Re: The ‘Universal Peril’ of Covid …
As usual, the official narrative was bunk. The "flu shot narrative" is just as dubious.
“Most bought the universal peril narrative.” - Mark Oshinskie.
In his most recent essay, in one pithy sentence, my Substack buddy nailed the operative narrative of the “Scamdemic.”
Re-worded: The “peril” (a scary word) was “universal.” The message sent by the world’s narrative creators was that “everyone” who contracted this novel virus faced a real and significant mortality risk.
That is, me, you, your children, your mother, your next door neighbor .. could very likely die if our leaders didn’t take drastic measures to save us all.
Quick, but germane, observation: Few people want to die. They’d prefer to live. If someone tells you that you very well might die .. but if you do A, B, C and don’t do X, Y and Z, you’ll have a much better chance of remaining alive … you’re probably going to do what the experts tell you you must do (or shouldn’t do).
Quick, but germane, observation 2: This is how our trusted “leaders,” experts and authorities control the activities of eight billion people in the world.
In a recent essay, I wrote that “everything” our trusted experts told us about Covid “is/was a lie.”
The most important lie was that Covid represented “universal peril.”
The purpose of today’s essay is to quantify the real mortality risk that produced this alleged “universal peril.”
The narrative changed, but this was the all-important narrative starting point …
In the early months of the (official) pandemic, the experts told the world that the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of this new respiratory virus was 3.4 percent.
This, if true, would mean that 34 people out of every 1,000 humans who contracted this virus would later die from it. If we reduce the fraction, this means 3.4 of every 100 people would die, which is approximately 1-in-29 people.
Speaking for myself, if some knowledgeable authority tells me a given activity has a 3.4 percent chance of killing me … I’m going to refrain from participating in said activity.
This might be an interesting aside …
I just wrote a column on autism, where studies tell us that 1-in-34 children in America (perhaps even more) are somewhere on the autism spectrum.
Question: How many parents might quit vaccinating their children if, pre-vaccination, they were told that at least 3 in every 100 vaccinated children will develop autism?
Answer: Probably (one would hope), all parents would quit making those vaccine “wellness” visits.
However, if parents are told vaccines have never caused even one case of autism, most parents will probably go ahead and tell the nurse to give their children the 75+ shots on the childhood vaccination schedule. ….Plus, their child’s annual life-saving flu “vaccines” (more on that Big Pharma/Big Medicine scam below).
To me, anyway, it’s interesting to note that the percentage of people who the public was told would die from Covid (1-in-29) represents a more remote probability than the percentage of people who might develop autism from shots mandated by the government.
It’s hard to wrap one’s head around this take-away: One alleged mortality probability caused people to rush to get “life-saving” shots; the other risk probability … never even factors into the thinking of most parents.
But the peril, we belatedly learned, was a tad over-stated …
Of course, officials later revised their IFR “peril” numbers.
Instead of the IFR being 3.4 percent, it was really only 1 percent, we were told. And, then even later - if you read the fine print in studies the New York Times wouldn’t mention - we learned that the true IFR for Covid might be as low as 0.3 or 0.5 percent.
That is, instead of 34 people out of every 1,000 dying from Covid, the mortality number might be as low as 3 or 5 people out of every 1,000.
Still, an IFR of even 0.3 percent is three times greater than the mortality rate of someone who contracts the flu.
According to the CDC, the flu IFR is 0.1 percent, which means one person in every 1,000 who comes down with the flu is going to die from it. (More on this extremely dubious “peril narrative” below).
The real IFR for Covid (or the flu) should actually be considered very important epidemiological information.
My favorite unanswered question so far …
To gauge the real-world IFR of Covid, about 10 months ago I asked the media affairs departments at The CDC, Alabama Department of Public Health and the NIH a very simple and easy-to-answer question:
“How many of your own employees have died from Covid since virus spread commenced?”
Interestingly, nobody answered my question, which causes me to speculate on what the real answer might be.
I’ve learned that more than 10,000 employees work at the CDC. By this point, the vast majority must have had a case of Covid.
Since even the CDC admits the Covid IFR isn’t 3.4 percent, I calculated how many employees would have died from Covid by today’s date if the IFR was 1 percent or 0.3 percent.
If it was 1 percent (10 deaths per 1,000 infected employees), at least 100 CDC employees would have perished from this disease by now.
If the IFR is really just 0.3 percent (3 deaths per 1,000 employees), then at least 30 CDC employees would have died from Covid by now.
In my mind, someone at the CDC would have noticed if somewhere between 30 and 100 employees died from a new disease in the span of a couple of years.
“Yes, DeLores Jones, who used to work one cubicle over from me, passed away in the spring of 2020. Tom Smith, who worked in our IT Department, died shortly after that and, Sarah Mitchell in our media affairs department also died from Covid - which is strange since she had been vaccinated …”
Apparently, the CDC, ADPH and NIH - all great curators of important epidemiological data - do NOT keep track of the number of their own employees who died from this dreaded disease.
I realize these agencies might say that “nobody” died after January 2021 - because, presumably, 100 percent of their employees did as they were told and got vaccinated.
Still, it would be interesting to ascertain how many employees in these agencies died from the first giant wave of Covid in the nine months before anyone had been vaccinated.
These agencies either didn’t tally their own mortality statistics or they did and they aren’t revealing the answer - which would mean these agencies are not as “transparent” in sharing relevant data as they say they are.
Personally, I think it’s very possible no employee of these giant agencies died from Covid (which supports my theory that this virus was/is not as “deadly” as we’ve all been told).
The “universal peril” narrative was also routinely reinforced by infallible authorities like Dr. Anthony Fauci who assured the public that whatever the real mortality risk from Covid is, we can all be certain this mortality risk is much greater than one’s risk of dying from the flu.
Certainly, every expert agreed the risk of someone dying from Covid is at least 3 to 5 times higher than the risk of someone dying from the flu.
Okay, let’s talk about that flu shot …
However, some skeptics on Substack (like yours truly) also question the experts data/statistics on flu deaths.
*** (This is where I insert the “Share” button since questioning the Covid and the Flu shots is likely going to affect my “reach” algorithms.) ***
From my research, it seems clear that, about 15 years ago, the CDC (no doubt responding to requests from their friends in Big Pharma), massively increased the “official” number of Americans who allegedly “die from the flu.”
Officials apparently accomplished this by conflating “pneumonia deaths” with “flu deaths.”
If I understand this public-health parlor trick … if a case of flu perhaps led to a case of pneumonia, all flu and pneumonia deaths could be labeled “flu deaths.”
This is how “the flu” became a great public health peril and how our friends at Big Pharma got a lot more people to get their annual “flu vaccines.” (Fifty percent of Americans now dutifully get these annual shots, including 70 percent of senior citizens).
In researching ‘flu deaths,’ I’ve been struck by:
How, approximately 15 years ago, the number of these deaths dramatically increased.
How the statistics on “flu deaths” are almost always later revised (downward) by the CDC, often by eye-opening numbers.
For example, “the worst flu season of the last 40 years” is said to be the flu season of 2017-2018. For at least two years, the CDC told everyone that “80,000” Americans perished from the flu that year.
Out of the blue, this figure was later revised to 61,000 deaths and today is said to be 51,000 deaths.
That is, 29,000 flu deaths somehow disappeared with two mouse clicks of a CDC computer.
To this day, I don’t understand how researchers - years later - can belatedly conclude that 36 percent of the previously-estimated deaths were NOT actually caused by the flu.
Not that such questions matter. All that mattered is that for at least two years, just about every newspaper and magazine article that talked about that particular year’s scary flu season could make reference to the “80,000 people” who perished from the flu just a couple of years earlier.
No article I’ve read said that “80,000 people allegedly died from the flu. They all say, definitively, that 80,000 Americans died from the flu.
Stories like this create the narrative that the flu is very deadly - and, thus, every smart person in the world must get “their” flu shot.
Very few people respond by saying, “You know, I’ve never personally known anyone who died from the flu.” Or “I’ve never heard of anyone younger than age 60 who died from the flu … and certainly none of my grandchildren’s classmates.”
People might know a nursing home resident or older person who supposedly (or really) died from the flu… which suggests the flu is primarily a mortality risk to the elderly.
However, few citizens ask the question I now ask:
If 70 percent of America’s elderly population get the flu shot every year, and this shot is supposed to at least prevent death in the vaccinated, why are almost all the “flu death” victims among the elderly? Didn’t the vast majority of these senior citizens “get their flu shots?”
Here’s what I really think …
I’ve reached the point where I don’t mind writing what I really think and what I really think is that Big Pharma and the CDC conspired to massively inflate the number of “flu deaths” … to sell more flu “vaccines.”
Definitely pre-Covid, but even today, I think all “public health agencies” could more accurately be described as “Flu-Shot Vaccine Promotion Agencies.”
Circling back to where I started, the “universal Covid peril” narrative was even scarier because … if people thought Covid was 3 to 1,000 times more “deadly” than the flu, the mental calculation of most citizens probably became:
“Damn, that’s one perilous disease… if it’s 10 times more deadly than the Flu of 2018!”
Which led to:
“… Where do I get my shot? Shouldn’t I wear two masks?”
Which brings me to a good stopping point, as the above discussion allows me to again state one of my iron-clad maxims:
“He who controls the narrative controls the world.”
When it comes to contagious respiratory viruses, the more perilous and universal the death risk, the better.
… And don’t ask the CDC how many of their own employees died from this terrible disease. Or if you do ask, they won’t tell.
(Thank you very much to all my readers and subscribers.)
And the consistent group of readers who continue to “put bread in my jar” …
Cutting room floor text:
Regarding my supposition that perhaps no employees at public health agencies died “from Covid,” I’m willing to be proven wrong - all these agencies have to do is provide the numbers.
It would also be nice if these agencies provided the names of decedents and the dates of their deaths.
For the record, the media affairs director of The Alabama Department of Public Health did tell me she couldn’t answer my question due to “HIPAA reasons” - which, I guess, means if some ADPH employee died from Covid, it would be scandalous or somehow cruel to list these employees’ cause of death.
I don’t get the HIPAA cop-out either.
I noted that the CDC can easily erase 36 percent of the "flu deaths" from the worst flu season in 40 years. This makes me wonder if the CDC - maybe five to 50 years from now - might, in one day with one computer click - erase 36 percent of the Covid deaths - which would be more than 360,000 deaths.
If RFK, Jr. appoints the right person as CDC director, it's possible that 99 percent of the "Covid deaths" might be erased with "revised" estimates.