In several of my articles that reference RFK's presidential bid, I note that Kennedy is having no difficulty "going around the gatekeepers of the (MSM) news."
Kennedy and Rogan also talk about this in their interview. I think Kennedy or Rogan describes this as an "end run" around said gatekeepers/censors - via the alternative media and podcast shows.
This must have been one of the reasons Kennedy ultimately decided to run for president. He knew/suspected this could happen. So ... that was a good hunch as well.
Good point. It's now harder to censor him. Some Big Tech platforms that were censoring him say they can't do this anymore now that he is running for president.
Take-away: If you don't want to be censored as much, you better run for president!
I read Bobby Kennedy Jr’s book and listened to the entire Rogan podcast. I remain more convinced than ever that he is the next president this country needs.
I'm a libertarian who votes Republican's normally but I would vote for RFK in a heartbeat if the other candidate wasn't Trump, Desantis or an equivalent non-establishment controlled candidate. In other words s if another Bush were to run I'd vote for RFK.
You need to take Desantis off your list of “not establishment.” Check out where his money comes from. Jeb! Paul Ryan, ALL the big GOP money guys back Desantis.
Just because those sources donate that doesn't make him establishment controlled. Trump had support from that establishment hack Lyndsey Graham, did that make Trump an establishment hack too?
Anyone who isn't controlled by the establishment would be foolish to turn down donations from them.
Yes but it's because he hasn't taken the same kind of deep dive into it like he did with vaccines. Did you know that RFK wasn't always against most vaccines like he is today? When he was younger (I don’t recall exactly what age) he received a number of correspondences from mothers detailing problems their kids would have immediately or very soon after taking one of teh newer vaccines, those created after teh National Childhood Vaccine protection act was passed in 1986 which gave the vaccine manufacturers liable free protection for their vaccines and this naturally lead to an exponential spike in teh number of vaccines available and required for entrance to public schools.
He's not my first or second choice but amongst the Democrats he's definitely #1 choice and i would vote for him over some establishment controlled Republican hack.
Unparalleled and full of BS. You've been following a guy who doesn't really much understand science and/or who lies about it constantly. His Rogan podcasts nonsense is debunked here:
Thanks. This is an interesting video. I would like to check out his references. However, his comments on the Covid vaccine are BS. Pure BS. He is not accurate when he says all vaccines are tested against saline. Also his statements on autism are inaccurate. Some forms of autism are pretty life quality threatening such as not being able to communicate at all or sensory problems. But he still makes some good points
You'r being played. Below is a video about the Rogan podcast but Dr. WIlson also does one about RFKs awful book if you were to go look for it. I imagine you're far too closed to do so, though, which is sad.
Fantastic summary. RFK, Jr is the real deal. He’s incredibly bright, fearless, and well spoken. He will be a factor in the presidential elections as more people have a chance to hear his words directly as opposed to the opinions of media shills.
I hate to be the balloon-popper, but you're 1000000% correct. The DNC can change its primary rules at any time, and they will do that to keep RFK from being the nominee. This is not hyperbole. The DNC can say tomorrow that the primary votes are canceled and that Gavin Newsom is the candidate, and there's legally NOTHING AT ALL we can do about it. (The "reasoning" being that the DNC is a private party and the primary elections are a private event.)
That said, I still encourage RFK to force them to do that -- hopefully it will open up more eyes about exactly how much the 'elites' care about 'democracy.'
I know I wasn't the only one who got suspicious when the media actually started acting like media and asking tough questions of Kirby/KJP. (Videos at link)
Although it would be hilarious to see Newsom on the national stage trying to defend what California has turned into under his watch. My feeling is that his approval rating tanks as soon as you get away from I5.
They can't not have a primary - state laws govern those things, not the parties. What the Dems have said is that they don't intend to have primary debates, and SC will be the 1st primary. The states have laws governing when the primaries occur. Kennedy will likely win the 1st 2 primaries (NH and IA) because Biden will not qualify - if he keeps his word regarding SC being the 1st primary state. The DNC will reject the NH and IA delegates at the convention because I seriously doubt those states will change their laws to allow SC to have the 1st primary. This is my understanding of what will happen.
With that said, I agree about Newsome getting in at the last minute. One of the op-ed writers at the NYTimes has already suggested this. He compared it to the 1968 primaries, but back then the convention determined the winner, not the primaries.
I agree that Bobby doesn't have a chance to win the Dem nomination. Their voters are too easily herded like sheep, unfortunately. And even worse, I don't think Bobby is anti-Dem enough to run as a 3rd party or to not endorse Biden after he loses. The Dems biggest problem right now is Cornel West running as a Green party candidate. If he gets on enough swing state ballots, he will definitely give an advantage to the GOP nominee.
Regarding the debates, I suspect at some point there will be a grassroots movement that strongly attacks Biden for being a chicken and not participating in this tradition of American electoral "democracy." If you saw one of my recent columns, I can see signs at Biden political rallies saying, "If you're scared, say you're scared."
Of course, Biden political "rallies" might have 150 people there - with probably half of them paid to attend.
RFK Jr will be the only official candidate *IF* Biden keeps his 'promise' to make SC the first primary state. It's a big if, but I specifically stated why RFK will win the first 2 primaries. It is because Biden doesn't intend to qualify (meaning he's not planning to meet the requirements to have his name placed on the ballot).
I think he started as a Democrat for the initial attention, and after the Democratic primary he will run as an independent. I hope. It would be nice to have an actual choice for a change.
David, for the record, I never said or predicted he would be on the ballot, Democratic or Republican (though I hope he is on one or the other). But he definitely will be a factor either way.
RFK Jr is a fraud (see below) but I'm ok with him challenging and hopefully weakening Biden as long as it's over the proxy war in Ukraine. But bright? LOL! Count how many time he says the science is over his head. He's right about that.
His wife might have and that was an embarrassing revelation, but I'd be stunned if RFK, Jr. got a Covid vaccine. In fact, I'm sure he didn't. He would have surely said he did if he did.
How could he have a vaccinated only party if he wasn't? He didn't deny the party conditions, he blamed it on his wife. But how could she set conditions that he couldn't meet?
The vaccine industry is a tens of billions of dollars annually business and vaccines unlike other drugs in teh US and probably other nations are %100 liable free. If anyone thinks that this industry would not got to any lengths including illegal means to protect that profit they're a fool. I imagine globally vaccines are close to a trillion dollar industry. In 2019 (pre-covid) PFIZER made 58.1 billion in sales. I don't know how much of that is vaccine money but I'm betting it's a significant percentage.
Since teh Childhood Vaccine Protection Act was passed in 1986 the number o mandatory childhood vaccines for admission to public schools (something your tax dollars pay for ) has gone from around 4 (depending on your state) to over 60. This isn't because the industry magically got good at finding cures in the form of vaccines. It's because it's a guaranteed revenue stream free from liable so the more vaccines they come up with the more money they make annually so they are always looking for something to treat with a vaccine and efficacy is irrelevant.
The FDA recalls just under %30 of all drugs it approves for use. Imagine if any other industry recalled %30 of it's products.
Thank you for transcribing and sharing. This article further confirms all my positions since reading Kennedy’s book. The whole thing is a massive racket that needs full sunshine and prosecutions.
Most experts agree that only 1/10th of actual adverse reactions are reported to VAERS. I've read this several times from various sources and it kind of makes sense when you know what all is involved in reporting something and how little time doctors have to do this kind of thing. In the case of covid they were incentivized (more like threatened) to not report to VAERS b/c reporting to VAERS could increase vaccine hesitancy.
Kennedy makes the point it's a "voluntary" reporting project. I might be mistaken, but I think he says VAERS might be missing as many as 100 real adverse events for every one that is reported in this system. It undercounts adverse reactions as much as "100 times." But 10-fold or 100-fold, we're only getting the tip of the iceberg on real vaccine injuries and deaths.
Plus I’ve heard it’s difficult & time consuming to even make a report. Unless someone is DETERMINED to report an adverse event or a death they may just not go there or once they do won’t finish.
We have a friend who is an ER doc. He saw more vaccine injuries than covid cases go through his ER. Because of top-down threats, if he had reported them he would have lost his medical license (which he was already threatened with for refusing the vaccine and applying for a religious exemption). Sickening, that kind of coercion.
"Turtles" is excellent on vaccines. Have you also read "Dissolving Illusions"? Using science and an engaging writing style, the author came to the same conclusions that RFK, Jr. did: the real reason why infectious disease has nearly disappeared among children is due to good food, good sewage systems, clean water, and cleaner air which all add up to stronger immune systems. I've never met anyone my age with autism, but here in our little rural school district, one entire building is now devoted to autistic children in all age groups.
Read Fauci & Illusions. Fascinating reads; documenting to the hilt.
The beginning of Dissolving Illusions was an eye opener; yes, I’ve seen movies & read about the tenements but the descriptions of just what they were like was stomach churning. So no wonder disease was rampant.
Weaken bodies were prey.
Seems I recall a doctor who realized the conditions were horrendous & a Petri dish of diseases. But he couldn’t get his colleagues on board to eradicate the factors causing the illnesses. He was ahead of his time.
I have it and it's next on my list. I'm currently reading "The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life" by Arthur Firstenberg. It's about another manufactured contributor to illness.
Kennedy will awe you with his command of the facts. I just finished reading Marcia Angell's book, "The Truth About Drug Companies." It's a great take down written in 2004. Those people will do anything to make a buck. And all they know is masking symptoms when it comes to their prescription meds.
I had to get it on Kindle. Yes, please read it. "The Moth in the Iron Lung" is also good: a history of how doctors treated polio with mercury and other heavy metals. After all the eye-opening in the last 3 years I have to wonder why anyone trusts anything the medical establishment or Big Pharma has to say about anything. SMH.
Somewhere between 95% and 99% of adverse drug events are not reported:
"It is estimated that in the United States in the mid-1980’s only 1% of adverse drug events were reported, with the number rising to 5.2% in 1994 following changes to the reporting system."
"Spontaneous Reporting Systems: Achieving Less Spontaneity and More Reporting"
There are a lot of fields to fill out in the VAERS reporting system, so it's probably also at that level, and the form resets automatically after 20 minutes, which doesn't help. This is the line from the VAERS form HTML (1201 secs ~ 20 minutes) after which the user is sent to an error page:
Great post! Thank you the transcript notes. I’ve been following Jr. for a long time now and have the utmost respect for this man and his integrity. As for debating him, there are very very few that could hold a candle to him, if any.
Probably not. Kennedy has said that won't happen, but in politics never say never. I bet at one point most political observers thought JFK would never ask LBJ to be his running mate either.
I still wonder, like a lot of people, if Kennedy might ultimately decide to run as an independent.
I'm not a political expert by any stretch, but I think he started out as a Democrat so he would get enough initial attention.
I expect if he loses the primary he will switch to independent. I would welcome this development because I view the major parties as equivalent and equally repellent.
I would rather see JFK Jr. and DeSantis. Both intellectual heavyweights, both generally aligned on vaccines and the deep state. But they have differences that the two of them could compellingly discuss. I fear DJT would quickly devolve to ad hominem attacks and funny names and, frankly, I don't need to waste my time with that.
P.S. Today's transcript spotlighted on my Substack is actually, on balance, for a huge change, a happy one. And I hope it will help people. It's Diane Spaulding's testimony of almost immediate healing from Parkinsonian-like tremors after her AstraZeneca jab when she took Ivermectin.
Really good summary of the 3 hr interview. I learned a lot because this was the first time he's ever spent that long in one interview telling all of those details and citing studies. I'd never heard him talk about the conversation with Offit.
The most persuasive point to me was the same as yours. Where did the spike in all of these chronic diseases and allergies come from if not from vaccines? I'm old enough to remember the orange/brown haze that constantly hung over downtown B'ham in the 70s. The air and water are observably cleaner than were in many cities.
Why isn't the CDC looking into what causes autism and all of these food allergies? How hard is it to compare rates around the country and look for some geographical correlation if the cause is environmental? If you take a look at CDC, all you get is exactly what Bobby said - increasing rates year after year. Do we have to get to 1 in 10 for this to be taken seriously? The obvious conclusion is that the CDC knows what's causing it and won't do a proper study because they are a captured agency.
Also, for anyone who doesn't agree with these views and thinks childhood vaccines are perfectly safe, I'd suggest reading this thread by AJ Kay from yesterday on twitter.
Thanks, Lisa. All of your points are right on topic. And your point about autism having to reach 1 in 10 people is fantastic. As RFK, Jr. noted, it's going from about 1-in-30,000 to today - 1 in 34 . I'm sure in 20 years it might be 1 in 10.
And regarding the pollution or environmental factors, it does seem to me that pollution is a lot better than it was 40 years ago. So, it's not just "pollution" causing all these diagnoses (autism and other chronic conditions as well ... like asthma).
There is still pollution, it's just not as visible as it used to be. Look at industrial farming and the prevalence of stuff like glyphosate. Look at the antibiotics and other stuff they inject livestock with.
I'm 69 and I remember LA in the 60s, where you could see the haze of the smog even at one block's distance.
After 2 decades of global warming alarmism and 3 years of pandemic fearmongering, do you think people have more or less trust in scientists? I'm not sure what your goal is, but you should try to make a better argument, because your argument sucks.
'Where did the spike in all of these chronic diseases and allergies come from if not from vaccines?'
There are other possible sources. Beware of confusing correlation with causation, or of assuming that there is only one cause.
My own personal take is our increasingly toxic modern lifestyle, including toxic chemicals in the environment as well as our food; vaccines and other pharmaceuticals; and my main focus, the modern diet, especially refined carbohydrates and (what is looking increasingly more likely) factory-made seed oils (canola etc.) high in omega-6 PUFA. Evolutionarily, we are still Paleolithic beings, trying to survive in 21st-century technology.
There are other possibilities and they are fairly easy to rule out using logic. That's why RFK Jr is so convinced - logic. We apparently can't get the CDC or NIH to actually do their own studies and that is also telling. You know we have chemical plants that manufacture PFOAs and glyphosate and every other chemical we are exposed to. Do those workers develop autism or food allergies? No, they don't. My grandfather was a coal miner. You can google to see some pictures of what the typical coal miner or industrial worker looked like at the end of a shift in the early 1900s. Those people (millions of them) didn't develop autism or food allergies. Our manufacturing facilities and mining operations are significantly cleaner than they were 100 years ago.
I live in B'ham, AL. That and similar industrial or high populated cities used to regularly have an orange haze from airborne pollutants, either leaded gasoline or from industry. All of that cleared up in the 80s.
Autism is typically diagnosed between the ages of 2-4. Food allergies usually develop before the age of 5. If what you are describing were the cause, then teenagers and adults would develop these chronic diseases and allergies later in life from prolonged exposure to the toxins. The least likely people to develop those conditions would be children because they've had less exposure. So, that's not what is happening.
I fully agree that the most likely cause of autism in infants and children would be vaccines.
You also mentioned chronic diseases and allergies. In addition to vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, I believe other factors contribute. For example, allergies are largely a result of dysbiosis, which is rampant because of the widespread use of antibiotics, especially in children, infant formula, and crap diet. Toxic chemicals in the environment and in food no doubt contribute to the burden of physical insult.
My oldest son was born 1993. Never got a vaccine because I read a book that year that said everything what RFK says in the podcast. And that book has been.a classic at the time, maybe 10 years old. So we know all this for 40 years minimum but Big Pharma managed the narrative successfully. Millions upon millions got injured. People called me a flatearther at the time. And vaccines is just one of many areas where we get played and robbed every day in the name of science. How stupid are the people?
Absolutely. My daughter wasn't vaccinated either. No Covid vaccine. She is sixteen and initially wanted it because school and peers pressure. We convinced her not to. She is the of one in her class that didn't get Covid. Nothing at all in three years.
This kind of ties into my Q&A with Transcriber B. Hopefully, more people will know this resource exists and they can watch it (or read it via transcripts) whenever they want or have the time. Kennedy can tell future interviewers or voters if they want more information on one of these topics, they can go watch this interview.
Wonderful article today Bill, and I've become quite fond of RFK JR and hope to hear more about his agenda. LOVE that he is taking on the vaccine issue! Still a bit wary of anyone who is an "environmental attorney" which usually means crazed, Leftist wacko....
Thanks, Jeffrey. I don't think we need to worry much about the "environmental lawyer" past. RFK, Jr. has been speaking a lot lately about how real environmentalism was also captured by the same people. He sees that censorship and more authoritarianism str the real danger .... and that the Green New Deal folks are using "peril to the planet" as the ruse to get more control - just like they did with Covid.
Put it this way: He's not fighting for civili liberties on Topic A, just to let the government steal them on Topic/Issue B.
Hope his real views are that transparent, always afraid of the "wolf in sheep's clothing" when it comes to someone named Kennedy. With that said, he is definitely on my radar and someone I am actually drawn towards in a charismatic way. Someone in the mold of JFK would be outstanding. Willing to speak the truth even when it isn't popular.
Ever since reading RFK's book when it was first published and now following him around from interview to interview, I cannot get over how at ease he is with all the facts. One example pops into my mind: he knows how many pounds of fish fed New Yorkers from the Hudson River during the Great Depression. He's so careful and so persuasive. And so fair to his critics; I'm thinking of how courteous he was to Krystal Ball when she interviewed him and then wouldn't let him speak.
I am one of those Democrats who switched parties and vowed never to vote for another Democrat the rest of my life. For two years I remained unregistered and finally re-registered as a Republican (because the only supporters of free speech seem to be coming from that party anymore) last fall. However, I will be switching parties in early 2024 so I can vote for Bobby in the Pennsylvania primary. I will do whatever I can to help him win. And I will vote for him in the general. When I think back on every president over my lifetime, not one of them is as learned as Bobby Kennedy. I would be proud to have him as my president and I think he's the best qualified person for the job in several generations. In my heart, I'm a Kennedy Democrat.
This synopsis of the Rogan-Kennedy discussion is valuable because after listening to all 3 hours, it was difficult to remember all the important points Kennedy made.
Isn't Ed Dowd running the finance part of Kennedy's campaign? Odd that you haven't heard back. I may be wrong, but I thought that a donation to the candidate stayed with the candidate. Some probably, big donors most likely, donate to the party.
Do due diligence! I’m a Republican & have had qualms for years about any donations ending up in the RNC rather than the candidate. DNC & RNC have their picks. Usually aren’t same as mine
Uncle Teddy gave us not only the onslaught of vaccines with pharma protection but also the 1965 Immigration act which was in short order to change the character of the country, the effects of which are exploding in our face. I read RFK's Fauci book when it came out and found it quite informative. Unfortunately, Jr. still has too many modern liberal tendencies for my taste.
In several of my articles that reference RFK's presidential bid, I note that Kennedy is having no difficulty "going around the gatekeepers of the (MSM) news."
Kennedy and Rogan also talk about this in their interview. I think Kennedy or Rogan describes this as an "end run" around said gatekeepers/censors - via the alternative media and podcast shows.
This must have been one of the reasons Kennedy ultimately decided to run for president. He knew/suspected this could happen. So ... that was a good hunch as well.
Good point. It's now harder to censor him. Some Big Tech platforms that were censoring him say they can't do this anymore now that he is running for president.
Take-away: If you don't want to be censored as much, you better run for president!
Once there's a big campaign to "draft Bill Rice, Jr" ... I might consider it.
Regarding my side gig as a stand-up comic, I'm going to use your line about a "flak chucker." Ha!
Flak Chuckers! I'm stealing that.
I read Bobby Kennedy Jr’s book and listened to the entire Rogan podcast. I remain more convinced than ever that he is the next president this country needs.
I'm a libertarian who votes Republican's normally but I would vote for RFK in a heartbeat if the other candidate wasn't Trump, Desantis or an equivalent non-establishment controlled candidate. In other words s if another Bush were to run I'd vote for RFK.
You need to take Desantis off your list of “not establishment.” Check out where his money comes from. Jeb! Paul Ryan, ALL the big GOP money guys back Desantis.
Just because those sources donate that doesn't make him establishment controlled. Trump had support from that establishment hack Lyndsey Graham, did that make Trump an establishment hack too?
Anyone who isn't controlled by the establishment would be foolish to turn down donations from them.
RFK Jr is a climate cult member
Yes but it's because he hasn't taken the same kind of deep dive into it like he did with vaccines. Did you know that RFK wasn't always against most vaccines like he is today? When he was younger (I don’t recall exactly what age) he received a number of correspondences from mothers detailing problems their kids would have immediately or very soon after taking one of teh newer vaccines, those created after teh National Childhood Vaccine protection act was passed in 1986 which gave the vaccine manufacturers liable free protection for their vaccines and this naturally lead to an exponential spike in teh number of vaccines available and required for entrance to public schools.
His work on vaccines is unparalleled and so important. I have been following him for years. Just not sure he should be president
He's not my first or second choice but amongst the Democrats he's definitely #1 choice and i would vote for him over some establishment controlled Republican hack.
Unparalleled and full of BS. You've been following a guy who doesn't really much understand science and/or who lies about it constantly. His Rogan podcasts nonsense is debunked here:
Climate change deniers are the only cult here.
Thanks. This is an interesting video. I would like to check out his references. However, his comments on the Covid vaccine are BS. Pure BS. He is not accurate when he says all vaccines are tested against saline. Also his statements on autism are inaccurate. Some forms of autism are pretty life quality threatening such as not being able to communicate at all or sensory problems. But he still makes some good points
You'r being played. Below is a video about the Rogan podcast but Dr. WIlson also does one about RFKs awful book if you were to go look for it. I imagine you're far too closed to do so, though, which is sad.
Fantastic summary. RFK, Jr is the real deal. He’s incredibly bright, fearless, and well spoken. He will be a factor in the presidential elections as more people have a chance to hear his words directly as opposed to the opinions of media shills.
He will never be on a ballot as the Democrat candidate.
I hate to be the balloon-popper, but you're 1000000% correct. The DNC can change its primary rules at any time, and they will do that to keep RFK from being the nominee. This is not hyperbole. The DNC can say tomorrow that the primary votes are canceled and that Gavin Newsom is the candidate, and there's legally NOTHING AT ALL we can do about it. (The "reasoning" being that the DNC is a private party and the primary elections are a private event.)
That said, I still encourage RFK to force them to do that -- hopefully it will open up more eyes about exactly how much the 'elites' care about 'democracy.'
The Dem party has already said, there will be no primary. Which is what the Republicans should do as well.
All possible dems should stay in, Biden could be given his putin stroke pill tomorrow
I know I wasn't the only one who got suspicious when the media actually started acting like media and asking tough questions of Kirby/KJP. (Videos at link)
My bet.
Newsom get put in at the last minute.
The darkest timeline.
Although it would be hilarious to see Newsom on the national stage trying to defend what California has turned into under his watch. My feeling is that his approval rating tanks as soon as you get away from I5.
They can't not have a primary - state laws govern those things, not the parties. What the Dems have said is that they don't intend to have primary debates, and SC will be the 1st primary. The states have laws governing when the primaries occur. Kennedy will likely win the 1st 2 primaries (NH and IA) because Biden will not qualify - if he keeps his word regarding SC being the 1st primary state. The DNC will reject the NH and IA delegates at the convention because I seriously doubt those states will change their laws to allow SC to have the 1st primary. This is my understanding of what will happen.
With that said, I agree about Newsome getting in at the last minute. One of the op-ed writers at the NYTimes has already suggested this. He compared it to the 1968 primaries, but back then the convention determined the winner, not the primaries.
I agree that Bobby doesn't have a chance to win the Dem nomination. Their voters are too easily herded like sheep, unfortunately. And even worse, I don't think Bobby is anti-Dem enough to run as a 3rd party or to not endorse Biden after he loses. The Dems biggest problem right now is Cornel West running as a Green party candidate. If he gets on enough swing state ballots, he will definitely give an advantage to the GOP nominee.
Regarding the debates, I suspect at some point there will be a grassroots movement that strongly attacks Biden for being a chicken and not participating in this tradition of American electoral "democracy." If you saw one of my recent columns, I can see signs at Biden political rallies saying, "If you're scared, say you're scared."
Of course, Biden political "rallies" might have 150 people there - with probably half of them paid to attend.
RFK will win the 1st two?!? LOL! I'll be surprised if he gete even 20%.
RFK Jr will be the only official candidate *IF* Biden keeps his 'promise' to make SC the first primary state. It's a big if, but I specifically stated why RFK will win the first 2 primaries. It is because Biden doesn't intend to qualify (meaning he's not planning to meet the requirements to have his name placed on the ballot).
I think he started as a Democrat for the initial attention, and after the Democratic primary he will run as an independent. I hope. It would be nice to have an actual choice for a change.
David, for the record, I never said or predicted he would be on the ballot, Democratic or Republican (though I hope he is on one or the other). But he definitely will be a factor either way.
Everything and everyone "will be a factor"
for the record
RFK Jr is a fraud (see below) but I'm ok with him challenging and hopefully weakening Biden as long as it's over the proxy war in Ukraine. But bright? LOL! Count how many time he says the science is over his head. He's right about that.
I want to know if he took the jabs himself. If he had a vaccinated only holiday party, it seems he must have which seems a little hypocritical.
His wife might have and that was an embarrassing revelation, but I'd be stunned if RFK, Jr. got a Covid vaccine. In fact, I'm sure he didn't. He would have surely said he did if he did.
How could he have a vaccinated only party if he wasn't? He didn't deny the party conditions, he blamed it on his wife. But how could she set conditions that he couldn't meet?
The vaccine industry is a tens of billions of dollars annually business and vaccines unlike other drugs in teh US and probably other nations are %100 liable free. If anyone thinks that this industry would not got to any lengths including illegal means to protect that profit they're a fool. I imagine globally vaccines are close to a trillion dollar industry. In 2019 (pre-covid) PFIZER made 58.1 billion in sales. I don't know how much of that is vaccine money but I'm betting it's a significant percentage.
Since teh Childhood Vaccine Protection Act was passed in 1986 the number o mandatory childhood vaccines for admission to public schools (something your tax dollars pay for ) has gone from around 4 (depending on your state) to over 60. This isn't because the industry magically got good at finding cures in the form of vaccines. It's because it's a guaranteed revenue stream free from liable so the more vaccines they come up with the more money they make annually so they are always looking for something to treat with a vaccine and efficacy is irrelevant.
The FDA recalls just under %30 of all drugs it approves for use. Imagine if any other industry recalled %30 of it's products.
Here is the Link.
Sadly I do not.
Any public figure receives death threats for anything they say. The currency of "death threat" has been diluted to the point of irrelevancy.
That doesn't mean they're not scary for the recipient, or that some of them might not be serious.
Thank you for transcribing and sharing. This article further confirms all my positions since reading Kennedy’s book. The whole thing is a massive racket that needs full sunshine and prosecutions.
A cloaking URL if you wish to share and avoid the censors:
Most experts agree that only 1/10th of actual adverse reactions are reported to VAERS. I've read this several times from various sources and it kind of makes sense when you know what all is involved in reporting something and how little time doctors have to do this kind of thing. In the case of covid they were incentivized (more like threatened) to not report to VAERS b/c reporting to VAERS could increase vaccine hesitancy.
Kennedy makes the point it's a "voluntary" reporting project. I might be mistaken, but I think he says VAERS might be missing as many as 100 real adverse events for every one that is reported in this system. It undercounts adverse reactions as much as "100 times." But 10-fold or 100-fold, we're only getting the tip of the iceberg on real vaccine injuries and deaths.
I wouldn't doubt the 1 in 100 number it's just 1 in 10 is the most common value I've read. Either is tragic.
I think Steve Kirsch found the URP to be 41 (on the basis of anaphylaxis as I recall), but it could be 100.
BTW, reporting to VAERS is supposedly required. Incentivizing to not report to VAERS is subornation of whatever that negligence offense be.
Plus I’ve heard it’s difficult & time consuming to even make a report. Unless someone is DETERMINED to report an adverse event or a death they may just not go there or once they do won’t finish.
Correct Bill, see my comment "Somewhere between 95% and 99% ..." elsewhere.
We have a friend who is an ER doc. He saw more vaccine injuries than covid cases go through his ER. Because of top-down threats, if he had reported them he would have lost his medical license (which he was already threatened with for refusing the vaccine and applying for a religious exemption). Sickening, that kind of coercion.
Sickening indeed. Thanks for sharing that anecdote about your friend.
This is Amerika
There is a government study that showed reporting may be <1%. I think I read that referenced in "Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth"
"Turtles" is excellent on vaccines. Have you also read "Dissolving Illusions"? Using science and an engaging writing style, the author came to the same conclusions that RFK, Jr. did: the real reason why infectious disease has nearly disappeared among children is due to good food, good sewage systems, clean water, and cleaner air which all add up to stronger immune systems. I've never met anyone my age with autism, but here in our little rural school district, one entire building is now devoted to autistic children in all age groups.
Read Fauci & Illusions. Fascinating reads; documenting to the hilt.
The beginning of Dissolving Illusions was an eye opener; yes, I’ve seen movies & read about the tenements but the descriptions of just what they were like was stomach churning. So no wonder disease was rampant.
Weaken bodies were prey.
Seems I recall a doctor who realized the conditions were horrendous & a Petri dish of diseases. But he couldn’t get his colleagues on board to eradicate the factors causing the illnesses. He was ahead of his time.
I have it and it's next on my list. I'm currently reading "The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life" by Arthur Firstenberg. It's about another manufactured contributor to illness.
Kennedy will awe you with his command of the facts. I just finished reading Marcia Angell's book, "The Truth About Drug Companies." It's a great take down written in 2004. Those people will do anything to make a buck. And all they know is masking symptoms when it comes to their prescription meds.
That's probably another book you can't find at your local bookstore! I need to add this one to my (taboo) reading list.
I had to get it on Kindle. Yes, please read it. "The Moth in the Iron Lung" is also good: a history of how doctors treated polio with mercury and other heavy metals. After all the eye-opening in the last 3 years I have to wonder why anyone trusts anything the medical establishment or Big Pharma has to say about anything. SMH.
Another good one about the nefariousness of big Pharma's clinical trials is Malcolm Kendrick's Doctoring Data.
Somewhere between 95% and 99% of adverse drug events are not reported:
"It is estimated that in the United States in the mid-1980’s only 1% of adverse drug events were reported, with the number rising to 5.2% in 1994 following changes to the reporting system."
"Spontaneous Reporting Systems: Achieving Less Spontaneity and More Reporting"
There are a lot of fields to fill out in the VAERS reporting system, so it's probably also at that level, and the form resets automatically after 20 minutes, which doesn't help. This is the line from the VAERS form HTML (1201 secs ~ 20 minutes) after which the user is sent to an error page:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1201; url=/esub/SessionErrorPage.jsp" />
Gotta keep the users on their toes!
I don't doubt that I was merely detailing what I had read from various sources,. Be it 1 in 10 or 1 in 100 or even less its all tragic.
It wasn't my intention to correct you, just add some extra background material.
No worries I get it.
We are blessed to have this warrior now when we need him the most.
Pray that he survives.
Great post! Thank you the transcript notes. I’ve been following Jr. for a long time now and have the utmost respect for this man and his integrity. As for debating him, there are very very few that could hold a candle to him, if any.
I would love to see him and Trump . But we know that will never happen
Probably not. Kennedy has said that won't happen, but in politics never say never. I bet at one point most political observers thought JFK would never ask LBJ to be his running mate either.
I still wonder, like a lot of people, if Kennedy might ultimately decide to run as an independent.
I'm sorry
I wasn't clear.
I meant a debate between RFK and DJT.
The party forced LBJ on JFK, just like Pence and Sessions was forced on DJT.
RFKs only path to accomplish anything in the political sphere is to run as an independent.
But he won't, the Democrats will throw him a fake bone and he will go away and vote for Biden
I'm not a political expert by any stretch, but I think he started out as a Democrat so he would get enough initial attention.
I expect if he loses the primary he will switch to independent. I would welcome this development because I view the major parties as equivalent and equally repellent.
I would rather see JFK Jr. and DeSantis. Both intellectual heavyweights, both generally aligned on vaccines and the deep state. But they have differences that the two of them could compellingly discuss. I fear DJT would quickly devolve to ad hominem attacks and funny names and, frankly, I don't need to waste my time with that.
Intellectual heavyweights!?!? LOL!
The clash of style between K and T would be the draw.
For the last few (or many!) elections, the presidential debates have devolved into meaninglessness. There is nothing debate-like about them.
Outstanding report. Thank you.
P.S. Yes, had "independent" bookstores carried RFK's book I have no doubt it would saved many lives.
Thanks, TB. BTW, my Q & A with you now has more than 17,000 reads!
Holy moly! Thanks for letting me know.
P.S. Today's transcript spotlighted on my Substack is actually, on balance, for a huge change, a happy one. And I hope it will help people. It's Diane Spaulding's testimony of almost immediate healing from Parkinsonian-like tremors after her AstraZeneca jab when she took Ivermectin.
I saw it. Good "change of pace."
And the internist I asked for an IVM prescription “just in case” refused w/ one word, “no.” I asked why. Replied, “I don’t believe it works.”
Well, alas, there's a Kool-Aid glugger.
Really good summary of the 3 hr interview. I learned a lot because this was the first time he's ever spent that long in one interview telling all of those details and citing studies. I'd never heard him talk about the conversation with Offit.
The most persuasive point to me was the same as yours. Where did the spike in all of these chronic diseases and allergies come from if not from vaccines? I'm old enough to remember the orange/brown haze that constantly hung over downtown B'ham in the 70s. The air and water are observably cleaner than were in many cities.
Why isn't the CDC looking into what causes autism and all of these food allergies? How hard is it to compare rates around the country and look for some geographical correlation if the cause is environmental? If you take a look at CDC, all you get is exactly what Bobby said - increasing rates year after year. Do we have to get to 1 in 10 for this to be taken seriously? The obvious conclusion is that the CDC knows what's causing it and won't do a proper study because they are a captured agency.
Also, for anyone who doesn't agree with these views and thinks childhood vaccines are perfectly safe, I'd suggest reading this thread by AJ Kay from yesterday on twitter.
Thanks, Lisa. All of your points are right on topic. And your point about autism having to reach 1 in 10 people is fantastic. As RFK, Jr. noted, it's going from about 1-in-30,000 to today - 1 in 34 . I'm sure in 20 years it might be 1 in 10.
And regarding the pollution or environmental factors, it does seem to me that pollution is a lot better than it was 40 years ago. So, it's not just "pollution" causing all these diagnoses (autism and other chronic conditions as well ... like asthma).
There is still pollution, it's just not as visible as it used to be. Look at industrial farming and the prevalence of stuff like glyphosate. Look at the antibiotics and other stuff they inject livestock with.
I'm 69 and I remember LA in the 60s, where you could see the haze of the smog even at one block's distance.
Isn’t such study, research, etc. part of the CDC’s mission?? To connect any dots?
If not CDC should be shut down & grants given to those who will!
Don't be a sucker for RFK Jr disinformation. He's a lawyer. Not a scientist.
After 2 decades of global warming alarmism and 3 years of pandemic fearmongering, do you think people have more or less trust in scientists? I'm not sure what your goal is, but you should try to make a better argument, because your argument sucks.
'Where did the spike in all of these chronic diseases and allergies come from if not from vaccines?'
There are other possible sources. Beware of confusing correlation with causation, or of assuming that there is only one cause.
My own personal take is our increasingly toxic modern lifestyle, including toxic chemicals in the environment as well as our food; vaccines and other pharmaceuticals; and my main focus, the modern diet, especially refined carbohydrates and (what is looking increasingly more likely) factory-made seed oils (canola etc.) high in omega-6 PUFA. Evolutionarily, we are still Paleolithic beings, trying to survive in 21st-century technology.
There are other possibilities and they are fairly easy to rule out using logic. That's why RFK Jr is so convinced - logic. We apparently can't get the CDC or NIH to actually do their own studies and that is also telling. You know we have chemical plants that manufacture PFOAs and glyphosate and every other chemical we are exposed to. Do those workers develop autism or food allergies? No, they don't. My grandfather was a coal miner. You can google to see some pictures of what the typical coal miner or industrial worker looked like at the end of a shift in the early 1900s. Those people (millions of them) didn't develop autism or food allergies. Our manufacturing facilities and mining operations are significantly cleaner than they were 100 years ago.
I live in B'ham, AL. That and similar industrial or high populated cities used to regularly have an orange haze from airborne pollutants, either leaded gasoline or from industry. All of that cleared up in the 80s.
Autism is typically diagnosed between the ages of 2-4. Food allergies usually develop before the age of 5. If what you are describing were the cause, then teenagers and adults would develop these chronic diseases and allergies later in life from prolonged exposure to the toxins. The least likely people to develop those conditions would be children because they've had less exposure. So, that's not what is happening.
I fully agree that the most likely cause of autism in infants and children would be vaccines.
You also mentioned chronic diseases and allergies. In addition to vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, I believe other factors contribute. For example, allergies are largely a result of dysbiosis, which is rampant because of the widespread use of antibiotics, especially in children, infant formula, and crap diet. Toxic chemicals in the environment and in food no doubt contribute to the burden of physical insult.
My oldest son was born 1993. Never got a vaccine because I read a book that year that said everything what RFK says in the podcast. And that book has been.a classic at the time, maybe 10 years old. So we know all this for 40 years minimum but Big Pharma managed the narrative successfully. Millions upon millions got injured. People called me a flatearther at the time. And vaccines is just one of many areas where we get played and robbed every day in the name of science. How stupid are the people?
And I bet your son is fine and healthy and never had any of those diseases - even without any vaccines.
Absolutely. My daughter wasn't vaccinated either. No Covid vaccine. She is sixteen and initially wanted it because school and peers pressure. We convinced her not to. She is the of one in her class that didn't get Covid. Nothing at all in three years.
Speaking of comedians, I know of only three who made fun of the Covid narrative:
Jim Breuer:
Jimmy Dore:
Tyler Fischer:
Great breakdown! I encourage everybody to set aside a few hours to watch/listen to the conversation. Break it up into parts if you have to!
This kind of ties into my Q&A with Transcriber B. Hopefully, more people will know this resource exists and they can watch it (or read it via transcripts) whenever they want or have the time. Kennedy can tell future interviewers or voters if they want more information on one of these topics, they can go watch this interview.
Wonderful article today Bill, and I've become quite fond of RFK JR and hope to hear more about his agenda. LOVE that he is taking on the vaccine issue! Still a bit wary of anyone who is an "environmental attorney" which usually means crazed, Leftist wacko....
Thanks, Jeffrey. I don't think we need to worry much about the "environmental lawyer" past. RFK, Jr. has been speaking a lot lately about how real environmentalism was also captured by the same people. He sees that censorship and more authoritarianism str the real danger .... and that the Green New Deal folks are using "peril to the planet" as the ruse to get more control - just like they did with Covid.
Put it this way: He's not fighting for civili liberties on Topic A, just to let the government steal them on Topic/Issue B.
Great way of putting it Re: Bobby.
Hope his real views are that transparent, always afraid of the "wolf in sheep's clothing" when it comes to someone named Kennedy. With that said, he is definitely on my radar and someone I am actually drawn towards in a charismatic way. Someone in the mold of JFK would be outstanding. Willing to speak the truth even when it isn't popular.
Ever since reading RFK's book when it was first published and now following him around from interview to interview, I cannot get over how at ease he is with all the facts. One example pops into my mind: he knows how many pounds of fish fed New Yorkers from the Hudson River during the Great Depression. He's so careful and so persuasive. And so fair to his critics; I'm thinking of how courteous he was to Krystal Ball when she interviewed him and then wouldn't let him speak.
I am one of those Democrats who switched parties and vowed never to vote for another Democrat the rest of my life. For two years I remained unregistered and finally re-registered as a Republican (because the only supporters of free speech seem to be coming from that party anymore) last fall. However, I will be switching parties in early 2024 so I can vote for Bobby in the Pennsylvania primary. I will do whatever I can to help him win. And I will vote for him in the general. When I think back on every president over my lifetime, not one of them is as learned as Bobby Kennedy. I would be proud to have him as my president and I think he's the best qualified person for the job in several generations. In my heart, I'm a Kennedy Democrat.
This synopsis of the Rogan-Kennedy discussion is valuable because after listening to all 3 hours, it was difficult to remember all the important points Kennedy made.
Isn't Ed Dowd running the finance part of Kennedy's campaign? Odd that you haven't heard back. I may be wrong, but I thought that a donation to the candidate stayed with the candidate. Some probably, big donors most likely, donate to the party.
Do due diligence! I’m a Republican & have had qualms for years about any donations ending up in the RNC rather than the candidate. DNC & RNC have their picks. Usually aren’t same as mine
Uncle Teddy gave us not only the onslaught of vaccines with pharma protection but also the 1965 Immigration act which was in short order to change the character of the country, the effects of which are exploding in our face. I read RFK's Fauci book when it came out and found it quite informative. Unfortunately, Jr. still has too many modern liberal tendencies for my taste.