"Physicians, heal thyself.”
I’ve identified many Covid villains, but I’ve gone easy on the group that was, perhaps, the most-important accomplice in this massive criminal conspiracy - the world’s “trusted” doctors.

A thought-provoking meditation by A Midwestern Doctor prompted me to think a little more about how the “Pandemic Producers” actually pulled off their pandemic democide program.
Upon reflection, a key moment for Pandemic Producers was when they (easily) enlisted the propaganda support of the medical profession, especially all the prestigious doctors’ organizations.
In a nutshell, Pandemic Plotters recruited doctors and the groups that represent the medical profession to enthusiastically endorse the “vaccine solution.” Once the doctors “signed on” to the program, every other important group in the world quickly fell into line.
The plan was hatched at Event 201 …
I’ve read a fair amount about various “table top” planning sessions (like Event 201) that pre-dated official Covid.
In these sessions, panelists stressed the importance of getting doctors on their team. This was necessary because the group’s research revealed, for most citizens, physicians are the “most respected” or “trusted” profession. Apparently, just about everyone trusts their own personal doctor.
Virus war planners also quickly identified another vital goal - fighting “vaccine hesitancy.” They knew virtually everyone would need to trust the group when the time came to promote vaccines as the Wonder Cure.
Planners knew that if a citizen’s personal doctor - and all the leading medical organizations - vouched for a Covid vaccine, the public would go along with the program, a program that basically said the public needs to comply with unprecedented lockdowns and non-pharmaceutical interventions in order to slow or stop virus spread …. This strategy, in turn, would buy the world enough time until vaccines could “save millions of lives.”
It goes without saying that if the leading doctors groups - the “most-trusted” profession in the world - failed to endorse the vaccine solution, a $16 trillion program designed to flip the world upside down would likely flop or be impossible to implement.
The doctors were an easy mark
Securing the ringing endorsement of doctors’ groups was probably easy as, by 2020, the vast majority of the world’s physicians had been conditioned to yield to the guidance proffered by various public health organizations.
The days where independent, critical-thinking doctors applied their own judgement to inform patient treatment programs probably began to die about the time “Marcus Welby M.D.” went off the air.
Still, to increase their prospects of achieving full “buy-in” from the medical community, Pandemic Producers also created an elaborate system of bribes (“carrots”) to reward doctors and hospitals with huge payoffs … if they supported the medical protocols.
As I pointed out in my last story, hospitals received eye-opening financial payouts for every “Covid” patient “treated” by said hospitals.
With the universally-admired and trusted doctors fully on board, every other important group in society fell in line. Basically, the doctors provided “cover” for anyone and everyone who supported the Lockdown/NPI/Vaccine Program.
If anyone questioned this endorsement, the word’s community leaders could simply say, “Hey, we were just listening to the doctors.”
Since every “leader” and organization endorsed the lockdown and vaccine protocols, nobody was left who might criticize the program.
(It should be noted that a small cadre of brave and intelligent doctors did resist and try to stop the momentum of this run-away train. However, thanks to the ramp-up of the Censorship Industrial Complex, these voices were run over by said locomotive.)
Today, no important group exists that’s seeking to expose the malfeasance and “crimes against humanity” … because all the important organizations agreed that all the Covid solutions were absolutely necessary.
Every high-ranking official of every significant organizations put his or her own credibility on the line by endorsing the Fauci/Big Pharma/Gates/Event 201 Narrative.
Pandemic Producers must have known that the more accomplices they could recruit early in the Pandemic, the less likely it would be any of these groups might later come back and investigate or expose (or “rat out”) the main villains in what became history’s largest conspiracy.
The bigger the conspiracy, the more likely it … will succeed
The above characterization presents a scenario that’s actually counter-intuitive.
Normally, when one considers conspiracies, the thought is that the existence of too many co-conspirators dramatically increases the odds various whistleblower or sloppy participants will expose all the other criminals.
The thought is: A crime this vast and lasting this long couldn’t have happened because too many people would have been involved …and someone would eventually “talk.”
However, Covid turned this common-sense idea on its head. Apparently, the more participants who were involved - or who went along with the program, no questions asked - the less likely the diabolical program would ever be fully exposed.
Pandemic Producers borrow from the Mob playbook …
Here, one thinks of the movies and TV series we’ve watched that depict the unique Mob sub-culture.
Mafia kingpins apparently know that if every person in their organization has committed egregious crimes, it’s unlikely these people will rat out other members of the organization.
As I understand it, the Mob wants every person in their organization to face serious criminal jeopardy. This way, nobody will ever talk.
The exact same dynamic seems to apply in the Covid organization charts. Regarding the myriad criminal or unethical responses to Covid, by now, no group or leader is entirely innocent. They all either endorsed criminal acts or ignored those crimes and frauds once they knew they were occurring.
Mafia chieftains do actually worry about one of their members “ratting out” higher-ups in the organization.
This happens all the time. Law enforcement flips one lower-ranking Mob member by offering him a lighter prison sentence (or placing him in Witness Protection)… if this person testifies against the Godfather of the crime organization.
But there’s one difference …
However, this Law Enforcement 101 strategy assume one cog of the justice system - Law Enforcement and prosecutors - actually wants to convict a higher-ranking and more important criminal.
With Covid, the FBI, Department of Justice, Congress or your local police force has no interest in going after the master-minds of the Covid crime spree. This is because these are all agencies of government … and it was government that was pushing all the Covid crimes.
The government isn’t going to prosecute - and humiliate - the government. If they did, this might abolish all trust and faith in said government.
All of this shows how a massive conspiracy not only can take place, it’s almost impossible to imagine a scenario where the real perpetrators would ever be indicted and sent to prison.
The organization chart simply includes too many compromised conspirators. Theoretically, honest law enforcement officials could embarrass and humiliate millions of officials. However, it’s perhaps much easier - and better for the career prospects of government officials - to simply leave all the guilty parties alone.
Everyone has to hang together …
Some wag - perhaps one of our nation’s Founding Fathers - once supposedly observed, “We must all hang together … or we will certainly all hang together” (as from a noose).
The doctrine of Mutually Assured Disgrace is actually a powerful motivator … and also a wonderful source of protection.
I’ve always thought criminals like Anthony Fauci sleep like a baby every night because they simply know that everyone who could expose them as sociopaths - could also be exposed and disgraced themselves … as these people also signed onto Fauci’s program.
As I’ve written a couple hundred times, when every important “truth-seeking organization” is captured, no organization’s left that would try to “capture” the Bad Guys.
What I think happened …
What I think happened at Event 201 is that the CIA and/or Bill Gates’ delegates simply told their confidants, “Guys, we can get every damn organization in the world on our side if we …
“Get the press on our side” … which was a layup.
And then: “We need to get all the doctors on our side.” As noted, the doctors were already pretty much in the bag, but bribes of $376,000 per Covid patient would probably guarantee their support. (“We’ll make them an offer they can’t refuse.”)
As for the doctors that still didn’t get on board, the Mob (I mean, the government) had ways to deal with those dangerous misinformation spreaders.
By the time the vaccines were rolled out - and started killing massive numbers of people - everyone who could rat out the chief criminals was guilty of multiple grave crimes.
All of this explains how The Perfect Crime could be carried out.
In the early Spring of 2020, I don’t know if the nation’s doctors understood that their ringing endorsement of lockdowns and then vaccines was the key to a massive criminal conspiracy. Since doctors aren’t nearly as bright as we’ve been led to believe, most probably lacked the ability to make such a shocking diagnosis.
But, at some point, many probably came to understand they’d been played. By now, millions of physicians and hospital administrators must know they were scammed and co-opted by ruthless, immoral, power-hungry and greedy mobsters (ah, government agencies.)
With this knowledge, physicians faced two choices: They could talk and tell the world what they now know … or they could just remain silent, secure in the knowledge nothing bad was going to happen to them.
We know the choice they all made. We also should know that the Pandemic Producers must have known these would-be whistleblowers would always remain silent. That’s why they recruited such “trusted” and “respected” community members in the first place.
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I have to wonder what percentage of physicians pushed "The Sacred Miracle Elixir" on their patients, but didn't take it themselves? I doubt we'll ever know.
Licensed to kill!