Well there is 1 ‘trial lawyer’ that is pretty well known who has gone up against the ‘authorities’ in these Covidian times ...Jeff Childers in FL and who writes Coffee and Covid here on Substack! 😉😎

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He's in the 1 percent. God bless him. Maybe one day Hollyood will make a movie about him? Nah.

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Sadly yes, JC is in the 1% but he has tons of subscribers here on Substack.

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Yes, I discovered Jeff Childers' Coffee & Covid stack about a month ago. It's a great early morning daily summary of the war we are engaged in. He has a very active comment section.

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The right person in the "one percent" might one day save/help everyone in the 100 percent.

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Yes over 1,000 ‘likers’ and ‘commenters’!

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There is an attorney named Lenz who is also going after Big Pharma and corrupt agencies. I forget his first name.

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His name is Thomas Renz…I forgot about him!

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Yes, thank you, Thomas Renz, not Lenz. I saw some interviews he did a few months ago.

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Thats the one I forgot his name!

Shame on me.

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And Siri, and oh I can see his face...and Callendar...I am so sorry what is the lawyers name who is getting involved in keeping the MNRA out of our food? Is it callendar?

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Yes, Aaron Siri. Works for Del Bigtree's organization ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network). Attorney Todd Callender brought a class action suit against DoD on behalf of military rank and file who did not want to get the experimental injection. He has been vocal about what THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) are already putting in a lot of packaged food and what THEY have planned for genetically modified seeds that will produce plant "food" that will "vaccinate" with mRNA when consumed. These perpetraitors [sic] are insane. So must be the bulk of licensed mental health diagnosticians who go about their business and say nothing, as if this behavior of THEY to impose THEIR will on the entirety of populations is perfectly normal.

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Thanks! Subbed

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Oh of you’re not a ‘C&C reader’ you’re gonna love it! Jeff C is ‘the bomb’ as in ‘the best’! Funny, smart, and with a sufficient ‘snark spin’ on recent events, and some you didn’t even know about! He’ll keep you smiling!

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This is good and important, pointing out the incentives, both financial, and those from their sociological context. And those are powerful. That said, that context can change-- and fast. Will it? I do think so, but time will tell.

I note that the Vaccine Safety Foundation is holding another litigation conference in March 2024


The lineup of speakers includes Jeff Childers, Bobbie Anne Cox, and Tricia Lindsay.

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Sadly, Transcriber, they held this conference this year as well. Well attended, same speakers, sold out. I have seen not ONE suit arise from this year's rah-rah session as positive as it seemed to be. People attended, applauded, and went back to suing big-rig companies. Bill is righter than even he thinks.

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Hello Dr. K, I incline to agree with you, that "Bill is even righter than even he thinks." I have been witness to what I think of as near unanimous heads-down-Kool-Aid glugging. I do recognize, first hand, everything Bill is saying. That said, what I am consistently finding is that there actually are important advances with lawsuits, but they tend to move slowly, in fits and starts, and roundabout, and meanwhile, the mainstream press ignores them. All of which is to say, the recent past and present are grim, the path ahead is foggy, but there have been some successes, and there may well be more bigger succeses ahead. I have my eye most especially on Missouri v. Biden.

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You make another important point. The best and most important lawsuits are NOT being covered by the mainstream press. So 95 percent of the public doesn't know about these potentially important legal cases. This is (of course) by design as well.

We need a few non-captured "legal" correspondents in the mainstream press. Thank goodness you are giving us some updates on some of these ignored and suppressed cases.

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I hope Missouri vs. Biden helps the situation, but I’m rather pessimistic about that.

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I think if nothing else, some attorney's general are starting to wonder if George Wythe was just a wisp in the wind.

You know Wythe - the fella out of Virginia - some consider the "father" of american jurisprudence...if he is in a grave somewhere I wonder what he is doing....my guess is he is not pleased and seriously wiggling and sort of rolling in his grave at the travesty of justice in the place he thought might be better.

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I know this is a repeat, but I meant to post it here in the first place - it is about George Wythe -


Did you know a town presently in the "western" area of Virginia (West Virginia excepted) is named after this fella?

What you think the name is?

Well come on, you know the language don't ya - tis Wytheville no doubt....some think they got some wherewithal there and I think I agree with that cause the forests and the woods around there just seem full of Jefferson and what's his name....oh yeah....Washington.

I get no sense of Hamilton there in the least, but that is just a tangent for eff sake.

If you want to know a few good environmental legal minds then contact me and if genuine, I will respond and share what I know.

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I'm optimistic about Missouri v. Biden-- but at the same time, I am prepared for disappointment. I mean, I can take it, because we who care about freedom, we have to be able to take the blows yet stay in the fight, no matter what.

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I was excited about Missouri v. Biden for a while ... and then I realized the verdict/ruling probably won't make much of a difference. The censoring organizations are going to keep censoring all the "dangerous disinformation." They don't need any bully from government telling them what they have to censor. They get this on their own.

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I am hopeful for a good decision, most concerned about ultimate outcome. What enforcement would follow?

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While the moment presents itself, let me say again you are a shining light in my eye Transcriber B.


the story is getting back to Australia and that transcript you shared - one of many - informs the story no doubt.


Strength of purpose I send to you typing this....


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"Vaccine Safety Foundation is holding another litigation conference in March 2024"


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Here's something from civil rights attorney Tricia Lindsay--for those who don't do video:


"Tricia Lindsay most powerful speech of this year already!"

Revolution In The Streets, Posted January 19, 2022


[Note: a slightly shorter video of this same speech filmed by different camera, is at Tricia Lindsay's YouTube page:



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Tricia Lindsay is a civil rights attorney. Her webpage is


TRICIA LINDSAY: How you doing out there?



TRICIA LINDSAY: Uncomfortable yet? Good!

WOMAN'S VOICE: I can't feel my feet.

TRICIA LINDSAY: I want everyone to understand, and as much as that was a little out of protocol what this young man just said a little while ago, I appreciate his enthusiasm and his passion–


MAN'S VOICE: Come on!

TRICIA LINDSAY: — because we need to leave this place empowered.


TRICIA LINDSAY: You understand? It's not good enough to just come here, and listen to speeches, and go back home, and get comfortable again.



TRICIA LINDSAY: We are at war. We are at war for our family, our children, our lives.

MALE VOICE: You're right!

TRICIA LINDSAY: The Fourteenth amendment* gives us due process. It guarantees us equal protection under the law.

MAN IN BEANIE HAT: That's right!

TRICIA LINDSAY: So why in the world are the unvaccinated being treated differently than the vaccinated?

[cheers, whistles]

It is the new segregation. It is the new discrimination.


TRICIA LINDSAY: And we have to stop it. Government for the people, by the people will not be destroyed!


[cheers, whistle, drums]

MAN'S VOICE: Come on! Come on!

TRICIA LINDSAY: We have to recognize our power.


TRICIA LINDSAY: We are magistrates. What is happening here today, what is happening around our state and in our city, is people are invoking the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates. And most of you probably don't even understand what that is, and don't even understand what I'm talking about.

MAN'S VOICE: Come on!

TRICIA LINDSAY: Well the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates is the doctrine upon which this country was founded.

MAN'S VOICE: That's right.

TRICIA LINDSAY: It is the basis of the Tenth Amendment,** which says that any authority that is not given to the federal government is reserved to the states. And if our local leaders fail to protect its citizens, and fails to step between a tyrannical federal government and its citizens, fails to protect the rights of its citizens, then those rights and authority is extended and given to the people.

[cheers, applause, drums]

MAN IN BEANIE HAT: That's right, that's right.

TRICIA LINDSAY: We the people is how the Constitution starts. A magistrate is a person that operates under authority. They have power. There are higher magistrates and there are lesser magistrates. The founding fathers of this country understood that there's going to come a point in time where the federal government will need to be checked.


TRICIA LINDSAY: If not, they will become tyrants.


TRICIA LINDAY: And that is what's happening now. So the Declaration of Independence says that everyone, by virtue of being a human being, has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


TRICIA LINDSAY: The federal government, too, the federal government their purpose is to protect the rights of those citizens, the rights of us to our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.



TRICIA LINDSAY: The third point of that document is, if they fail to protect its citizens, and enforce those rights, the citizens have a right to revolt!



TRICIA LINDSAY: Do you understand?

[cheers, applause]

We have a right to resist!


TRICIA LINDSAY: And we have an obligation and a duty to do so.


TRICIA LINDSAY: Do you understand? Do you understand when it says a duty to step between a tyrannical government and its laws? They are coming for our children!


TRICIA LINDSAY: We cannot sit down!


TRICIA LINDSAY: Every great leader knows, every one of them, even the bad ones know, that if you want to affect the country, you go for its children.


TRICIA LINDSAY: When in the world do we start using children as bulletproof vests for us? When in the world do we start testing things on children?


TRICIA LINDSAY: It comes to us first.


TRICIA LINDSAY: And when you come for our children, you have started a war.

[cheers, drumming]



TRICIA LINDSAY: And they have declared war and we are answering to that war.

[applause, cheers]



TRICIA LINDSAY: We are magistrates. And I need you, each one, reach one, and teach one.


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TRICIA LINDSAY: Do you understand?


TRICIA LINDSAY: As a magistrate in this country, the United States government, our government, our local leaders, have to answer to us. The Ninth Amendment*** says that any rights that are not enumerated in the Constitution are reserved for the people. So I don't want to hear the mandates are not enumerated in the Constitution, because for the fact that it's not enumerated means that that authority and those rights goes to us.

[applause, cheers]

And so everyone—

MAN'S VOICE: Yeah, baby!

[applause, cheers, drumming]


TRICIA LINDSAY: every one of these mandates are illegal. Every single one of them.

VOICES: Yes they are!

[clamor, drumming]

WOMAN'S VOICE: Illegal! Illegal!

TRICIA LINDSAY: Under that 14th Amendment, due process and right to equal protection is the right to protect my body.


TRICIA LINDSAY: When you want to, when you want to push something into my body against my consent, without my consent? It is rape.


TRICIA LINDSAY: And this is medical rape.

MAN IN NEWSBOY CAP: Medical rape!


WOMAN'S VOICE: Aaaahhhhh!

MAN'S VOICE: Yes it is!

MAN'S VOICE: Say it! Say it!

[applause, cheering, clamor, drumming]

TRICIA LINDSAY: When you want to take my children into a room and give them a Snicker bar and some damn fries and talk about, come get this vaccine, it is tantamount to kidnapping.



MAN'S VOICE: That's what it is!

MAN'S VOICE: That's right!

TRICIA LINDSAY: You don't have control of my children, you don't have control of me. They shut our doors and try to give us God Fauci. To Hell with Fauci.

[applause, cheers, clamor, drumming]

TRICIA LINDSAY: The churches are surrendering their pulpits to the demonic hockle. I'm not coming to your church, you're not getting my tithes. Are you crazy?





WOMAN'S VOOCE: Well said! Well said!

TRICIA LINDSAY: Take your children out of the school. I'm a former educator of 24 years.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Take them out!

TRICIA LINDSAY: They stopped teaching them years ago, you just didn't know.

MAN IN NEWSBOY HAT: Yes! That's true!

TRICIA LINDSAY: You just didn't know. Education went to hell years ago.



TRICIA LINDSAY: They taught them compliance. They stopped teaching them to think. Analytical thought went out the window with state exams. Those state exams were just being used to track your children, to determine who's going to college, to train them to support this God forgive—, God's forsaken system. All the rest that's going elsewhere, they have pushed us into prisons.

[applause, cheers]

I don't care how you look at it, but if you're in corporate America, you're imprisoned by your lifestyle. If you're in the government, you're imprisoned by your job with good benefits.


TRICIA LINDSAY: You understand? If you are on subsidy, you're imprisoned by their benefits. We have to get out their system.


TRICIA LINDSAY: Pull yourself out, pull your dollars out, and level it!

[applause, cheers, drumming]

WOMAN'S VOICE: Yeeeees, yes!

TRICIA LINDSAY: All they care about is money! And you can see it with the flip-flopping of the guidelines—


TRICIA LINDSAY: — and of the requirements, and who's at work, and who's not at work—


TRICIA LINDSAY: — and what court says this, and another court says that. We have to hold them all accountable.


TRICIA LINDSAY: They want to rewrite the Constitution, I'm ready with my pen, because there's some changes that needs to be made in this country.

[applause, cheers, drumming]

TRICIA LINDSAY: So they better be careful who they pull to the table, they better be careful what table is spread, because I got some ideas, and I'm sure everybody here does, too.

[applause, cheers, drumming]

TRICIA LINDSAY: No time to be comfortable. We have to fight every authority in this country, in this world. Our laws were written and authority is delegated by God Almighty.


When the laws of this country violate and go against and contradict the laws of God, then that government has become tyrannical.


TRICIA LINDSAY: They have to be o—, they have to be overthrown—



TRICIA LINDSAY: We have to revolt, we have to resist—



TRICIA LINDSAY: And do anything we can to protect our freedom.


TRICIA LINDSAY: And we must be involved!


TRICIA LINDSAY: We must be informed!

MAN IN BEANIE HAT: That's right


TRICIA LINDSAY: And we must be motivated to act and we must act.


TRICIA LINDSAY: Teach your children. Get them involved so they can stand so that when someone approaches them, they can stand and know what they're talking about. You understand me? Educate yourself—

MAN'S VOICE: That's right.

TRICIA LINDSAY: —so that you know how to resist.


TRICIA LINDSAY: They are trying to make these mandates into laws because by the Thirteenth Amendment,**** if it becomes a law, and we break it, we become involuntary servants. We become slaves.

MAN'S VOICE: We become slaves.


TRICIA LINDSAY: They are turning our country into one massive huge slave ship. And I don't know about you, but I'm not signing up for that cruise line!

[applause, cheers, drumming]



TRICIA LINDSAY: Don't fight your neighbors, don't fight your family members that are vaccinated and want to fight you.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Right. Yeah.

TRICIA LINDSAY: Walk away in peace. Try to educate them, and if they resist, leave them.


TRICIA LINDSAY: Unfortunately in every war there will be casualties, and a lot of times they will be people that we love. So be it.

MAN'S VOICE: So be it.

TRICIA LINDSAY: It is what it is.

MAN'S VOICE: It is, that's right.

TRICIA LINDSAY: It is what it is. You love them from a distance, you pray for them, and you hope that they come over and wake up.


TRICIA LINDSAY: But if they don't, we don't have time!


TRICIA LINDSAY: We don't have time!

MAN'S VOICE: We don't!

WOMAN'S VOICE: Wooooooo!

TRICIA LINDSAY: We are in battle, we are in a war, and we have to keep going. We have to be uncomfortable, and be comfortable with being uncomfortable.



TRICIA LINDSAY: We have to stand, and we are given a charge to fight for your families!


TRICIA LINDSAY: Fight for your homes! Fight for your brothers, fight for your sisters, because my God says, pursue the invading army, because if you pursue them you will recover.


If we back up, we won't. These are uncircumcised Philistines, they cannot stand against the army of the Living God!


We are the armies of the Living God!


Know who you are and who you are.

[applause, cheers, drumming]

Go back to your neighborhoods and fight! We are magistrates!

WOMAN'S VOICE: Eeeeeeeeee!!

TRICIA LINDSAY: Let me hear you!

TOGETHER WITH THE CROWD: We are magistrates! We are magistrates!

TRICIA LINDSAY: Stand between an unjust government and its laws! God bless you and God bless these United States of America!

[applause, cheers, drumming]

[camera pans to show large crowd]




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#   #   #


*The Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, see:


Fourteenth Amendment

Section 1

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Section 3

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5

The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

** The Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution, see:


Tenth Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

*** The Ninth Amendment to the US Constitution, see:


Ninth Amendment

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

**** The Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, see:


Thirteenth Amendment

Section 1

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

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But, the powers that be no longer adhere to the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. And they keep blatantly getting away with it. I realize I’m being a Debbie Downer, but that’s what I see.

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I see it, too. But there's a battle going on, many court cases, many elections. We just don't hear about a lot of it because of the censorship and shadow-banning. As you probably know, but I mention because perhaps some readers down here in the weeds of the comments section haven't seen this: CHD.tv reports on many of these lawsuits and legislation, as does Jeff Childers at his substack coffeeandcovid.com and Dr. Pam Popper as well. And there are others. The violations of the law have been shocking, yes, but not all are getting away with it. There is pushback, and there will be a lot more to come.

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Just think if a few "mainstream news organizations" started doing the same type of taboo investigations.

I guarantee you that every one of the 1 percent of trial lawyers who are fighting the good fight are using Substack articles and research to bolster their cases. So that's another reason Substack matters.

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I love your use of the word “captured” for this sheepish behavior. I have also described this behavior as “lazy”, especially for journalists. It is much easier to write what you are told then to do more work to validate the accuracy of what you see/hear.

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Actually, I don’t like the word ‘captured’. It implies helpless victimhood. For example, the ‘captured media’. Not. It is the CORRUPTED media. Captured is too mild, as it implies they have no choice in the matter.

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We saw the same thing with Trump and the election. The pressure on any law firm that saw legit constitutional issues to litigate were thoroughly threatened by their corporation clients to not pursue it.

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Not only that, but the ones that took the issues on are now facing criminal trial for RICO violations. The Democrats are engaging in full-fledged lawfare without even maintaining any appearance of an unbiased/blind judiciary. They just do not care.

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Bill your article on Lawyers is spot on. The problem is our Education system where majority of the colleges teaching the law are corrupted and are now teaching that the US Constitution no longer matters. Just like the Journalism schools and now the law schools ethics and the law don’t matter. We’re in an age where the end justifies the mean with show me the man and we will show you the crime. lawfare has now been weaponized against those who disagree with them to silence them. Search for the truth no longer matters. That’s why the 2024 election is the nations last chance to expose and stop this corruption. Right now we’re living under the illusion that the Justice system works, sadly it’s broken and unless we win in 2024 to restore the Rule of Law the nation will not survive. You’re asking the right questions which are the same questions I ask in my substacks where the outrage in the ROL field over the cover up and corruption, and all I hear is crickets.

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We have witnessed "lawfare", not justice. The system of justice misused by corrupt lawyers who have no actual respect for the Rule of Law.

It used to be said that a defendant could receive justice IF they were able to afford a "good" attorney. Now even that has gone away.

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I am unsure what WINNING the 2024 election means. How is that possible given 1) we don't know the conflicts of interest of the candidates and who among them will be selected, and 2) we can't trust the ballot counts in either primaries or the general election.

Please elaborate how the 2024 election could expose and stop the corruption and restore the Rule of Law. I'd love for that to be the case, but I'm having trouble seeing it.

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First you elect a new President two in order to restore the rule of law the new President appoints a new AG who appoints a team of lawyers and investigators who will follow the law and investigate the origins of the conspiracy hoax and three you hold them all accountable after collecting all the evidence and witnesses to meet the element of the conspiracy statute which still in play. Here a suggested roadmap to do so. https://johnseaman.substack.com/p/accountability

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Below is a reprint of a text conversation between me and someone claiming to be from the ACLU NorCal Sacramento chapter from Jan 2022. Note that they do not care about rights or civil liberties and give off a real 1984 vibe when they say mandates fuether civil liberties. The legal system is lost.

I have a bunch if these conversations, not sure what list I am on, but they think I trust them.


"Hello 'Cali (I took my real name out)' this is Cat, a volunteer with the ACLU NorCal Sacramento Chapter inviting you to a virtual forum with the Sac district attorney candidates, covering a series of questions on legal issues facing our youth and immigrant communities, this Saturday, Jan. 22, 2-3:30 pm. The registration link is https://bit.ly/SACDAFORUM. Can you make it? "


"ALCU? I thought you guys gave up and went away. The ACLU has abandoned American's rights to bodily autonomy.

Where was the ACLU when my wife was FORCED to take a non-sterilizing vaccine for Covid as a healthcare worker to keep her job, an experimental vaccine that doesn't stop the spread, and therefore is only a therapeutic, like aspirin???

Where was the ACLU? Hiding in the corner, afraid of a disease that only kills old people? Real brave, letting all of those kids get locked out of school.

Where was the ACLU when the government asked (that means demands) social media to ban discussions of pretreatment for Covid?

You guys are so lost. The biggest civil rights issue of your lifetime, and you all let yourselves be owned by the Pharmaceutical Kings. "


"Here is the way the ACLU sees this issue: Far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further them. They protect the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated, and communities of color hit hard by the disease."

It goes on for a while, eventually I tell them to F#@$ off for hating freedom.

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Lawyers. Doctors. Clergy. Psychologists. Ethicists. Media. Any and all of society's collective conscience careers that ostensibly protect the weak from the powerful, provide a moral compass, care. All have failed for the same reasons you indict lawyers. All have failed society, across all western nations. Elite capture. It isn't a coincidence.

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Well said.

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It is glaringly obvious that the guiltiest are the doctors. Without any doubt.

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Viktor Brack, top Nazi doctor executed for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg:

"The needle belongs in the hands of the doctor."

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2002


"Those designated for extermination were transferred to one of 28 facilities, among them several of Germany's oldest and most respected hospitals, where they were housed in specially designated killing wards. The Nazi authorities took great care to inform parents that their children would be safe in special wards at the clinics, which would "provide all available therapeutic interventions made possible by recent scientific discoveries". These assurances were always given with the caveat that such endeavors were also fraught with mortal risks.

There is little doubt that hospital staff were complicit in these endeavors."


"The genius of this form of homicide was the normally expected availability of these medications in hospitals. Also, some poisons killed indirectly over short periods of time by precipitating fatal medical complications that were then reported as natural causes of death. There is evidence that physicians exchanged information about the efficacy of various medications when they visited each other's institutions or met at the Reich Ministry of Health in Berlin.

The murder of the children also followed a particular administrative and logistical course. As the condition of the child deteriorated following the fatal dose, the parents would be informed that their child was seriously ill, with a quick follow-up via a standardized letter announcing the child's death before parents could arrange to visit their sick child. This letter always noted that the child had died suddenly and unexpectedly of one of a number of diseases. Popular choices included brain edema and appendicitis. The favorite cause of death, however, proved to be communicable disease, which necessitated immediate cremation to avoid the danger of an institutional epidemic."


"The logistical necessities involved in killing large numbers of asylum inmates were also problematic within Germany itself.


A human experiment on the effectiveness of the gas was conducted in January 1940. A number of senior officials responsible for Aktion T-4, including many asylum directors and several others who would later make their names infamous at Auschwitz, gathered at a defunct prison near Berlin. Approximately 20 naked asylum inmates were herded into a prototypical gas chamber by psychiatric nurses. The enthusiastic onlookers watched closely as the inmates died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Eight further inmates were administered lethal injections, but when the poison had little immediate effect, these inmates were gassed as well. Buoyed by the dreadful success he had just witnessed, Viktor Brack, one of the top Aktion T-4 officials, victoriously declared the importance of using physicians to administer the gas through his oft-repeated motto: "The needle belongs in the hand of the doctor"


"Most patients' fears were allayed by these seemingly routine medical procedures, which they had all undergone many times before."


"Concocted causes of death included the now familiar list: communicable diseases such as meningitis, which was possible in people of all ages; pneumonia, a common cause of death secondary to other serious diseases; and cases of stroke, a favored sham diagnosis among the elderly."


There is little evidence that asylum directors openly opposed the killing of their patients. However, some questioned the legality of the program, and others deliberately avoided meetings that would have given them no choice but to become personally involved."

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If history doesn't repeat it sure does rhyme.


In Germany during Nazism (and the U.S. since 2020), doctors & scientists were the first supporters of fascism. And judges. The medical and legal professions are counted among the first and most ardent supporters of fascism. An overview of all of the Subsequent Trials at Nuremberg. Doctors. Scientific industrialists. And Judges. A most fascinating read.

And explains why doctors complied with and judges didn't shut down the abusive pandemic restrictions and mandates until years into them. And even those rulings that did were based on process violations, not harm to constitutional rights. Law schools are totalitarian today because the top jurists in our nation support totalitarianism, fascist, Marxist and oligarchical varieties. Same values as doctors and scientists. They all go to the same galas, fetes, fundraisers, social circles - doctors, academics, politicians, corporate honchos, ambitious lawyers and judges all clank wine glasses, small talk, ego stroke at power events to get nominated in the first place. Same schools, ethos, ambitions, egos and values.


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If you add up every dead person from Nazi doctors, you might get a mere fraction of those that modern medicine provides since, using the auspices of "healthcare".

Medicine (in its most modern form) is the 3rd leading cause of death in America.


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For the third time in this essay, I’ll note that lawyers are smart.

Not the ones who took a mRNA genetic injection to protect themselves against a cold. Surely.

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I thought about making that point. Picture a would-be client going to X law firm, trying to get some lawyer to take his case that he was illegially fired or discrimated against because he was forced to get a "vaccine" he didn't want.

I wonder how many of these big trial lawyer firms had the exact same mandates? Probably more than 50 percent of them.

That is, they'd have to admit, "Well, we did the same thing with our employees." This would mean ... someone could sue them!

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It's been very obvious since Trump was elected president, that all bar associations and most all lawyers are captured, narrative-marching drones who think nothing of cancelling/threatening the livelihood of any lawyer who is on the "wrong" side. Seeing no attorney fight all the lockdowns sadly confirmed this even more.

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I hear you, I really do. But actually there were some interesting and successful cases but of course mainstream media didn't bother to give them much coverage, if at all. One was The Case of Shannon Robinson vs Missouri Department of Health, which went on separation of powers-- that the lockdown rules violated the Constitution on that basis.

Interview of Shannon Robinson by Jeffrey A. Tucker


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Wonder how many lawyers have been killed or maimed by the jabs? Wonder how many family members of lawyers have been hurt as well. Not a wave that can be put off as it continues to roll on. Hence the authorities creating much other death to distract and achieve their bottom line depop.

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Yes, good point. But, there are outliers who do sue those in the club. I oppose those who would concoct a case that each of those are controlled as well even if some are. We should not add to their frustrations in acting on principle. Argue respectfully if need be. Judge by fruits.

Even fully Establishment lawyers should try to remember, however, that there is no place for millionaire LAWYERS in the full fledged tyranny being planned. Lawyers are just window dressing under tyranny.

If law and law suits threaten their system, the World Economic Forum/ Big Pharma et al, will move against the "law" Establishment. They are in a bind on this one, I think, because if their "minion" law firms turn on them, they are defeated.

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If their minion law firms or the stenographers in the MSM did "turn on them," they would definitely be in trouble and MIGHT be defeated. So it's very important both groups are completely captured. They understand this.

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I think there is a lesson here....


A metaphorical lesson I reckon and frankly if the ladies weren't around, I just would not want to exist, so I'm glad Pandora opened the "box", but rumor I heard it was a jar actually and that is ironic to me Bill.

Still - lets just get it all out there -

Shall we?


* Go Bills!

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You want my humble opinion?

I'll give it - this is well written - from the link above:


The god Prometheus stole fire from heaven to give to the human race, which originally consisted only of men. To punish humanity, the other gods created the first woman, the beautiful Pandora. As a gift, Zeus gave her a box, which she was told never to open. However, as soon as he was out of sight she took off the lid, and out swarmed all the troubles of the world, never to be recaptured. Only Hope was left in the box, stuck under the lid. Anything that looks ordinary but may produce unpredictable harmful results can thus be called a Pandora's box.


still, not kidding bill - rumor I heard is it was a "jar" and not a box.....

Best to you and family,


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OK, I read the top two comments and they mention two "good" barristers in the minds of some, and I know a third one who is ruthless - problem is he got disbarred, but he is ruthless good - my kind of lawyer!

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OK, in addition to the ruthless lawyer just mentioned and I'm not kidding, ruthless is what it takes to be a good attorney is it not - cause it is WAR!


With that said I have a couple other ones familiar with environmental law I might be able to recommend if there was interest and I talked with them direct first. You know, "environmental law" in many ways stems from Common Law and truly Common Law is inviolate.

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For our side to “win,” we’d need some combination of the following major changes to occur:

- More real journalists in the MSM who are allowed to conduct taboo investigations.

- More plaintiffs’ trial lawyers who are not afraid to represent injured victims and expose nefarious defendants. (And more judges who would allow these cases to go to trial).

- More law enforcement officials or prosecutors (or regulators) who identified dangerous frauds.

- More real scientists who were allowed to conduct real science or studies that debunked the “settled science.”

- More scientific journals that would publish said studies.

- More politicians who would hold important truth-seeking hearings, with the power of discovery and testimony given under oath under the possible penalty of perjury. (And then mainstream journalists who would cover these hearings).

- No censorship of alternative points of view.



What’s the probability any of these changes will really happen?

Isn’t EVERY truth-seeking organization that could produce "positive change" or "real solutions" already completely captured?

How does one get just one or two captured organizations … uncaptured?

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Bingo. Nearly everyone is on the take. Those who step out of line get the Blogo treatment. Those who become a liability get the Epstein treatment. Those who think like a contrarian get the JFK treatment. Staying within the herd ensures safety and security while wandering outside will often become problematic.

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IMO, the last person you’d want to discover you’re stuck with in a foxhole is a lawyer.

All abstract action ends in such a scenario.

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