Cutting-room-floor text, Part 2 ....

(I also wonder if the massive spike of Covid cases and deaths in the winter of 2020-2021 might have been more prevalent among people who had recently got that year’s .... flu shot.)


And as for all those incessant reports that told us that 95 percent of patients who were hospitalized with Covid were “unvaccinated,” I say only: “Don’t believe everything you read.” That is, don’t necessarily trust the “official” data - especially from people who are trying to help Pfizer make their sales goals.

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Re: “I also wonder if the massive spike of Covid cases and deaths in the winter of 2020-2021 might have been more prevalent among people who had recently got that year’s .... flu shot.”

Consider this rapid response published on The BMJ on 2 March 2020, by retired paediatrician Allan Cunningham:

Rapid Response:

Flu shots and the risk of coronavirus infections

Dear Editor

John Watkins is right; we need to think beyond containment, but he overlooks the possibility that seasonal flu shots are potential contributors to the current outbreak. (BMJ 2020;398:m810—February 28)….A randomized placebo-controlled trial in children showed that flu shots increased fivefold the risk of acute respiratory infections caused by a group of noninfluenza viruses, including coronaviruses. (Cowling et al, Clin Infect Dis 2012;54:1778) From Table 3, vaccine recipients had 20 noninfluenza virus-positive ARIs and 19 virus-negative ARIs; non-recipients had 3 noninfluenza virus-positive ARIs and 14 virus-negative ARIs. These figures yield an odds ratio of 4.91 (CI 1.04 to8.14).

Such an observation may seem counterintuitive, but it is possible that influenza vaccines alter our immune systems non-specifically to increase susceptibility to other infections; this has been observed with DTP and other vaccines. (Benn et al, Trends in Immunology, May 2013) There are other immune mechanisms that might also explain the observation.

To investigate this possibility, a case-control study is in order as we study and care for the victims of covid-19. Influenza vaccines have become sacred cows in some quarters, but they shouldn’t be.


Link: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m810/rr-0

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Thanks for posting. This hypothesis should have been sincerely investigated by now ... But we all know why it never will be.

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We have to demand investigations and accountability Bill.

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'Just another anecdotal grain of sand to add to the mountain: At age 83 my dear mom died while standing on her feet at the kitchen sink. She SHOULD have been fully well and normal, but had previously obediently and trustingly taken flu shots previous to a lull after realizing their, at best, ineffectiveness. Poor lady! She had suffered with the STRANGE symptoms of "going through menopause" in her 60's to the end of her life. Nothing solved the problem. Nothing.

It wasn't until the "light" shone in the dark recesses of modern "medicine" that any blame would be laid upon the industry's vaccine drive. But once the potential for harm was made clear, the truthful likelihood being exposed, both she and I can now "rest in peace."

Truth is such a critical component to life's fulfillment and enjoyment with its accompanying hope! We must be bold, then, to share it, assigning to it a foundational trust in the Character of the God of our creation, made manifest in the KJ version of His Word.


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Well, after my flu jab 2019, I was sick as a dog for 3 weeks, longest time feeling bad but the cough was the worst thing, all before covid announced. That was my very last injection.

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Me too! I even have the day it started marked on my January 2020 calendar….the sickest I’ve ever been. I sat with the phone in my hand for 4 days thinking I should call the doctor and then decided …no…he will just tell me it’s the “flu”. I have since learned that the fibromyalgia I was diagnosed with 28 years ago is probably a vaccine injury caused by the 30+ years that first my workplace required me to get and then my doctor told me to continue getting!! November 2019 was the last jab I’ll ever get and have since convinced my daughter & granddaughter (and great grandson born Dec 2020)to do the same.

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Here’s a little something I saved: https://www.disabledveterans.org/flu-vaccine-increases-coronavirus-risk/

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Amen to that

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The elefant in the room is there is no covid virus . and there is no flu virus thats why they make up all the "variants" to hide vaccine and pharma caused Flu LIKE illness which is the body symptoms of detoxing poison. Your cant CATCH illness. you can only be poisoned or malnourished/starved into illness. ALL the baby vaccines causing SIDS. Autism to Cancer

Read The Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan md

and The Final Pandemic by Dr. Samantha and Dr. Mark Bailey mds. www.VirusTruth.NET

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What I should have added somewhere is that if the "watchdog," skeptical press had ever challenged the efficacy and necessity of everyone getting a flu shot ... and proven that the flu "vaccines" were over-rated ... then maybe 70 percent of the public wouldn't have been so willing and eager to get the Covid vaccine, pushed by the same charlatans.

Of course, the big press organizations in every state get big ad spends from their state health agencies to promote the flu shots. So the press was, in a sense, pre-bought-out (or brainwashed like nearly everyone else).

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My husband got the flu shot in November of 2020, by the end of December our small rural town was sick. Everyone was sick with flu like symptoms including myself. By January 2nd I was coming out of it, and my husband was getting sicker. Medical center was packed. I let him take my appointment at the health department. They gave him a z pack, and a steroid shot. He got better. We asked the Heath Dept why he got sick since they had given him a flu shot. They shrugged and said he probably got type A flu, and that they didn’t vaccinate against that.

What has bothered me the most. Is that this was before Covid. The whole town was sick sick sick, and we also had a friend 40 years old die from it. Everyone at his funeral was sick. All of us took it in stride.

Why did the government funded health department not test to find out the root cause of the obvious pandemic in our town? Not just guess that we all caught type A flu?

It is now my opinion that we all had the Covid.

Our town never really had a bad Covid outbreak. But we were damn sure all sick in late December and early January.

If our health system was any account, we would know what made us all sick, but to this day, no one seems to care.

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Great and important personal anecdote, Te.. Thank you for sharing. To be clear, you said your husband got sick in December 2020. I think, based on your later text, you meant December 2019. It's interesting you point out the "whole town was sick, sick, sick.." I keep reading similar testimonials. The same thing applied to my town in December 2019 and January 2020!

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No brain-washing necessary there, BR!

No sir! The choice was given: You can have this pile of freshly printed cash to embellish your channel's bottom line, just by co operating with us, or you can be labeled a dissenter, a supporter of "anti-science" and refuse to join the movement to protect the citizenry.


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Bill, another great and timely article. I admit to getting the flu vaccine regularly for several years, but after the Covid “vaccine” scam, I haven’t gotten a flu shot and behold, I haven’t caught the flu for the past three years. I won’t be getting the flu shot anytime soon. Although it’s been around since the 1940’s, I just don’t trust Big Pharma.

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I also didn't mention that about 40 to 50 percent of the people that get a flu shot have an "adverse reaction." That reaction might only be that their arm is sore as heck for a couple of days .... and many people get a 1 or 2-day very mild case of the flu after getting their shots. Kids hate them and cry when they are made to get them.

We're told the flu vaccines are "safe," but that's a lie because, as RFK, Jr. and CHD, constantly remind us, there is no completely "safe" vaccine. I'm sure the flu vaccines are far more dangerous than we've been told .... by the same people and organizations that told us 100 million times the Covid vaccines are safe.

I don't know why you'd risk a 50-percent chance of having a bad sore arm or a day or two of mild flu symptoms to give yourself a 10 percent chance of not getting that year's bad flu ... especially when we really don't know what the long-term, cumulative effect is of getting all these annual jabs.

There. I think I've said all I want to say about the flu vaccines. I'm going to pass on that $5 gift card from Publix.

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By declining the flu vax, you are screwing with the doctor's "quality" score and potentially denying him/her bonus potential.

The last physician from our childrens' pediatric practice retired at the end of the year. We had to find a new practice for our 16 YO with Down syndrome. At the new practice - before we even saw a doc (I mean nurse practitioner), we were compelled to "comply with their compliance with the AAP and CDC recommended schedule of vaccination." Otherwise, we were told to seek out a new practice. No nuance. No discussion of things like the risk/benefit of HPV vax for adolescent males (3 have three boys). Just do it or go elsewhere. Can't have concerned parents ruining their box checking metrics and making them look bad to the administrators.

We are seeking out a new practice.

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Scary anecdotes coming in.

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No voluntary informed consent…

Practitioners collaborating with mandates are violating their legal and ethical obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

FYI, see my email to the President of the American Medical Association challenging Covid vaccine mandates, it’s relevant to consider re any vaccine mandate: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/informed-consent-and-covid-19-vaccination-mandates-4.pdf

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I'm in the health benefit bus. Lots of kerfuffle about brokers/advisors failing to disclose financial incentives to employer plans.

Where is the outrage about physicians in giant health systems failure to disclose their own incentives that might - big might- be good for the population writ large but bad for the specific patient in front of them?

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Wouldn't hold your breath for the AMA to ever act in the interest of patients.

The AMA is a long way from the perspective of Edward Annis in 1962.


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Thanks for the link to the video Bill, much to consider…

I’m in Australia where we have Medicare and private insurance.

How much is this system being rorted? E.g. with a surfeit of purportedly ‘preventative’ interventions, being pressed upon mass populations - vaccine products for example.

The ‘womb to tomb’ vaccination schedule is blowing out of sight, with an ever-increasing number of lucrative vaccine products and revaccinations.

And now we have the medical industrial complex’s dream scenario - mandated medical interventions, with vaccines being mandated to attend school, and more recently to keep jobs and participate in society with the Covid scam.

I no longer have any confidence in vaccine products. Looking at the ingredients, these are poison, being injected by practitioners, without valid voluntary informed consent.

We are currently living in the biggest scandal of all time, and the doctors, nurses and pharmacists piercing people with these needles are right in the thick of it.

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Recently I was astonished to discover the American Medical Association is sixth on a list of organisations lobbying to influence government policy, according to OpenSecrets: https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/top-spenders (Also see that webpage for expenditure by other organisations in the medical industrial complex, e.g. American Hospital Association, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, Pfizer Inc and Amgen Inc.)

OpenSecrets reports the American Medical Association spent $21,215,000 on lobbying in 2023. What an extraordinary figure! I wonder where they get that money from and what they are lobbying for? https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/clients/summary?cycle=2023&id=D000000068&name=American+Medical+Assn

Another OpenSecrets webpage notes $96,025,583 Total Spent on Health Professionals, 2023: https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/industries/summary?cycle=2023&id=H01

I can't see any detailed breakdown on the OpenSecrets webpages, apart from the comment that "Figures on this page are calculations by OpenSecrets based on data from the Senate Office of Public Records".

It would certainly be interesting to have more information!

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That "interesting info" will not be afforded to you. It is damaging to the ones who are solicited to provide it. There is a behind the scenes drive to cause chaos in every portion of society, obviated by a host of "wrongs" that should have been "rights." Statistics prove that there is a 50-50 chance of heads vs tails, but when outside influence, whether good or bad, are "injected" (sorry for that), the odds change. With regulatory agencies at the helm, shouldn't the "wrongs" be on the decline? What do their monthly meetings entail? I posit that they are designed to further their agendas and minimize their exposure to harm. THEIR harm, not the public's! There is no voting by the public in matters such as this. In fact, the entire voting scene is nothing more than a placation and the ovation for its pretended fairness by those who perform its manipulation being swallowed; hook, line and sinker.


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And the money the AMA uses to lobby comes from licensing fee for the procedure codes used to bill for services - they are granted an exclusive franchise by CMS - which has been adopted by all the commercial insurers.

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What do we know, which is so carefully disguised, and hidden from public view? What we CAN be sure of is that business ethics; right-doing (righteousness) and morality can not be legislated. It is a freedom to do as we please which has always been God-gifted which is separating us into two camps rather efficiently. Soon, there will be a different "New World Order Culling" to take place with God's Judgement at its core. The "New World," once cleansed, will be FREE from all that offends, and there WILL be "order" on earth as it was in the beginning, and we are promised that it will last for ever! AMEN to that!


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The last time (for ever) I took my 4-yr old to a “well visit” in 2020, they lined up all the shots and told me what she was getting. They told me 4 things but the were 5 syringes. I asked what that was and they said, “oh that’s just the flu shot.” Like it was saline or something. I said what if she’d already had that one at her school flu shot drive. They told me, oh well, won’t hurt to have two!!!! No more syringes for my babies ever again.

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Same. How crazy were we to inject our babies with this garbage?

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I know. I regret that we put our four kids through the whole vaccination "schedule" (they were born from '86 '92).

For the most part, I feel like God has protected them from our gullibility and Big Pharma's evil. But our oldest daughter developed Type 1 Diabetes in her mid-20's. A very delayed onset? We'll never know in this lifetime.

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My husband developed psoriatic arthritis after a vaccine. Type 1 diabetes could definitely be a vaccine injury. So sorry :(

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(...from 86 through 92...)

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'Not "crazy" just simply convinced by advertisement, propaganda, lies, computer images white smocks, hermetically "clean" hospital/clinic environs, PHDs in every corner in support of the needle, and that's not to mention pier/public/familial pressures, and potential guilt if ones own inner instincts were wrong about the thing. No, it is no wonder "HOW" the trap was so effectively baited. It was a coalition of energies converging to create a narrative.

This world will not be missed when it is destroyed by Christ, as His NEXT coming!


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Wow. Just wow.

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A few weeks ago I did an overnight in our local hospital. While in bed I was asked by a staff member if I had my flu shot. When I replied “no”, she stated that they could take care of it while I was there. I replied “no” again and thankfully the matter was dropped.

Being a senior citizen, it is a nice feeling to know that for the balance of my time, I am done with any vaccine.

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Next time in the hospital, you may wanna tell whoever asks that - yes you have had your flu shot. You are in dangerous territory in a hospital.

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My wife was in for almost 3 weeks and she keeps asking me "did anyone give me covid vaccine while I was in there" I can only tell her "not when I was there". Hopefully no one gave it to her when I wasn't around as that was my instruction to the Hospital. Luckily it was a small rural hospital.

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Often it's my wife or my mother-in-law who takes one of our two kids to the pediatrician. Every time I don't go, I tell my kids at least five times, "Do NOT let anyone give you a shot or vaccine. If they try to do that, you run and call me as quick as you can."

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It’s a sad state of affairs when our country is at this place in time. People are avoiding hospitals because they don’t trust them. How many people died during early because they went to hospitals and were put on a vent? Given drugs that killed them. It makes me sick.

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An elderly friend of my wife fell and hit her head on the floor. Her useless boyfriend left her on the floor. Luckily her daughter walked in and called for an ambulance. She was tested for Covid in the ambulance (negative). At the hospital she was put on oxygen. The next day she was tested for Covid and it was negative again. A couple of days later some senior doctor walks in, looks at her chart and declares she has Covid Pneumonia and has her intubated and given remdesivir. She dies. Her pissed off daughter is in the medical field and has a second doctor look over her case and he determines she just needed oxygen for the brain trauma and she would have been fine.

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murder by the white coats.

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If you read up on some of these pre-Covid "planning exercises" (like Event 201), you'll see what an emphasis the plotters placed on getting the "white coats" to do all their important marketing and testimonials. From surveys and focus groups, they knew that doctors were the "most-trusted" profession.

So they recruited all the doctors ... who should not have been trusted at all.

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There have been a few times over the past few years that I should have probably gone to the hospital including a bite from a venomous spider which happened during the Emergency powers. As an unjabbed person in Australia I rolled the dice and stayed home knowing what was happening in the hospitals.

I figured I would go to Jesus in my own garden but I'm still here!

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That is another example I meant to include. People probably died from cancer and instances like you experienced - too afraid to get any help. I had a friend who went to the ER with covid and they wouldn't help him because he was unvaccinated. And I live in a very conservative part of town. While there may or may not be hell to pay for those people who are responsible for these kinds of atrocities in the here and now, there will be hell to pay after this life. I pray these people come to their senses and find God and repent because He is angry about it and doesn't take kindly to anyone hurting others.

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By the way, my wife tested postive for Covid in the hospital without symptoms and I had to reiterate my no treatment, no praxlovid, no vaccine to the staff. It did earn her a private room as a side benefit for testing positive. Thank goodness for faulty PCR tests!

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Good point. No wonder my bottom hurts 😊

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Spot on, top to bottom.

I have to take amoxicillin every time I go to the dentist because of having heart surgery some years ago (still researching if this is true).

Every time I go to CVS to pick up the script I get..."we have the flu/RSV/covid jabs...". I try to be polite and just say no thanks, the pharmacy staff are just reciting by rote from CVS HQ. If I went elsewhere, it would be the same. Independent pharmacies are almost non-existent.

Pharma owns the airwaves and most medical journals. Pharma owns the big drug store/'healthcare'/pharmacies. Pharma owns the government agencies that are supposed to exist to control pharma. Pharma controls large swaths of congress (the lower case denizens). Until this is rectified...the next 'vax scare' is just around the corner.

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Spot on ... back at you, Owain. We live in a Vaccine World. Many more to come. And the scary part is they are going to now be mRNA vaccines - which, probably produce those terrifying blood clots I just wrote about.

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I read your article on the 'clots'. And of course, more researching and reading after that.

I've read (listened to actually) RFKjr's last book, "The Wuhan Cover Up" and agree that, 'more are coming'. Including what might soon (now?) be deployed and infecting our meat supply (if buying standard grocery store offerings). And if that's not enough, nebulized (aerosolized ) 'vax' products, that completely broach informed consent, that are most likely in development if not already deployed.

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I "love" the hypocritical stupidity of the left. And they don't even seem to realize how idiotic they are. "OMG!!!!! Don't eat GMO food!!! That GMO corn is going to KILL you!!!! OMG, you didn't get your covid shot????!!!!! You're going to die!!!! We need to put the covid shot into food so everyone can save everyone!!!!!!!!"

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whats more worrying which Del Bigtree did a lengthy broadcast on self-spreading, self-replicating vaccines. Now its likely this intervention would fizzle out as the human body has wonderful God-breathed defenses that could cause the intervention to mutate rapidly. But this technology tied to synthetic rna would produce digital-like clones of itself, has the capacity to destroy humanity.

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Everyone here is so much nicer than I am.

Yesterday I went to fill up my car and the lad behind the counter says to me 'want to donate to kids cancer charity' and I yelled THE JAB IS GIVING THE KIDS CANCER.

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Anthony Fauci actually admitted the flu jabs…and Covid jabs… were rubbish in an article published in January 2023.


See below my email sent to Fauci and co on 27 April 2023, also accessible via this link: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

David Morens, Jeffery Taubenberger and Anthony Fauci, you admit influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine products are rubbish in your article Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses. Cell Host & Microbe 31, 11 January 2023.

You say: "As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases."

Really?!?!?!  So what is this, just out and out fraud? 

And now we've been inflicted with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine racket, products you admit "elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants that escape population immunity"...but you also say "the rapid development and deployment of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has saved innumerable lives and helped to achieve early partial pandemic control". 

Based upon what evidence do you make that fanciful claim for efficacy?!

How have you gotten away with this utter bullshit for so long? 

Because the scientific and medical establishment is captured by the lucrative Church of Vaccination, and incapable of calling out the gross exploitation of mass populations of people with defective and unnecessary products!

How many billions of people, including children, have been misled into having these unnecessary and worse than useless medical interventions? 

How many billions of dollars have been squandered on the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines scam? 

And these unnecessary and worse than useless products have been mandated in many instances, mandated medical interventions trashing the legal and ethical obligation for voluntary informed consent. And the medical 'profession' went along with this travesty.

The imposition of these medical interventions, and the resulting medical, economic and social damage, is the biggest crime in history, and it's time for the perpetrators to be brought to account.


Elizabeth Hart

Independent researcher investigating vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy


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Great letter, Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing it with my readers. I'm going to go out on another limb and guess that you didn't get a reply.

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Also consider that in March 2020, in an article in The New England Journal of Medicine, Anthony Fauci, Clifford Lane and Robert Redfield suggest:

“…the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968)…”

Really? So Anthony Fauci and co were predicting in March 2020 that Covid-19 was likely to be ‘a low risk infection’?

So let’s ask the obvious question…

Why was there a vaccine solution to “protect the citizens of the world” from what was acknowledged to be “a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”?

See more in my substack article: "A low risk infection... even in the absence of a vaccine" So why was there a 'vaccine solution'? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/a-low-risk-infection-even-in-the

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You are correct Bill, no reply…

I’m gobsmacked that article by Fauci and co isn’t front page news…but then…the wretched MSM doesn’t report real news…

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Perhaps Fauci's signing off on this white paper is a way to protect himself while his exalted position as "science's ambassador", gave him untold power and wealth while maiming or killing tens of millions. It stinks to high heaven--he will give account to God one day for his actions.

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It'd be easy to catalogue 50 criminal charges against Fauci and 1,000 ethics charges (but his wife is in charge of ethics at the NIH!).

One charge that gets virtually no attention is that officials and "experts" like him must have known this virus was spreading for months before China reported this "outbreak" to the WHO (on Dec. 31, 2019). They know/knew that the Infection Fatality Rate was infintesimal for the vast swath of the world population. They knew this was not a "deadly" virus but they went ahead with lockdowns and mass immunization - often mandatory and always coercive - anyway.

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'Cannot recall where, but very recently came upon info that A. Fauci publicly stated that there WOULD SURELY be an outbreak of a virus pandemic during the (first) term of president Trump!

The man is a bonified "prophet" (of doom!) The cat is SO out of the bag, it's laughable, if it were not so treacherously real.


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True. I think he said that in early 2017, not long after Trump had become president. How did he know?

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Even Snopes acknowledges it…


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Cutting-room floor text:

For example, as I’ve documented in several articles, the 2019-2020 flu season (right before official Covid) was a humdinger. Per my research, that “flu" season caused more schools to shut down due to "flu" than any flu season in U.S. history.

So I don't think that year's flu shot was particularly "effective" either. (Of course, I think 20 to 30 percent of these "flu" cases were very possibly Covid).

According to the CDC and numerous state public health agencies, by late November 2019 cases of Influenza Like Illness (or “flu”) was "widespread" and "severe" in at least six U.S. states in the Deep South.

By December 1, 2019, it must have been known that this year's flu shot didn't prevent cases of the flu/ILI. Still, every story I read about that obviously bad and prolonged flu season said: "It's not too late to get your flu shot.”

(I should note, again, that the CDC’s flu case estimate for the 2019-2020 season, which once said this flu was shaping up to be as bad as 2017-2018, was, of course, significantly revised downward - probably, in my opinion, to conceal evidence of early Covid spread).

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Ah but in 2020 flu and cold cases virtually disappeared but "Covid" cases skyrocketed! Something fishy there.

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Flu, flu testing, flu shots, etc are a racket.



Many things that appeared to be sudden and new with Operation COVID were rooted in ongoing practices with flu - from how cases, hospitalizations, and deaths were attributed/counted/reported to alleged shot efficacy to "vax or mask" requirements. That is a big reason why healthcare workers were not hard to psy-op. The soil was tilled.

It's in my running thread above, but I have contended since last year that there were ongoing & compounded problems created by the flu shot and other shots. The egg-based platform needed to be off-ramped and mRNA on-ramped. A "bad flu season" is really "a bad flu shot" season. This had long been the case.

SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID shot were, in effect, decoys. Positive flu tests were intentionally disappeared in March 2020 as part of the mRNA launch.

"One Shot to Rule Them All" - them meaning respiratory illnesses but also people's seasonal habits - was the desire of public health for a long time. Moderna et al are int he process of trialing a shot COVID/flu/RSV shot that will likely launch next season.

This was a very successful enterprise, indeed.

In my opinion, the governments of the world could care less about the criticism of the COVID shot, because it deflects/directs attention away from shot problems prior to 2020.

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There's a trend of the medicalization of general society, of everyday life, as well.

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The huge flaw in the whole racket is that the “good” / “bad” flu year narrative depends on ILIs being reliably attributable to “that season’s” particular circulating flu strain, whereas in fact ILIs are caused by a rag bag of many known and unknown pathogens and finding multiple pathogens (if looked for) in a single individual is common.

There are hundreds of viruses which are thought to be associated with ILIs which have the same symptomatology, and almost certainly many more unknown ones.

The notion that a single pathogen is responsible for - or can be reliably identified as - the cause of a particular person’s ILI is a complete fallacy.

Moreover the assumption that an analysis of material obtained from nasal or throat swabs bears any relation to that present in the lungs is total garbage.

(That is notwithstanding the flaws in the diagnostic tests themselves.)

This fact - which is well known to the perpetrators - of the shitshow of the past few years - on its own reveals the utter falsity of the covid pandemic narrative.

See in particular these CDC studies:


And in kids:


Remember while reading that the authors are not humble people who may be keen to question the validity and usefulness of their science (which has no doubt rewarded them hugely in terms of grants, prestige and income). But even with that in mind they still basically conclude that the whole idea of reliable single pathogen detection and attribution for respiratory infections is deeply problematic.

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Can we really tell what the causative agent is even if we accept the notion that it was a particular virus? 🤔

https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1911083116 (h/t: Wolfgang Wodarg 2020)

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Word has it that SIDS incidents dropped dramatically when infants did not get their shots on the regular schedule during 2020. That should be a red flag right there. It is disgraceful that the powers that be will not truly investigate the damage all these vaccines are doing.

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Mar 22Edited

Never had a flu shot until I got a job at The Cleveland Clinic Hospital Main Campus. Like most hospitals it was mandatory (even though they kinda pretend it’s not).

Some of my coworkers would grumble, some dragged their feet which would trigger our boss to yell out of her office, “Did ya get yer flu shot?!” “You better get down there and take it!!” It always felt like coercion. And, it felt wrong.

They try to sell it like it’s to protect the patients. I always found that suspect. First, I question the assumption that a vaccinated person who was “in theory” protected from the flu couldn’t pass the virus to an unvaccinated patient. But the shot doesn’t kill the virus therefore I could obviously still be a carrier.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, the hospital was always teeming with visitors. Everyone from patient families/friends to contractors, maintenance people, sales reps, gift shop and restaurant patrons…who knows who’s vaccinated and who’s not?

After several years of this nonsense lo and behold I caught Influenza-A. Flu shot did nothing. Everyone back at work just shrugged it off. Yeah that happens sometimes. Oh, well.

Clinicians love to point out the shots are a guess. The assumption is, like the flotsam they spread over covid shots, you won’t get as sick. I dunno? I had a 104 temperature but lived through it, same as I lived through Covid unvaccinated. Why I must be some kind of walking miracle!

After I retired I never took another flu shot again. Free at last!! Little did I know Covid and all its draconian horse shit was just a few years away.

I couldn’t believe that powers were trying to force a needle into my arm again! Screw them. I held out and didn’t take the crap.

Frankly I think it’s a step too far to force anyone to take any therapeutic of any kind. I’ve always smelled a rat. It’s a racket. Worse. It’s squirting a fluid into my body that I don’t want nor asked for that like every drug could cause potential harm.

The rape of bodily autonomy.

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Thanks, Covid!

I will never see a "doctor" again. NEVER!

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Let us hope that jabs are not the only thing people start questioning. ANYTHING the government says / approves should be considered a LIE until proven beyond a doubt otherwise. To believe a word the government, pharma or any other of the corporate America liars is putting YOUR life on the line. Nearly 65 years on this rock and I am still looking for that one time government did not lie.

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Several years back when I looked at both cases of flu and flu shot shortages it was pretty clear that the years where there were less flu shots given there was less flu cases.

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