Thank you Bill, and for remembering Julian Assange.

Every time I hit send on an article I think about him and wonder if I am next. I am already deplatformed and on every list in Australia. It's only a matter of time. Accusing the government of murder, with receipts, does not make someone popular. For now, they have just censored me.

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Assange's treatment bothers me terribly. And the fact that the people who should be defending him won't do it. They either agree he should be in prison forever or they are afraid to speak out.

I also wonder how many articles I've got left.

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All the J6'ers have been Assanged.

(That sentence would have made zero sense in 1995 but we all know what it means today).

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I first heard of Tess Lawrie while reading The Real Anthony Fauci. As it turns out, author Robert Kennedy, Jr. tells a story about Dr. Lawrie that perfectly illustrates the use of the "carrots and sticks" leverage to flip an important study on ivermectin ... and the "scientist" who played a key role in writing this report. This is is from my piece on "18 Vignettes from The Real Anthony Fauci." It's telling:

"The Real Anthony Fauci details in great length the medical establishment’s “war” on HCQ and ivermectin.

It recounts in detail transcripts from a Zoom call between Dr. Tess Lawrie and Dr. Andrew Hill. According to author Robert Kennedy Jr., Hill was in a position to sign off on a study that would have given an important seal of approval to ivermectin as a treatment and preventative medicine.

(This, in turn, might have nixed the all-important “emergency use authorization” for Covid vaccines).

According to Kennedy, Dr. Hill had originally been enthusiastic about the drug. However, as soon became clear, he did a dramatic “u-turn” that effectively killed the possibility the drug would become an FDA-approved therapeutic.

Writes Kennedy: “Dr. Lawrie asked Hill to explain his U-turn on ivermectin, which his own analysis found overwhelmingly effective. ‘How can you do this?’ she inquired politely. ‘You are causing irreparable harm.’ ”

Hill (a University of Liverpool virologist who serves as an advisor to Bill Gates and the Clinton Foundation) explained that he was in a “tricky situation” because his sponsors had put pressure on him. When Dr. Lawrie asked who was trying to influence him, Hill said, “I mean, I, I think I’m in a very sensitive position here.”

Dr. Lawrie responded: “Lots of people are in sensitive positions; they’re in hospital, in ICUs, dying, and they need this medicine.”

Hill’s words and body language strongly suggest a person whose evolving scientific position had made him extremely uncomfortable. Any angst Dr. Hill might have been dealing with elicited no sympathy from Dr. Lawrie.

“… Whether you admit it or not, you have an agenda,” she told him. “And the agenda is kick this down the road as far as you can. So … we are trying to save lives. That’s what we do. I’m a doctor and I’m going to save as many lives as I can. And I’m going to do that through getting the message (out) on ivermectin …. Unfortunately, your work is going to impair that, and you seem to be able to bear the burden of many deaths, which I cannot do.” She later told Hill that “the UK and the USA and Europe are owned by the vaccine lobby.”

Dr. Hill concluded, “I guess we’ll have to agree to differ.”

“Yeah. Well, I don’t know how you sleep at night, honestly,” replied Dr. Lawrie.

Dr. Lawrie later delivered the closing address at a medical conference. Dr. Lawrie’s remarks “should be recorded among the most important speeches in the annals of medical history.”

Said Dr. Lawrie: “Had ivermectin been employed in 2020 when medical colleges around the world first alerted the authorities to its efficacy, millions of lives could have been saved, and the pandemic with all its associated suffering and loss brought to a rapid and timely end.”

Later she offered even more strident remarks, ignored by the mainstream press but highlighted in Kennedy’s book: “At this fateful juncture, we must therefore choose: will we continue to be held ransom by corrupt organizations, health authorities, Big Pharma, and billionaire sociopaths, or will we do our moral and professional duty to do no harm and always do the best for those in our care? …. Never before has our role as doctors been so important, because never before have we become complicit in causing so much harm.

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You can read the third excerpt from this piece about The Real Anthony Fauci.

There's 18 excerpts in total:


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Margaret Anna Alice https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/

put an important video, "A Letter to Dr. Andrew Hill" on her substack sometime ago.

It is by the director and cinematographer Mark Lawrie

I agree with her, I consider it the most important eighteen minutes and fifty-three seconds you can spend to understand the scientific fraud underpinning COVID tyranny. It is still on Rumble:


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The now massive Censorship Industrial Complex goes well beyond muffling dissent on Covid narratives. It also makes criminals out of truth-tellers.


This is happening in every single issue of the day. If you go against the narrative, you're banned or shadowbanned or blacklisted or whatever.

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That's what's so scary. And they HAVE achieved complete horizontal and vertical integration of all important organizations. There's nobody left who might expose them. I mean, we've already exposed them on Substack ... but that hasn't made any real difference ... yet. They have all the key institutions in their bag. Knowing this, they act accordingly.

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For me this age we are living through is a true story about courage and cowardice. Those like Wakefield who stood up for compassion and integrity will at the end of their lives know they put their best foot forward and will depart here with a heart of gold. And all the rest who gave into the praise and treasures the dark forces offered will leave shallow and empty handed. My view of heroes has been completely transformed.

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The Assange treatment is kinder than what some others have faced. Michael Hastings and Seth Rich come to mind. Also there was a time when naturopaths were dying in large numbers. And I believe a plane full of AIDS researchers. That Fauci wasn’t on unfortunately.

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And possibly. Christopher Sign, author of Meeting on the Tarmac.

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Wow. Just wow. This artfully weaves many of my recent thoughts about the current censorship regime into a perfect package. Including the U.S. history lesson was a big cherry on top. Kudos.

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Thanks, Keith!

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Is humanity purposely asleep or pretending to be asleep? Blinding their eyesight purposefully If so that is also a choice.

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Just asleep. Neither purposeful nor pretending, it's just how most are and always have been. And it ain't changing. Thank God for those trying to awaken as many as possible. We'll see if it's enough.

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The lines of thought associated with your article are endless. Besides people like yourself, men and women that dig deep for facts and truth, the general public is at the mercy of corporations and their media cohorts. I have come to distrust almost every major media outlet to some degree.

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Great article, dead on throughout. Every time I read Andrew Wakefield's name lately I always think of Aseem Malhotra's interview with Joe Rogan. What happened was surreal. Fairly early in the interview, Malhotra related his tribulations fighting against the narrative, attempting to expose the statin fraud. He then emphasized "I'm no Andrew Wakefield" whom he called a thoroughly discredited liar (paraphrasing). He was oblivious that he'd just described his own story as just like Wakefield's. The demonization of their main targets is so effective even those who should see exactly what happened, often don't. Many are like Malhotra, never able to see through their manipulations, no matter what. I suspect liberals/leftists are worse in this regard. Malhotra is a self-described lib, and in the same interview had two other remarkable instances of putting forth his own firmly held stance that utterly contradicted a major argument he'd just passionately made. It was, like I said, surreal. These three instances literally jumped out at me, impossible to miss.

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It's all so bizarre, I feel like it's all designed to make my head explode.

Some of us are old enough to remember a little history, before CGI and AI became so sophisticated. Kennedy's assassination, 9/11, Andrew Wakefield's "disgrace" which some of us knew wasn't. We believed he was telling the truth.

Some of us have been around the block with the CDC and "vaccines".

Then along comes "White Hat Whistleblower" Malhotra. Who I was absolutely thrilled by when he got air time with his story.

But sadly, maybe once a western "doctor" always a western "doctor".

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It was a good interview. He's an effective voice against the jab pushers, very articulate, persuasive and likeable. I'm glad he's on our side, very much. Just don't count on him to have a consistent, rational way of thinking. He got statins and, eventually, the jab right - much credit there. I think bizarre is the perfect word for the whole scenario.

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But it's interesting who gets on Joe Rogan and who doesn't.

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Perhaps it's because he is only allowed to talk about certain aspects of the Great Reset so he wouldn't invite on someone like Alison McDowell who has been warning about the true intentions of blockchain technology and how that merges into everyday life.

What we deem as money/currency has radically changed… and it had to. But it’s not so much the currency that is the issue - it is what we can do with what we have that is the issue. This will ultimately be enforced via a tokenised digital blockchain system.

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Yes, One of my sons has been IT for decades and started his own blockchain.

I just find it sad that it seems like all innovations and inventions are sooner or later stolen and prostituted - whether it's better energy technology (thorium?) or a beautiful shoe.

Like Kary Mullis and his PCR test - clearly stolen and misused.

My mantra has always been to buy only that which was grown in or on happy healthy soil and made or sold by happy healthy well paid hands.

Barter is good too.

I clearly don't get the profit and control angle!

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Good article, Bill. Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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thank you, Watchman. Our greatest tool/weapon is the "share" or cross-post buttons. Theres not many places that reach a large audience where you can share articles like this ... but there's some places ... I say let's use them while we still can!

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I know a family practice doctor who was treating Lyme successfully in the mid 2010’s. He was bullied into stopping or he’d be in court defending every Medicaid and Medicare bill he ever submitted. He’s waiting to retire. A shell of his former self!

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Perfect, on point, example, Rosalind. You know what's important to them by observing what prompts such a draconian, bullying response. You can tell what scares them. For example, look at the videos they censor and keep from going viral. Those are what scare them ... and they must be the truth.

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Glad I learned so much on YouTube before it censored so hard.

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YouTube and Facebook could have saved the world ... if they were used like they should have been.

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Excellent point.

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& gooooogle

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The same thing happened to my doctor in the UK. The GMC forced him to close his clinic because he was successfully treating people with ME/CFS and Lyme disease.

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Criminal, making them go against their Hippocratic oath!

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Why this does not seem to bother many in the medical profession? Another excellent doctor has been up in front of the GMC many times but they couldn't fault her as she is just using old-fashioned functional medicine. However she had now given up her licence due to the prohibitive cost of insurance. All that means is that she can't prescribe drugs so she still continues to see patients.

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My integrative medicine doctor left his hospital in 2000. He started working with a chiropractor, helping people with car accident and switched to biotoxin mold illness. His hospital told him to stop spending so much time with his patients. The insurance they pay is designed to keep them in the insurance dictated system.

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I suppose most of us fall into line in some way in order to keep our jobs. Although the NHS is something I wouldn't like to be without, it does mean that everyone has to sing from the same hymn sheet which doesn't suit those of us who don't want to take prescription drugs when there are better ways to improve our health. The UK needs a system that provides plurality as some EU countries have.

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I’m in Florida and have to go to an insurance dictated doctor to appease disability.

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If you think about it they are simply doing the exact same thing portrayed in fiction/sory telling for avery long time. The many control the few thru a number of tactics but the most important would be supression of dissent or challenge thru threats of intimidation, fear of los of job, career, home, family you name it. For generations we've promoted the nuclear family and yet that same structure is what makes one vulnerable; for the fear of loosing some or all of that and most of us know that with the current level of corruption these bastards can raillraod anyone who doesn't posses considerable wealth and even then if you are abig enough threat like Trump isthey'll still come after you.

As long as they can convince the wider public that they control things like law enforcement, oppertunities in employeement (with any of the larger commaies) and control over licensing so as to keep professionals from dissenting than they can maintain control via fear. As soon as the public realizes this power is not that secure and that it can be easily lost at any moment, that is when the slope to the elite loosing control begins and they know this so they pull out the stops to ensure that never happens with even the most insignificnat ofchallenegrsbut definately with those who have some actual revealing info like Snowden. They've fully self-exposedthemsleves just ionm order to rail road Trump.

They are rolling the dice and betting big on Elite Red

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Whats realy most interesting from all of this is what they [global elites] are going to do now that they've self-exposed in the name of stopping Trump. I am a religous man and I believe that God placed Trump in the WH just to do this, to shake things up and possibly derail the elites plan. As a Christian I Believe in End Times and I believe these global elites are working to bring that about whether they know it or not and with Trumps vistory in 2016 their multi-generational plan was FK'd. Not b/c Trump alon ecould stop it but b/c he derailed it enough that they had to self-expose themsleves. We are definately living in very interesting times.

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The bottom line is that government lies about everything to fulfill its agenda, which is ultimately about total control. As long as people tolerate the lies and comply with governments demands, nearly none of which it has any authority to make, we are in short, screwed.

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Well said, SK.

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Thanks. Your comment went to my Yahoo trash again. It's now more intermittent but still annoying.

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If You Are

The Last Person On The Planet:

Remember To

Unplug The Theme Park.


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Notice also the Morrissey message/treatment. Major record company devises deceptive contract with artist not for the sake of stealing royalties, etc., but for the sake of suppressing future releases. Crystal-clear message sent downstream to emerging artists who haven't his clout. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/update-on-the-suppression-of-morrisseys?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Wow, I had no idea. No words suffice.

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What in the hell did I just read? Holy smokes, so succinct and damning of not just the United States, but other countries and politics in general. It's all about power and control and what lengths the apparatus will go to protect what they have created. In DC, it's a massive Hydra (Marvel reference here), that sprawls for miles and miles from the center of a sugar coated swamp adorned with marble and other fine craftsmanship. That Hydra is almost singularly focused in this day and age on propaganda and spreading of misinformation or said another way trying to put the Ginie back in the bottle.

Well, I for one am not having it. However, I am also not sure of what can and should be done at this point and who should do it. Is this something for our young to take up? Has this type of struggle always been going on? Is this about good an evil? Does this end when the whole thing falls down to then just start all over again? What will happen when that big rock inevitably falls from the sky and reset's the clock on humanity? Will mankind even make it that far this time?

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Great post. Thanks!

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