In one paragraph I write:

And what if “Science” stunned the world by doing real science with a real placebo group and concluded that vaccines almost certainly massively increase a child’s probability of developing autism?

Here I'm thinking of a control group like ... the Amish.

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We already have a 120+ million COVID vaccine control group: the purebloods like me.

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Cutting-room-floor text:

Quick aside: If the Senate rejects Kennedy, I guess it’s theoretically possible President Trump would nominate another person with the same skeptical or dissident views as Kennedy. However, this wouldn’t make sense as, presumably, a Kennedy clone or disciple would also be rejected by the same Senate.

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Trump also has Recess Assignment potential. I'm not sure if that could still be brought into use though if RFKjr is rejected by the Senate in this round.

But, Trump could Recess in another pick, maybe a figurehead, with RFKjr as Under-Secretary perhaps.

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He can force a recess while they are failing to vote to confirm and place him in there anyway. (I believe anyway otherwise what’s the point). It’s temporary but it may give rfkj the time he needs to demonstrate his ability to do the job and ultimately down the road get confirmed.

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I think that if you had 10 clones of Kennedy, each successive one would get a wee bit more support. Human nature.

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To me, the repetitiveness of the phrase, gold standard, is a way in which Kennedy is substantiating the claim he is pro vaccine: only IF they meet the gold standard and a way of rejecting any vaccine whether existing now or in the future.

To quote you: Kennedy must know that if real science suddenly comes back into vogue, said science will prove that vaccines are NOT “safe and effective.”

If he isn't confirmed, I fear we are in for a long and arduous situation and the harms will never be unveiled. Trump will most likely just go with the flow due to lack of understanding and genuine interest of what has actually transpired in the last four years. Those clots, for example, are just one after effect that people may have in the coming years and thousands have had already. His next choice I'm afraid will be one that will toe the established line.

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His background and experience in this area are stellar; however we know that these more often than not don't matter.

The question usually is "Does the person's viewpoints and stances support the narrative we wish to uphold?"

Here's to a good result!

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Since Dems don’t give a hoot about our health but seem to get off on destroying people perhaps they will approve because they would have 4 more years of pathetic fun taking this man down—until they couldn’t. I doubt they are smart enough not to do that.

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Pray he is confirmed, and good at 3 & 4D chess.

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All these confirmation hearings are a sham. Nominees have to lie and hedge positions to curry favor. Bloody waste of time.

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RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE. VAERS was 50,000 deaths and 1.5M injures. However, only 1% of people report vaccine injuries - Stanford. Or 4% in Australia, the acutal deaths and injuries would be 20-100X higher. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit

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Why not make it a quinta-billion lawsuit - the lawyers solve nothing.

If this is the pathway - then chaos beckons.


Some things can't be regulated - there can be no laws controlling them - and bans make no difference - DUH.....


lawyers in general are skum of the earth - and really - maybe tis just time to break up this enterprise from the ground up - cause dc is proven they got strings pulling on them and they could care less about "Joe-Public" - tis PROVEN.

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Don't forget recess appointments if the senate rejects him. Then Trump can appoint whoever he wants until the end of the current congressional session (two years).

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Robert Barnes is saying that even if RFK Jr. isn't confirmed by the Senate, Trump will invoke a recess appointment, which would be good for the next 2 years, at least. Bobby can do a lot of work in 24 months.

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When I hear him say "pro-vaxx", I am reminded of him making a statement about the IDEA behind vaccines, and not today's reality! So, since 2 things can be true at once, he has the ability to truthfully be pro-vaxx and against harmful, poorly-tested vaccines (which I'd venture to say that all of them are...

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Have been considering the possibilities, esp. after reading your comment on Jenna this a.m. I consider that the USA is blessed to have had the '20 steal, as the ensuing four years displayed, in "blazing technicolor", how evil and corrupt (well, guess corruption implies evil) is the Democrat Party. We needed that four years. So, in that vein, if RFK is not accepted, there will be another four years in which the American people not only can, but most likely will, become aware of the danger coming from vaccines. For myself, I have just recently truly learned the value of "waiting on the Lord", because when He deems the time right, the results are so much grander than I could possibly have imagined. Cf.. yesterday's Expanding Educational Freedom and Opportunity for Families--school choice is finally here!

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These hearings in today’s media infected world are nothing more than a chance for political preening by our self absorbed ruling class. Every Senator already knows how they will vote…..except for the ones allowing the bidding for their vote to continue until the last minute.

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The guy either gets approved by the Senate or not - or what is that term they use - the Senate authorizes his ass to be the Health Secretary - I mean who the hell authorizes the Senate I query.

And truly - if "Trump-team" wants him in he will be in - if not - tis a ruse - if a ruse - get ready for WAR.....or maybe let me just say - get ready for better ideas.

Vaccinations are harmful - tis evident and known.

Big harma and other entities own DC - if it don't stop now - then secession increases in probability Bill - cause it is KNOWN.

Not kidding around.

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I figured the same about his "pro vax" comments. But disagree that the medical cartel would be safe to perpetuate the fraud if he's not confimed. Trump, with the advice and consent of RFK Jr himself, mut have a far lesser-known propective nominee with the same aims in the wings, should that happen, who just might appoint RFK Jr to the highest position they can appoint. Or he may just act in an unofficial capacity. So I stronlgy suspect it's 4-D chess.

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My thoughts exactly - just wrote about this and saw your comment after lol

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Injection related . Just saw a clip of Matt Taibbi saying it was really stupid of Fauci to accept the pardon ( it assumes he has something to be guilty for... ya don't say) because they can go after him and he won't be allowed to plead the 5th . I'm wonder who has him in their cross hairs since he is THE SCIENCE.

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It would be interesting to go back and look at press coverage of vaccine exemptions from litigation that became law in 1986. Who objected? I am pretty sure it was a Democrat congressman, Henry Waxman, who wrote the bulk of the legislation. What was the vote on that bill? What media outlets questioned the wisdom of it?

There's a book in there somewhere.

Keep up the good work, Bill Rice Jr.!

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