smart as some of us hoped they'd be. The only control group or "placebo" group we have on the vaccines is, perhaps, the Amish ... or maybe large segments of the population in African nations where most people probably didn't get vaccinated.
"Control groups" are dangerous to the Powers that Be. That's why all the participants of the real placebo groups in the safety trials were quickly vaccinated.
At the time I found Sweden's response a welcome shot of sanity, it allowed me to ignore what my govt was trying to shove down my throat. Now I see that it kept me from realizing the extent of my govt.'s lies. It's a wonder no one dropped a bomb on Sweden.
There is a pill for everything. I couldn't read my substack subscriptions for quite a while. Turns out the reason my eyes rapidly went bad was because an ear doctor presget cribed a steroid drop for my ears.I had to get a shotin my left eyeball to fix my eye. Forget reading with my right eye cause another doctor screwed it up with cataract surgery. Well I am finally back, thank GOD!
Thank u Bill . Similarly, the ACOG continues to recommend the jab to pregnant women, despite the data .