The bogus "Horse De-Wormer" story is also recounted in the documentary. This is actually very important as this effort had to be made to discredit Ivermectin. Any existing drug that was shown to be effective might have jeopardized the all-important "Emergency Use Authorization" of the vaccines.

The documentary has some good clips of Joe Rogan talking about this and grilling the CNN doctor.

Here's my excerpt from the book:

Kennedy also tells the story of how the media played a prominent role in sabotaging efforts to get ivermectin approved as a therapeutic for Covid patients.

According to a story published by Rolling Stone magazine, people in Oklahoma “overdosing on ivermectin horse dewormer were causing emergency rooms to be ‘so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting access to health facilities.’ An accompanying photo purported to depict a long line of ambulatory gun shot casualties seeking hospital admission to an Oklahoma emergency room already filled to capacity with dingbats poisoned by horse wormer.”

The story “spread like wildfire” across mainstream media, and was a prominent segment on Rachel Madow’s MSNBC program.

“The story, of course, was a fraud. Days later, the hospital posted a categorical denial on its website, dismissing the entire story as a fabrication. The Rolling Stone picture of the long lines was an Associated Press stock photo from the previous January, a photo of people waiting in line to get vaccines. As it turns out, not a single patient had been treated in Oklahoma for ivermectin overdose.

“… Instead of retracting the article, Rolling Stone simply posted an attention-dodging ‘update’ at the top of the article reporting the hospital’s denial.”

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once the black paint is spread, even a retracting is useless. It would probably take a special edition of Rolling Stone with nothing else in it to make people aware. And then the brainwashed would think it to be a falsification of the magazine !!!

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The U-turn or sell-out of Rolling Stone is stunning to me. Once upon a time, the magazine celebrated Rock & Roll mavericks who "spoke truth to power" and weren't afraid to criticize the establishment. Now they are the greatest defender of these would-be totalitarians.

I also think they bought off Drudge of the Drudge Report, maybe a topic for a future article.

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The story of Tess Lawrie and the researcher who flipped on Ivermectin is told in condensed fashion in the documentary. Here's most of the details as reported in the book (which I excerpted in a previous dispatch):

The book details in great length the medical establishment’s “war” on HCQ and ivermectin.

It recounts in detail transcripts from a Zoom call between Dr. Tess Lawrie and Dr. Andrew Hill. According to Kennedy, Hill was in a position to sign off on a study that would have given an important seal of approval to ivermectin as a treatment and preventative medicine. (This, in turn, might have nixed the all-important “emergency use authorization” for Covid vaccines).

According to Kennedy, Dr. Hill had originally been enthusiastic about the drug. However, as soon became clear, he did a dramatic “u-turn” that effectively killed the possibility the drug would become an FDA-approved therapeutic.

Writes Kennedy: “Dr. Lawrie asked Hill to explain his U-turn on ivermectin, which his own analysis found overwhelmingly effective. ‘How can you do this?’ she inquired politely. ‘You are causing irreparable harm.’ ”

Hill (a University of Liverpool virologist who serves as an advisor to Bill Gates and the Clinton Foundation) explained that he was in a “tricky situation” because his sponsors had put pressure on him. When Dr. Lawrie asked who was trying to influence him, Hill said, “I mean, I, I think I’m in a very sensitive position here.”

Dr. Lawrie responded: “Lots of people are in sensitive positions; they’re in hospital, in ICUs, dying, and they need this medicine.”

Hill’s words and body language strongly suggest a person whose evolving scientific position had made him extremely uncomfortable. Any angst Dr. Hill might have been dealing with elicited no sympathy from Dr. Lawrie.

“… Whether you admit it or not, you have an agenda,” she told him. “And the agenda is kick this down the road as far as you can. So … we are trying to save lives. That’s what we do. I’m a doctor and I’m going to save as many lives as I can. And I’m going to do that through getting the message (out) on ivermectin …. Unfortunately, your work is going to impair that, and you seem to be able to bear the burden of many deaths, which I cannot do.” She later told Hill that “the UK and the USA and Europe are owned by the vaccine lobby.”

Dr. Hill concluded, “I guess we’ll have to agree to differ.”

“Yeah. Well, I don’t know how you sleep at night, honestly,” replied Dr. Lawrie.

Dr. Lawrie later delivered the closing address at a medical conference. Dr. Lawrie’s remarks “should be recorded among the most important speeches in the annals of medical history.”

Said Dr. Lawrie: “Had ivermectin been employed in 2020 when medical colleges around the world first alerted the authorities to its efficacy, millions of lives could have been saved, and the pandemic with all its associated suffering and loss brought to a rapid and timely end.”

Later she offered even more strident remarks, ignored by the mainstream press but highlighted in Kennedy’s book: “At this fateful juncture, we must therefore choose: will we continue to be held ransom by corrupt organizations, health authorities, Big Pharma, and billionaire sociopaths, or will we do our moral and professional duty to do no harm and always do the best for those in our care? …. Never before has our role as doctors been so important, because never before have we become complicit in causing so much harm.”

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The vilification of RFK, Jr. ramped up to another level when Kennedy simply pointed out that Hank Aaron died 17 days after getting his vaccine at a media event to encourage African Americans to get their jabs. This is also briefly recounted in the documentary.

Here's an excerpt from the book on this event:

The death of baseball superstar Hank Aaron is an example of the “tsunami of vaccine injuries and fatalities” that the mainstream press has “helped conceal.”

Aaron died 17 days after being inoculated at a press event to promote said vaccines. Kennedy later wrote an article at the Children’s Health Defense Defender website (Kennedy is the founder of the non-profit CHD).

“In the article, I observed that Aaron’s death was one of a wave of deaths among the elderly following COVID jabs. This was true but The New York Times nevertheless vilified me for spreading “misinformation” and claimed that the Fulton County coroner had determined that Aaron’s death was “unrelated to vaccines.” At least seven other major news organizations repeated the Times’ claims, according to Kennedy.

“But when I called to verify their claim, the Fulton County coroner told me that the office had never seen Aaron’s body and that no autopsy was ever performed. Aaron’s family had buried the body without a postmortem … After I publish this embarrassing fact, not a single news organization posted a retraction.”

“… The Times’ fabrication, writes Kennedy, “was part of the systematic campaign of deception, propaganda, and censorship by HHR regulators in partnership with the mainstream media - almost unprecedented in US history.”

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I think I know a decent amount about everything, but I really don't. I remember when Covid (officially) hit, venting to a close friend about what was happening in our world.

Scott, a West Point grad and now retired Army officer, told me, "You know all this goes back to Rockefeller and the petroleum industry, right?"

Ah, no I didn't. I have now been educated.

As a tease to a future Substack story I hope to write, one of Scott's daughter's didn't fall far from the tree. She got a fair amount of national publicity for two events. First she was arrested for letting her small son play at a local playground during the lockdowns and then she really messed up and attended the 1-6 election protest rally in D.C. She also became an Army officer, but was pressured to resign after that second strike. She had attended the rally on a day off as private citizen and never went into the Capitol. I hope Emily Rainey will let me tell her story.

Here's an excerpt from RFK, Jr.s book on the important role John D. Rockefeller played in getting us where we are today. Rockefeller's foundation is said to have been a model for Bill Gates' Foundation.

Kennedy traces seismic changes in public health to the creation in the early 20th Century of the Rockefeller Foundation, created by Standard Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller. In today’s dollars, Rockefeller’s net worth would be half a trillion dollars.

Of significance, “in the early 1900s … scientists discovered pharmaceutical uses for refinery by-products …. John D. saw an opportunity to capitalize on the family’s medical pedigree. (“The oil magnate’s father had been a marauding con artist who supported his family by posing as a doctor and hawking snake oil, opium elixirs, patent medicines and other miracle cures.”)

“… The Rockefeller Foundation’s 1910 Flexner Report recommended centralizing America’s medical schooling, abolishing miasma theory, and reorienting these institutions according to ‘germ theory’ - which held that germs alone caused disease … a pharmaceutical paradigm that emphasized targeting particular germs with specific drugs rather than fortifying the immune system through healthy living, clean water and nutrition.”

The expression “a pill for an ill” ultimately shaped how “Americans came to view healthcare,” writes Kennedy. The Rockefeller Foundation served as a model for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, argues Kennedy.

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This like is an acknowledgement, I am furious over this entire catastrophe from Rockefeller to today. I’m trying to get the nerve up to watch the movie, I know Fauci is evil through & through. How much more upset do I need to be?

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Hi Bill, I got here through a comment of yours on Steve K's substack. You've taken the first huge important step, getting a feel for the corruption and long history of suppression of alternatives. The next shocking revelation is that there is zero legitimate scientific evidence for the existence of ANY virus. What used to sound preposterous does no longer when one sees the level of corruption and harm revealed in RFK Jr.'s excellent work. Any rational person who buckles down and looks for themselves at the reasoning (no math involved) and procedures in virology immediately realizes it is a pseudoscience. There are no controls in the experiments, it's that unscrupulous. (Then your next step is realizing that there is also ZERO evidence for Germ Theory at all. and that the entire medical system offers marginal temporary benefit at best, but serious harm in every arena except for physical trauma.)

Many of us have gone through this gradual step-wise revelation process over many years, but it still shocks me to write these words. Almost all people, including scientists in other medical fields simply think...oh well they MUST have proven it somewhere...but they never read a virology paper probably, let alone critically evaluate it, so they just take the word of "experts" and assume the science has been done, when it clearly has not. But don't take my word for it. Cowan and Kaufman, both former MDs will take you through the arguments, but don't take their word for it either, use your own mind and energy and get over any resistance to reading the very specialized language. It's just vocabulary and once you get it, no problem. This is where the transformation happens, in each of those who have a truly open mind and the integrity to search for the deepest truths.

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So how do you explain that antibiotics work for bacterial infections? External as well as internal? Eye infections?

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Hi Leslie, good question. They "work" by suppressing the elimination symptoms we call "infections". What do microbes do in the natural world: they decompose organic material into small molecules for recycling. Historically microbiologists confused correlation with causation. They saw bacteria associated with diseased tissue and concluded, with no scientific evidence, that the microbes CAUSED the disease. From the Terrain Theory perspective, the microbes inside the body are doing exactly the same thing the same microbes do in the environment: eating dead or dying tissue, a process which causes us those awful but necessary symptoms as this material is being eliminated (hence the oozing, coughing, spitting, swelling etc.) The next question might then be: what is killing our tissues? Answer: starvation or poisoning, in a nutshell. I can say much more, but will stop here, as usually my questioners can't or won't engage, these ideas are too extreme, it seems, though this topic germ vs terrain has been a scientific debate for 150 years. It's just that Rockerfeller et al. knew that pushing germ theory would be far far more profitable, so the competition has been systematically suppressed, which is why everyone, including me at one point, believes in germ "theory", which is no theory at all in the standard scientific sense.

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So I had an eye infection recently. I got antibiotic eye drops. Within 3 days it was much better. I waited too see if it would go away on its own but it just got worse. So I do not understand your thought process. I tried hot compresses. I tried keeping the eye really clean? 🙃

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I also wish this documentary could somehow be aired on national TV. People pay for infomercials that run. It needs to run for free - it would set ratings records if it was promoted, but we know that won't happen. I wonder if we raised enough money if we could pay a network like Fox News or even Fox Business to run it?

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Thanks for the review. 👍🏽💕

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Yesterday I read an article that stated Canada is now erasing the medical files of jab victims. A person went back after a year with a heart problem caused by the jab, and the doctor had no file on it anymore. This was obviously the fifth person in that doctor's office to whom this happened. I tink it was a Mark Crispin Miller post.

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If you get more info on this, please pass along. I've yet to read Mark's post, but definitely will. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

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Thanks for the link. I just read it. Yep. Scary as hell. Where's the follow-up? The doctor smells a rat. "Watchdog journalists" couldn't care less about pursuing this.

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Thanks Truthbird !

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"Nothing is taller than the truth."

And the truth is that (many) short men suffer from Napoleon Complex...


To quote DeSantis: "Someone should throw that elf across the Potomac."

Will watch the documentary although I've probably already read or watched 90% of the data it was cobbled together with.

Sadly though, feel our community is an echo chamber.

Don't believe that the MSM, which has mostly neglected to report data discussed in the film, as well as blacklisted Kennedy's book, will, all of a sudden, reveal the truth of the matter to their audiences at this late date.

Guess it's up to us but... I've not been very successful in red-pilling anyone I know.

Just my opinion.

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Some people have said they were unable to access the documentary. Here's some info from the producer which might help:

Click here to share with them:


Social media may have already blacklisted all our links. If that’s the case, here’s what you can do:

Share the link with spaces in between the letters. (www . t h e r e a l a n t h o n y f a u c i m o v i e . com

Anyone can email to “watch@TheyCantBlockMe.com” to get the current watch information.

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Thank you for this excellent review, Bill.

I, too, hope this documentary is seen by many millions of people.

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Honestly, the fact that the horrific story about Fauci's involvement in the killing of those NY orphans hasn't landed him in prison, shows just how untouchable he seems to be. The man is a monster.

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Where is "the free movie"?

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There's a link in my story. "Register here" - in one of the top paragraphs.

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I read the book. Can't seem to break through the registration process to watch the doc.

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SK, I've read of some people having issues. No issue on my desktop Mac. I got on in about 45 seconds. Here's a story Steve Kirsch wrote about it that has a couple of links. You might also try the Children Health Defense website? I think you'd like it and have some good comments after watching it.


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Thanks. I had to fish you out of spam. I might watch tonight.

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I sent them an e-mail. Again. Thanks.

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