"Antibodies to the new virus may last only two to three months in the body, especially in people who never showed symptoms while they were infected, according to a study published on Thursday."
"And within weeks, antibody levels fall to undetectable levels in 40 percent of asymptomatic people and 13 percent of symptomatic people."
"Dr Alexander Chepurnov, 69, first caught coronavirus on a skiing trip to France in February.
After recovering back home in Siberia without requiring hospitalisation, he and his team at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Novosibirsk launched a study into coronavirus antibodies.
He said: 'By the end of the third month from the moment I felt sick, the antibodies were no longer detected.
"In this study, we observed that IgG levels and neutralizing antibodies in a high proportion of individuals who recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection start to decrease within 2–3 months after infection. In another analysis of the dynamics of neutralizing antibody titers in eight convalescent patients with COVID-19, four patients showed decreased neutralizing antibodies approximately 6–7 weeks after illness onset30 .."
"... Moreover, 40.0% (12/30) of asymptomatic individuals, but only 12.9% (4/31) of symptomatic individuals, became seronegative for IgG (Fig. 3e)."
READER HELP SOLICITED: I would love to talk to some sailors who served on any Navy vessel between November 2019 and March 2020. I'm particularly interested in learning if any "outbreaks" of viruses occurred on these ships BEFORE official Covid. I'll protect anonymity if requested.
I'll ask for interviews of sailors from the Navy's PR folks, but they will deny this request. I've already requested interviews on this topic via emails and have not received any response ... which is a "tell" to me that I might be over a vulnerable target with this line of inquiry.
Former Navy members might be more willing to talk to me?
It had to be in Australia much earlier as well. Most of the country probably probably already had natural immunity by mid-March 2020? (The ILI season in Australia starts six months before the ILI season in the Northern Hemispheres).
A future article will look at the PCR tests, which are not near as believable as the antibody tests. (And the antibody tests are also not picking up ALL prior infections - probably by design).
Nz shows a huge spike in ILI July 2019 ( normal winter season) 33.96 per 100k and a second spike 37.50 per 100k at the end of august 2019 , normal range around 14-18 per 100k. 2019 also had a protracted season that lasted until november 2019 before really tailing off. So I believe the "virus" circulating could be linked to c19. interestingly, the govt delivered 1.38 million flu doses and when people reported having the flu 86% had been given the current flu vaccine. ( I dont believe they work ever! )
Or Australia didn't have an undetected first wave because coronaviruses don't tend to spread during summer. Perhaps there was low prevalence in late 2019 (spring), but then it disappeared in early 2020 (summer), and the Great Lockdown Lunacy of Australia indeed managed to suppress the spread until Omicron arrived.
(2 of 2) 25(OH)D levels do not peak with the summer solstice around 22 December / June. Warmer weather lags about two months (southern hemisphere, less in the northern hemisphere with more land) due to the thermal inertia of the upper layers of the ocean. Warmer weather brings people outdoors with less clothing and so the peak insolation time is probably January in Australia and July in the northern hemisphere countries far from the equator. Vitamin D3 is converted to circulating 25(OH)D over several days in the liver, which has a half life in the blood of a month or two at low levels, and weeks at higher levels.
Naval vessels and especially submarine crews probably get very little UV-B exposure all year round, except for those working on the flight decks of aircraft carriers. Nursing care residents get no UV-B at all, so they are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 all year round. (The modulation of their incidence of influenza is probably due to transmission levels from the wider community, which is strongly modulated by seasonal 25(OH)D levels.)
Bill, you wrote: "It had to be in Australia much earlier as well. Most of the country probably probably already had natural immunity by mid-March 2020?" I agree in general with Thorsten's reply. As far as I know most of the Australian population had not been infected by mid-2020, with the striking exception of aged care homes in the southern state of Victoria (where I live), where most of Australian deaths occurred in early to mid-2020. It is also very well known that the pandemic first affected the non-aged population primarily in the Melbourne and Sydney suburbs with a high proportion of recent immigrants, who were mainly people of Middle Eastern and African ancestry with brown or black skin, who are well known to have much lower 25(OH)D levels than the white-skinned population, especially when living far from the equator.
In the UK, the generally very low 25(OH)D levels do vary significantly, for white skinned people on a seasonal basis. https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#03-uk-low UK residents with black or brown skin and/or sun avoidant lifestyles have disastrously low 25(OH)D levels. 95% of those with Pakistani ancestry (in the absence of vitamin D supplementation) have less than 20 ng/mL 50 nmol/L, according to: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114520002779.
Please see the COVID-19 hospitalisation graph, with overlaid 25(OH)D levels at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.1. In the UK, especially in London, SARS-CoV-2 spread very rapidly in March and April 2020, when white skinned people's 25(OH)D was barely climbing above its winter nadir. I understand that most of those infected and hospitalised or killed were in nursing homes (any skin colour) and those of Asian and African ancestry. Virtually all the doctors and other healthcare workers in the UK who died in that early phase of the pandemic had dark or black skin: See the photos of 53 of these people at https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.3.
Once most of these highly vulnerable people were infected with this initial SARS-CoV-2 strain AND 25(OH)D levels in the general population began to rise significantly, the pandemic died out. By late August, the hospitalised number had dropped to 795 from its April peak of 19,617. This was summer, before the quasi-vaccines. As best I understand it, there was no masking or lockdowns and little or nothing in the way of social distancing. (Can anyone confirm or correct this? rw@firstpr.com.au.)
As 25(OH)D levels fell in September and October, and as a new, more infectious, variant arrived, the pandemic started up again and hospitalised numbers rose, as the graph shows, and then rose much more after I that time (not shown in this graph.) The summer peak mean White 25(OH)D level was probably only half the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L level required for proper immune system function, but with the most vulnerable people already immune, or dead, this was enough to strongly suppress transmission of that early variant.
It cannot be known with certainty, but today's much more transmissible variants, would probably be strongly suppressed to the point of not being able to cause pandemic spread, even in a completely unexposed population, without masks, lockdowns or (quasi)vaccines (handwashing is always a good idea) IF everyone, or the great majority of people had 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L 25(OH)D all year round. This can easily be attained with proper vitamin D3 supplementation, in quantities well above those recommended by governments.
In the next month or so I hope to update the section of https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#sjw-updated-ratios to reflect Prof. Wimalawansa's recently simplified recommendations for how to attain this: the vitamin D3 daily average supplemental intake quantities, as ranges of ratios of body weight:
70 to 90 IU / kg BW for those not suffering from obesity (BMI < 30).
100 to 130 IU / kg BW for obesity I & II (BMI 30 to 39).
(1 of 2) Thanks very much for your assiduous research! Here is some information about vitamin D and the transmission and severity of COVID-19.
There are genetic and other aspects of health which affect the probability to which an individual, for any given viral insult, is infected by SARS-CoV-2. These will also strongly influence the peak severity and length of the infection. Severity and length of infection strongly correlate with the total number of viruses shed per infected person. (Wang et al. 2020-07-07 "Kinetics of viral load and antibody response in relation to COVID-19 severity" https://www.jci.org/articles/view/138759.)
So, in any population, there will be considerable individual variation in the proclivity to be infected at all (however detected), to be infected but not notice any symptoms and to be infected and notice significant to severe symptoms. I am not sure to what degree infected people with no symptoms at all, or whose symptoms are too mild for themselves or anyone else to notice at the time, shed infectious viruses. However, it is safe to assume that in any population, there will be a wide range of proclivities to become infected (for any particular number of viruses breathed in over some period of time), to be symptomatic and to shed infectious viruses to other. Those with the most severe symptoms presumably shed a lot, but their symptoms are likely to reduce their close contact with most other people in the population.
Two important classes of these individual variations are genetic differences and antibodies developed after infection with other coronaviruses which protect against SARS-CoV-2 to some extent.
However, the most important individual variation in any population is likely to be the person's circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D level. Please see the research cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ and https://brownstone.org/articles/vitamin-d-everything-you-need-to-know/. From these you will learn that the further the circulating 25(OH)D level is below 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) the weaker the immune system responses are to cancer cells, bacteria, fungi and viruses, and the greater the risk of the dysregulated overly-inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destroying) responses which cause sepsis and which kill most of the people who die from ARDS, COVID-19 and influenza.
Except perhaps in summer, and not counting those who supplement vitamin D properly, most of the people in the USA, the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand etc. have 25(OH)D levels half or less of the 50 ng/mL their immune systems need to function properly.
Some people take vitamin D supplements at the recommended levels ca. 600 to 1000 IU vitamin D3 a day. This sounds like a lot, but an IU is 1/40,000,00 of a gram, so this is 0.015 to 0.025 milligram per day. These recommended amounts (and 1000 IU is the largest vitamin D3 capsule which can be sold over the counter in Australia) are far too low to attain the 50 ng/mL circulating 25(OH)D levels a normal weight adult needs for proper immune system function, but they still improve the levels very significantly over what they would be without any supplementation and without recent (last month or so) exposure to high-elevation sunlight on ideally white skin, without glass, clothing or sunscreen. (There is very little vitamin D3 in food, and only small amounts in multivitamins.) For 70 kg 154 lb body weight without obesity, 0.125 (5000 IU) per day vitamin D3 will attain, in most people, at least 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D after several months.
In the U.S. naval vessels, we can assume that at least some of the crew supplement with some amount of vitamin D3. I guess a few of them do so properly.
This would be part of the explanation for a substantial fraction of the crew apparently not having been infected, or at least having been infected, but to a small enough degree (innate defenses suppressing the infection before a full adaptive antibody response was mounted) that their immune system produced too few antibodies to to be detected some months later.
People in aged care homes are lucky to get any vitamin D3 supplementation. This is a crime against humanity, since it is well known that the elderly have even lower 25(OH)D levels than the lousy levels of the general population. See "Responsibility for vitamin D supplementation of elderly care home residents in England: falling through the gap between medicine and food
Aged people, and especially those in hospital or care homes, have generally low levels of 25(OH)D which do not rise much, or at all, during summer. They get little or no direct, high elevation sunlight. Their skin is more likely to be covered and aged skin is less able to produce vitamin D3 cholecalciferol when irradiated by UV-B light, in part due to lower levels of the 7-dehydrocholesterol precursor molecule, which this light converts to vitamin D3.
So we can expect very high levels of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severity and transmission in aged care homes at any time of year, and some increase of these in winter and spring.
I live in australia and in oct-nov 2019 I had been in QLD on holidays, where I interacted with a lot of international tourists as well as a couple of US army and navy people that were also on leave at some of the events I attended...
when I returned to NSW I had a horrid virus that turned into pneumonia and my doctor tested me for every virus known to be around at the time and she was very confused as it didn’t come back positive for anything but showed there was some positive to nova virus... she basically told me to go home and isolate for 2 weeks.... I had every symptom that the early SARS-CoV-2 infections showed and I didn’t contract SARS-CoV-2 until Dec 2021 (despite working in a healthcare/retail setting full time with a lot of face to face contact)... I always wondered if I actually did have SARS-CoV-2 in 2019 and that is why I was resistant to the original outbreak?... when I did get SARS-CoV-2, my partner and I apparently had the delta variant and spent a week in bed feeling pretty crap but nowhere near as sick as our jabbed up friends who caught omicron around the same time, and my symptoms and duration were less than my partners (that may also be age- he is 12 years older but also never had the 2019 infection I did)
ILI was was on the way up in March 2020 in NSW Australia then it goes to effectively zero. Interesting they were monitoring ILI early in 2020. They usually don’t start till “flu season” May. Now they’re monitoring it year round 🤷♂️
I'm with you, Cindi. That's why this is THE taboo subject. Real "early spread" investigations that kept going backwards would probably find thermo-nuclear revelations. There's a REASON officials don't want anyone doing any serious "early spread" investigations. Thanks for these links!
Fully agree, Bill. You’re a hero in the early spread truth - keep looking further back, as these all date to June or July 2019 (which would mean viral race around the globe at least 8 months before global lockdowns). Keep up the good work & thx so much for all you do.
Thanks, Cindi. Yes, the more I dig, the earlier my possible "start date" of virus spread becomes. The key take-away is that officials don't want anyone working this far backwards. So the obvious question becomes: Why is this? Why don't they want people looking back further? My answer, which I think uses a little logic, is that some people must know the real answer of when (and where) this virus first began to spread - and it definitely wasn't in December 2019 in Wuhan. Maybe it WAS in Wuhan, but not in December or November 2019. And maybe the first infected people didn't live in Wuhan. Think about how nuclear that revelation would be ... if ever "confirmed." So it can't be "confirmed."
The military was under no threat from covid. They are mostly young, healthy individuals. The real travesty is the covid shots that were forced on them. Many are suffering from adverse effects from the shots. Sparrow Health & Performance in Birmingham has seen many of these young military members suffering from the ill effects of their covid shots. Bill: If you want a good story about the military, contact Sparrow Health (sparrowclinic.com)
Recently, a student pilot went into cardiac arrest at Ft Novosel, formerly Fort Rucker (link is below).
Conservative group Focus on America is hosting the event PUP ( Patriots Unite & Push) on 17 September in Huntsville, AL. The keynote speaker is James O'Keefe (formerly of Project Veritas). Military whistleblowers LtCol Theresa Long (has spoken out about military vax injuries) and Lt Bashaw (was the first Army officer court-martialed for speaking out and going against covid protocols) are guest speakers. Other speakers include Debbie Barnal (Pfizer whistleblower), Steve Friend ( FBI whistleblower), embalmer Richard Hirschman (from Died Suudenly documentary), plus many more. Click links below for more info.
Student pilot goes into cardiac arrest behind controls of helicopter at Fort Novosel (FKA Fort Rucker)
Thanks, Alice. I need to try to find the $ and time to go to that event in Huntsville. That's a great roster of speakers. (They ought to put me on the agenda and speak about why "early spread" is so important!)
Early spread - if revealed - would have prevented all of these vax injuries among military personnel and pilot deaths.
There must be many military personnel who KNOW people were getting sick with "Covid symptoms" in the military months before "official" Covid. All these military people are afraid to say this because they know this goes against the "authorized narrative" and this might get them into hot water if they said what they know. Sigh.
I agree with you that early spread is definitely important and would have been a great topic.....and you a fantastic person to present it! The schedule for the event is slam-packed......19 speakers from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
If you are able to come, also try to get a Meet & Greet ticket. It's an additional cost but you'll be able to talk to the military whistleblowers (and others) in a casual environment. It's a 2 hour event and follows the PUP event.
Thanks. Awesome event. Thanks for helping organize it and publicize it! I need to go as I could get some great stories out of it. Could I get a "free" pass as a member of the media?
I'm sorry but they aren't doing media passes. The event will be recorded by the group that is handling the lighting, sound, etc. I believe they are planning to later sell the event recording......not 100% sure about that.
Here's some info about Focus on America, the group hosting the event.
The most consistent explanation I've come across was that there were two leaks. First an earlier one with a less dangerous virus, then later with a more dangerous one. Fleming made the critical point that the PCR tests we used had a segment that was shared by multiple viruses Baric developed.
1) It wouldn't only be the ships at sea. The same conditions existed on ships in home port and in some cases even ships in drydock/repair. And those sailors were going out on the local town when not on duty.
2) Unless vastly improved since my time in, the ventilation systems aren't always the best, as anyone who has slept in a berthing area well knows! Meaning, aerosol particulates would be even more copious.
Of course, the Navy/military will never release, any time soon at least, any studies or findings that validate this highly probably theory.
Bill Rice, your logic does not apply to those wanting to sell us Kool aid to this day.
This is a good conclusion to the scamdemic:
the no longer trusted but now despised health officials and military leaders, as well as corporate, media, technology, medical, pharma, academic, government at all levels, and religious leaders;
populations around the world are seeing them as irrelevant and thoroughly corrupt.
Apparently one individual from Houston going to New Orleans in mid February for Carnival infected 50k people and led to New Orleans being in the initial wave of the pandemic in America. The Super Bowl in early February in Miami wasn’t a super spreader event though.
I'm going with "the virus just dropped out of the sky". I hadn't been on a cramped naval vessel or in close proximity with much of anyone unless it had a full week incubation period, let alone with anyone showing symptoms. Of course, Sundance worker fomites and aerosols are possible. And no; I didn't get an antibody test. Not only would it have been at my own expense, but what good would it do? "I told you so!"?
How did Dr. Michael Osterholm "predict" the epidemic on 29 May 2020 when it ended in April 2020? Must these interviews be red with a fine-toothed comb for subtle nuances? Only "5 percent" when it was over (late May 2020)? What; it didn't really start until Delta? Perhaps I should "predict" a flu epidemic in 1918!
What do you suppose is these naval officers' motivation for the misdirection? (CDC officials are mattoids.) And you suggest Sundance Film Festival got it from Bremerton (or perhaps California)?
Naval officers’ motivation for misdirection? Even more so than enlisted, they are forbidden to give anything other than the navy’s take on anything to the public. To speak out public ally would at the very least end their naval careers and quite possibly lead to other unpleasant disciplinary actions that would also kill their opportunity to the kind of civilian employment they would other wise be likely to enjoy. One medical officer, army I think, did speak out. What did happen to her?
Therefore: Governments with navies KNEW early on that the Coronavirus 2 was not disease causing or at worst mild disease causing in young, fit, healthy people, therefore lockdowns, masks, vaccines were entirely unnecessary. But... they KNEW that already from the Diamond Princess cruise ship. The ‘fakedemic’ arrived/ended almost to the day in all European Countries. For that to happen over such a large geographical area, the virus must have been circulating (brewing) months prior unnoticed, not least for its lack of virulence. Figures from the UK ONS show that 2023 to date, 95% of reported deaths from CoVid are vaccinated totalling approx 9 000. Yes more people vaccinated would mean more deaths in total among that cohort, but not that high if the mRNA were Safe & Effective™️.
Before I make any comment, I must correct your terminology. In the navy, we do not cover up any thing, we “deep six” it.
There were reports of a naval vessel (not of the nations mentioned here, if memory serves) that was at sea from before the reported start of the pandemic until quite some time after it started, I’m thinking like 3 months total. The crew was tested upon return to port and covid was found to present. Then every one set about trying to come up with how they were infected while at sea. Obviously, they weren’t, but any suggestion that they caught it before the official start date was at best ignored. Same to with the then Prince Charles catching it and a teenaged boy of one of the remote tribes of S. America who both caught it early on. One is not allowed anywhere near a royal if even a family member is displaying symptoms of anything. For the crown prince to have caught it, it must have been exceptionally widespread. Likewise with the remote tribes man, unless there was/is an animal reservoir. Then we have the Diamond Princess. All of these prove, to me anyway, they the virus was already endemic and any efforts to stop it through lockdowns was a fool’s errand.
It is my belief that they know this. I am now of the belief that they knew this before hand. They needed something, anything, to create the amount of fear necessary to scare most of the world’s population into compliance.
A few links from studies that strongly suggest/show that antibodies fade ...
"Antibodies to the new virus may last only two to three months in the body, especially in people who never showed symptoms while they were infected, according to a study published on Thursday."
"And within weeks, antibody levels fall to undetectable levels in 40 percent of asymptomatic people and 13 percent of symptomatic people."
"Dr Alexander Chepurnov, 69, first caught coronavirus on a skiing trip to France in February.
After recovering back home in Siberia without requiring hospitalisation, he and his team at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Novosibirsk launched a study into coronavirus antibodies.
He said: 'By the end of the third month from the moment I felt sick, the antibodies were no longer detected.
"In this study, we observed that IgG levels and neutralizing antibodies in a high proportion of individuals who recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection start to decrease within 2–3 months after infection. In another analysis of the dynamics of neutralizing antibody titers in eight convalescent patients with COVID-19, four patients showed decreased neutralizing antibodies approximately 6–7 weeks after illness onset30 .."
"... Moreover, 40.0% (12/30) of asymptomatic individuals, but only 12.9% (4/31) of symptomatic individuals, became seronegative for IgG (Fig. 3e)."
READER HELP SOLICITED: I would love to talk to some sailors who served on any Navy vessel between November 2019 and March 2020. I'm particularly interested in learning if any "outbreaks" of viruses occurred on these ships BEFORE official Covid. I'll protect anonymity if requested.
I'll ask for interviews of sailors from the Navy's PR folks, but they will deny this request. I've already requested interviews on this topic via emails and have not received any response ... which is a "tell" to me that I might be over a vulnerable target with this line of inquiry.
Former Navy members might be more willing to talk to me?
My email is: wjricejunior@gmail.com
I haven't seen a Navy coverup like this since Hunter's daughter.
(I'll show myself out).
Great work as always, Bill.
Edit: but on a serious note, Australia hosts the US Navy on serious R&R rotation and has for years. We even upgrade our ports and finest...um...reception centres...https://www.stripes.com/australia-investing-715-million-in-northern-port-that-hosts-us-navy-warships-1.610761
Imagine if covid spread in Australia via the US Navy ships...
It had to be in Australia much earlier as well. Most of the country probably probably already had natural immunity by mid-March 2020? (The ILI season in Australia starts six months before the ILI season in the Northern Hemispheres).
A future article will look at the PCR tests, which are not near as believable as the antibody tests. (And the antibody tests are also not picking up ALL prior infections - probably by design).
Nz shows a huge spike in ILI July 2019 ( normal winter season) 33.96 per 100k and a second spike 37.50 per 100k at the end of august 2019 , normal range around 14-18 per 100k. 2019 also had a protracted season that lasted until november 2019 before really tailing off. So I believe the "virus" circulating could be linked to c19. interestingly, the govt delivered 1.38 million flu doses and when people reported having the flu 86% had been given the current flu vaccine. ( I dont believe they work ever! )
Interesting. Great data. Thanks for sharing. I've been interested in Australia and New Zealand and their earlier flu seasons.
Or Australia didn't have an undetected first wave because coronaviruses don't tend to spread during summer. Perhaps there was low prevalence in late 2019 (spring), but then it disappeared in early 2020 (summer), and the Great Lockdown Lunacy of Australia indeed managed to suppress the spread until Omicron arrived.
Hi Thorsten, Please see my two replies to Bill's comment to which you replied.
(2 of 2) 25(OH)D levels do not peak with the summer solstice around 22 December / June. Warmer weather lags about two months (southern hemisphere, less in the northern hemisphere with more land) due to the thermal inertia of the upper layers of the ocean. Warmer weather brings people outdoors with less clothing and so the peak insolation time is probably January in Australia and July in the northern hemisphere countries far from the equator. Vitamin D3 is converted to circulating 25(OH)D over several days in the liver, which has a half life in the blood of a month or two at low levels, and weeks at higher levels.
Naval vessels and especially submarine crews probably get very little UV-B exposure all year round, except for those working on the flight decks of aircraft carriers. Nursing care residents get no UV-B at all, so they are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 all year round. (The modulation of their incidence of influenza is probably due to transmission levels from the wider community, which is strongly modulated by seasonal 25(OH)D levels.)
Bill, you wrote: "It had to be in Australia much earlier as well. Most of the country probably probably already had natural immunity by mid-March 2020?" I agree in general with Thorsten's reply. As far as I know most of the Australian population had not been infected by mid-2020, with the striking exception of aged care homes in the southern state of Victoria (where I live), where most of Australian deaths occurred in early to mid-2020. It is also very well known that the pandemic first affected the non-aged population primarily in the Melbourne and Sydney suburbs with a high proportion of recent immigrants, who were mainly people of Middle Eastern and African ancestry with brown or black skin, who are well known to have much lower 25(OH)D levels than the white-skinned population, especially when living far from the equator.
In the UK, the generally very low 25(OH)D levels do vary significantly, for white skinned people on a seasonal basis. https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#03-uk-low UK residents with black or brown skin and/or sun avoidant lifestyles have disastrously low 25(OH)D levels. 95% of those with Pakistani ancestry (in the absence of vitamin D supplementation) have less than 20 ng/mL 50 nmol/L, according to: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114520002779.
Please see the COVID-19 hospitalisation graph, with overlaid 25(OH)D levels at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.1. In the UK, especially in London, SARS-CoV-2 spread very rapidly in March and April 2020, when white skinned people's 25(OH)D was barely climbing above its winter nadir. I understand that most of those infected and hospitalised or killed were in nursing homes (any skin colour) and those of Asian and African ancestry. Virtually all the doctors and other healthcare workers in the UK who died in that early phase of the pandemic had dark or black skin: See the photos of 53 of these people at https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.3.
Once most of these highly vulnerable people were infected with this initial SARS-CoV-2 strain AND 25(OH)D levels in the general population began to rise significantly, the pandemic died out. By late August, the hospitalised number had dropped to 795 from its April peak of 19,617. This was summer, before the quasi-vaccines. As best I understand it, there was no masking or lockdowns and little or nothing in the way of social distancing. (Can anyone confirm or correct this? rw@firstpr.com.au.)
As 25(OH)D levels fell in September and October, and as a new, more infectious, variant arrived, the pandemic started up again and hospitalised numbers rose, as the graph shows, and then rose much more after I that time (not shown in this graph.) The summer peak mean White 25(OH)D level was probably only half the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L level required for proper immune system function, but with the most vulnerable people already immune, or dead, this was enough to strongly suppress transmission of that early variant.
It cannot be known with certainty, but today's much more transmissible variants, would probably be strongly suppressed to the point of not being able to cause pandemic spread, even in a completely unexposed population, without masks, lockdowns or (quasi)vaccines (handwashing is always a good idea) IF everyone, or the great majority of people had 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L 25(OH)D all year round. This can easily be attained with proper vitamin D3 supplementation, in quantities well above those recommended by governments.
In the next month or so I hope to update the section of https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#sjw-updated-ratios to reflect Prof. Wimalawansa's recently simplified recommendations for how to attain this: the vitamin D3 daily average supplemental intake quantities, as ranges of ratios of body weight:
70 to 90 IU / kg BW for those not suffering from obesity (BMI < 30).
100 to 130 IU / kg BW for obesity I & II (BMI 30 to 39).
140 to 180 IU / kg BW for obesity III (BMI > 39).
(1 of 2) Thanks very much for your assiduous research! Here is some information about vitamin D and the transmission and severity of COVID-19.
There are genetic and other aspects of health which affect the probability to which an individual, for any given viral insult, is infected by SARS-CoV-2. These will also strongly influence the peak severity and length of the infection. Severity and length of infection strongly correlate with the total number of viruses shed per infected person. (Wang et al. 2020-07-07 "Kinetics of viral load and antibody response in relation to COVID-19 severity" https://www.jci.org/articles/view/138759.)
So, in any population, there will be considerable individual variation in the proclivity to be infected at all (however detected), to be infected but not notice any symptoms and to be infected and notice significant to severe symptoms. I am not sure to what degree infected people with no symptoms at all, or whose symptoms are too mild for themselves or anyone else to notice at the time, shed infectious viruses. However, it is safe to assume that in any population, there will be a wide range of proclivities to become infected (for any particular number of viruses breathed in over some period of time), to be symptomatic and to shed infectious viruses to other. Those with the most severe symptoms presumably shed a lot, but their symptoms are likely to reduce their close contact with most other people in the population.
Two important classes of these individual variations are genetic differences and antibodies developed after infection with other coronaviruses which protect against SARS-CoV-2 to some extent.
However, the most important individual variation in any population is likely to be the person's circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D level. Please see the research cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ and https://brownstone.org/articles/vitamin-d-everything-you-need-to-know/. From these you will learn that the further the circulating 25(OH)D level is below 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) the weaker the immune system responses are to cancer cells, bacteria, fungi and viruses, and the greater the risk of the dysregulated overly-inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destroying) responses which cause sepsis and which kill most of the people who die from ARDS, COVID-19 and influenza.
Except perhaps in summer, and not counting those who supplement vitamin D properly, most of the people in the USA, the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand etc. have 25(OH)D levels half or less of the 50 ng/mL their immune systems need to function properly.
Some people take vitamin D supplements at the recommended levels ca. 600 to 1000 IU vitamin D3 a day. This sounds like a lot, but an IU is 1/40,000,00 of a gram, so this is 0.015 to 0.025 milligram per day. These recommended amounts (and 1000 IU is the largest vitamin D3 capsule which can be sold over the counter in Australia) are far too low to attain the 50 ng/mL circulating 25(OH)D levels a normal weight adult needs for proper immune system function, but they still improve the levels very significantly over what they would be without any supplementation and without recent (last month or so) exposure to high-elevation sunlight on ideally white skin, without glass, clothing or sunscreen. (There is very little vitamin D3 in food, and only small amounts in multivitamins.) For 70 kg 154 lb body weight without obesity, 0.125 (5000 IU) per day vitamin D3 will attain, in most people, at least 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D after several months.
In the U.S. naval vessels, we can assume that at least some of the crew supplement with some amount of vitamin D3. I guess a few of them do so properly.
This would be part of the explanation for a substantial fraction of the crew apparently not having been infected, or at least having been infected, but to a small enough degree (innate defenses suppressing the infection before a full adaptive antibody response was mounted) that their immune system produced too few antibodies to to be detected some months later.
People in aged care homes are lucky to get any vitamin D3 supplementation. This is a crime against humanity, since it is well known that the elderly have even lower 25(OH)D levels than the lousy levels of the general population. See "Responsibility for vitamin D supplementation of elderly care home residents in England: falling through the gap between medicine and food
Joseph Williams and Carol Williams BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2020-10-12 https://nutrition.bmj.com/content/3/2/256.
Aged people, and especially those in hospital or care homes, have generally low levels of 25(OH)D which do not rise much, or at all, during summer. They get little or no direct, high elevation sunlight. Their skin is more likely to be covered and aged skin is less able to produce vitamin D3 cholecalciferol when irradiated by UV-B light, in part due to lower levels of the 7-dehydrocholesterol precursor molecule, which this light converts to vitamin D3.
So we can expect very high levels of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severity and transmission in aged care homes at any time of year, and some increase of these in winter and spring.
I live in australia and in oct-nov 2019 I had been in QLD on holidays, where I interacted with a lot of international tourists as well as a couple of US army and navy people that were also on leave at some of the events I attended...
when I returned to NSW I had a horrid virus that turned into pneumonia and my doctor tested me for every virus known to be around at the time and she was very confused as it didn’t come back positive for anything but showed there was some positive to nova virus... she basically told me to go home and isolate for 2 weeks.... I had every symptom that the early SARS-CoV-2 infections showed and I didn’t contract SARS-CoV-2 until Dec 2021 (despite working in a healthcare/retail setting full time with a lot of face to face contact)... I always wondered if I actually did have SARS-CoV-2 in 2019 and that is why I was resistant to the original outbreak?... when I did get SARS-CoV-2, my partner and I apparently had the delta variant and spent a week in bed feeling pretty crap but nowhere near as sick as our jabbed up friends who caught omicron around the same time, and my symptoms and duration were less than my partners (that may also be age- he is 12 years older but also never had the 2019 infection I did)
ILI was was on the way up in March 2020 in NSW Australia then it goes to effectively zero. Interesting they were monitoring ILI early in 2020. They usually don’t start till “flu season” May. Now they’re monitoring it year round 🤷♂️
I’m still going with MUCH earlier
I'm with you, Cindi. That's why this is THE taboo subject. Real "early spread" investigations that kept going backwards would probably find thermo-nuclear revelations. There's a REASON officials don't want anyone doing any serious "early spread" investigations. Thanks for these links!
Fully agree, Bill. You’re a hero in the early spread truth - keep looking further back, as these all date to June or July 2019 (which would mean viral race around the globe at least 8 months before global lockdowns). Keep up the good work & thx so much for all you do.
Thanks, Cindi. Yes, the more I dig, the earlier my possible "start date" of virus spread becomes. The key take-away is that officials don't want anyone working this far backwards. So the obvious question becomes: Why is this? Why don't they want people looking back further? My answer, which I think uses a little logic, is that some people must know the real answer of when (and where) this virus first began to spread - and it definitely wasn't in December 2019 in Wuhan. Maybe it WAS in Wuhan, but not in December or November 2019. And maybe the first infected people didn't live in Wuhan. Think about how nuclear that revelation would be ... if ever "confirmed." So it can't be "confirmed."
There is a TON from our betters that wants/wanted to remain hidden but I hope it’s true that “truth will out”.
The military was under no threat from covid. They are mostly young, healthy individuals. The real travesty is the covid shots that were forced on them. Many are suffering from adverse effects from the shots. Sparrow Health & Performance in Birmingham has seen many of these young military members suffering from the ill effects of their covid shots. Bill: If you want a good story about the military, contact Sparrow Health (sparrowclinic.com)
Recently, a student pilot went into cardiac arrest at Ft Novosel, formerly Fort Rucker (link is below).
Conservative group Focus on America is hosting the event PUP ( Patriots Unite & Push) on 17 September in Huntsville, AL. The keynote speaker is James O'Keefe (formerly of Project Veritas). Military whistleblowers LtCol Theresa Long (has spoken out about military vax injuries) and Lt Bashaw (was the first Army officer court-martialed for speaking out and going against covid protocols) are guest speakers. Other speakers include Debbie Barnal (Pfizer whistleblower), Steve Friend ( FBI whistleblower), embalmer Richard Hirschman (from Died Suudenly documentary), plus many more. Click links below for more info.
Student pilot goes into cardiac arrest behind controls of helicopter at Fort Novosel (FKA Fort Rucker)
For info about PUP:
PUP promo video:
Thanks, Alice. I need to try to find the $ and time to go to that event in Huntsville. That's a great roster of speakers. (They ought to put me on the agenda and speak about why "early spread" is so important!)
Early spread - if revealed - would have prevented all of these vax injuries among military personnel and pilot deaths.
There must be many military personnel who KNOW people were getting sick with "Covid symptoms" in the military months before "official" Covid. All these military people are afraid to say this because they know this goes against the "authorized narrative" and this might get them into hot water if they said what they know. Sigh.
I agree with you that early spread is definitely important and would have been a great topic.....and you a fantastic person to present it! The schedule for the event is slam-packed......19 speakers from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
If you are able to come, also try to get a Meet & Greet ticket. It's an additional cost but you'll be able to talk to the military whistleblowers (and others) in a casual environment. It's a 2 hour event and follows the PUP event.
Hope to see you there.
Thanks. Awesome event. Thanks for helping organize it and publicize it! I need to go as I could get some great stories out of it. Could I get a "free" pass as a member of the media?
I'm sorry but they aren't doing media passes. The event will be recorded by the group that is handling the lighting, sound, etc. I believe they are planning to later sell the event recording......not 100% sure about that.
Here's some info about Focus on America, the group hosting the event.
(To view meeting videos, click on the red box containing a white arrow at the top left corner of the screen).
The most consistent explanation I've come across was that there were two leaks. First an earlier one with a less dangerous virus, then later with a more dangerous one. Fleming made the critical point that the PCR tests we used had a segment that was shared by multiple viruses Baric developed.
This info and the cruise ship are what made me believe the scam was on from the beginning.
Another great article:
Two things:
1) It wouldn't only be the ships at sea. The same conditions existed on ships in home port and in some cases even ships in drydock/repair. And those sailors were going out on the local town when not on duty.
2) Unless vastly improved since my time in, the ventilation systems aren't always the best, as anyone who has slept in a berthing area well knows! Meaning, aerosol particulates would be even more copious.
Of course, the Navy/military will never release, any time soon at least, any studies or findings that validate this highly probably theory.
Bill Rice, your logic does not apply to those wanting to sell us Kool aid to this day.
This is a good conclusion to the scamdemic:
the no longer trusted but now despised health officials and military leaders, as well as corporate, media, technology, medical, pharma, academic, government at all levels, and religious leaders;
populations around the world are seeing them as irrelevant and thoroughly corrupt.
Apparently one individual from Houston going to New Orleans in mid February for Carnival infected 50k people and led to New Orleans being in the initial wave of the pandemic in America. The Super Bowl in early February in Miami wasn’t a super spreader event though.
Dang, Bill! You’re asking all the right questions. Kudos to you, sir.
I'm going with "the virus just dropped out of the sky". I hadn't been on a cramped naval vessel or in close proximity with much of anyone unless it had a full week incubation period, let alone with anyone showing symptoms. Of course, Sundance worker fomites and aerosols are possible. And no; I didn't get an antibody test. Not only would it have been at my own expense, but what good would it do? "I told you so!"?
How did Dr. Michael Osterholm "predict" the epidemic on 29 May 2020 when it ended in April 2020? Must these interviews be red with a fine-toothed comb for subtle nuances? Only "5 percent" when it was over (late May 2020)? What; it didn't really start until Delta? Perhaps I should "predict" a flu epidemic in 1918!
What do you suppose is these naval officers' motivation for the misdirection? (CDC officials are mattoids.) And you suggest Sundance Film Festival got it from Bremerton (or perhaps California)?
Naval officers’ motivation for misdirection? Even more so than enlisted, they are forbidden to give anything other than the navy’s take on anything to the public. To speak out public ally would at the very least end their naval careers and quite possibly lead to other unpleasant disciplinary actions that would also kill their opportunity to the kind of civilian employment they would other wise be likely to enjoy. One medical officer, army I think, did speak out. What did happen to her?
Therefore: Governments with navies KNEW early on that the Coronavirus 2 was not disease causing or at worst mild disease causing in young, fit, healthy people, therefore lockdowns, masks, vaccines were entirely unnecessary. But... they KNEW that already from the Diamond Princess cruise ship. The ‘fakedemic’ arrived/ended almost to the day in all European Countries. For that to happen over such a large geographical area, the virus must have been circulating (brewing) months prior unnoticed, not least for its lack of virulence. Figures from the UK ONS show that 2023 to date, 95% of reported deaths from CoVid are vaccinated totalling approx 9 000. Yes more people vaccinated would mean more deaths in total among that cohort, but not that high if the mRNA were Safe & Effective™️.
Before I make any comment, I must correct your terminology. In the navy, we do not cover up any thing, we “deep six” it.
There were reports of a naval vessel (not of the nations mentioned here, if memory serves) that was at sea from before the reported start of the pandemic until quite some time after it started, I’m thinking like 3 months total. The crew was tested upon return to port and covid was found to present. Then every one set about trying to come up with how they were infected while at sea. Obviously, they weren’t, but any suggestion that they caught it before the official start date was at best ignored. Same to with the then Prince Charles catching it and a teenaged boy of one of the remote tribes of S. America who both caught it early on. One is not allowed anywhere near a royal if even a family member is displaying symptoms of anything. For the crown prince to have caught it, it must have been exceptionally widespread. Likewise with the remote tribes man, unless there was/is an animal reservoir. Then we have the Diamond Princess. All of these prove, to me anyway, they the virus was already endemic and any efforts to stop it through lockdowns was a fool’s errand.
It is my belief that they know this. I am now of the belief that they knew this before hand. They needed something, anything, to create the amount of fear necessary to scare most of the world’s population into compliance.
Because it doesn’t/didn’t spread ;)
I think it was already here in the summer of 2019 because I was really sick. Weirded me out since I hadn't been sick during summer since I was a kid.