I’ve identified many Covid villains, but I’ve gone easy on the group that was, perhaps, the most-important accomplice in this massive criminal conspiracy - the world’s “trusted” doctors.
I have to wonder what percentage of physicians pushed "The Sacred Miracle Elixir" on their patients, but didn't take it themselves? I doubt we'll ever know.
In what nation was your friend told that? I thought in the US that the COVID vaccines were mandatory for healthcare workers who accepted Medicare/Medicaid. I have heard of a few doctors who successfully resisted the pressure to be vaccinated, but it was very challenging for them.
Four of 432 providers did not get vaccinated in my health care facility. This included nurse practitioners, PAs, physicians. I was offered a religious exemption 5 days before my December date of termination. Truly a dark time in the annals of health care. I told everyone I knew not to get it. Reactions ranged from thoughtful discussion to rage against me. They were brainwashed and bought in. Many now regret it, but many still cannot admit it. On some level, they stilll believe in the big psyop. I believe most of them are ashamed and will do everything to not talk about it.
some animals are worth more than others. is there doubt any longer that the medical system cannot be trusted. not sure how doctors are can sleep at night with these things hanging over their consciences.
One of our local docs told me her husband, also a doc, got all the shots but wouldn’t take the booster that had been tested only on 3 mice. She took it, however, so she could continue being permitted to sing in her choir. 🤷🏼♂️
OMG I hope it was worth it. I love singing but left the church over all the heisa with masks, wiping all the benches before and after, getting communion in a plastic bag - and the local church did not even allow people to come in. Everyone bring a lawn chair, mask, gloves, outside. I decided God will hear me from my wooded backyard. So far it seems to work.
Such nonsense, right? Our mainline churches just shut down altogether. The upshot of it was that attendance never has recovered. Our 3 largest congregations are barely holding on, but the small non-denominational churches, all of which stayed open, have grown in size. I’m betting that God is closer to you in his woods than in any of those sanitized buildings.
and on a language note, loved to know the Dutch word for "fuss!"
Did you know this horrorific coincidence??
The word 閉鎖 (Heisa) is composed of two Kanji: 閉 (hei) which means "close" and 鎖 (sa) which means "chain" or "lock". Together they form the meaning of "lock" or "closure". The word is commonly used to describe the closure of an area or space, such as a street, a building or a border.
The woods & garden around my home are a sanctuary and Nearer, My God, To Thee!
LOLOL the bread was in little plastic bags - I suppose they took it home? otherwise they would have had to take their masks off, God beware, you cannot do that! I watched a couple of their tube services, but to see the priest with a mask on, speaking into a microphone 3 yards away - no fun there. They still send me the newsletter, but I haven't gone back and won't go again. INdeed, God is in the woods. You can just feel it from the whisper in the leaves...
Many and many more. A lot of them took Ivermectin from Tractor Supply, as a prophylactic , as they continued to work. They knew the right dosage. I don’t know how they live with themselves. Guess they tucked it away in a small compartment in their brain, and just kept lying. Such evil is beyond me😢
Watching Versailles on Prime . Having lots of parallels to today 's world. Young King Louis says : I am Versailles . Reminds me of fauci saying : I am the Science . The poor commoners keep getting taxed beyond what they make , for the good of France and when they speak up , you can imagine what happens . Then the protestants have to recant their religion or they become the target for the regime . All so familiar , as history repeats itself . The palette is exquisite though.
Sounds like I need to put that show on my list. I'm currently binge-watching "The Sopranos," which I had never seen since I didn't have HBO! I'm in Season 3 and, so far, it's living up to its hype and rave reviews. That's why I ran the picture of Tony Soprano with this story.
Absolutely fabulous show . If you want something Shakespearan try Deadwood - brilliant dialogue but maybe not a virus comparative to these times but well worth the palette cleanse.
I wish we could hang Fauci, Soros, Gates, Obama, Biden and others for treason against the US and the world. I know God understands, when I say that. These people are evil murderers. I know God will handle them in the end, and justice will be done. I’m just so angry. I know 3 people who died from the vaccines, and some who are damaged. . We are at war with Satan. We need God to win this evil war. 🙏
This is also a function of employment status. A little more than half of physicians are employees of hospitals and health systems. Nearly another quarter are corporate employees (United Health). That leaves a little less than 25% of physicians operating independently- but if you take Medicare you have to play by government rules. There are virtually ZERO physicians who answer directly to patients.
I keep wondering how the OB Docs feel seeing the sick moms and babies in the hospital and knowing it's because THEY recommended the shots and/or took the hush money...The one I've lost the most respect for is our lead neonatologist separating moms and babies for 10 days saying, "I might not agree, but it's probably best"...
Obstetricians recommend abortion for bogus CF tests. CF is more complicated than that. Despite a prenatal "positive" CF test, my niece does not have CF.
If you think they have a hard time sleeping, you don't understand them. So long as the money is rolling in and they feel secure, they're fine with ANYTHING. They proved that pre-COVID. Since COVID it's more obvious, so more see it now.
I love Vernon Coleman. He is a doctor himself and ridicules the whole profession. What now is called doctors, are salesmen for bigharma. It always strikes me when I read - cancer doc died from cancer. Heart specialist dies from heart attacks... no these people cannot heal themselves. They are clueless. Baffled LOL
Think you are getting even better Bill with your posts . Don't be too jealous of us Canadians though , just saw a great photo of our so called health minister t tam ( she of the vax for 6 month olds to prevent what ??? ) with tedros of the WHO ,saying she is looking forward to working with him . So much great stuff for the good of us all .
To all my friends in Canada (and Australia) hang tough ... You are right in the middle of the worst of this stuff. But America's not too far behind you.
Kind of think America is captured by XI ( for one) as well Bill - just that you guys aren't as complacent as we northerners are . We are still safe and effective even though I see the limbs almost falling off people - they can barely walk ,some of them, ca's in some young ones , diabetes in perfectly healthy oldsters prior to the roll outs , a lot of hip and knee replacements etc. Maybe I am more HYPER aware of what I am observing . It's in the injected group because those of us who questioned are an endangered species ,it seems .
I look like a pound puppy on a good day ,so I can't tell regarding myself . What I do know Bill , and it could be coritsol cruising through my vessels , is I'm far more lively, fiesty , and engaged politically now than most people my age .
Too old to move at this stage Ingrid . It's a hill to die on ,at least for the moment , and apparently ,due to all the propaganda over these past few years , we are still alive for some strange reason and have never had as much as a cough or cold ... baffling indeed. Could be my head stands ?
been thinking about moving, but move from Europe to US, Arizona, then to Georgia. I have had it as well. And yes, we are alive. I thank our good eating habits and my dog and cats, who keep me running around LOL. I could not stand on my head if my life depended on it, but keep doing it Linelle !
It's easier than you think Ingrid, and once there, it's in the cellular level like riding a bike . Wow you have a lot of places on your agenda for moving - that requires a lot of energy . I'll assume those places mentioned are less invasive into your life choices ?
I am European, then moved to AZ, then to GA. I think that is distance enough LOL. I am now in the woods, where I always wanted to live, and I will stay here as long as I can.
How very interesting! "headstands" If personal rebounders (small trampolines) have been found to stimulate the lymphatic system, then it stands to reason that head-stands could very well do the same. Doing headstands, the blood pressure to the head increases, and for that reason I would think that care be taken at least at first. By that pressure increase, it might be that the vessels get exercised and become more resilient to age-related issues.
Have been doing head stands for years Ray based on my years of YOGA that I believe has been instrumental keeping me flexible and stretched . It really is quite easy to do once you get the right alignment and there isn't any pressure noted - just an ease of balance - something many older people don't seem to have. Yoga was kind of an upfront investment in later health and I believe it has paid off in spades over the years . So many other things anyone can do to empower their own health rather than asking a doctor what to do . I also read how good rebounders are as well.
My wife spells her name Lynelle. Not a common one. Anyway, yes, doctors don't know anything. They're just trained salesmen and drug pushers. Naturopaths are excluded. There is, as you say, "so many other things..." (to do) for ones health. This season, here, our mangos provided a bumper crop, so I get to indulge in banana/mango smoothies every day, all day! We also grow Moringa Oleifera, and a Chinese version, which tastes great. So after drying, it gets pulverized via coffee grinder and then a heaping tablespoon goes into the smoothie. Other stuff, like chia seed, flax seed, a little tumeric, coconut flour, and oat flour too. When I can remember, I'll toss in one or two small citrus fruits, (calamansi) skin, seeds and all.
My prescription to you: If what you're doing is working.....by all means continue! And thanks for the report.
Lovely response here Ray and I appreciate what you can do in your area where you live . Where we are in Canada , we are now lucky if we get 2 days in a row of any sun - it's most grey and rainy and because I look up at the sky more then most on their phones , I do see what I think is cloud seeding - maybe to get us all on prozac for the good of our health ? We have some squirrels and other creatures that are now eating our bamboo - think they are evolving into pandas maybe for survival; I'm guessing we are all evolving into creatures formerly known as humans - maybe that's the plan.
"Today, no important group exists that’s seeking to expose the malfeasance and “crimes against humanity” … because all the important organizations agreed that all the Covid solutions were absolutely necessary."
There was some doctors that stood. They may have been stupid in the beginning, but after awhile caught on. The folks who make up World Council for Health and the ones who signed on The Great Barrington Declaration.
10-4. There numbers are probably bigger than is commonly understood. it's just that these people were cancelled and their anti-vaccine or dissenting opinions were severely suppressed in the mainstream press ... and several were made an example of.
The accomplices in the Censorship Industrial Complex have played a vital role as well.
My HMO doctor would not see me when I was sick, unless I submitted a negative Covid test. How stupid is that? He got vaxxed and quickly suffered a bilateral pulmonary edema-almost died. That finally woke him up and he’s still fighting HIS doctors for decent medical treatment. Still, he was a mask nazi, and yo this day, he still wears a mask in his office. Can’t fix Stupid.
I enjoy your pairing of FOLLOW THE MONEY with psycho analysis of the motives. Such is the fallen human nature laid bare. As in our nation's founding, it's always a minority that fights for their god given rights, forming their own form of self government.
Jeez Bill, When the principal at my daughter's school announced their little school (only 170 kids from Pre-k through 6th grade) would be having on site "Vaccination Clinics' during school hours I immediately sent him an email explaining why that was a terrible idea. I am an ER Nurse and I shared with him my professional experience of what happened when the shots were first being given at "Vaccine Clinics" at the hospital where I work: Each day they had one of these clinics we would get patients rushed to us fresh from their jabs with immediate and sometimes life threatening adverse reactions. Not just one or two people either. We would get no less than five hospital employees on my shift. I think it's worth noting these were all "Believers", people who were eager to get this "Life Saving" "Vaccine" ... all believing they were doing the right thing to protect themselves and others. These were people taking pictures of themselves getting their shots and holding up their little Pfizer mRNA shot cards and posting them on their facebook and Instagram accounts... real true believers. And adults. One guy in his mid thirties went into anaphylactic shock, had to be intubated because his airway was closing off, began having seizures, which he had never before had and was transferred by helicopter to a tertiary medical center for more advanced testing and care.
When I thought about the adults I had seen with their emergency reactions to the shots, in the hospital with emergency treatment available right there, I spoke of my concern about the remoteness of the school and the distance from any emergency care. The school is 11 miles North of town and 15 miles from the nearest hospital. I urged him to rethink the wisdom or necessity of giving the kids shots at all, but especially at their little school. It didn't have to happen there. Such a small number of kids could surely be given shots at established sites if their parents were fool enough to allow their kids to get them. I also urged him to have an ambulance or even two on standby as a safeguard in case any child should have an immediate life threatening event.
The principal didn't listen to anything I had said. He responded that he was simply making school space available for the clinic to happen there. He said nothing of why it had to happen during school hours. I told him that it would give the kids and their parents the false impression that the shots are necessary or even a good idea for children. I spoke of how having the shot clinic there would put undue pressure on kids to get the shots. If any of the kids were not getting the jab, the kids who were would wonder why and that could create friction or peer pressure. It would plant the idea in their impressionable minds that the shots were the right thing for them to do. If the institution tasked with their education promoted this activity they would be psychologically conditioned to accept it as wise.
I made it clear to him that I thought he was making a grave mistake on many levels and that my daughter would not be at school on the days they were subjecting the children to this experiment.
What you have presented here sheds new light on the bland deafness of the principal in the face of the what I was telling him.
Great and logical arguments you made to the principal, who of course ignored all your great and true points. This makes the point that the people in charge of educating our children are themselves not well-educated. Another way to express this thought is that our educators are obtuse.
The doctors' groups are captured and so are the education groups.
I’m thinking of the price Andy Dufresne paid for using that word with the warden in !the film “Shawshank Redemption”. And how his Obtuseness was actually a cover for his corruption.
Bill thank you for the truth in article. But this started along time ago in swept and glazed hallways of the medical academia during grueling hospital rotations following the senior doctors every hanging word and upon receiving their white coat upon graduation. They pledged allegiance to the cartel system long before covid enticements began. There's is a closed system where deviance was never looked upon favorably.
At the start of the scandemic my PCP was a black female. She never mentioned the jab, never asked if I wanted it, never asked if I had it. She moved to a different state and the Doc that replaced her was a black male. He never mentioned the jab, never asked if I wanted it, never asked if I’d gotten it.
In fact, neither of them has ever brought up any type of jab. I’m 68 so they could be pushing flu, shingles, pneumonia, etc. But nary a word.
I just find it very interesting and wonder if it has to do with their general distrust of that type of intervention, given historical events.
My mom’s own ‘Marcus Welby’ has had her on so very many medications, it defies any sanity. And of course she took the mRNA shots, to my horror; I love my mom.
I have to wonder what percentage of physicians pushed "The Sacred Miracle Elixir" on their patients, but didn't take it themselves? I doubt we'll ever know.
a friend told me her heart specialist whispered to her, that hardly any docs in that place had taken them. Don't take it, he said, it will kill you
In what nation was your friend told that? I thought in the US that the COVID vaccines were mandatory for healthcare workers who accepted Medicare/Medicaid. I have heard of a few doctors who successfully resisted the pressure to be vaccinated, but it was very challenging for them.
this was here in the US. I have no idea how these doctors escaped the mandates, I wonder if they wrote fake cards for each other LOL
Four of 432 providers did not get vaccinated in my health care facility. This included nurse practitioners, PAs, physicians. I was offered a religious exemption 5 days before my December date of termination. Truly a dark time in the annals of health care. I told everyone I knew not to get it. Reactions ranged from thoughtful discussion to rage against me. They were brainwashed and bought in. Many now regret it, but many still cannot admit it. On some level, they stilll believe in the big psyop. I believe most of them are ashamed and will do everything to not talk about it.
No need to wonder. Of course they did. 😡
Fake cards. Offered by administration
some animals are worth more than others. is there doubt any longer that the medical system cannot be trusted. not sure how doctors are can sleep at night with these things hanging over their consciences.
They're baffled! The shots are safe and effective!
I am glad he told you the truth and saved you!
that doctor needs to become a whistleblower while there is still time.
One of our local docs told me her husband, also a doc, got all the shots but wouldn’t take the booster that had been tested only on 3 mice. She took it, however, so she could continue being permitted to sing in her choir. 🤷🏼♂️
OMG I hope it was worth it. I love singing but left the church over all the heisa with masks, wiping all the benches before and after, getting communion in a plastic bag - and the local church did not even allow people to come in. Everyone bring a lawn chair, mask, gloves, outside. I decided God will hear me from my wooded backyard. So far it seems to work.
Communion in a bag. Now that's funny. I could not have kept a straight face. I have found God in my garden. Works for me too. ❤️
Churches got subsidized for pushing the vax. No kidding.
nothing surprises me anymore. I know several churches set up vaccine stations. I also remember the pope urging people to vaxx
Right…nothing surprises me anymore. Such gross darkness. Good vs. Evil. Pick a side because there is no fence sitting allowed.
Such nonsense, right? Our mainline churches just shut down altogether. The upshot of it was that attendance never has recovered. Our 3 largest congregations are barely holding on, but the small non-denominational churches, all of which stayed open, have grown in size. I’m betting that God is closer to you in his woods than in any of those sanitized buildings.
i love the Word...
and on a language note, loved to know the Dutch word for "fuss!"
Did you know this horrorific coincidence??
The word 閉鎖 (Heisa) is composed of two Kanji: 閉 (hei) which means "close" and 鎖 (sa) which means "chain" or "lock". Together they form the meaning of "lock" or "closure". The word is commonly used to describe the closure of an area or space, such as a street, a building or a border.
The woods & garden around my home are a sanctuary and Nearer, My God, To Thee!
it depends on what sentence you would use fuss
There is lots of fuss going on - er is nogal wat drukte (Netherlands would probably use HERRIE)
don't fuss about that - maak je daar niet druk over
he is fussing about my habit... - hij reklameert over mijn gewoonte...
Dutch has a few more detailed words than English LOL
Btw, how does one take communion in a plastic bag???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
LOLOL the bread was in little plastic bags - I suppose they took it home? otherwise they would have had to take their masks off, God beware, you cannot do that! I watched a couple of their tube services, but to see the priest with a mask on, speaking into a microphone 3 yards away - no fun there. They still send me the newsletter, but I haven't gone back and won't go again. INdeed, God is in the woods. You can just feel it from the whisper in the leaves...
Many and many more. A lot of them took Ivermectin from Tractor Supply, as a prophylactic , as they continued to work. They knew the right dosage. I don’t know how they live with themselves. Guess they tucked it away in a small compartment in their brain, and just kept lying. Such evil is beyond me😢
Licensed to kill!
I should change the headline to this.
Hey, that makes a good meme:
Wasn't that a movie?
I think it was a James Bond movie. We have some real Bond villains - people like George Soros, Anthony Fauci, the WEF director and Bill Gates.
Watching Versailles on Prime . Having lots of parallels to today 's world. Young King Louis says : I am Versailles . Reminds me of fauci saying : I am the Science . The poor commoners keep getting taxed beyond what they make , for the good of France and when they speak up , you can imagine what happens . Then the protestants have to recant their religion or they become the target for the regime . All so familiar , as history repeats itself . The palette is exquisite though.
Sounds like I need to put that show on my list. I'm currently binge-watching "The Sopranos," which I had never seen since I didn't have HBO! I'm in Season 3 and, so far, it's living up to its hype and rave reviews. That's why I ran the picture of Tony Soprano with this story.
Absolutely fabulous show . If you want something Shakespearan try Deadwood - brilliant dialogue but maybe not a virus comparative to these times but well worth the palette cleanse.
I watch the entire Sopranos series at least concerts per year! 👍🏼
*once per year
I wish we could hang Fauci, Soros, Gates, Obama, Biden and others for treason against the US and the world. I know God understands, when I say that. These people are evil murderers. I know God will handle them in the end, and justice will be done. I’m just so angry. I know 3 people who died from the vaccines, and some who are damaged. . We are at war with Satan. We need God to win this evil war. 🙏
oh I think I remember that movie. I got to look that up ! Yikes, I am that old LOL
This is also a function of employment status. A little more than half of physicians are employees of hospitals and health systems. Nearly another quarter are corporate employees (United Health). That leaves a little less than 25% of physicians operating independently- but if you take Medicare you have to play by government rules. There are virtually ZERO physicians who answer directly to patients.
Thanks for quantifying that important point, Bill.
I keep wondering how the OB Docs feel seeing the sick moms and babies in the hospital and knowing it's because THEY recommended the shots and/or took the hush money...The one I've lost the most respect for is our lead neonatologist separating moms and babies for 10 days saying, "I might not agree, but it's probably best"...
OMG what a bastard. That is just criminal !
Obstetricians recommend abortion for bogus CF tests. CF is more complicated than that. Despite a prenatal "positive" CF test, my niece does not have CF.
If you think they have a hard time sleeping, you don't understand them. So long as the money is rolling in and they feel secure, they're fine with ANYTHING. They proved that pre-COVID. Since COVID it's more obvious, so more see it now.
I love Vernon Coleman. He is a doctor himself and ridicules the whole profession. What now is called doctors, are salesmen for bigharma. It always strikes me when I read - cancer doc died from cancer. Heart specialist dies from heart attacks... no these people cannot heal themselves. They are clueless. Baffled LOL
Too bad he he has never seen a fuckin' virus 🙃 😂😎,and never will!
Think you are getting even better Bill with your posts . Don't be too jealous of us Canadians though , just saw a great photo of our so called health minister t tam ( she of the vax for 6 month olds to prevent what ??? ) with tedros of the WHO ,saying she is looking forward to working with him . So much great stuff for the good of us all .
To all my friends in Canada (and Australia) hang tough ... You are right in the middle of the worst of this stuff. But America's not too far behind you.
Kind of think America is captured by XI ( for one) as well Bill - just that you guys aren't as complacent as we northerners are . We are still safe and effective even though I see the limbs almost falling off people - they can barely walk ,some of them, ca's in some young ones , diabetes in perfectly healthy oldsters prior to the roll outs , a lot of hip and knee replacements etc. Maybe I am more HYPER aware of what I am observing . It's in the injected group because those of us who questioned are an endangered species ,it seems .
One thing I've noticed is it seems like people are aging faster. Many people look much older than they did a year or two ago.
I look like a pound puppy on a good day ,so I can't tell regarding myself . What I do know Bill , and it could be coritsol cruising through my vessels , is I'm far more lively, fiesty , and engaged politically now than most people my age .
No doubt about that. Me too.
Exactly right! Sheds new light on the jaded "Soviet era" appearance of many Eastern Europeans late last century. Now we're living it in the West.
ICYMI - excellent interview with David Hughes on Covid and the Omniwar:
you might need to move out of that dangerous northern country! with a castreaus and that woman, not safe. Unless you live in the boonies (like myself)
Too old to move at this stage Ingrid . It's a hill to die on ,at least for the moment , and apparently ,due to all the propaganda over these past few years , we are still alive for some strange reason and have never had as much as a cough or cold ... baffling indeed. Could be my head stands ?
been thinking about moving, but move from Europe to US, Arizona, then to Georgia. I have had it as well. And yes, we are alive. I thank our good eating habits and my dog and cats, who keep me running around LOL. I could not stand on my head if my life depended on it, but keep doing it Linelle !
It's easier than you think Ingrid, and once there, it's in the cellular level like riding a bike . Wow you have a lot of places on your agenda for moving - that requires a lot of energy . I'll assume those places mentioned are less invasive into your life choices ?
I am European, then moved to AZ, then to GA. I think that is distance enough LOL. I am now in the woods, where I always wanted to live, and I will stay here as long as I can.
Sounds great to be engaged in nature especially the woods .
How very interesting! "headstands" If personal rebounders (small trampolines) have been found to stimulate the lymphatic system, then it stands to reason that head-stands could very well do the same. Doing headstands, the blood pressure to the head increases, and for that reason I would think that care be taken at least at first. By that pressure increase, it might be that the vessels get exercised and become more resilient to age-related issues.
Just thinking outloud.
Have been doing head stands for years Ray based on my years of YOGA that I believe has been instrumental keeping me flexible and stretched . It really is quite easy to do once you get the right alignment and there isn't any pressure noted - just an ease of balance - something many older people don't seem to have. Yoga was kind of an upfront investment in later health and I believe it has paid off in spades over the years . So many other things anyone can do to empower their own health rather than asking a doctor what to do . I also read how good rebounders are as well.
Greetings once again, Linelle,
My wife spells her name Lynelle. Not a common one. Anyway, yes, doctors don't know anything. They're just trained salesmen and drug pushers. Naturopaths are excluded. There is, as you say, "so many other things..." (to do) for ones health. This season, here, our mangos provided a bumper crop, so I get to indulge in banana/mango smoothies every day, all day! We also grow Moringa Oleifera, and a Chinese version, which tastes great. So after drying, it gets pulverized via coffee grinder and then a heaping tablespoon goes into the smoothie. Other stuff, like chia seed, flax seed, a little tumeric, coconut flour, and oat flour too. When I can remember, I'll toss in one or two small citrus fruits, (calamansi) skin, seeds and all.
My prescription to you: If what you're doing is working.....by all means continue! And thanks for the report.
Your friend,
Lovely response here Ray and I appreciate what you can do in your area where you live . Where we are in Canada , we are now lucky if we get 2 days in a row of any sun - it's most grey and rainy and because I look up at the sky more then most on their phones , I do see what I think is cloud seeding - maybe to get us all on prozac for the good of our health ? We have some squirrels and other creatures that are now eating our bamboo - think they are evolving into pandas maybe for survival; I'm guessing we are all evolving into creatures formerly known as humans - maybe that's the plan.
"Today, no important group exists that’s seeking to expose the malfeasance and “crimes against humanity” … because all the important organizations agreed that all the Covid solutions were absolutely necessary."
There was some doctors that stood. They may have been stupid in the beginning, but after awhile caught on. The folks who make up World Council for Health and the ones who signed on The Great Barrington Declaration.
10-4. There numbers are probably bigger than is commonly understood. it's just that these people were cancelled and their anti-vaccine or dissenting opinions were severely suppressed in the mainstream press ... and several were made an example of.
The accomplices in the Censorship Industrial Complex have played a vital role as well.
My HMO doctor would not see me when I was sick, unless I submitted a negative Covid test. How stupid is that? He got vaxxed and quickly suffered a bilateral pulmonary edema-almost died. That finally woke him up and he’s still fighting HIS doctors for decent medical treatment. Still, he was a mask nazi, and yo this day, he still wears a mask in his office. Can’t fix Stupid.
I enjoy your pairing of FOLLOW THE MONEY with psycho analysis of the motives. Such is the fallen human nature laid bare. As in our nation's founding, it's always a minority that fights for their god given rights, forming their own form of self government.
Thank you. This is a companion piece or natural follow-up to my "Follow the Money" article.
Jeez Bill, When the principal at my daughter's school announced their little school (only 170 kids from Pre-k through 6th grade) would be having on site "Vaccination Clinics' during school hours I immediately sent him an email explaining why that was a terrible idea. I am an ER Nurse and I shared with him my professional experience of what happened when the shots were first being given at "Vaccine Clinics" at the hospital where I work: Each day they had one of these clinics we would get patients rushed to us fresh from their jabs with immediate and sometimes life threatening adverse reactions. Not just one or two people either. We would get no less than five hospital employees on my shift. I think it's worth noting these were all "Believers", people who were eager to get this "Life Saving" "Vaccine" ... all believing they were doing the right thing to protect themselves and others. These were people taking pictures of themselves getting their shots and holding up their little Pfizer mRNA shot cards and posting them on their facebook and Instagram accounts... real true believers. And adults. One guy in his mid thirties went into anaphylactic shock, had to be intubated because his airway was closing off, began having seizures, which he had never before had and was transferred by helicopter to a tertiary medical center for more advanced testing and care.
When I thought about the adults I had seen with their emergency reactions to the shots, in the hospital with emergency treatment available right there, I spoke of my concern about the remoteness of the school and the distance from any emergency care. The school is 11 miles North of town and 15 miles from the nearest hospital. I urged him to rethink the wisdom or necessity of giving the kids shots at all, but especially at their little school. It didn't have to happen there. Such a small number of kids could surely be given shots at established sites if their parents were fool enough to allow their kids to get them. I also urged him to have an ambulance or even two on standby as a safeguard in case any child should have an immediate life threatening event.
The principal didn't listen to anything I had said. He responded that he was simply making school space available for the clinic to happen there. He said nothing of why it had to happen during school hours. I told him that it would give the kids and their parents the false impression that the shots are necessary or even a good idea for children. I spoke of how having the shot clinic there would put undue pressure on kids to get the shots. If any of the kids were not getting the jab, the kids who were would wonder why and that could create friction or peer pressure. It would plant the idea in their impressionable minds that the shots were the right thing for them to do. If the institution tasked with their education promoted this activity they would be psychologically conditioned to accept it as wise.
I made it clear to him that I thought he was making a grave mistake on many levels and that my daughter would not be at school on the days they were subjecting the children to this experiment.
What you have presented here sheds new light on the bland deafness of the principal in the face of the what I was telling him.
Great and logical arguments you made to the principal, who of course ignored all your great and true points. This makes the point that the people in charge of educating our children are themselves not well-educated. Another way to express this thought is that our educators are obtuse.
The doctors' groups are captured and so are the education groups.
I’m thinking of the price Andy Dufresne paid for using that word with the warden in !the film “Shawshank Redemption”. And how his Obtuseness was actually a cover for his corruption.
Bill thank you for the truth in article. But this started along time ago in swept and glazed hallways of the medical academia during grueling hospital rotations following the senior doctors every hanging word and upon receiving their white coat upon graduation. They pledged allegiance to the cartel system long before covid enticements began. There's is a closed system where deviance was never looked upon favorably.
I can agree with this concept. Explains why no one is being held accountable for everything that happened.
Bingo! Spot on!
At the start of the scandemic my PCP was a black female. She never mentioned the jab, never asked if I wanted it, never asked if I had it. She moved to a different state and the Doc that replaced her was a black male. He never mentioned the jab, never asked if I wanted it, never asked if I’d gotten it.
In fact, neither of them has ever brought up any type of jab. I’m 68 so they could be pushing flu, shingles, pneumonia, etc. But nary a word.
I just find it very interesting and wonder if it has to do with their general distrust of that type of intervention, given historical events.
My mom’s own ‘Marcus Welby’ has had her on so very many medications, it defies any sanity. And of course she took the mRNA shots, to my horror; I love my mom.
My family member brags about being on 18 meds. Like a purple heart. It's bizarre and I pray I never get there c
Excellent . Thank you. :)