The Flu Vaccine Scam
The mortality risk of the flu is also massively inflated. However, decades of never-ceasing (and never-challenged) flu shot propaganda conditioned everyone to get a vaccine that doesn’t work.

In my opinion, until the Covid Vaccine, the Flu Vaccine qualified as the greatest Big Pharma/Public Health Scam of our lifetimes.
To be clear, it does’t bother me if an adult chooses to get the flu shot, which, at least in the past, was not an mRNA vaccine (read: “Danger, Will Robinson!”)
This said, when pediatricians try to strong arm parents to get their children a flu shot at “wellness visits,” it wouldn’t bother me if more parents emulate me.
My response is always, “No thank you. We’ll pass.”
If the pediatrician is not good at reading the room and persists, my response becomes a tad more emphatic.
“I said, ‘No thank you,’ but what I really meant was ‘Hell no.’ Or: ‘What part of no don’t you understand?”
(As an aside, I now think these “wellness visits” are primarily marketing opportunities to sell more vaccines. Also, just like I’ve yet to hear of a healthy child in my state who died from Covid, I’ve never heard of one healthy child who died from the flu.)
My flu shot anecdote …
For my entire life, I never got the flu shot. However, one year - when our first child was a toddler and my wife said I needed to protect our daughter from the flu - I got a flu shot. Sure enough, I got the dang flu that year.
And, no, it was not a mild case and, yes, I’ve heard countless stories from friends and family members who similarly contracted this virus after getting their flu “vaccine.”
And I don’t trust the flu statistics …
I've also saved hundreds of articles and weekly Influenza Like Illness (ILI) reports produced by the CDC and all 50 state health agencies. The CDC routinely gives the public estimates of how many flu “cases,” “hospitalizations” and "flu deaths" occurred each flu season.
For example, the Flu Season of 2017-2018, which is said to be the worst in decades, caused 80,000 deaths, according to the CDC.
From my research, I know approximately 50 percent of the country dutifully gets their annual flu shot. However, among senior citizens, the percentage is approximately 70 percent.
From my research, at least 90 percent of citizens who perish from "the flu" (or, actually, IMO, pneumonia) are ... senior citizens.
If these numbers are correct, this would mean that in 2017-2018, perhaps 72,000 senior citizens supposedly died from the flu - and 70 percent of this cohort was vaccinated.
My question: what was the effectiveness of the flu shot in preventing death for this age group in that flu season?
And ‘flu deaths’ and ‘cases’ are always later revised …
After the CDC (for more than a year) spread fear by pushing the "fact" that 80,000 citizens died of the flu that flu season, the agency quietly changed the mortality number to 61,000 deaths and, a couple of years ago, revised the 2017-2018 Flu Season number down to approximately 50,000. (In other words, 30,000 flu deaths disappeared with two CDC computer clicks).
After all my copious flu-story research, I am not familiar with one article or TV segment that doesn't include a sentence or quote making this point: "Officials stress it's not too late to get your flu shot."
This requisite “public health guidance” always comes at the end of any article or TV report that tells everyone that this particular year's flu was/is really bad. I’ve always wondered why one reporter doesn’t ask: “So we’re supposed to get a flu shot we now know doesn’t work?”
The flu vaccine conditioned us for the Covid vaccines
In my opinion, the flu vaccine played a crucial role in setting the table for the masses lining up to get their Covid shots, a prerequisite that hasn’t gotten nearly enough attention.
The propaganda had been so successful that very few people questioned getting a “vaccine” that very-likely wouldn’t prevent spread or infection of this respiratory virus … because so many people already knew this from their experiences with the flu vaccine.
According to our new definition, a “vaccine” doesn’t have to prevent cases to be considered a very-important, must-have “vaccine.”
Basically, for decades, nobody questioned the necessity or real efficacy of the flu “vaccines.” To which I say: Thanks again, “watchdog” press.
Savvy citizens should note another important similarity between the Covid and flu vaccines. As we’ve all heard countless times, even if the flu shot doesn’t prevent the flu, we’re assured it will (maybe) guarantee a less-severe case of the flu.
This is the “mild-case” vaccine argument which is now the only half-way plausible argument for getting a Covid vaccine or booster. Yes, sure, you might still get Covid, but it won’t be as bad.
Personally, I’ve never seen a (credible) randomized control study that proves this claim - for the flu or for Covid.
By now, I’ve lost track of the number of people who report/admit they got Covid (once or twice or three times) after getting their Covid “vaccine.” And many of these correspondents add they were sick as a dog from their non-mild cases.
As far as I can tell, the same anecdotes apply to probably hundreds of millions of people who have caught the flu after their flu shot didn’t keep them from catching the flu.
The argument really becomes: “See, you didn’t die. You can thank your flu shot (or Covid shot),” which every celebrity points out in their form-written thank you posts to Big Pharma after they invariably catch Vaccinated Covid.
Never tallied is the cohort of unvaccinated people who also didn’t die after becoming a “case.”
In a recent story, I reported that 2,700 people are employed by tax payers of Alabama at the Alabama Department of Public Health. As far as I can tell, before Covid, the ADPH primarily existed for one and only one reason - to encourage every man, woman and child to get their flu shot.
My estimate is that at least 2,000 of these employees must be doing their part to push flu vaccines the vast majority of our state’s residents don’t need. Today, these employees have segued into pushing a Covid vaccine that people also don’t need and, to boot, is no doubt killing or harming many state residents.
Personally, I can’t think of a sorrier way to make a living.
These agencies also spend millions of our tax dollars to fund advertising to get as many people as possible to get shots they don’t need …. and, now, might kill you!
And 100 percent of journalists dutifully quote these experts saying, “It’s not too late to get your flu shot” - even though probably every one of these reporters has gotten the flu after receiving the same “effective” flu shot.
The Great Silver Lining of Covid …
The great silver lining of our Covid times is that many people now question the veracity of the data they’ve relied on from “trusted” agencies like the CDC and ADPH. This explains why only about 10 percent of people who got their original Covid vaccines are now getting their CDC/ADPH-recommended booster shots.
But I also think more people are now questioning whether they actually need a flu vaccine.
If one wants to know the real reason the Deep State and Public Health Establishment is panicking over Internet “misinformation” and “disinformation,” it’s because this information is almost certainly true (and liars don’t like to be exposed as liars).
Tens of millions of citizens who once automatically trusted the experts and the data provided by agencies like the CDC, no longer do.
The effort to staunch vaccine hesitancy created
… record levels of vaccine hesitancy
What these officials fear above all else is a spreading condition known as “vaccine hesitancy.” After four years of non-stop Covid vaccine propaganda, the masses are belatedly seeing through the bogus propaganda.
The real worry is that more and more people might also stop getting their non-effective flu vaccines.
I can’t prove it, but I bet more parents are now questioning all or many of the childhood vaccines they’ve been given.
Like myself, more people are probably asking why aren’t the Amish (who don’t get any vaccines) getting all these dreaded diseases?
I can’t turn on the TV without seeing commercials for the shingles, RSV, pneumonia and “2-for-1” flu/Covid vaccines … so Big Pharma isn’t surrendering this trillion-dollar lifetime market without a fight.
We’re told Pandemic X is probably right around the corner, and - I’m going to go out on a limb here - Big Pharma and the Department of Defense will quickly produce an mRNA vaccine for our next existential health threat.
If the WHO’s nefarious “OneHealth” treaty passes, 100 percent of us will probably have to get these shots - or risk imprisonment or a shoot-out in the CVS parking lot to not get it.
But if flu vaccine uptake has plunged to, say, 35 percent, hope for the world might still exist. Belatedly, more citizens might be learning we shouldn’t trust the people and organizations who apparently exist only to push more vaccines into our arms.
(“Project 2 Subscribers” is my new initiative that seeks to convert two of my 5,500 unpaid subscribers into paid subscribers with every posted article. Thank you to any two subscribers who may upgrade after reading this article. Also, Ko-Fi tips are always greatly appreciated.)
Cutting-room-floor text, Part 2 ....
(I also wonder if the massive spike of Covid cases and deaths in the winter of 2020-2021 might have been more prevalent among people who had recently got that year’s .... flu shot.)
And as for all those incessant reports that told us that 95 percent of patients who were hospitalized with Covid were “unvaccinated,” I say only: “Don’t believe everything you read.” That is, don’t necessarily trust the “official” data - especially from people who are trying to help Pfizer make their sales goals.
What I should have added somewhere is that if the "watchdog," skeptical press had ever challenged the efficacy and necessity of everyone getting a flu shot ... and proven that the flu "vaccines" were over-rated ... then maybe 70 percent of the public wouldn't have been so willing and eager to get the Covid vaccine, pushed by the same charlatans.
Of course, the big press organizations in every state get big ad spends from their state health agencies to promote the flu shots. So the press was, in a sense, pre-bought-out (or brainwashed like nearly everyone else).