Why Early Spread Matters ….
IF it was exposed, everything would have changed (for the better); the swamp might have really been drained.

Author’s note: This is Part 1 of a 3-part series.
Part 1: Why early spread matters.
Part 2: How officials concealed evidence of early spread.
Part 3: What I think really happened.
If you count my published articles as well as comments I’ve made at myriad Internet sites, I’ve perhaps written more about “early spread” than any other journalist in the country. I wouldn’t have gone to such effort if I didn’t think the topic was extremely important … or If I wasn’t convinced my hypothesis is correct.
In a nutshell, I believe “early spread” definitely occurred. Furthermore, I believe evidence that would “confirm” this has been intentionally concealed from the public. In my next article, I will identify at least 18 mechanisms that were probably or possibly employed by officials to conceal evidence of early spread. Both articles develop my hypothesis that concealing evidence of early spread is vitally important to public officials.
First, Why all of this Matters ….
IF it was widely-known that the novel coronavirus had begun spreading in September, October or November 2019, the entire Covid “narrative” would be dramatically different.
For example, widely-acknowledged evidence of early spread would mean that the lockdowns implemented to slow or stop the “spread” of this virus had no chance of achieving this goal.
If the public understood that many millions of people had already contracted the virus, the fear of the virus would have been dramatically lower.
Among other things, this would also be an acknowledgement that no officials (nor anyone in the public) had observed any kind of spike in deaths, deaths one would have expected to have occurred if a new “deadly” virus had been spreading for many months.
Once the public understood no conspicuous number of deaths occurred, the public would quickly have understood this virus posed no real risk of death or “severe” outcomes to the vast majority of the population.
If the public knew that this virus had already been spreading for many months, it’s hard to imagine a scenario where officials would have ordered the whole planet to be locked-down. In short, the requisite levels of irrational fear that supported all subsequent policy mandates would have been much lower.
Or: If officials still ordered such lockdowns in the face of undeniable evidence of early spread, its extremely doubtful huge swaths of the population would have meekly complied with the unprecedented and draconian restrictions on personal liberty that were imposed.
Furthermore, if a new Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) had been calculated (using more accurate numbers to identify the denominator of prior “cases”), it’s doubtful huge percentages of the population would have been so eager to get an experimental “vaccine,” a vaccine whose safety trials extended only a few months.
So “early spread” - if exposed and widely acknowledged - would almost certainly have prevented the lockdowns and, very possibly, resulted in far fewer people electing to get a vaccine to “protect” them from a risk of death that most would have understood was extremely minute.
In short, if undeniable evidence of early spread had been presented to the public, the lockdowns and unnecessary panic would not have occurred. Nor would the huge number of iatrogenic deaths and deaths caused by the lockdowns have occurred. The deaths and life-altering injuries that the unsafe and ineffective “vaccines” have produced would likely have been much smaller.
While Covid vaccines may have still been developed, for the vast majority of the population, getting these shots would not have been considered a “life or death” matter.
That is, the goal/agenda of the public health establishment to lock down society, impose vaccine mandates (and then vaccine “passports”) would very possibly have been defeated … that is, if early spread had been acknowledged (something that has never been acknowledged).
The above analysis is probably sufficient to show why key leaders in our country and world went to great lengths to conceal evidence of early spread. This information - fully revealed to the public - would have very possibly harpooned initiatives that, for twisted reasons, they’ve long wanted to implement.
But this might now be a bigger reason ….
However, world leaders quickly identified another compelling reason or motivation to conceal evidence of early spread.
This reason: Such “early spread” evidence would almost certainly prove that the novel coronavirus was created by agents of government - namely Chinese and U.S. scientists performing “gain of function” research that was authorized and funded by the same governments.
I happen to believe this virus was created by “rogue” elements within both governments (people in the arenas of “science” or “infectious disease mitigation” as well as the national security or national defense sectors).
That is, almost everyone working for these governments had no idea how, when and why the novel coronavirus turned the world upside down,
However, once it became possible the whole world might realize who was really responsible for Covid-19 (and later all the draconian responses to Covid-19), this knowledge would quickly have become thermo-nuclear to people working in virtually every sector of these governments.
That is, if only a small cadre of officials and scientists were “in the know” about how this virus was really created and then released into the world, it still follows that every important player in government (and many leaders outside of government) would have quickly realized how important it was to conceal such evidence from the public.
Any real investigations into the origination of this virus - investigations that might prove that this virus was spreading widely in the world well before January 1, 2020 - would implicate the entire U.S. and China governments in “crimes against humanity.”
While only a handful of rogue actors were probably responsible for this calamity, virtually every agency of government has a vested interest in concealing what these “mad scientists” and their enablers actually did.
As is the case with numerous scandals, the cover-up includes far more people and organizations than the original crime. Also, people and organizations involved in the cover-up must have quickly figured out what likely happened and how important it was to their careers and power base to conceal this information.
By now, the “conspiracy” to cover-up the true story of Covid includes so many “stakeholders” it’s almost impossible to identify one organization that would want to expose the real truth.
Among the numerous groups seeking to block the truth is the mainstream “watchdog” press, which would also be exposed (and disgraced) as an active participant in the conspiracy to conceal the truth.
The truth, ever revealed, might actually imperil “national security.” In a democracy, trust in public officials is mandatory. If the scale of the cover-ups was fully revealed, such trust might instantly evaporate.
Conclusive or indisputable evidence of “early spread” matters as it would move the public closer to identifying the key facts of this mystery - i.e. learning whose “finger prints” were on the lab equipment to create this virus and where, how and when it escaped.
If revealed, evidence of “early spread” would imperil all echelons of the world’s ruling class.
This might also sink their unfinished agendas ….
Not only would such a “truth bomb” likely send thousands of people to prison, it would also harpoon the unfinished agendas of our world’s rulers.
For example, the Green New Deal, digital currencies, more super RNA vaccines, more censorship to “protect” the people - all of these initiatives and others might suddenly be in jeopardy. The pivot to a more progressive, socialist, communist, fascist, “woke” or Orwellian world could come to a screeching halt.
But these threats to the “Deep State’s” unfinished agendas will not materialize if the real truth of the novel coronavirus’s origins is never revealed. If this never happens, the rulers who committed crimes against humanity - and then covered them up - can continue as if nothing untoward ever happened. They will continue to be protected from the fallout of any thermo-nuclear truth bomb.
Few revelations have the potential to really “drain the swamp.” But if the truth emerged about what really happened with this virus, and the public learned how many establishment organizations became willing participants in the conspiracy to conceal the truth, this might do the trick.
The Powers that Be must know their own survival is at stake. Given this knowledge, they will fight to survive and maintain their control over society. To me, this certainly means they would do everything in their power to conceal the rare piece of scandalous truth that, if exposed, could actually sink them all.
Thank you for this article.
I am likewise preoccupied with the ever increasing evidence for early spread, for all the reasons you set out with such compelling clarity. If it could be shown/acknowledged it would surely, and conclusively, demonstrate the harms done by the global overreaction and collective refusal to deal with the novel virus in a rational manner. It would also - hopefully - help to underline the harm of the censorship, which prevented any of these questions being properly raised or investigated at the time.
In October ‘19 I had what I thought was a cold but the odd thing was I lost all sense of smell and taste for several weeks afterwards. I thought it couldn’t be covid, too early and I also live in North Norfolk UK, but maybe?