Apr 3·edited Apr 3Author

Cutting room floor text …

It might be just me, but I also found it a tad creepy (if unsurprising) that the CDC invests so much effort into monitoring vaccine uptake on all the childhood and adult vaccines. From another link, I learned that “The NIS-Child (Survey) measures coverage of the following recommended vaccinations:”

* Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP/DT/DTP)

* Poliovirus vaccine (Polio)

* Measles or Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine (MMR)

* Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (Hib)

* Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB)

* Varicella zoster (chickenpox) vaccine (VAR)

* Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)

* Rotavirus vaccine (ROT)

* Hepatitis A vaccine (HepA)

* Influenza vaccine (Flu)

This is only 10 vaccine categories included in these bullet points. However, these categories actually translate into more than 50 shots children have to get to have the "right" to attend public school. And, as we now know, these percentages are being closely "monitored."

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Surveys, polls. These are tools of manipulation not information analysis when given by such untrustworthy institutions.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The flu shot as a distinct shot will go away.

One Shot to Rule Them All has long been - and still is - the goal. Operation COVID was, in part, an "off-ramp the egg-based platform/on-ramp mRNA for respiratory and other shots" endeavor.

Next season, The COVID/Flu/RSV shot that is now in trials will debut.

There are enough people in the U.S. alone who are required or heavily coerced into flu shots that the transition will be easy. "Yay! You don't need three shots -- now it's just one, with new & improved technology." (See how that works?)

It's interesting that so many MDs on the Health Freedom side have a lot to say about the COVID shot and associated mandates, but not too much to say about the inefficacious, immunosuppressive and (for many) forced flu shot.

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and now Moderna has announced it's 'new' MRNA two-fer jab of C19+Flu...just what those in the 65+ range don't need to get.

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Apr 3Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Sometimes you can't fix stupid. You just have to accept it. I reached the acceptance phase 2 years ago.

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Apr 3Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

what do you think about the Dr Vanden Bossches announcements? He isnt just saying Armageddon in the future. He's saying in next few weeks the massive death will start. Thoughts? What does he see?

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Good post. First of all, though, I'm not inclined to believe anything the pants-on-fire CDC says about anything, not anymore.

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Apr 3Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

We are in a zombie world now, created by the demonic evil central control globalists, with a large number of zombie brains that no longer, if they ever did, function with the natural gifts of curiosity, creativity and critical thinking. Likely will require a complete evolutionary reboot unless someone can develop an antidote.

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Apr 3Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

VA still offering covid DeathVax to veterans. (Updated 20 March 2024)

"with an additional dose for veterans 65 and over"


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Having previously worked for a Fortune 500, I'm well aware of the pressure instilled in the workforce to take vaccines. They can't fire you for not taking them but will find a reason to do so.

Schools, government run, also force parents to immunize their children against every known germ on the planet. Ode to the pharmaceutical companies that bolster campaign coffers, 4th largest donors if the current President.

The Elderly that are in assisted living, medically assisted lving, nursing homes, and hospital have no choice but to take vaccines. Most of the time they aren't even asked.

The remaining population are usually either not intelligent enough to decipher medical information or are blindly led to believe anything they are told. Happy to see you are not one of them.

Great article! Thank you.

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I would like to know what percent of the flu vaccinated are mandated to get them for work or care, I.e. health care workers and seniors in resident care facilities.

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Apr 3Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

People need to get their vaccines and boosters if we are to meet the Deagel forecast! Come on, y'all!

On a more serious note, I was talked into a tetanus vaccine in 2008 - the only shot I've had this century. When I went to the pharmacy back in 2018 or 2019, they asked if I wanted the flu shot. I told them I already had it - back in 1976! One of the clerks told me she hadn't even been born then!

In my entire life, I doubt I've had more than a dozen vaccines; however, I've had bad reactions to all of them. When I learned around 2001 about mercury amalgam fillings in our teeth, and mercury compounds in vaccines, I began to see more of the corruption of our medical system.

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Or does this simply mean that 22% of people will do whatever CDC recommends.. even if it recommended jumping off a bridge 🌁

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I believe that people have been so brainwashed by the tv (in if it's not on TV it's not real...if it were real it would be on tv) that I think we are goners. I can't even fathom people taking another ja. For ANYTHING EVER AGAIN... FLU SHOTS DO NOT WORK. the only thing they do is make your body make interferons...which last about a month.

Nice smart lady at work today has a cold AGAIN. She just can't shake it she says. It just boomerangs back she says. She took the jabs AND the bivalent Rsv/mnra jab. She is a waking variant factory with VAIDS.

IM in a blue state...and they got none of the really bad batches. What are you all seeing in the red states?

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The flu shot is mandated by public school districts? Is that legal? Fast forward twenty years when data supports that flu shots did nothing and actually weakened children’s own immune systems…. “ we did not know at the time”….. the yearly flu shot has never made sense to me and why since it’s original debut, I have had three and only as a requirement to be cleared for surgery……

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