Jun 26·edited Jun 27Author

I like this comment from Ryan Gardner that he posted at the Bad Cat's site. It summarizes my views as well:

"What else could we expect? They sat on their hands for 2 years as literally every amendment was neutered during c19. This is exactly what I suspected was going to happen.

"They're simply not following the constitution and The Framers most important warning:

"NEVER trade freedom for safety.

"They should've "looked" for cases to curtail the tyranny...but they didn't out of FEAR itself, FEAR of social tyranny and FEAR of public opinion repercussions.

"That is weak sauce...they were derelict when We The People needed them most.

"And now they can't even uphold our most sacred RIGHT.

"I have nothing but contempt for this court. They are disgrace to everything this country used to stand for."

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We did see 3 of the justices (Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch) dissent and defend free speech, however.

What comes to mind is that old saying about seeing the glass half full or the glass half empty-- and then the more relevant question, OK, but what's the liquid? (Methinks it might be Kool-Aid.)

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When they would not take on the college vax mandate cases is when I decided the judicial system is not working in our best interest. To mandate vax to an age group that is a high risk for myocarditis and pericarditis and low risk for covid, and they would not listen to their concerns? The judicial system is awry.

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awry is the understatement of all time.

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Military people likewise high risk.

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Jun 26Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Very sad day for the USA and the entire world. There is no free speech or justice anywhere on earth.

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I have for some time harbored the belief that the left wants to provoke an open, armed revolt so they can literally destroy their opponents.

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This isn't just the left. Time to wake up to that fact. Need an example: Today's SCOTUS decision.

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If youte referring to S. C. ruling on homelessness sleeping in public, it is now up to the cities to clean up their town and make it safe for taxpaying citizens.. They are not always wrong on their rulings yet most the time they are. People need to quit being lazy and get a job, quit living on handouts (food, etc) handed out by homeless advocates who should be housing some of them, otherwise they are all talk no action.

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I must have switched realities. Where did I write about that?! I didn’t. Please don’t add your own interpretations to what I write. I write clearly. Thanks.

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Jun 26Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The Supreme Court was captured long ago. When Scalia was found dead in his room at the retreat, lying on his bed fully dressed with a pillow over his head and no autopsy was done, we knew something big was coming. When a woman was appointed to the Supreme Court and could not answer the question "what is a woman?" we knew there were big plans.

What do we do about it? Make it a local issue. Cities and towns, then counties and states. The ultimate grass roots actions. Many states (like mine) have been captured by their governors and legislatures, but that can be changed much more easily than on a federal scale. With Roe vs Wade repealed, the 10th amendment is no longer nullified. All powers not specifically given to the federal government remain with the states. You can follow your legislature people home. You can talk to them. You can force them to do the right thing because the people wish it. If all cities and counties want it, the state must follow. If all states want it the federal government must follow.

There is another major threat that could come our way and that is Article IV - Convention of the states. If enacted, the entire constitution and bill of rights is up for grab. If the states are corrupt, we are screwed. If they aren't (or at least a majority of them) then we are safe. Time to reclaim your state. It doesn't matter who is president if all his power is taken away.

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This is very true. And it's surprising how few people come out and do anything, anything at all, at the local level— most will stay home scrolling SM and watching videos on the sofa. Older folks, it's TV. In saying that, I'm not complaining so much as agreeing that, yes, a citizen CAN ACTUALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE at the local level. Sometimes a crucial difference. So go for it!

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Remember - during the day American Revolution only 30% of the colonists supported the movement to be free of England's control.

Do we even have 30% today who would be committed to the cause?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

First, it's Article V (5). Second they don't rewrite the entire constitution they make amendments, such as term limits. You need to find out what you're talking about, before talking about it, Mike.

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They can add amendments or repeal existing ones. They could remove the whole bill of rights.

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"Maybe we should all be as nice as possible to our captors and try to curry favor with them. (As far as I know, circa 1937-1945, the people who turned in families who were hiding Jews in their attics fared better with the Powers that Be in Germany than those who were hiding neighbors)."


Hard pass.

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I'm pretty sure this was intended as irony.

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Bill the only ones that can save the country are the American people, anyone waiting for the court or others to save the country live in la la land. It’s our choice you either vote for freedom or tyranny. 2024 is the most pivotal election in American history since the election of 1860. For all those out there that don’t vote sham on you for if Biden wins the country will be on the pathway to financial ruin and government tyranny.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 27Author

The only votes that matter are in the seven swing states. In the other 43 states, we all know who is going to win.

The "election" almost certainly will be decided by the votes in about 14 big cities in these seven swing states. All the mail-in, absentee or Dominion votes that matter will come in at 1:32 a.m.

I've seen this story before.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

And you just say "No" to nonsense like the lockdowns, masks, tests and shots.

Actions speak louder than words.

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They sure do.

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Voting doesn't matter anyway. If voting REALLY worked, it would be illegal. They wouldn't let us do it.

It's just all an illusion of choice to make us believe that we have a choice & a say. We don't. It's the wealthy elites & globalists who do. They're the ones who runs this country, including Israel & AIPAC.

They handpick & select politicians on who we vote for, more than just with presidents. This goes for House & Senate members, governors, judges, sheriffs, mayors, etc. nationwide (& yes, most local & state politicians are corrupt, too).

The REAL solution? Direct action & political movements. Things such as civil disobedience, general strikes, sit-ins, mutual aid, revolutions, etc. THAT'S how we do it.

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"War is when the government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you decide that on your own."

-- Benjamin Franklin

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What a great quote!!

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Really action what action have you taken? I find most people whom bitch or moan about the results of elections did nothing. Did you help anyone running for office to get people elected that value the constitution. Sounds like your a great recruit for Antifa or those that want to destroy the country

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I'm just telling you the reality. I happen to be a ex-liberal who's now an Anarchist.

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I’m well on my way to being an anarchist myself. I’ve gotten the same type of responses when I tell people I’m probably not gonna vote. It’s pointless, there is very little difference between the parties. No matter who wins, israel will be funded to continue there slaughter, as it is now basically illegal to speak against the great Zionist empire. The war in Ukraine will continue. The excessive government programs will continue. The FBI will be getting a shiney new building to terrorize Americans from. This country is broken beyond repair, only a complete tear down and starting over from scratch can fix it.

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And now the anti-semite shows up. I'll say it now. I'm a Christian Zionist. Yep. You betcha and so should every true Christian.

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funny how the term anti-semite had no true meaning. So I guess the state of Isreal is beyond reproach, they can do no wrong. Any questioning of there policies is anti-semitic. Very convenient indeed. I have no animus towards people of the jewish faith, I have alot of animus towards the state of Isreal, the US support of Isreal, and all other governments and states that are part of the globo homo agenda. Neverending wars, mass surveillance< and any other anti-human agenda. But good for you, glad you openly support all of these things, plus a laundry list of stuff i didnt mention. If that makes me anti-semitic, so be it, I'll wear those empty words as a badge of honor.

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Uniparty rules and pro agenda 2030, pro open borders. Majority of people lack critical thinking skills to process logic and solve issues. This is why patriots are so divided and some took covic shots. I will not assoc. w/ pro Covid shots folks.

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Don't waste your time. Just the preschooler throwing a temper tantrum when their favorite toy gets taken away.

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And now we go down into the gutter like a 2 year old child. John, nothing in our voting system has changed. The computer systems are still used (I used it in NC last Spring). People are entitled to their opinions even when it disagrees with you.

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The only candidates that people can vote for are selected, doesn't matter what colour, same in UK where I am. ALL are following Agenda 2030 even though green agenda net zero, deindustrialisation means death to the west. Putin and Xi on board too.

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And how is the election going to work out when nothing has changed? Remember the "Red Wave is Coming in 2022!" slogan? Did it happen? Nope.

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Face it, whatever dumbocrap runs will be installed. We will never have a non-fixed election again.

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That’s what the media wants you to believe that there nothing you can do about it, discourage those on the right from voting, if that was the case than why is the left spending so much $$$ to get out there voters? Because your vote does matter.

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Jun 26Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

This was a very difficult article to like. Primarily because it is speaking the truth, at least as far as how I am perceiving it as well..

it’s a uni- party so we certainly shouldn’t expect anyone who is already a politician to push back. It’s disheartening but the fact of the matter is that the United States is not mentioned in biblical prophecy and I figure it’s either because it no longer exist or is no longer a. contender on the world stage. Either scenario is awful.🙏🏼✝️

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Stephanie, I agree with you until the "United States is not mentioned in Biblical prophecy." Of course, it isn't. It didn't exist.

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Many things that weren’t extant Are still mentioned by different prophets and apostles. Drones weren’t extant when John wrote revelation; yet his description of the scorpions and locus seem to be a pretty good description of contemporary drones he had no idea what the technology would be in these days and had to describe his vision the best he could. So there are plenty of And countries for that matter that aren’t extant at the time the profits were riding. But they mentioned the ones that would be players in the end times. I realize that argument is mounted frequently as far as the US not being extant. But neither was Mexico or any of the South American countries. Plenty of countries that were in existence aren’t mentioned either. We may have to agree to disagree but I think only the countries that are of significance to God during the last days are mentioned in the Bible. Michael Heiser is fallible, too.

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Respectfully, (and I truly appreciate the discussion opposite of the preschoolers and anti-Semites who populate these pages) you are reading into the Bible instead of taking it literally. All prophecy from the past relating to Jesus Christ was fulfilled literally. Scorpions and locusts are socrpions and locusts. When it comes down to it, we will have to wait and see. All though the Rapture will remove Christians and the rest of humanity will go through a horror that makes these days seem like a cake walk. God bless as you stand firm in these days as all the Remnant is trying to do. May we all pray for strength and perserverance to obtain the prize set before us.

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"If Biden (or Hillary?) wins, voters could bring lawsuits saying this was a fraudulent election … but those lawsuits (if they weren’t instantly thrown out) would be heard by a Court System that is … completely captured."


We know this is the playbook because it's exactly what they did last time.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Commander, Merrick Garland has already set the stage for DOJ prosecution of "election deniers". They won't settle for a court refusing to hear a complaint. Those that do the complaining will be charged and imprisoned for.......something. These people in charge of our justice system are fanatics who don't want to just have their way...They want you to suffer if you cross them.

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And since the left denies every election they lose, you have to think that means they already know who's winning in November.

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My best analogy of our current legal situation is that we are witnessing a bank robbery in our country and the sheriff (Garland & Co.) is driving the get-a-away car.

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And their prophet, maxine has already told us what to expect from dems, violence and arrests of anyone who opposes the regime.

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Germany anyone?

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Incredibly discouraging outcome from SCOTUS...I had not previously thought they were captured. Bill, you're telling us that in this upside down world in which we find ourselves, expect the unexpected when it comes to what's next (Nov. 5 in the U.S.)

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Just identify what shouldn't happen or should be considered impossible - That's what's going to happen.

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RFK wins then.

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Jun 26Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

They were/are threatened or bought off with the exception of Alito and Thomas. I can't imagine what life just be like for them.

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Thomas is the only one I can depend on. Alito is 2nd best.

The Chief Justice is awful. What a disappointment and sell-out.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Is it selling out to being a victim of blackmail or coercion?

How would you behave if you were threatened? (I have no direct personal knowledge of any deep state pressure of the Supremes)

Just as you mentioned the collaborators in WWII behaved, we are personally unprepared to 'weather' a threat to self or family.

This surely is a war.

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Epstein got hundreds of millions of dollars to fund his blackmail operation ... for some reason. Probably the best return on investment the Intelligence Agencies and Deep State ever got.

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Jun 27Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The First Amendment has been sacred, sacralized, that which symbolizes the very idea of America, and liberty itself, but, I would argue, despite this moment pushing our hearts through our backbones as the blues song says, that the American Revolution was fought by guerillas. Though they don't learn this in school any more, we learned, in a nationalistic propagandistic fashion of course, about how those redcoats in their hot uniforms, unable to be flexible, with music and bayonets, marching in file, were at the mercy of the sabotaging, fleet footed American soldiers. In one sense this was a legend, like Paul Bunyan or George Washington and the cherry tree, but in another sense it is a strategy. This enemy is gargantuan, and we are small, but it sacralizes nothing but its own desire to reshape the world into some anti-human totalitarian territory using many guises, using many deceptions, for power, insatiable power as that is ALL it has. What is best in us is totally invisible to them or devalued by them, seen as an illusion. That is their weakness. We need to not go down under the loss of a symbol. We fight strategically, like the guerillas of the American Revolution, and we restore those ideals in new forms. One if by land, two if by sea you guys.

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They didn't decide the issue. They decided not to decide it.

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Jun 26Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

No decision is a decision. The silencing will continue. The SCOTUS is obfuscating the issue by attempting to differentiate the words "persuasion" and "coercion." Yet, they neglect to acknowledge the clear evidence in this case that represents coercion. This is regrettable and has consequences. The plaintiffs in this case definitely had standing and the silence of counter narratives will be deafening.

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Jun 26Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Precisely. Well said.

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Correct, no standing is the new gatekeeper, which neutralises any subpoenas & additional requests for the evidence. It's our party & none of you are invited.

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It certainly been the case in Australia in recent years on multiple occasions.

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Jun 28Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Modern technology has unleashed a tidal wave of information, allowing the American people to "pull the curtain back" on the workings of government. It reminds me of the old saying about sausage. "It might taste good but you never want to watch it being made." Now the sausage of our nation stinks to high-heaven, and having to watch it being made it nauseating at best.

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Six judges avoided the key issue with their “no standing” ruling. This government ‘influencing’ media or using their proxies to coerce media may get reviewed in the future, but until another legal case by a plaintiff with standing makes it through the courts, government can continue and even rev up their control of media.

Don’t know about SCOTUS being ‘captured’, but those folks took the easy (lazy) way out!!

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Hey SCOTUS: Every person who was coerced into a jab to preserve their income and freedom, has standing. A child can understand that truth.

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A former captured sheeple friend insisted to the point of "we'll have to just agree to disagree" on that 'choice' or coerced point. Sure hope the 'choice' crowd gets what they deserve.


From Patrick Henry's incomparable speech:

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

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Supreme Court allows White House, Government & Big Pharma Censorship on social media platforms; allowing for viewpoint descrimination https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/supreme-court-allows-white-house

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From the north where we are being systemically dismantled as a country with many still asleep here is a video of how captured our government is and who is taking over for the good of us all .

I still wonder how much influence the ccp has on your country as well . At the end ,Sam talks about the health records needing to be tied into their ccp military activities . Like your legal system , we are in lock step with no appetite for what used to be . https://www.thebureau.news/p/should-the-prime-minister-be-classified/comments

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