UPDATE: The Epoch Times, Zero Hedge, The Blaze and Citizens Free Press among other “alternative media” websites have now placed this story at the top of their websites as well. This is how you get around the “gatekeepers of the news.”
Tucker Carlson just ran a clip where a Netherlands member of the European Union Parliament questioned an executive for Pfizer.
Rob Roos asked this lady a direct “yes or no” question: Did Pfizer know - before it marketed its “vaccine” - that this shot would not stop virus transmission?

With her back squarely against the wall, Pfizer executive Janie Small did provide a one-word answer: “No ….”
She even seemed to laugh as she expounded on her answer. Paraphrasing: Of course we didn’t know this at the time, we were rushing to get a vaccine out and didn’t have time to really determine the answer one way or the other. “We were operating at the speed of science,” she said.
As Tucker opined, maybe the “speed of science” should have slowed down a bit.
The Daily Sceptic provided more information.
“… during spring 2021 a number of people, including President Joe Biden and his Chief Medical Adviser Anthony Fauci, claimed vaccinated people are “dead ends” for the virus.
“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said.
“They later rowed back on these claims, saying that the vaccine prevents severe disease, hospitalisation and death from COVID-19,” writes The Daily Sceptic. “However, vaccination policy has remained wedded to the notion that it stops transmission, with mandates and coercion routinely imposed by authorities on Federal Government advice. Many of these policies, including the ban on unvaccinated visitors entering the United States, remain in force.”
Mr. Roos was a guest on Tucker’s show Tuesday tonight. According to Roos, the Pfizer executive’s answer was the biggest Covid revelation the public’s heard to date. The answer showed that the pharmaceutical company never tested whether this product would “prevent transmission.” Her answer also showed that the “get vaccinated for others” mantra was “always a lie.”
This means virtually every official in America, starting with Fauci and including President Biden, was lying when they said this “vaccine” would end the pandemic. Like the scientists at Pfizer, they didn’t have a clue.
In other words, the main rationale for the vaccine - to stop the spread of this virus and end the pandemic - was based on no “science” whatsoever.
These “leaders” and authorities were the ones spreading brazen “misinformation” and “disinformation.”
Every person who questioned the “efficacy” of the vaccine was correct to do so. And yet these are the people who were cancelled, censored, de-platformed and fired. People who chose not to get a vaccine because they were unconvinced it “worked” … were fired, kept from attending events (which is brazen discrimination), cancelled, disowned by friends and family, etc.
Because so many people got this vaccine under false pretenses, millions of people may have died or suffered debilitating medical harm.
It’s surreal that it took 20 months for one political figure (or journalist) to ask such a question of a Pfizer official and get this answer.
It’s also big news that Tucker Carlson, who has the No. 1-rated primetime news show in North America, is now routinely airing news segments like this. Fox News, like every TV news network, receives untold millions of paid advertising from Pfizer and other Big Pharma companies …. And at least on Tucker’s show, the network is increasingly running stories that question all elements of the Covid narrative.
I haven’t looked, but somehow I doubt CBS, NBC, ABC or CNN covered this shocking admission (Reuters didn’t mention anything about this exchange in this story). Still, the needle has clearly moved on the previously sacrosanct Covid narratives. In a major upset, the truth may still prevail in the end.
Thank you to reader “Oh Susanna” for finding the Twitter link and more information on Mr. Roos and his trillion-dollar, narrative-changing question. UPDATE 2: Substack writer Mark Miller has a link to the entire exchange at his newsletter (thanks again for reader help).
https://www.bitchute.com/video/TXX0acEIUPcc/The exchange between Rob Roos and the Pfizer employee and an interview Mr. Roos did with Mark Steyn.
interview between Rob Roos and GBNews' Mark Steyn:
I enjoyed the reader comments following the Daily Skeptic piece on this. "David 101" makes excellent points:
"Whether or not the vaccine prevents transmission is of course, or should be, a game changer as far as policy is concerned. A much larger point to be made, however, is that this adds to the mounting evidence we've been repeatedly lied to, simply to encourage the uptake of these unlicensed products.
I think the reason authoritative figures can get away with lying is they have an ever-present safety net: they can always fall back on the excuse that “so little was known about the vaccines / virus at the time”, and that it was an “ongoing learning process”.
But if this was the case then why were statements such as “safe and effective” and a “dead end for the virus” made so stridently and with such apparent certainty?
UPDATE 3: The Zero Hedge article on this has already gotten 120,000 page views and growing. The 1,600+ (!) Reader Comments are fascinating and encouraging to read. It looks like the unsinkable Titanic is taking on water fast.