Hi Leslie, good question. They "work" by suppressing the elimination symptoms we call "infections". What do microbes do in the natural world: they decompose organic material into small molecules for recycling. Historically microbiologists confused correlation with causation. They saw bacteria associated with diseased tissue and concluded…
Hi Leslie, good question. They "work" by suppressing the elimination symptoms we call "infections". What do microbes do in the natural world: they decompose organic material into small molecules for recycling. Historically microbiologists confused correlation with causation. They saw bacteria associated with diseased tissue and concluded, with no scientific evidence, that the microbes CAUSED the disease. From the Terrain Theory perspective, the microbes inside the body are doing exactly the same thing the same microbes do in the environment: eating dead or dying tissue, a process which causes us those awful but necessary symptoms as this material is being eliminated (hence the oozing, coughing, spitting, swelling etc.) The next question might then be: what is killing our tissues? Answer: starvation or poisoning, in a nutshell. I can say much more, but will stop here, as usually my questioners can't or won't engage, these ideas are too extreme, it seems, though this topic germ vs terrain has been a scientific debate for 150 years. It's just that Rockerfeller et al. knew that pushing germ theory would be far far more profitable, so the competition has been systematically suppressed, which is why everyone, including me at one point, believes in germ "theory", which is no theory at all in the standard scientific sense.
So I had an eye infection recently. I got antibiotic eye drops. Within 3 days it was much better. I waited too see if it would go away on its own but it just got worse. So I do not understand your thought process. I tried hot compresses. I tried keeping the eye really clean? 🙃
Hi Leslie, good question. They "work" by suppressing the elimination symptoms we call "infections". What do microbes do in the natural world: they decompose organic material into small molecules for recycling. Historically microbiologists confused correlation with causation. They saw bacteria associated with diseased tissue and concluded, with no scientific evidence, that the microbes CAUSED the disease. From the Terrain Theory perspective, the microbes inside the body are doing exactly the same thing the same microbes do in the environment: eating dead or dying tissue, a process which causes us those awful but necessary symptoms as this material is being eliminated (hence the oozing, coughing, spitting, swelling etc.) The next question might then be: what is killing our tissues? Answer: starvation or poisoning, in a nutshell. I can say much more, but will stop here, as usually my questioners can't or won't engage, these ideas are too extreme, it seems, though this topic germ vs terrain has been a scientific debate for 150 years. It's just that Rockerfeller et al. knew that pushing germ theory would be far far more profitable, so the competition has been systematically suppressed, which is why everyone, including me at one point, believes in germ "theory", which is no theory at all in the standard scientific sense.
So I had an eye infection recently. I got antibiotic eye drops. Within 3 days it was much better. I waited too see if it would go away on its own but it just got worse. So I do not understand your thought process. I tried hot compresses. I tried keeping the eye really clean? 🙃