Feb 11Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Sorry to say this but in my experience every institution will eventually betray its function to save itself. Whether it's the Catholic church protecting it's pedophiles, the permanent federal government protecting its power through assassination or election interference or censorship, the family protecting the abusive parent, or the mainstream media protecting its advertisers. I, for one, don't care what the mainstream media says. Liars lie. Not falling for it anymore. What did Joe the Muppet say about the unvaccinated,"our patience is wearing thin"? Ya. Ours too. We're tired of being abused by our institutions. Were mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Seems like a good strategy is to create maximum friction against all the things I don't like. I don't like the cameras and the self checkout at Lowes. Don't think I'll shop there anymore. Don't like the NFL or the NBA policies. Wasted too much time on that anyway. Click. It's not just Biden who is toast.

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The TV anchor who screamed, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" was assassinated on live TV.

People just looked at their screens, paused for a second and then went right back to saying, "What's the next show?"

That movie (Network) was prescient too.

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Feb 12Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yes it was. I really liked his monologue saying how the TV world was all fake and telling us to go outside and experience real life. I can't help feeling that as crazy as things are now we haven't seen anything yet. Amazing time to be alive.

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Well put! "Amazing time to be alive" for sure. Who would have guessed things could unravel SO quickly and with such choreographed movements?

The "end-times" "prophet" E.G. White used the wording, "The last movements will be rapid ones." She was referring to the actions of the controlling entities who are creating the chaos (for their "solution" to enact upon) and also for the natural disasters that she points to as being actually created by Satan for his purposes. That might seem to be far fetched, but if one trusts the Word of God, then it would be a wise choice to investigate the book of Job, and see what Satan was ever so capable of doing even back THEN! He's more capable now, having studied the earth and her systems for the development of his devious plans. Don't let the title "prophet" scare you. EG White considered herself to be a "messenger" and not a prophet, but that was probably her humility speaking for her. The single most important book of hers (as she claims it to be) is "The Great Controversy." Everyone should read it three or four times.


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Feb 12·edited Feb 12

It’s not unraveling that quickly. More people are just acknowledging it now.

Patriots fought a war to break free of central banking. Then illegally and clandestinely created the federal reserve bank. A private bank whose beneficiaries are kept secret.

Then the wars came and the illegal income taxes to fund them.

Then the assassinations, MK Ultra, Operation sea Spray, Mena airport.

The ongoing debasement of the dollar, illegal use of turning Social Security into the government’s piggy bank,

Tim McVeigh, David Koresh, 9/11, Boston Marathon bombing, the Vegas shooting.

The climate lies, population lies, starvation lies, extraterrestrial lies, medical lies, and finally the great Covid lie.

I stopped subscribing to a major newspaper in 1986.

We the people have been abused, money stolen, died in bankers wars, job opportunities outsourced, middle class decimated, and deliberately sickened.

Almost no rumblings from anyone until now?

Americans are like a mafia wife. As long as they lived large they bought the lies. Looked the other way. It’s only because the malfeasance has come home to roost and it’s chipping into their cushy existence that people are now aghast.

So, no, things haven’t turned quickly. We are now reaping what we’ve sown. Perhaps even getting what we deserve.

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Assuming you're comment revolves around the statement, "The movements (in the end times) will be rapid ones." If so, I'll remind you that the prophet died of old age in 1915 I think. She "saw" events over a long period of time occurring in the world, and relayed those "visions" as God prescribed. Looking over the past centuries, and comparing them and their calamities to the "future" (as it was then in her time) it was shown her that the events would become far more numerous and forthcoming.) I'm sorry if I didn't make that point clear. This seems to be observable in the dramatic times we exist in.

Your point regarding the long-term plans which must have been laid in order to accomplish the chaos we face now, is well taken. History, if honestly exposed, will confirm that. The plan to take out USA, roots and all, was formulated even before she became a nation. A satanic plot was necessary to overcome God's new nation, with her divine protection, and hence Satan provided such an outline, just as he did for Balaam for the very same reason, and in the very same way. History WILL repeat itself and is in the process as we breathe. USA turned her back on her Provider and Divine Protector. The warnings of God, by way of historical accounts and by direct provision through prophecy and the words of His prophet such as E.G. White aka: "The Spirit of Prophecy. God's Hand has been withdrawing in an ever increasing manner, according to the iniquity of the nation as a whole.

It occurs to me that IF, IF, IF, the nation would return unto God, repent and renew her love and dependence on Him, that He would most assuredly assign to her a reprieve from the evil that has infected her. Prophecy would still be viable, but postponed until her sinfulness repeated.

What a cryin' shame that that scenario has so little chance of being realized!

Thank you for your comment.


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Feb 13Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I think it is wrong. Actually mind control. When people take themselves out of the equation, fold their arms and insist we are in the end times.

It’s a way of justifying doing nothing because any…day…now we’re going to be raptured. Then Jesus will smite the enemies of the world and set things right. So just sit back folks, it’s almost here.

This line of thinking is sick. It comes from a place of evil. Not because these things won’t happen. That’s not what I’m saying at all.

It’s been made crystal clear we are not to know when. And judging by how people are currently behaving we can easily see why. Because if we knew, we would abdicate all responsibility and let things fall apart even worse than we already have.

All throughout the Bible people were called to reject the heavy handed, pagan worshiping Pharisees, face hardships to ultimately live free in the Holy Spirit.

At no time was it ok to just ignore the evil in the world, do nothing, and presume God will handle it.

God helps His people. But he doesn’t suffocate their free will. As such we have work to do.

My point is, we have responsibilities which include facing down evil.

Despite the insistence that the end-times are close. I’m certain people thought that during the rein of Nazis too.

Fact is, It could be another thousand years. How we deal with the here and now in the meantime is currently the most important thing.

Prayer is powerful but the prophecies aren’t revealed so that we do nothing. And, yes, we’d buy time if the Nation returned to Godly principles. There is nothing Godly in retreat.

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I often think of the treatment of the native Americans and the slaves and then operation paperclip bringing all the Nazis and Japanese scientists to America. Karma says we don't get away with nothin'. Agree that's true but, speaking for myself, I'm going to keep loving God with all my heart and loving my neighbors too, even my enemies. Even the devil can't harm us. He can only convince us to harm ourselves.

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Well stated. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Live as best you can (you’re only human and He knows what’s in your heart) in accordance to His teachings. And try not to worry (difficult sometimes).

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Half way through the first reading. Some can see so far ahead.

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That's Hollywood. Where some network Anchor to do that today you can bet those watching wouldn't ask "OK What's on next". Granted all the news/media sources that are corporately owned would try to cover it up but those viewing wouldn't pretend like nothing happened.

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Wasn't it Aaron Russo?

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This is a consequence of centralization of power. It is impossible for a large group not to be come corrupted simply b/c there's too many involved to ensure all will act honorably as opposed to either saving their own arse or empowering/enriching themselves. Once people get power it's darn difficult to resist abusing it.

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Feb 13Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yep. Just ask King George if he'd please let the colonists go their own way. Shake hands. Part friends. What do you say Georgie?

Great graphic


Think of an organization, any organization you know, that doesn't have the two characteristics of hierarchy and compartmentalization. It is these two things that enable the corruption and ruin-us. The political question is not left-right but centralized-decentralized.

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Yep. compartmentalization is how you control something like the CIA while owning (someties these people are just on lease to the Elite vs being fully owned) with just a small percentage of people in the agency.

Great graphic!

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If only what you "have" would be able to be replicated in a "virus" form, and spread throughout the world via "sky-painting," the water we drink, the food we eat, and that which goes into our cognitive thinking via electronic media!

Quick and "effective" would be the motto. The world would react favorably to all the chaos, and although never able to "return to complete normal," it would make a 180 degree switch up!

I'm with you, bro!

Thanks for the comment!


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Feb 11Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The only thing media is good for are traffic reports, the occasional human interest story, and sometimes the weather.

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Bill, Great article in calling out the media as if they did their job as honest journalists searching for the truth the country wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in today, your right on the COVID followed by the crime of the century as this article compliments your article https://johnseaman.substack.com/p/the-absurdity-of-it-all

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I'm not sure. Oh I know the MSM (I always think of the word miasma for some reason) won't on their own actually be good journalists. But, maybe there is hope that something will break the ice-jam on the scamdemics.

AMD (The Forgotten Side of Medicine) stack had a great article today about not only the disastrous WHO Pandemic Treaty, but also the grassroots efforts by Dr. Meryl Nass to toss a few monkey-wrenches into the gears of that atrocious 'treaty'. All it would take would be one, perhaps a seemingly small thing to suddenly flip the narrative and unleash the pack against the 'treaty' and the reason to reject.

Will it be Mike/Gruesom or Gruesom/Mike that the puppet masters float out? El Gato Malo is speculating it's Gruesom at the top of the ticket. I suspect you might be right...it better fits the narrative if Mike is on top (no puns intended...on second thought).

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Dr. Nass proves how one smart and fearless lady can, almost by herself, defeat some nefarious agenda.

IMO everything would change if one member of the pack journalism club went apostate and broke ranks from this unified club. Others would follow and soon all the taboo scandals would suddenly be "fair game."

So the key to the operation is to make sure the first captured club member doesn't become uncaptured. So-far-so-good on that project.

I don't think the Powers that Be are too worked up over this Biden story. In fact, they clearly authorized and coordinated the release of this story.

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Agreed. It was on their schedule.

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You're right, I'm not holding my breath for the truth about our "public health" scandals. Thanks for offering the ideal vision though.

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We all KNOW the "right thing" won't happen. Sigh.

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Feb 11Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

OK, MSM wolf pack, now do Scandal 3, even bigger than before -- the climate scam.

Then do Sandal 4, the worst of the worst -- child trafficking and satanic child sacrifice.

...but criminals don't snitch on the big dog criminals, right? Come on, be brave, cut a deal. The normies deserve the truth, even if they don't want to hear it.

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Scandal 1 is really "all-important truth-seeking organizations are completely captured." That makes all the other scandals possible.

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Being a "Fun, dumb, mentalist". Just playing with the word. Being a fundamentalist Christian, I automatically draw associations to supernatural motives and workings. "Truth-seeking organizations" (or TSO's) as you well-put it, are all completely captured. Given that statement to be as sure as daylight, couldn't we take a slight side-step to view the ground we stood upon? Are not "churches" supposed to be in the "truth seeking" business or at least wear that insignia openly? Truth must be not only acquired and held up, but also VERY much appreciated and that appreciation relayed to the Heavenly Proprietor?

Pontius Pilate asked Jesus at one of the seven trials, "What is Truth?" But before the answer could be given to the Governor, the rioting rabble's level of intensity outside the hall, prevented it. Jesus, I'm sure would have said, "I AM the Truth, the Way and the Life."

So if we do not have objective "Truth" to sink our roots into, we have nothing but mere conjecture as to what it really is. I've heard it said "that's not MY truth, like truth is subjective!

I wonder what Hitler's "truth" was and if it was OK with those millions of victims!


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Feb 12Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I’m cynical but I think the only reason the pack have turned on Biden is because the Democrats planned it this way. There is no indication of investigative journalism in this story just the usual recycle of the same story. If there were any investigative journalism they would be telling the story of how Bidens dementia has been unreported for so long.

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Feb 12Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

When someone is suffering in the throes of dementia the last person to know it is them. They always angrily proclaim they’re fine. They’re very clever at making excuses for themselves. Biden likely isn’t lying (for once) when he insists there’s nothing wrong with him. Odd how democrats acted so concerned that Trump was mentally unfit to hold office but it took them this long to acknowledge Biden who’s been clearly declining for years. Gee, if I didn’t know better I’d suspect Biden didn’t actually win the election, Biden was mentally unfit from the get-go. And, Biden isn’t really running the office of the presidency. If they install Michelle Obama that’ll mean Barak will have four terms in office.

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You know who else knows he suffers from dementia ... and has known for many years? His private doctor and any doctors who have examined him in the last four years. So our trusted doctors are in-on the cover-up (again).

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Doctors were in on Hitler’s Final Solution too. They even trained forces on where to place the kill shot when executing men, women, boys, girls and infants. It was an act of mercy to have your victims face you then shoot them through the neck severing their spinal cord at the base of the skull. They justified killing the children because after murdering their parents who would take care of them. They’d certainly starve. So, yeah, doctors collectively have probably killed more people both directly and indirectly than any other profession outside the CIA and mafia.

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I think Biden knows he's losing his memory. That's why he knows he has to have all those cheat sheets and the teleprompter.

Watch this 5-minute compilation of clips where he forgets what he's saying. This bothers him. He KNOWS (imo).

This said, I agree that many people with this condition probably deny it.


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I speak from personal experience and having the benefit of speaking to several clinicians. Yes, Alzheimer’s patients do get frustrated because on some level they know they’re grappling to think on a basic level and they get flustered and irritated by their mental clumsiness. However, when facing the big question they go into deep denial. And, despite everything are quite clever at making excuses for themselves. Not keeping emotions in check is a big part of it, too. Granted what I’ve outlined doesn’t apply to every Alzheimer patient but it does apply to most.

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His wife knows. His kids know. His best friends know. Everybody in the White House press corp knew. They also knew how fast they could expose this story and get him removed from office. (They see this right now). But they knew they weren't supposed to do this.

So this proves ... how captured they all are. Which is the biggest scandal of them all IMO.

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Feb 12Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yeah, well a good portion of voters don’t seem to care. My in-laws and next door neighbor would vote for Biden again if it meant blocking Trump. But, yeah, it appears the “team” want Biden gone. It’ll probably come down to Governor Haircut or Mike Obama. Stay tuned.

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Really appreciate your Stack, especially now.

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Thank you.

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Feb 12Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Blind Freddy could see that dementia was (and still is) a big problem for Joe Biden. All the MSM have done is highlight just how incompetent they actually are, only just noticing...

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Exactly. But are people making this connection?

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Feb 12Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Very discouraging.

I believe the ones, who are finally making the connection, continue to ignore it.

Pass the TV remote and give me my Bread and Circuses….

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Feb 11Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Speaking of journalists, just saw Norma Hunt died last June and in all my searching on several search engines no cause of death can be found. Not one line except for “she died”. Any journalism digging tips you have to investigate?

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I'm embarrassed to admit that name doesn't ring a bell. Was she a good and real journalist?

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Feb 11Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

She was not a journalist but the previous owner of the KC Chiefs, so fairly high profile death, yet no journalist has bothered to dig into her cause of death and report it. That was my point. Sorry for confusion.

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Got it. How old was she? Is strange there wouldn't be big stories on her deaths. I now recognize the last name - widow of Lamar Hunt? And the Chiefs are going for another Super Bowl today.

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I recall seeing several substack posts about her being possibly jab injured. It was right around the time of the jab roll puts that she went out of commission, as it were.

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Reasonably confident DHS has jurisdiction over the voting machines via a Trump-era memo they issued granting it to themselves. 😆🤦‍♂️ Sigh.

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How could the press report the scandal that the 2020 election was rigged ... when they spent four years mocking people who said this? Same with all the "life-saving" Covid mandates. I guess they might survive covering up the "Biden has dementia" story ... but some exposed stories would actually kill them ... or finish them off - they are already on life support.

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Oh, I've lived long enough to see how they can turn on a dime, they just have to have the incentive to do it.

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This story is an example of how they (the press) can "turn on a dime." But I still think the narrative about all the Covid scandals could never turn on a dime. Too many organizations actively covered up those scandals for too long.

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They will have create an event or a weave of events that will give explanatory power to the discontinuity. Yet, the break in the story (of course, introducing the no-need-to-look-deeper cover story) will still leave the same, top narrative and opinion makers "lookin' pretty," or at least their new front men and forward faces looking pretty---new alpha men so to speak, or, "news" alpha men, or maybe--instead--I should say "news alpha women." The old, northern, European and American cities will have to inexplicably fall like an undamaged NYC skyscraper. With the slaying of a Mithratic bull, there must be a Constantinian sign from heaven, perhaps a bolt of [lightning], indicating that the destruction of old walls is divinely approved. Then, to prevent too much attention being focused on the Mithratic figure, he will need to be, this time in our mythological mini-history of the polis, a "man on the street" who is easily eliminated and removed from the scene. Otherwise too many interesting questions will be asked in the court of public opinion, presided over by the judge of public forgetfulness.

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Feb 13Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

It would be interesting to know who loosed the hounds. Of course, calling these simpering twits hounds is a gross injustice to a fine breed.

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Further shenanigans to the devious nature of the political domain:

"The president’s determination to persist on the ballot until the early stages of the primary process has effectively preempted the possibility of a credible Democratic challenger mounting a traditional bid for the nomination.

Should Biden withdraw from the nomination or abruptly exit the race for any reason within the next eight months, there is virtually no chance that voters would have a direct say in his replacement. In such scenarios, DNC officials, including lobbyists for companies like Google and UnitedHealth, may ultimately determine the party's nominee.

The presidential primary filing deadline has already passed for 41 states and territories. The two other declared candidates, Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., and Marianne Williamson, are unlikely to garner enough delegates to secure enough delegates to secure the nomination.

Under such circumstances, the Democratic Party could select its presidential nominee through one of two insider-dominated avenues. If Biden exits the race before mid-August, the decision would fall to the Democratic National Convention, scheduled for August 19th to 22nd in Chicago, where 739 superdelegates and 3,933 pledged delegates would hold sway.

This convention-based nomination path would involve a frenzied scramble to secure the majority of delegates. Superdelegates, comprising party insiders such as lobbyists, fundraisers, strategists, and elected officials, enjoy the liberty to support any candidate of their choosing. Pledged delegates, allocated through primary elections, are selected through a process overseen by the state parties. In the event of Biden's departure before the convention, his pledged delegates would become unbound, free to back alternative candidates."

From Lee Fang substack - https://www.leefang.com/p/if-biden-steps-aside-lobbyists-poised/comments

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Great info, Dennis. Thanks. I think this is the scenario that will play out. Unknown is if Kamala will get to serve as president for a few months or not. Now that everyone knows what rough shape Biden is in mentally, I don't know how we could let him remain president even for seven more months. Actually, we don't even know how bad Biden's dementia really is. That's still being covered up. The White House press corps has sources in the White House who could tell them (and thus the public) this, but I guess they are not "working those sources."

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Yes, seven more months - these specifically - are the most critical months we may have yet seen. The culmination of years of hidden switches and levers manipulating and designing the system to unleash total control and abolish democracy.

Kamala Harris is perfect to destroy democracy, by simply destroying America's standing of global leadership on the world stage as she's capably demonstrated.

Today's reporting scene appears more to be worked by the sources than they working the sources. True reporting and journalism has shifted to Substack and individual podcasts and rogue indpendent media - all effectively forbidden direct access to the White House.

Amazing to be living in the most important time in modern history and to have so few aware of this social, cultural and human implosion.

Thanks for your posts!

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Feb 12Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I’m a former journalist and I heartily approve this article. Very well done, Bill.

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What journalists are going to break the story that all the journalists are completely captured?

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The pack may have been given the go ahead to attack . There is just one more act to this Joe Biden play and that is him to step down and be immediately be pardoned by his successor, along with son hunter as his crimes are federal too so he can be pardoned by the president and it won't be on Joe. I would rather see him ride it out till next year so that god awful Harris doesn't get in. I don't see it happening after this DOJ special counsel press conference Barry has decided to give him the heave. I do hope for one thing and that is Jill getting revenge and telling where the bodies are buried. I believe somewhere Barry is tied to the Ukraine money too. Why else would he had allowed Joe to be the bag man? I would love to have Joe spit that out in roomful of MSM.

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