Cutting room floor text:

Regarding my supposition that perhaps no employees at public health agencies died “from Covid,” I’m willing to be proven wrong - all these agencies have to do is provide the numbers.

It would also be nice if these agencies provided the names of decedents and the dates of their deaths.

For the record, the media affairs director of The Alabama Department of Public Health did tell me she couldn’t answer my question due to “HIPAA reasons” - which, I guess, means if some ADPH employee died from Covid, it would be scandalous or somehow cruel to list these employees’ cause of death.

I don’t get the HIPAA cop-out either.

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I thought the HIPAA restrictions applied to named people.

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Good point. I wasn't asking for any "names" of decedents - just how many employees had died from Covid. I was asking for a number.

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Obituaries and other death reports are HIPAA violations if they mention any cause of death whatsoever? I thought the experts initially told the world, the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of this "new" respiratory virus was 60%.

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If some gov't official had died of CV, it would have been a headline.

And HIPAA doesn't bar disclosure of numbers, only names.

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I noted that the CDC can easily erase 36 percent of the "flu deaths" from the worst flu season in 40 years. This makes me wonder if the CDC - maybe five to 50 years from now - might, in one day with one computer click - erase 36 percent of the Covid deaths - which would be more than 360,000 deaths.

If RFK, Jr. appoints the right person as CDC director, it's possible that 99 percent of the "Covid deaths" might be erased with "revised" estimates.

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Bill - I believe that the overwhelming majority of people that died from Covid actually died from lack of appropriate treatment and/or the deadly protocols.

I’d love to know what the uptake is on the flu shots are this year. Fool me once……

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It would be very difficult to do that whilst claiming that Operation Warp Speed "saved millions of lives". A political conundrum to say the least!

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Yep. Did the "vaccines" "save millions of lives" ... or "cause millions of deaths?"

Which one is it? Doesn't any official want to know the real answer?

Answer: No.

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By not being forthright that the Covid shot was a genetically engineered medicine and not a traditional vaccine, the medical community denied patients informed consent and lost all credibility with many (most?) of their patients. Two things then happened, they destroyed their credibility and created a barrier to people ever being vaccinated again.

The damage to public health will take generations to sort out…

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That's the Great Silver Lining of our Covid Times and is another example of the veracity of my "Law of Opposite Effects" Maxim. The whole goal was to reduce "vaccine hesitancy," which, of course, resulted in unprecedented levels of people who are now vaccine hesitant.

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I’m now an ex-vaxxer. NEVER again.

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Agreed, this was what sent me down the rabbit hole. I was initially, an anti-gene therapy / cationic lipids shota kind of guy. When they tripled down on obvious lies and games with statistics fraud; I started my deep dive. Now I'm a no vaccine for anyone at any time under any circumstances kind of guy - until any credible evidence can be provided of need (i.e. there aren't other viable treatments), safety (the cure isn't worse than the disease), and efficacy (it actually does something useful). The only one I'm not sure on yet (haven't done enough digging) is the rabies "vaccine" which really seems to be more of an injectable treatment after bite / infection type of scenario.

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I got a flu shot and then proceeded to get the flu itself.

Silly me! I thought the shot was supposed to protect me from getting the flu.

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The only time I ever got a flu shot ... I got the flu. And, no, it was not a "mild" case. Another "fall-back" whopper is that if you get these "vaccines," you still might get Covid or the flu, but it will be a much milder case.

Yeah, right.

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the flu vax has negative efficacy, i.e. you're more likely to catch it with than without https://truth613.substack.com/p/flu-vaccines-all-risk-and-no-benefit

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Same - last time anyone in my family got a flu shot, my then 3-year old almost ended up hospitalized it was so bad. Since then no one's had anything more than a mild cold/flu - which we treat with rest, soup, and movies.

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So the Covid "vaccine" is more of a therapeutic but not much of one.

But it made lots of money for Big Pharma and damnit that's all that matters!

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I’m 70. I got one flu shot in my life. In October 2018. In May 2018 I was Dx with Maxillary Osteomyelitis (bone infection in face). I had two hospital surgeries, was on an antibiotic PIC line for 8 weeks, and then an oral antibiotic for 3 months. Needless to say my micro biome was a mess and my immune system was certainly compromised.

My regular doctor (10+ years) recommended that I get a flu shot due to my compromised immune system and that she had already seen numerous serious cases of the flu. Prior to 2018 she had always asked if I wanted one and I said no and that was it.

Against my better judgement I got the flu shot in mid October 2018. By mid December I began to have prickly sensations in my feet, which over the next year turned into full blown peripheral neuropathy in my feet and lower legs. It’s miserable. I’ve had every possible test and the wizards cannot find a cause.

I think I know the cause, but can’t find a medical wizard to agree with me.

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I pray for your healing. As in, just now.

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With the start of 2020, the severity of what we faced was made to appear much worse than it was. The focus was to use the fear element to get compliance:

to stay home,

to wear a mask,

to stay 6 ft apart,


As so many have observed, the flu practically disappeared back then. The thing is, it was then called covid.

So now with the flu, they use similar tactics. :/

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And this, too. It's even worse than you think. How about not letting Klaus Schwab decide who lives and dies in Western societies? Schwab proposes a law to die at 70, with few exceptions! [https://x.com/PolFabrice/status/1866757846836109442] [https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/world-leaders-sign-wef-treaty-introducing-age-of-death-laws-in-west/?] [https://x.com/silvano_trotta/status/1867158699266936946]


"An “important” (Times UK) and “meticulously researched” (Forbes) book by the “skeptical environmentalist” argues that panic over climate change is causing more harm than good."


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My favorite parts of Covid:


Is that in 50 years they will still be saying to one another:

” Someone saw a virus once. “

“ A long, long ‘time ago. “

“ And he carved it on a wall - or something. “


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I'd like to see the data they give insurance actuarials. They get the cause of death info despite HIPPA. They massage the data into projected mortality for the big health insurance companies to determine premiums, write policies, determine deductibles, classes of risky customers, etc. SECRETS!

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Thank you Bill for your continued attention to the numbers of deaths. I continue to look for an accurate and honest number of COVID deaths in 2020 and 2021. I ignore those individuals who throw big numbers (like 8 million) around, because they clearly have no commitment to accuracy and sensibility.

I like your idea about the flu deaths. I had one flu shot maybe 50 years ago (I’m a little older now) and felt poorly after. I saw a loved one get really ill after a shot, and decided the price was too high. So I have refused them ever since. I’d rather risk getting sick than take the damned shot. And I haven’t been sick in a coon’s age.

I know of no one who died of COVID.

The CDC does seem to be shy when it comes to facts. They have done a yeoman’s job hiding COVID statistics. Where did the old, and easy to read, annual Morbidity and Mortality reports go? If they let the flu numbered cat out of the bag, that may explain why those reports are hidden.

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Man! You nailed it! This is the guy I subscribed to! Thank you, I really appreciate you!

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I was "pro-vaccine" for my first 50 years. Then, in 2003, my 3-year old son got an MMR injection and my world changed. Within days, he descended rapidly into a condition that I had never heard of - autism.

Bill comments in this article "One alleged mortality probability caused people to rush to get “life-saving” [Covid] shots; the other risk probability [autism] … never even factors into the thinking of most parents."

The part about autism is not really true. Any parent who even hints at concern about the CDC vaccine "schedule" and autism meets with an immediate, knee-jerk denial from healthcare providers. 20 years after my son's injury, the medical profession has successfully deflected all concerns about vaccines and autism.

I understand why medical professionals have to do this. To even acknowledge the possibility of the very real vaccine- autism connection would open the medical malpractice lawsuit floodgates, end many of their careers and start serious scrutiny of the CDC. They are trapped.

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Read up on the story of Thalidomide to see how willing they were willing to go to "save" a single source of revenue by denying the blatantly obviously harms for decades. Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe is also a real eye opener if you have even the slightest doubt as to the nefarious and cynical nature of Big Pharma. Let's remember that Pfizer hasn't cured a single disease in over a century of existence...

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here's the classic video of belgian "flu minister" marc van ranst explaining how to weaponize statistics from an average flu year to ramp up the fear. "set the tone, one voice, one message from day one" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ANOVSjDUd4

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Supposedly, any “vaccine” created has some of the supposed disease used as an ingredient. That was always my issue with the COVID shots - if the virus is so toxic, how could you create a vaccine and in turn be putting the said virus in one’s body and claim it’s infallible ? How or why would you be injecting any amount of this alleged toxicity in one’s body. Worse yet, why are you forcing it - or trying to.

Or how about those who got their panties in a bunch over someone saying “it is nothing but the flu”. The hypocrisy of that - the said legal medical term for covid is nothing but that as the flu - sars-Cov-… with the end number being a strain. Covid, a strong strain of the flu. It was all out there, but nobody ever picked up on it…or more likely just ignored that fact.

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Thank you for keepin it real:

"I’ve reached the point where I don’t mind writing what I really think...."

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Any studies claiming the vaccine saved millions of lives always turn out to be mathematical modeling exercises based on hypothetical scenarios and dodgy inputs. The other issue is the number of covid deaths attributed to covid when people actually died from other causes. This reached the height of absurdity when a man shot by police was recorded as a covid death:


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