Piggybacking on Thomas Taylor s comment, I am daily aghast at the number of people who continue with “well,now they say we need to Booster” and “ they are now very concerned about RSV”.... my God people, do you know how idiotic you sound? Do you do any inventorying of what all THEY have said and THEY have been dead you know what wrong ab…
Piggybacking on Thomas Taylor s comment, I am daily aghast at the number of people who continue with “well,now they say we need to Booster” and “ they are now very concerned about RSV”.... my God people, do you know how idiotic you sound? Do you do any inventorying of what all THEY have said and THEY have been dead you know what wrong about?? And it’s all so bad that THEY won’t admit to any mistakes or poor judgment!! Anything remotely sounding like a mandate or fear mongering by “THEY” is not going to be received like the last go around. “ Fool us once, shame on you”... and the only difference in my mind set is that I will remain polite to the jabbed maskers but I will no longer remain silent to any medical professionals continuing with this hoax. They are the THEY that need to speak up.
Piggybacking on Thomas Taylor s comment, I am daily aghast at the number of people who continue with “well,now they say we need to Booster” and “ they are now very concerned about RSV”.... my God people, do you know how idiotic you sound? Do you do any inventorying of what all THEY have said and THEY have been dead you know what wrong about?? And it’s all so bad that THEY won’t admit to any mistakes or poor judgment!! Anything remotely sounding like a mandate or fear mongering by “THEY” is not going to be received like the last go around. “ Fool us once, shame on you”... and the only difference in my mind set is that I will remain polite to the jabbed maskers but I will no longer remain silent to any medical professionals continuing with this hoax. They are the THEY that need to speak up.
THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You.)