Debbie Lerman asked me to help spread this information to as many of my readers as possible. The work two independent citizen journalists produced is impressive and very important.
Before I had any idea of what was happening, before I knew anything about Anthony Fauci (I had never heard of him), Sundance at the Last Refuge blog exhibited an email from Fauci to Hillary Clinton while she was SoS. In the email, Fauci voiced his affection for Mrs. Clinton and told her one of her speeches had brought him to tears. Sundance warned to beware of Fauci. At that point I realized that the same people who pushed the Russia Collusion Narrative were pushing the Covid Panic Narrative. I did the opposite of everything the “science” said. No vaccines for my family.Carried on with our lives. Sundance was right about Fauci, Russia Collusion and everything else he warned about. I am a 72 yeR old health professional. We have been lied to by the “authorities” for my entire life. Took me a lifetime to wake up.
Heck, I forgot to add the "share" button where the whole point of this project is to get the troops on our side to share this info - to expand our "reach."
I've now added this important button if anyone wants to go back to the story and use this weapon.
Great to see this Bill and keep em coming . We have someone herein Canada who keeps hammering away at the communist chinese infiltration that we apparently can't talk about because our government, based on the Hogue report, said there is nothing to see . I believe the virus debacle was orchestrated by these infiltrators to create deep polarization via a bioweapon and wedge politics in my opinion.
I hope that this kind of exposure might lead to Debbie and Sasha being interviewed (together) by Tucker Carlson on his network. That would be one of the most powerful points of exposure they could get for this critical paradigm-shifting information.
In my estimation Tucker is not an independent agent, so there's little to no hope of that ever happening. He is working on behalf of globalist agendas (even if some of his content seems to go against them). But if I'm wrong and he contacts us for an interview- I'll eat my hat and be extremely grateful!
Behind the stories and scenes, behind the conspiratory deception, was the great incentive and motivation, money, in the form quantitative easing, to the pitch perfect tune of 9.1 trillion dollars 💰
Money is what makes the world go round. They had 0% interest rates for a long period of time and that meant they had a liquidity problem. Not enough interest in buying the bonds. Bonds are how they raise money. So, they implemented a damn demic and just like war they were able to extract enormous amounts of money in the form of QE, this time. When the government does not have enough money the overnight lending rate skyrockets and the economy falls apart. They had a lot riding on that emergency use authorization because without it they could not have extracted the 9.1 trillion dollars or in other words a huge sum of money. If it's not war it's some other reason they created in order to make the economy work, again. The United States is not the only country that used quantitative easing to save the economy. Many other nations followed our lead.
The owners of the governmental industrial complex created a new form of war with an axis of evil: an emergency use authorization, a genetically modifying shot and a multi-trillion dollar extraction. Save the economy, save the world.
Seems the issue of WHAT KILLED 31 MILLION EXTRA PEOPLE WORLDWIDE FROM 2020-2022, including 1.3 million extra US citizens, didn't make the list of reasons why this "military operation" information is important. That's truly worthy of an "LOL," but it seems crass, given how many were killed in the Covid depopulation operation that everyone is dancing around.
This is certainly a confirmation/reconfirmation of what Dr. Micheal Yeadon was telling us; and a great deal more:
“I'm going to tell you that the design of the so-called vaccines was intentionally to harm people;
There is/was no public health emergency except that created by our governments;
Medical procedures were imposed above the level of nation!”
Michael Yeadon - Jessica Hockett - Jan 31, 2020
If one studies Genomics, the interactions of all of the various networks of the entire genome, mRNA transcriptome and proteome, you know one thing, a positive cause and effect cannot be correlated (cannot). Understanding massively complex, hierarchical, chemically balanced, code based biosemiotic “systems” are far, far outside the reach of empirical science 2025.
So, any alteration of the human genome is strictly experimental, only a damaging and degrading effect of the system is possible.
“I'm going to tell you that the design of the so-called vaccines was intentionally to harm people.”
It's crazy that the ulterior motive is still hidden. It was once said that, the love of money is the root of all evil, but I don't think anyone understands that major premise because it remains hidden in plain sight.
Before I had any idea of what was happening, before I knew anything about Anthony Fauci (I had never heard of him), Sundance at the Last Refuge blog exhibited an email from Fauci to Hillary Clinton while she was SoS. In the email, Fauci voiced his affection for Mrs. Clinton and told her one of her speeches had brought him to tears. Sundance warned to beware of Fauci. At that point I realized that the same people who pushed the Russia Collusion Narrative were pushing the Covid Panic Narrative. I did the opposite of everything the “science” said. No vaccines for my family.Carried on with our lives. Sundance was right about Fauci, Russia Collusion and everything else he warned about. I am a 72 yeR old health professional. We have been lied to by the “authorities” for my entire life. Took me a lifetime to wake up.
Great post. I agree we've been lied to our entire lives. The best liars move the highest up the career ladders. Sigh.
The truth-tellers get culled from the herd.
Sometimes that culling is permanent. 😢
Heck, I forgot to add the "share" button where the whole point of this project is to get the troops on our side to share this info - to expand our "reach."
I've now added this important button if anyone wants to go back to the story and use this weapon.
Great work Bill. The more people understand that what happened was a supranational military event the better.
The Australian 'freedom movement' is avoiding talking about this.
For anyone interested in what happened in Australia, I wrote this at the end of 2023 about the covid military structure here with the US DOD:
Some of our best "disinformation super spreaders" - like yourself - are from the Land Down Under. Keep on keeping on, my brother.
Great to see this Bill and keep em coming . We have someone herein Canada who keeps hammering away at the communist chinese infiltration that we apparently can't talk about because our government, based on the Hogue report, said there is nothing to see . I believe the virus debacle was orchestrated by these infiltrators to create deep polarization via a bioweapon and wedge politics in my opinion.
I hope that this kind of exposure might lead to Debbie and Sasha being interviewed (together) by Tucker Carlson on his network. That would be one of the most powerful points of exposure they could get for this critical paradigm-shifting information.
In my estimation Tucker is not an independent agent, so there's little to no hope of that ever happening. He is working on behalf of globalist agendas (even if some of his content seems to go against them). But if I'm wrong and he contacts us for an interview- I'll eat my hat and be extremely grateful!
Yay for sharing! We keep on!
Behind the stories and scenes, behind the conspiratory deception, was the great incentive and motivation, money, in the form quantitative easing, to the pitch perfect tune of 9.1 trillion dollars 💰
Why do you think they wanted QE so badly that they would gin up this huge medical emergency plot?
Money is what makes the world go round. They had 0% interest rates for a long period of time and that meant they had a liquidity problem. Not enough interest in buying the bonds. Bonds are how they raise money. So, they implemented a damn demic and just like war they were able to extract enormous amounts of money in the form of QE, this time. When the government does not have enough money the overnight lending rate skyrockets and the economy falls apart. They had a lot riding on that emergency use authorization because without it they could not have extracted the 9.1 trillion dollars or in other words a huge sum of money. If it's not war it's some other reason they created in order to make the economy work, again. The United States is not the only country that used quantitative easing to save the economy. Many other nations followed our lead.
Solid thesis. Thank you for sharing. It's always about the money isn't it
The owners of the governmental industrial complex created a new form of war with an axis of evil: an emergency use authorization, a genetically modifying shot and a multi-trillion dollar extraction. Save the economy, save the world.
Seems the issue of WHAT KILLED 31 MILLION EXTRA PEOPLE WORLDWIDE FROM 2020-2022, including 1.3 million extra US citizens, didn't make the list of reasons why this "military operation" information is important. That's truly worthy of an "LOL," but it seems crass, given how many were killed in the Covid depopulation operation that everyone is dancing around.
This is certainly a confirmation/reconfirmation of what Dr. Micheal Yeadon was telling us; and a great deal more:
“I'm going to tell you that the design of the so-called vaccines was intentionally to harm people;
There is/was no public health emergency except that created by our governments;
Medical procedures were imposed above the level of nation!”
Michael Yeadon - Jessica Hockett - Jan 31, 2020
If one studies Genomics, the interactions of all of the various networks of the entire genome, mRNA transcriptome and proteome, you know one thing, a positive cause and effect cannot be correlated (cannot). Understanding massively complex, hierarchical, chemically balanced, code based biosemiotic “systems” are far, far outside the reach of empirical science 2025.
So, any alteration of the human genome is strictly experimental, only a damaging and degrading effect of the system is possible.
“I'm going to tell you that the design of the so-called vaccines was intentionally to harm people.”
- Dr. Michael Yeadon
The only possible outcome…
It's crazy that the ulterior motive is still hidden. It was once said that, the love of money is the root of all evil, but I don't think anyone understands that major premise because it remains hidden in plain sight.
Very glad you are picking up on this. The answers lie within this line of inquiry, I'm pretty sure.
Thanks, posted a link back to this page with a quote from the above.
Neil Oliver just did a great segment on this. It’s posted on:
Damned interesting.
Thank you so much Bill for helping to disseminate this important information!