Fauci is living proof of Milton Friedman's dictum that "There is nothing on earth as permanent as a temporary government program."

These clowns are beyond awful.

Thanks for keeping this in front of the public, whether they listen or not.

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Thanks, Christopher. That's all I know to keep doing. I guess I'm a "writer" so I'll keep writing articles and essays that try to expose the never-ending lies and corruption. These are like messages in a bottle. Just keep throwing them out there (while you still can); maybe the right people will get them?

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3 hrs agoLiked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Brilliant comment, sir, and thank you for the Milton Friedman quote - pure gold that one, and so very true - unfortunately. 5,000 likes!

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As a young man of 28 in ‘82 my fear was the mortgage renewal on my house coming up with a rate approaching 20%. The horror!

Now at age 70 my fear is that Kamala Harris could well become the next President of the free world.

God help us!

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Odds betting is on Trump. Polls… nah. Not important.

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You nailed the two most important ideas: Of the three possible sources of the virus (lab accident, wet market, or it doesn’t exist at all), none of them matters. What killed people was the response: Lockdowns, masks, isolation, midazolam/morphine, denial of antibiotics. Then the vaccines themselves accompanied by coercion and mandates turned professional pro-vaxers (I’m a pharmacist and have given thousands of vaccines) into adamant anti-vaxers (I will never give or take another one).

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Good for you. I wish we had more brave pharmacists like yourself. On the virus origins question, I do think it's the "Response" that matters ... and is actually the greatest scandal in perhaps world history.

One might argue that many wars produced more victims, but these mRNA "vaccines" are being injected into arms every day and even more will be injected in the future ... so the carnage is on-going and the final death count is really unknown at this point.

Also, many people who have not died have become permanently disabled or their quality of life has been dramatically altered ... or will be in the future. Some of these adverse side effects will take years or decades to manifest.

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I have had superb heart health my entire life. After the second shot I developed Premature Venture Contractions that required implanting a device in my chest. It turns out that this very effect was duplicated in vitro in Japan. Boy am I pissed.

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My neighbor had a serious stroke not long after getting his first round of shots. He is re-habbing and fighting a good fight, but he's permanently disabled. He had just sold his business and was heading into retirement at around age 65. He told me he thinks the shots caused his stroke.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I don’t blame you. I have known many vaccine injured people among family and friends which is particularly disheartening since there are millions that I DON’T know, like yourself, who are suffering . Nothing less than demonic.

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But most don't recognize (admit) it. Just some sad fate.

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Re: Musical groups like The Grateful Dead, we know that Covid led to them NOT being able to play concerts for two years ... So all the "Dead Heads" couldn't gather and groove with their fellow Heads. However, what we don't know is how many music groups might have "hit it big" if they had been allowed to keep touring in 2020-2021. Common sense tells us several groups might have been on the verge of a career and life-changing breakthrough ... which didn't happen.

I imagine several groups disbanded, quit practicing and never got back together once they were allowed to do the thing they love most (make and perform music). Or, if they did get back together, they didn't have the same momentum they'd had earlier or couldn't re-discover the groove they'd previously had.

The groups that had already made it big were fine and could start touring again after a 2-year sabbatical. I just wish more of these groups had more empathy for musicians who had not reached this point yet. I don't think any of them (except Van Morrison) blame "The Man" or the government or Anthony Fauci for damaging the careers of so many people. So much for the "rebel" rockers.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Bill Rice, Jr.

...and then JESUS RETURNED! 😃

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Amen, come Lord Jesus!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The Law of Unintended Consequences is a sombitch. But my glass is always half full. So here’s to hoping that this great experiment of a country can somehow navigate the path upon which it was set by all that you have so masterfully described. Or that the emerging consequence will somehow be better than anyone could have asked, imagined or even intended. Cheers!

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Thanks, Wes. They say the Lord works in mysterious ways. We probably needed to hit - or approach - societal rock bottom before enough people woke up and started acting like adults in the room. The children and sociopaths who are "leading" us have to be PURGED. The sooner the better.

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We could find ourselves chopping it up sooner than later. Maybe even before you and I exit.

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Whew! I just got a notification this article got me a new paid subscriber. That takes me back up to 296 - down from 311 a month ago.

My plunge in "free subscriptions" generated by each new article is more conspicuous and alarming than the plunge in my paid subscribers.

My last 14 articles have produced a grand total of 10 free subscriptions. When I added the link to my book review of "The Real Anthony Fauci," I noted that this article produced 85 free subscribers. That article was written in my second month as a Substack author.

So one article used to produce 8X as many free subscribers as 14 articles do today.

I'm not whining. I'm just giving another example from my Substack metrics that something has changed on Substack.

I appreciate everyone who is hanging in there with me and I have had a very good month with "Ko-Fi" donations, which are greatly appreciated.

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I peaked at 6,667 total subscribers two weeks ago. I'm now down to 6,645 - down 22.

I post these updates just in case any other Substackers are experiencing similar negative trends in recent months. I think the more liberal Stacks are not experiencing this trend reversal for some reason.

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Just a data point: I tried sending you an email via the Substack system. Yours was one that was blocked.

People are fickle, especially in the recent subscriber band. I do not really get it. I sense that among this group they function at a level where they see subscription as a reward or punishment. I generally follow people both with whom I agree, and those with whom I disagree. What does it hurt to follow, perhaps a little decision moment at the INBOX?

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Yes. Who can control that, and by what mechanism? Have any deserters squealed?

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I knew AIDS (although it was called GRID back then) was a problem in 1984. Something didn't make sense. I was working late night before going into work and watched an Aids special. They were fear mongering and an older lady (60-70) stood up and said something like, "I'm a married women faithful to my husband, I do not have any fear of this virus!" They called her a woman with a rectal disorder as they escorted out of the studio. They laughed at and mocked this woman for the rest of the program. That's when I knew AIDS was a political disease. Gene Antonio wrote "The Aids Cover-up" and explained what was going on... Crickets...

No surprise with COVID.

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I wish that 10% of the population of the West would come to your conclusion and consequential actions. That would nail it for the lizards - once and for all. Being a bit optimistic perhaps, but we're on the way. There's no way the genie will be going back into the bottle again, and they know it.

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Celia Farber knew

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

So, what will we do when she is installed? I fear for this country and it seems few are taking it to heart, or they have no idea what to do. It feels very hopeless.

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I guess I'll try to lend my voice to getting her quickly removed. At some point, some brave leader is going to propose secession as the only solution and everyone will have to decide if they should get behind this solution or not. I hope it doesn't come to that, but I still think that's the biggest elephant in the room.

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Agreed. And if the commie gets elected, I am all for secession.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Bill Rice, Jr.

My plan, RESISTANCE. It's worked so far in my little circle. Also lots of prayers. 🙏🙏

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FWIW, I've been a researcher of deep state for almost 30 yrs, and doubled down when Trump became president. I remember when Trump put out a call on a news site for retired military to rejoin, they were needed. That was a few yrs ago. These are the white hats and they work with 36 other countries worldwide taking down the deep state by arresting the criminals in govt around the world. They also have ALL the evidence of stolen election of 2020, as well as the true numbers of elections in 2016, 2022 and now they will have the true numbers for this election in 2 weeks and this time they will give them to the public if Kamala and Friends try to say they won. The true numbers so far have Trump ahead by about 55%. Pennsylvania is key and so far Trump is way ahead of Kamala and even the Amish (who rarely vote) are turning out in full force to vote for Trump. I can't tell you how many people I've come across who have done interviews on You Tube and who have said "I can't find one person who will be voting for Kamala." Apparently she travels with 3,000 people around the country and those 3,000 are the ones who fill up whatever space she's speaking in - IOW, they are placeholders and are paid to make it look like she has actual supporters but she doesn't.

Here's one video on You Tube that has an interviewer in PA talking with the Amish:


Hope this info helps.

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Why didn't these white hats publish the true numbers before?

Sad to say, I know large numbers of people who will (or already have) voted for the Kamal, even most of my siblings. NextDoor is full of them. Despite that, if Idaho and Utah were claimed to have voted for her, it wouldn't be the least bit credible, despite Trumpenstein being enough of a rapscallion, Mormons are rather tepid about supporting him.

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Coming clean in the bath house: exposure of one of the big prongs of attack on America and the propelling of civilization into a rapid downfall.

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2 hrs ago·edited 1 hr ago

For those concerned about the upcoming election, as to whether or not Trump will win, there's this video from X22Report:

"At A Certain Point The Election Becomes To Big To Rig, Trump Says MAGA Close To 200 Million"


I checked stats, there are approximately 218 million eligible voters in U.S. - this means that maybe 20 million people either aren't voting, haven't voted but intend to or are voting for Kamala.

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You had me at "discard the Constitution." Well done Bill!

As much as I dislike Trump, I dislike Harris even more. I certainly did not like the choice 4 years ago. Somehow this feels like I'm damned no matter what I do. There is something fundamentally wrong about the current political parties.

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Interesting. Could you provide a comparison of their policies for me? I am curious to learn and understand the thought processes.

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Bill, I think you hit the high note on this article, sir. IMO this should get a Pulitzer Prize, brilliant writing and piecing together of the facts. I never thought about vax liability cancellation by Reagan as leading to all of what you wrote about but you are spot on. I'm old enough to remember when all this happened, especially 1982 when AIDS came out. I've talked before on this Substack about my husband being a virologist for 50 yrs - I had him read this column and he wholeheartedly agrees with me that you should get a Pulitzer prize for this piece of writing. Great work, sir, and than you for putting it all together. I think mainstream media news is about finished and for sure will be after this election, when the truth comes out about how crooked they are - and that's when citizen journalist once again returns to report the real truth about what's happening in our world, just as it did in the American Revolution, when we had the lies of Thomas Paine with his brilliant, inspiring writing and truth-telling. His writing was one big reason we won that war IMO.

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Ronald Raygun burn in Tartarus along with Richard Milhous Nixon!

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