Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Thank you for this article.

I am likewise preoccupied with the ever increasing evidence for early spread, for all the reasons you set out with such compelling clarity. If it could be shown/acknowledged it would surely, and conclusively, demonstrate the harms done by the global overreaction and collective refusal to deal with the novel virus in a rational manner. It would also - hopefully - help to underline the harm of the censorship, which prevented any of these questions being properly raised or investigated at the time.

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Thanks, Josie. I have really come to believe that "early spread" - correctly understood and the implications that would flow from this hypothesis - tell us everything important. Or could tell us everything important. I'm finishing up Part 2, which is going to be way too long for most people to read ... but serious students of Covid might read it. That's who I am writing this one for.

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In October ‘19 I had what I thought was a cold but the odd thing was I lost all sense of smell and taste for several weeks afterwards. I thought it couldn’t be covid, too early and I also live in North Norfolk UK, but maybe?

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

One thing (thus far) you've left out . . . . those of us who were well aware we already had it at the start of the pandemic! It went through my office like wild fire in November of 2019 - yes it was in fact quite contagious and some of us (like myself) got a relapse as soon as we felt better which is how I KNEW we all had it! Never before in my entire life did I get a flu like this (although not severe per se) only to feel better and then a week or so later relapse! I joked to people in my office about getting it twice and how very nice they were to share it with me! One young woman coughed relentlessly for over a month (sounded as though she would cough up a lung) another also young woman went to the hospital with breathing difficulty which is what solidified we ALL GOT and HAD IT! From that moment on I personally held steadfast and didn't fear anything Eventually I was tested and had the anti-bodies but at no time did I get a PCR test or any of the other BULSHIT they were peddling masks etc. BTW I'm middle aged with an idiopathic auto immune disease and I SURVIVED! I'd another friend hospitalized with double pneumonia who I told the same thing to! She had it too! We also lost our family doctor who had been a five year cancer survivor and was using immunotherapy to ward off the cancer! I think so many of us had it unknowingly that I fear someone wound up giving it to him accidently which caused his death! CONSIDER ALL THOSE DEATHS! But it is very easy to uncover the truth simply by hospital and doctor records and for what!

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Agree with you 100%

There were very early signs that didn't fit the "official" time line narrative.

We do need the truth but will it reach or matter to the masses.

People just want to live their lives and be left alone. Since covid, that has become much harder and I'm afraid people are just going to try harder at being left alone.

Ignore everything except what is right in front of them and what they have to get done that day.

I do hope we have a few crusaders in office who will prosecute the fraud.

Thank you for your work disclosing this false timeline.

CBS will cover it in 2 years (maybe)

Look forward to part 2 and 3

PS appreciate the brevity

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Thanks, David. When I write these dispatches I'm acutely aware they won't resonate with 98 percent of the population. Probably for the reasons you citied. I'd be stunned if CBS News reports on obvious early spread even two years from now, but maybe they will. Two years would probably be enough time for everyone to have "moved on" even more. If we could get one prosecution for fraud, I'd dance a little two step.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

Thanks for providing Part 1: (Explaining) Why early spread matter. Around 48 Governors need shooting. And I have bad news for you: Merry Cats comply. Worse when they're stoners or listen to NPR, CNN, FOX, or military (also includes its board-run medicalist subsidiary), educationalist, or religionist 501(c)(3) preachers. But they're all "rogue"! They all need stakes driven through their hearts. These (compliant audience) people still don't believe Antifa and Black Lies Matter caused the riots and wildfires of 2020, or Antifa even exist. (I suspect they had high-level Deep State, as in USAF, help for the extreme high pressure over Denver and eastern Utah on 08 September. Is that why https://squall.sfsu.edu/crws/jetstream.html is no longer available? I realize its curator, Prof. David Dempsey who created and maintained those popular web pages for over 20 years, passed away on Friday 08 May 2020. "Tragically"? https://web.archive.org/web/20210422034404/http://tornado.sfsu.edu/InMemoryDave.html Does this suggest foul play? Autocided like Ken Kifer and Gerhard Bienek? https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/chicoer/name/david-dempsey-obituary?id=7097454 Can't get much more woke than San Francisco, even though exceptionally, Substack is based there. This was at least 157 miles away.)

Trust has evaporated, but only amongst a minority. Substack doesn't get near the eyes those others do.

Others can just keep reading https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/ (and the Lancet, NEJM, etc., but definitely not the BMJ) if they wish to consider themselves intellectually elite.

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This was medical evidence that it was not at early outbreak stage in spring 2020 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.14.20062463v2

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‘For example, widely-acknowledged evidence of early spread would mean that the lockdowns implemented to slow or stop the “spread” of this virus had no chance of achieving this goal.’ That was known already. UK Government Pandemic Plan 2011 made the point quite clearly that ‘lockdowns’ and masks would not work. That plan was updated in 2011 after that other ‘novel’ coronavirus (Avian ‘flu), which was going to kill everyone on Earth, turned out to be a non-starter, and a similar plan recommended by the WHO was the basis of such plans of other Governments. Besides that, it was clear from the data (in Northern Europe) that the death rate had risen exponentially during February, peaked in early March 2020 and started to decline - following the Hope-Simpson model of transmission. Since infection to death (plus reporting delays) on average was 28 days, that means the vital phase of the spread started in January 2020, peaked in early February and was in decline through March. Given that, the introduction and early low level spread must have been in the latter part of 2019. All this was known according to the famous ‘Science’, yet they went ahead with their calamitous, reckless and ineffective action regardless. I don’t therefore share the notion that ‘if only’ they had know it started much earlier it would in any way have changed what they did. As with climate change policies, people get distracted by the notion that Governments and those pulling the global strings are actually behaving for the reasons they state rather than ulterior motives of power and control. Viewed from that perspective the facts and details, whilst important to understand, are not germane to explaining the behaviour of the evil malefactors in charge, nor will any facts derail their ultimate goal - World Government. This is why facts are ‘mis/disinformation’ and must no be spoken or heard.

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The truth must out, and it will. To put it another way,

"The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine."

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deletedNov 22, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.
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I didn't really get much into their "real agendas" although I referenced some of our rulers' unfinished agendas. I do think for some of our real rulers these real agendas are paramount. For other actors, Covid was simply a crisis too good to not take advantage of for their other/true aims. Thanks for commenting!

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