I enjoyed the reader comments following the Daily Skeptic piece on this. "David 101" makes excellent points:

"Whether or not the vaccine prevents transmission is of course, or should be, a game changer as far as policy is concerned. A much larger point to be made, however, is that this adds to the mounting evidence we've been repeatedly lied to, simply to encourage the uptake of these unlicensed products.

I think the reason authoritative figures can get away with lying is they have an ever-present safety net: they can always fall back on the excuse that “so little was known about the vaccines / virus at the time”, and that it was an “ongoing learning process”.

But if this was the case then why were statements such as “safe and effective” and a “dead end for the virus” made so stridently and with such apparent certainty?

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Yes. At this point, what I'd love to see happen is for people to rewind in their minds, where we were at when Operation Warp Speed was first announced, and the hurtling path we were on towards mandatory vaccinations. How that rolled out.

Especially, how the Emergency Use Authorization happened -- with denouncement of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin (a bit later on), and the messaging that this horrible virus was "novel" (i.e., OMG the population has no immunity whatsoever against it!!!! Better run and hide!!!!! Lock yourselves away!!!!! Do not go to the doctor or hospital until you are near death (and then we will finish you off)!!!). And so on.

Pfizer knew from the beginning, and at every step along the way, that they had not proven safety nor efficacy (catching OR spreading it). They also had very strong evidence against safety and efficacy. They KNEW. And they knowingly pushed for the EUA. Everyone who took part in this is complicit. At any step along the way, governments could have (and some did!) backtracked and said, "whoops! Halt this EUA -- stop injecting -- we were wrong. Let's try treatments instead!"

Those governments that did change course were not mentioned much or at all in the censored news, so the plandemic played on. It has become a weirder and more horrific Twilight Zone to those of us who have been researching, paying attention, seeking out alternate news sources as we become aware of the deplatforming and obvious state censorship. Our reluctant conclusion, that they ARE TRYING TO KILL US -- is inescapable.

So we need to encourage people to look back at how this unfolded -- with what we know now. The EUA shouldn't have happened, the dancing vaccines on Colbert never should have happened, the pressure on doctors to keep silent shouldn't have happened; we should have access to hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and all of the other therapeutics; mask and vaccine mandates shouldn't have happened, differential treatment of the unvaccinated should not have happened, we should have been able to go to family gatherings and church, censorship of dissenting voices should not have happened, and the propaganda should not have happened. This is just a short list, but changing just ONE thing at the beginning: the pharmaceutical companies KNEW, and so did our governments, and so did many doctors and entertainment figures. They all took part in killing off a large number of people and damaging a large number of relationships.

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Great post. People need to read the Readers' Comments at sites like this one to get such excellent analysis!

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The "Reader Comments" Section Substack allows is perhaps the best feature of this whole platform. I hope I can grow this site to the point that I get many Reader Comments. I go to Steve Kirsch's site several times a day ... just to read the new Reader Comments.

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I’d bet my house that Colbert was PAID TO LIE.

Biden’s HHS and CDC Paid Screen Writers and Comedians To Mock the Unvaccinated

“The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been exposed running the most disturbing and elaborate propaganda campaign in living memory. Screen writers, comedians, influencers and church leaders, among others, were recruited and paid to promote Covid-19 vaccines to the masses, while ridiculing and shaming those who refuse the jab.”


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That tired hack was amusing when he was Jon Stewart's employee. On his own, he became one more tired Lefty haranguing all us dumb-dumbs about how superior the asshat neo-Marxists hijacking the Democrats were.

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UPDATE 3: The Zero Hedge article on this has already gotten 120,000 page views and growing. The 1,600+ (!) Reader Comments are fascinating and encouraging to read. It looks like the unsinkable Titanic is taking on water fast.


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His name is Rob Roos. https://twitter.com/rob_roos/status/1579759795225198593

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Thanks! I'll update now.

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I’m sure the pharma psychopaths and Fauci and ilk will have a snappy explanation and throw the Pfizer exec under the bus.

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Hey Bill!

Give Me Some Truth posted your Substack to Zero Hedge! This Pfizer news is going viral!

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Thank you for the heads-up. I have it DVR'ed. Hope everyone sees it.

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Pass along this man's name if you can and I'll update the story. It is interesting - or I guess not - that this isn't a top story on Google or DuckDuckGo. Pfizer exec admits they didn't know their vaccine would stop transmission must be a story ... right?

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This won't be touched by the MSM and people will take note.

It is called lying by omission.

It is too big of a story to ignore...

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Good info to know. For all of us who read the work of contrarians since late 2019, and used our sense to look into matters, we could come to no other conclusion than those in Pharma and government were lying to us from A to Z. Very slowly, admissions of not safe or effective are being pulled out. I highly doubt any big fish will pay a significant penalty. They will wait this out hoping for the next mainstream media distraction. The war in Ukraine may or not be it, since more revelations of US funded Ukrainian bioweapon research are being exposed.

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We definitely haven't had enough real journalism looking into the type research the U.S. farmed out to all its many research labs around the world, starting with the Ukraine.

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To say that the governments all pushing the Covid 'vaccines' "didn't have a clue" is a very unwise statement to make.

There is a mountain of evidence that all major governments DID know that the Covid 'vaccines' would have no effect on transmission of the virus - and that they also knew before launching these supposed 'vaccines' that they would kill large numbers of people.

Why else would all governments have gagged all doctors, nurses and scientists - with the threat of immediately loosing their jobs and careers if they said a single word against the Covid 'vaccines'?

The only possible reason any government would do that - especially with a supposed 'experimental' vaccine where they would certainly want to know how it was performing with patients -

- is if they knew perfectly well that this 'vaccine' would produce terrible results, and they were desperate to make sure that the truth did not get out.

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Hence the political need to eliminate any unvaccinated proxy control group in the population.

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That's because the unvaxxed aren't dropping like flies. The vaxxed that are dying in abundance have totally baffled the "doctors" This atrocity is STILL being covered up!!

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The wheels of justice and knowledge dissemination may grind slowly, but grind they do! This madness was always about political social control. I am glad I stood up against it from day one - I never wore a mask in a damned airport for the duration of this bullshit - but I am fortunate in that I am not cancellable.

I have fought, screamed, written and cast pods BECAUSE there are millions who were afraid for their jobs and didn't want to choose between feeding their families and speaking the truth.

Bret Stephens and I discussed this recently: https://youtu.be/KdZulH9MpPM

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"Everything was done at risk"~ Janie Small. At risk to who? Certainly NOT big Pharma that was raking in billions pushing this untested, unproven death jab. Risk to all those who trusted these psychopathic liars, fell for the lies, then lined up like zombies to have it injected into them.

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"Everything was done at risk" Janie Small. Risk for who? Certainly NOT big Pharma that was raking in billions from this untested, unproven death jab. Risk for the lab rats and guinea pigs that lined up like zombies to have it injected into them.

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Good news to report but as usual absolutely ridiculously stated. No surprise there. Maybe some more people will wake up and realize what they've gotten themselves into. Also, please don't be too quick to think that Tucker Carlson is a good guy and that he and Fox News have the best intentions for humanity in mind. Always be asking questions. He's been very much a part of the world that most of the people can't get into. Look into his history. Same with Elon Musk. Not at all the innocent one people might think.

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Re: Carlson, I'm simply noting that he is the only well-known TV journalist in America who is talking about this. If you are the only person making important and accurate points, that's significant in my view. His show reaches more than 4 million viewers. That's 4 million people who now know the truth about this vaccine. There are not 4 million viewers on CNN that know this.

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I totally agree and I'm glad you posted this. Thank you. I'm just always concerned that people put there trust in these "authority figures" and don't think critically. I've watched a video (not to say it's all true) regarding Tucker Carlson and his connections, etc. It makes you wonder why he, who is on a network that is owned by those who have created this travesty, would have the truth on his show. That's what also needs to be added to the equation here.

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Why they are "letting" Tucker say what he is now saying is a major puzzler. This topic has been taboo (even at Fox) for 20 months. It's not anymore - at least on Tucker's show. I just find that interesting.

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Totally agree. And, that's what everyone needs to also be thinking about not just trusting.

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Here's what tends to happen.... my loved ones who watch CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and who DO NOT watch FOX (God forbid!) -- they have been absolutely programmed to dismiss anything that comes from FOX.

They start to get that derisive snarl on their upper lip. What is likely to happen is that anything that comes from Tucker's mouth is going to be airily and contemptuously mocked before being utterly rejected. It will only cement in their minds that they are the ones who "know," and everyone else is a right-wing idiot.

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I can see this. The other networks would have to show segments like this and then take the issue seriously. This would tell viewers there's more to this story than they have been told to date.

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With all the information now out there regarding this death jab, those that are still willing to line up and have the poison injected into them are too far gone to help. Natural selection, as these zombies are walking, ticking time bombs.

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