The Pack Journalists have Pounced!
See how suddenly a false narrative can be debunked when the press does its job? Now let’s see if these journalists work as a pack to break a few Covid scandals. Don’t hold your breath.

When I watched Joe Biden’s 8-minute press conference Thursday, I instantly knew that “Joe Biden was toast” as President of the United States.
How did I instantly figure this out? Because I instantly saw (actually, heard) that the entire White House “pack media” had turned. With my own ears, I heard every White House press member trying to ask questions about Biden’s mental fitness to remain president.
It wasn’t just the Fox News journalist who asked the first question that got the firing squad started … everyone else in the room was suddenly tag-teaming and asking the same type questions (or trying to).
The vicious and undaunted pack was acting, well, as a pack. Even the Great and Powerful “Joe Biden” can’t survive when the “watchdog” press decides it’s going to prove some scandal. (And “our president has dementia,” a condition that’s been covered up for many years, is indeed a scandal).
Just as I figured they would be, the follow-up stories were brutal. In about 25 minutes, the authorized narrative became “Joe Biden is unfit to serve as president.”
This actually confirms an important maxim that has tremendous bearing on the state of our world. Once the mainstream or corporate press starts acting in tandem as a pack - once they decide they’re going to “expose” some scandalous story - they can do this … in about one day.
I mean, seriously, how hard was it to prove that Joe Biden is suffering from worsening dementia? Every story that’s come out in the past few days is replete with endless examples of Biden “gaffes” that prove this.
(I can’t wait for the “whistleblower” sources that finally come forward and reveal what they’ve seen for years in the White House. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the leverage that finally convinces Jill Biden to convince her husband to resign is the threat of these stories coming out … unless he resigns).
Citizen Free Press headlines quickly confirmed my beliefs …
Citizen Free Press (CFP) is where I go to check important headlines. At this writing, CFP has at least three stories documenting that the pack has turned and, with it, the previously protected narrative.
This article from The New York Times, the undisputed leader of the journalism pack, spent the top part of the article giving 10 examples of President Biden’s obvious symptoms of dementia or Alzheimers. (The second half of the story provided “balance” by including several quotes from Biden defenders who say our president’s as sharp as ever).
But it wasn’t the story that caught my attention, it was the 9,000 (!) Reader Comments that followed the story. (I actually think these comments come from Yahoo News, which picked up the story, and not The New York Times’ Comment section, which is restricted to paid subscribers and is “moderated” by someone who works for the newspaper).
I didn’t read all 9,000 comments but I read a couple hundred. Significantly, I didn’t find one person who keeps up with current events who argued President Biden’s being treated unfairly.
Every one of the commenters made the same points I’ve been making for years. Namely, only a deaf, dumb and blind person would think Joe Biden is not suffering from ever-worsening dementia. That is, apparently everyone in the world already knew this (except the members of the White House press corp).
Almost all the posts make fair and compelling points - and they all got 30 to 400 “likes,” telling me these readers are not part of any fringe wacko, conspiracy groups.
Other examples of the pack pouncing …
I then read this story from The UK’s Daily Mail, which simply recounts other New York Times’ articles and editorials that are now saying Biden is incapable of remaining president and must step aside on his own or be forced to step aside by cabinet members using the the provisions of the 25th Amendment.
Even famed sports broadcaster Bob Costas opined on Bill Maher’s show, stating it’s been clear to him for at least four years that Biden was suffering from dementia.
Costas even referred to this as an “Emperor-with-No-Clothes” situation, which made me laugh as I made the same point in a Substack article in September 2022. In that column, I made the point that “our emperor has no brain.” In fact, Zero Hedge picked up that column and used my fable reference for a more-catchy headline.
In my last article, I tried to point out what should be the real scandal - namely, that all the members of our “Trusted News Initiative” press corps have been covering up this blockbuster scandal for at least four years.
The Power of Pack Journalism …
Today, I simply want to point out how rapidly a false narrative can be debunked when the “watchdog” pack acts as a pack.
What would happen if the same pack journalists decided, in unison, to report all the Covid lies and expose all of those mega scandals? Answer: Those scandals would also be exposed in a matter of days or weeks.
That is, these lies and cover-ups are just as obvious as Biden having dementia - and would be just as easy to prove … if every member of the press simply performed their real job. (The time-tested adage “many hands make little work” comes to mind here).
If The New York Times also “broke” the story that, say, the vaccines are unsafe and ineffective, the world would see that the sky wouldn’t fall.
Instead, what would happen is that 100,000 commenters would post some version of this sentiment: “Praise God! Somebody in the official press is finally reporting the obvious.”
Since The New York Times said it was okay to report on this previously-taboo subject, all the other members following the lead wolf in the pack would follow suit.
The politicians respond to the Authorized
Narrative (created by pack journalists) ….
The politicians - most of whom are equally captured - couldn’t help but notice the official narrative had changed and they’d want to show their constituents they were not happy at all with this belatedly-discovered malfeasance and fraud - and they’d rush to hold official hearings.
These hearings, or even tribunals, would allow for full discovery and testimony given under oath so even more shocking revelations would belatedly be revealed.
Most journalists would be happier journalists because they’d finally get to do the type work they dreamed about before they sold out and became captured journalists.
Even today, when a journalist decides he or she wants to expose obvious corrupt or criminal activity, they can do it. But it’s much easier to break big stories when every journalist in the organization is working on the same stories … and every journalist is competing with other journalists for the next big scoop.
So Scandal 1 is that the press conspired to cover up the Biden-has-dementia story for many years. Scandal 2 is much bigger, though. The same “watchdog” press corp also covered up all the Covid scandals for four years.
What makes this second scandal so maddening is that so many of us recognize how easy it would be for real investigative journalists to prove these scandals.
While we’re all happy that “someone” gave the go-ahead to report the Biden dementia story, we also know there’s no way in heck these same journalists are going to belatedly break even bigger stories (regarding government-mandated activities that led to millions of unnecessary deaths and were made possible by brazen corruption in virtually every agency of government).
In fact, the only way these scandals could probably be exposed would be to purge every mainstream media news organization and replace those captured journalists with a roster of minor league all-stars from Substack and the alternative media.
We all know that’s not going to happen.
Big deal, Biden has dementia. We already knew that …
As I referenced in my last article, the fact Biden’s dementia has finally been exposed probably does not constitute an existential crisis to the world’s real Shadow Rulers, who presumably will just replace their puppet with another puppet they can control just as easily.
In a sane world, everyone would think last week’s sudden developments mean Donald Trump is now a lock to be elected. But this is NOT the case if these same Shadow Rulers actually control mail-in ballots, absentee ballots and perhaps the digital voting machines.
We also don’t know what other dirty tricks they have up their sleeves to keep Donald Trump (or Robert Kennedy, Jr) off the ballots.
Regardless, my Law of Opposite Effects - which tells us that what shouldn’t happen will happen - strongly suggests that Biden’s designated successor will “win” the 2024 election.
But this probably wouldn’t happen if the pack journalists simply worked in tandem to expose a couple of the world’s numerous off-limits scandals.
Alas, raise your hand - or hit this article with a “like” - if you think our still-captured mainstream press will work as a pack to break any of the world’s other taboo scandals.
Sorry to say this but in my experience every institution will eventually betray its function to save itself. Whether it's the Catholic church protecting it's pedophiles, the permanent federal government protecting its power through assassination or election interference or censorship, the family protecting the abusive parent, or the mainstream media protecting its advertisers. I, for one, don't care what the mainstream media says. Liars lie. Not falling for it anymore. What did Joe the Muppet say about the unvaccinated,"our patience is wearing thin"? Ya. Ours too. We're tired of being abused by our institutions. Were mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Seems like a good strategy is to create maximum friction against all the things I don't like. I don't like the cameras and the self checkout at Lowes. Don't think I'll shop there anymore. Don't like the NFL or the NBA policies. Wasted too much time on that anyway. Click. It's not just Biden who is toast.
The only thing media is good for are traffic reports, the occasional human interest story, and sometimes the weather.